Imcasf 07 00

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AB Safety Flash

IMCA Safety Flash 07/00 December 2000

These flashes summarise key safety matters and incidents, allowing wider dissemination of lessons learned from them. The information below has been
provided in good faith by members and should be reviewed individually by recipients, who will determine its relevance to their own operations.
The effectiveness of the IMCA safety flash system depends on receiving reports from members in order to pass on information and avoid repeat incidents.
Please consider adding the IMCA secretariat ([email protected]) to your internal distribution list for safety alerts and/or manually submitting information
on specific incidents you consider may be relevant. All information will be anonymised or sanitised, as appropriate.
A number of other organisations issue safety flashes and similar documents which may be of interest to IMCA members. Where these are particularly
relevant, these may be summarised or highlighted here. Links to known relevant websites are provided at Additional links should
be submitted to [email protected]

1 Anchor Handling on Deck

A member has reported a recent incident on board an anchor handling vessel which resulted in a serious injury to one of the
deck crew.

The cause of the injury was whipping of a tugger wire that parted under load whilst manoeuvring a disconnected anchor
across the deck. The anchor was disconnected from the lay barge for wet storage and was being moved to the stern of the
vessel for over-boarding. It tipped over the stern roller and broke one of the attached tugger wires (24mm) due to slack in
the pennant wire allowing excess movement of the anchor.

The company involved has identified the following as good practice:

1. Include toolbox talks with the crew before the start of a new job. Implement toolbox talks for any non-routine work.
Keep minutes of these talks and action list;

2. Perform regular checks on all load-bearing apparatus/rigging;

3. Always maintain tension on the pennant wire when over boarding anchors over the stern roller;

4. Always follow approved procedures when performing operations;

5. Be aware of action/position of all crew members and ensure that all personnel are in safe areas and aware of the work

2 Flat Woven Webbing Slings made from Man-Made Fibre

We have recently received the attached safety alert from Grampian Test & Certification Ltd. regarding potential problems in
the manufacture of their slings.

3 New Concern related to Divex LP Hoses

We have received the attached Divex Safety Notice regarding further failures of their LP hoses.

Subject Lifting Equipment Manufacture

Scope Flat woven webbing slings made from man-made fibre

Purpose Identification of the potential problems in the manufacture

of flat webbing slings produced by Grampian Test &
Certification Ltd prior to February 2000

Please inspect all flat webbing slings, especially those produced prior to February

A one tonne flat webbing sling made of coloured fabric meant for two tonne slings,
and a twelve tonne sling made of fabric meant for eight tonne slings have been
produced and may still be in circulation. Both these slings were manufactured in
1999, and the colour coding issue has been addressed as of February 2000.

Ensure that all slings are inspected prior to use, and the safe working load identified
via the label on the sling or by the certification.

All textile lifting slings (round) and flat lifting slings (webbing) that comply with the
parameters of the British Standards BS 6668 Part 2:1987 & BS 3481 Part 2:1983
respectively must comply with the colour code below.

Colour Code of Working Load Limit

Safe Working Load Colour
1.0 Violet
2.0 Green
3.0 Yellow
4.0 Grey
5.0 Red
6.0 Brown
8.0 Blue
10.0+ Orange

Working load limits differing from those above can be assigned nominal colours but
they may not use the same colours as already assigned in the British Standards.

• Inspect all slings to ensure that if the British Standards are quoted, they comply
with the colour code above, in particular but not exclusively one and twelve tonne
• Return through recognised channels all slings that fail to comply with the
standards to Grampian Test & Certification Ltd for replacement as new.

Supporting Documentation

• BS 3481 Part 2:1983 amendment number 2 15th November 1998 (Flat Lifting
• BS 6668 Part 2:1987 amendment number 1 15th November 1998 (Textile Lifting

Please refer all queries with regard to this Safety Alert to: -

Alexander Gowing
Technical Support Manager
Grampian Test & Certification Ltd
Divex Ltd.
Enterprise Drive
Westhill, Aberdeen
AB32 6TQ, United Kingdom
Safety Notice No. DVX003/2000 Telephone +44 (0)1224 740145

New Concern related to Divex Facsimile

+44 (0)1224 740172
[email protected]


Further to our Safety Notice No DVX001/2000 dated 13 June 2000 Divex implemented improved
manufacturing and test procedures to alleviate potential failure of L.P. Hoses in service.
Unfortunately, we have been made aware of two failures of hoses that were manufactured in
accordance with the improved procedure. Two hoses, being used at different locations, have
been reported to part from the ferrule at the mask/helmet end of the hose. The failed hoses had
been fully pressure tested, load tested and certified by Divex. Despite the above these failures
have occurred and to date we have not established the cause of failure.
In accordance with the company's commitment to safety we are issuing this Safety Notice
containing the following information until such time as an up-date can be issued confirming the
cause of the reported failures.
Please ensure all L.P.Hoses supplied by Divex to your organisation are checked as detailed below
prior to continued use:
1. With an indelible pen mark the rear of the crimp where it meets the hose at both ends (this
may require the hose protector to be pulled back).
2. With the hose fully screwed into the first stage regulator and the other end mated to a suitable
fitting apply a load of 20 KGs to the hose assembly for one minute minimum - see attached
3. Remove the load from the hose assembly and check to ensure that the indelible pen marks
have not moved from their original position.
4. Hoses that show no signs of movement can continue in service and the indelible mark may be
used as an ongoing check/ confirmation of no movement of hose.
5. Any hose that shows signs of movement must be withdrawn from use and returned to Divex
6. Mark the returned hoses for the attention of Kathleen Scanlan

Divex apologise for the inconvenience caused to our valued customers by this problem but believe
this is the only course of action until we have established the cause of failure. Once established
we will immediately issue a further statement.

SIGNED ______________________________________________ DATED: 8 December 2000

G.Gilbert, Senior Manager, Safety and Personnel

Attached: Sketch No DVX003/2000

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