Yohsta Database Table Documentation
Yohsta Database Table Documentation
Yohsta Database Table Documentation
4. Permissions. Hold permission that allows employees to perform some tasks in the
7. User_log. Hold user login and logout activities.
Company/business details module
8. Companies. Hold company information.
5. Is_active Bigint 2 - No No
6. Super_user Bigint 6 Fk No Users
7. Created_by Bigint 6 Fk No Users
8. Updated_by Bigint 6 Fk Yes Users
9. Created_at Date Default - No No
10. Updated_at Date Default - Yes No
7. Description Text Default - Yes No
8. Is_active Bigint 2 - No No
9. Super_user Bigint 6 Fk No Users
10. Created_by Bigint 6 Fk No Users
11. Updated_by Bigint 6 Fk Yes Users
12. Created_at Date 6 - No No
13. Updated_at Date Default - Yes No
16. Inventory_transaction_type. Hold data of transaction type that is used to move and
track inventory e.g. Purchase, sales, return, adjustment or transfer.
1. Tsn_type_number Bigint 6 Pk No No
2. Tsn__type_name Varchar 100 - No No
3. Is_active Bigint 2 - No No
4. Created_by Bigint 6 Fk No Yohsta_users
5. Update_by Bigint 6 Fk Yes Yohsta_users
6. Created_at Date Default - No No
7. Update_at Date Default - Yes no
People management module database table.
19. Suppliers. Hold information of vendors who supplier product or service to the business.
Sales management module database table.
20. Invoice_types. Hold information about the type of invoice.
2. Invoice Bigint 6 Fk No Invoice
3. Item_desc Bigint 6 Fk No Invoice_descriptions
4. Super_user Bigint 6 Fk No Users
5. Created_by Bigint 6 Fk No Users
6. Updated_by Bigint 6 Fk Yes Users
7. Created_at Date Default - No No
8. Updated_at Date Default - Yes No
23. Invoice_descriptions. Hold information for description about item for other invoices.
1. Item_number Bigint 6 Pk No No
2. Sales_order Bigint 6 Fk No Sales_orders
3. Product Bigint 6 Fk No Product
4. Quantity Bigint 100 - No No
5. Unit_price Float Default - No No
6. Cost_price Float Default - No No
7. Branch Bigint 6 Fk No Branches
8. Super_user Bigint 6 Fk No Users
9. Created_by Bigint 6 Fk No Users
10. Updated_by Bigint 6 Fk Yes Users
11. Created_at Date Default - No No
12. Updated_at Date Default - Yes No
26. Sales_returns. Holds the information about the sales order that returned form customer.
28. sales_return_action. Indicated the action taken for a specific sales return request e.g.
refund, exchange, replacement etc.
29. Sales_return_reasons. Hold information for accepted reason for sales return.
30. Sales_return_condition. Hold information about the condintion of the returned item.
31. Transaction. Hold all transaction details related to the business daily payment
transaction e.g. sales, expenses, customer refund, purchase orders payment etc.
1. Transaction_number Bigint 6 Pk No No
2. Invoice Bigint 6 Fk Yes Invoices
3. Sales_return Bigint 6 Fk Yes Sales_returns
4. Expenses Bigint 6 Fk Yes Expenses
5. Purchase_order Bigint 6 Fk Yes Purchase_orders
6. Currency Bigint 6 Fk No Currencies
7. Discount Float Default - Yes No
8. Debt_amount Float Default - Yes No
9. Paid_amount Float Default - Yes No
10. Balance Float Default - Yes No
11. Transaction_descr Varchar 100 - Yes No
12. Branch Bigint 6 Fk Yes Branches
13. Super_user Bigint 6 Fk No Users
14. Created_by Bigint 6 Fk No Users
15. Created_at Date Default - No No
16. Updated_by Bigint 6 Fk Yes Users
17. Updated_at Date Default - Yes No
33. Purchase_order_item. Hold all the list of items that a business want to purchase or
order from the vendors.
3. Product Bigint 6 Fk No Product
4. Quantity Integer 100 - No No
5. Unit_price Float Default - No No
6. Super_user Bigint 6 Fk No Users
7. Created_by Bigint 6 Fk No Users
8. Updated_by Bigint 6 Fk Yes Users
9. Created_at Date Default - No No
10. Updated_at Date Default - No No
35. Expenses. Hold information about the expenses that business incur in daily business
3. Super_user Bigint 6 Fk No Users
4. Branch Bigint 6 Fk No no
5. Creted_by Bigint 6 Fk No Users
6. Updated_by Bigint 6 Fk Yes Users
7. Created_at Date Default - No No
8. Updated_at Date Default - Yes No
37. Billing_cycles. Hold information of time for the plan payment (billing frequency).
1. Cycle_number Bigint 6 Pk No No
2. Cycle_name Varchar 100 - No No
3. Cycle_duration Integer 100 - No No
4. Created_by Bigint 6 Fk No Yohsta_users
5. Updated_by Bigint 6 Fk Yes Yohsta_users
6. Created_at Date Default - No No
7. Updated_at Date Default - Yes No
40. Subscriptions. Hold information for user and plan they have subscribed.
4. Start_date Date Default - No No
5. End_date Date Default - No No
6. Created_by Bigint 6 Fk No Yohsta_users
7. Updated_by Bigint 6 Fk Yes Yohsta_users
8. Created_at Date Default - No no
9. Updated_at Date Default - Yes No
Global tables.
43. Country. Hold information of country where application allowed to operate
44. Currencies. Hold currency that allowed in accounting within the system.
1. Currency_number Bigint 6 Pk No No
2. Currency_name Varchar 255 - No No
3. Currency_code Varchar 100 - No No
4. Is_active Bigint 2 - No No
5. Created_by Bigint 6 Fk No Yohsta_users
6. Updated_by Bigint 6 Fk Yes Yohsta_users
7. Created_at Date Default - No No
8. Updated_at Date Default - Yes no
46. Yohsta_roles. Hold the information about the roles of Yohsta system user.
47. Yohsta_permissions. Hold the permission that allow users to perform activities in the
48. Yohsta_role_permissions. Hold the permission about role and assigned permission
that allow users to perform specific task.
49. Yohsta_user_roles. Hold the roles that user is assigned to and the permission that
associated with that role.
50. Yohsta_user_logs. Table record the login history of Yohsta employees.