595 Computer Science 2 North West Regional Mock 2022

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(a) Briefly explain the following:

i) Ergonomics
ii) Repetitive Strain Injury
iii) Computer Vision Syndrome
iv) Green Computing

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v) Encryption (10 Marks)
(b) Consider the Boolean equation: P=A-B +A.8

i) Deduce the digital circuit from the Boolean equation above (3 Marks)
ii) C dC
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(5 Marks)
iii) What is a logic gate? (2 Marks)
2. (a) Distinguish between the following;
i) Parallel and serial transmission
ii) Synchronous and asynchronous transmission
iii) Half duplex and Full duplex transmission (6 Marks)
b) You are requested by the Principal of your school to make recommendations for the types and specifications of
computers for the school laboratory. Name three characteristics of the system unit you will recommend and for
each, say how each of the characteristics is important to the proper functioning of the computers. (6 Marks)
c) State and briefly explain activities that take place within the four stages involved in the machine instruction cycle.
(8 Marks)
3. a) i) Establish the octal equivalent for I 101111101 2 . (3 Marks)
ii) In the ASCH coding system, the decimal representation of the number 63 is 00 I I 1111. Deduce the ASCII
representation of the decimal number 66. (3 Marks)
iii) Evaluate 110011 2 - 1101 2 + 10011 2 (3 Marks)
b) In a software development project a team identify various activity to be carried out as indicated in the table
Task Descri otion Order Duration (week)
A Specification To be completed first l
B Write test plans · Start when A is comoleted 3
C Software desi gn Start when A is completed 2
D Software codin g Start when B is comoleted 3
E Developer test Start when C is completed 3
F Software test Start when D and E are completed 4
i) Copy and complete the cnttcal Path method (CPM) below. (6 Marks)

ii) From the diagram which path is the critical path (2 Marks)
iii) What is the slack time for activity E and what does it mean? (2 Marks)
(1 Marks)
iv) What is the project duration?

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4. a) i) What is a database? (2 Marks)
ii) Briefly explain the following as used ir. E>BMS
• Normalization (2 Marks)
• Attributes (2 Marks)
• Data Redundancy (2 Marks)
b) i) What is the difference between network architecture and network Topology?
(2 Marks)
ii) Draw a full mesh network of six computers , (4 Marks) •
iii) What is the difference between an intranet and an extranet?
(2 Marks)
c) How many diskettes of capacity 1.44MB will be able to store data from a DVD of a capacity of 4 .7GB? (4 Marks)

S. Most people turn to love Windows operating system software than Linux operating system software. Linux is an open
source operating system.
(2 Marks)
a) i) What is an open source software?
(2 Marks)
ii) What is a system software?
(4 Marks)
ii i) State 4 functions of an operating system software?
b) Explain the following in rela1ion to ;irogra:;1ming language
(2 Marks)
i) Compiler.
(2 Marks)
ii) Machine Language.
(2 Marks)
iii) Interpreter.
(2 Marks)
c) i) What is e-commerce?
(4 Marks)
ii) State two advantage and two disadvantage of e- commerce
6. a) Briefly explain two activities in each of the following phases in the SDLC
(2 Marks)
i) Analysis
(2 Marks)
ii) Design
(2 Marks)
iii) Testing
(2 Marks)
iv) Maintenance
b) The CPU is usually considered as the "brain" of the computer.
i) Draw a labeled diagram of the CPU and it basic components (4 Marks)
ii) State and explain briefly three CPU buses (6 Marks)
c) What is social media? (2 Marks)
7. a) (i) What is an algorithm? (2 Marks)
(ii) List 4 characteristics of a good algorithm (4 Marks)
b) The al gorithm below is created to determine a student' s average and indicate whether he/she is successful or not.
2. Use variable s mid-term, final and aver a ge
3. INPUT midterm and final
4. Average=(midterm + final)/2
5. IF( average< 60) THEN
6. Print "FAIL"
7. else
8. Print "SUCCESS"
i) What is a control structure? (2 Marks)
ii) Identify and state the line numbers of the control structures in the above algorithm. (4 Marks)
ii) Draw a flow chart to represent the algorithm. (6 Marks)
iii) What will be the output if the midterm mark is 35 and final mark is 25 (2 Marks)

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