Scoble - Measurement of Blast Damage

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The key takeaways are that accurately measuring blast damage is important for mining efficiency and safety but current methods have limitations. Better techniques are needed to relate damage to blast design and geology.

Some of the challenges in measuring blast damage mentioned are that visual inspection and traditional measurement parameters are not well documented and inconsistencies exist in how data is collected and interpreted. Geophysical methods show potential but are limited in practical applicability currently.

Factors that influence blast damage mentioned include blast design, geological environment, vibration levels and frequencies from blasting, mechanical excavation, and redistribution of ground stresses from excavation.

Measurement of blast damage

rity or quality. This paper distinM.J. SCOBLE,Y.C. LIZOTTE, M. PAVENTI Although blasting remains the guishes between inherent rock-mass AN0 B.B. MOHANTY method of franmendamage. which arises from natural most inex~ensive tation in hard-rock mining, the signifiprocesses during its evolution, and M.J. Scoble isiebster urolessor and director of mining cance of the costs of blast-induced mining-induced damage, which is inengineering with the Deuartment of Mining and Metallurgical flicted subsequently by the mining rock-mass damage in terms of mining Engirleerinu, McGlll Ilniversily, Montreal, I:luebec, Canada;Y.C. process itself. Mining-induced damefficiency and safety is becoming inLizotte, member SME,is research mini114engineer with creasingly recognized. Blast-damage age may relate to blasting, to meMcMastervilleTechnical Centre, ICI Exulosives Canada Inc., measurement must account for the McNlasterville, Ouebec, Ca~lada;M. Paventi,member SME, is chanical excavation or to the redistribution of ground stresses in natural in situ state of the rock mass, research geologist with lnco ltd., Sudbury, Ontario, Canada; and as well as the damage subsequently B.B. Mohanty is senior science and technology associate with response to the excavation process. McMasterville Technical Centre, ICI Exulosives Canada Inc., Damage is any deterioration in rockcaused by blasting or mechanical excavation, and must account for the McMaslerville, Uuebec, Canada. SME ureprint 96-'103. SME Annual mass strength due to the presence of Meeting, March 11-14,1996, Phoenix,AZ. Oriyinal ma~iuscriut newly generated or extended fracredistribution of ground stresses. February 1996; revised manuscriut January 1997. Discussion of tures or opening and shearing along Rock-mass damage has received relathis peer-reviewed and apuroved parer is illvited and must be cracks and joints. A rock mass may tively little attention compared to submitted to SME prior to Seut. 30,1997. sustain considerable damage and yet blast-vibration analysis in structures be able to perform structurally for the such as buildings. A growing recognilion of the impact of rock-mass damperiod required by the mine. Holmberg and Persson (1980) presented a damage age by the mining industry raises the issue of its effective measurement by simple, reliable and robust techniques. model that was correlated against the difference beVisual inspection and traditional-measurement paramtween pre- and postblast fractures in core drilling. eters are not well documented, and inconsistencies in the Damage was considered to occur when the number application and interpretation of data have been obof cracks after the blast was measurably greater than served. before the shot. Oriard (1982) defines damage to include Geophysical methods offer the potential for greater "not only the breaking and rupturing of rock beyond the resolution and penetration in three dimensions,but these desired limits of excavation but also an unwanted loosmethods are now limited in their practical applicability. ening, dislocation and disturbance of the rock mass. FreBlast-vibration analysis to assess and control rock-mass quently, there is damage from the overbreak due to poor damage has not been studied extensively,and rock-massdrilling control, the dislocation of rock due to venting of damage criteria related to vibration levels and frequenexplosive gases and the loosening or the dislocation of cies are not entirely clear. rock due to the influence of seismic waves (ground viOnly through effective measurement can damage brations)." mechanisms be identified and related to the blast design In surface mining, blast damage has a significant imand geological environment. This should facilitate the pact on slope stability. Bauer (1982) noted that, if backbreak is not controlled, a deintegration of damage-audit procecrease in the overall pit-slope angle dures into routine mine-production will ultimately be necessary, and uncontrol to maintain blasting quality Abstract for mining efficiency and safety. It is There is no straighgorwardand desired consequences, such as reevident from prior work that mea- systematic method for adequately duced ore recovery and increased surement techniques are not ideal or measuring blast damage in onmgo- waste-to-ore ratios, will result. well established, and geology is sel- ing mining operations. This paper Greater amounts of loose face rock dom accounted for when characteriz- considers various techniques avail- will be produced and planned safety ing and understanding the damage able for the measurement of blast berms will be less effective or nonexand its genesis. Few mines practice damage, making particular refer- istent. The benefits of reduced rockroutine damage monitoring and qual- ence to recent undergroundhardity control. rock mine studies. This paper mass damage include (Calder, 1977; concludes by indicating the impor- M o h a n t ~ Chung, 1986;Persson et and Mining-induced damage tance of understanding and ac- al.9 1994): and its impact counting for geology and Damage to a rock mass is consid- emphasizes the need for a robust the stripping ratio can be increased; ered to be the reduction in its integ- damage-auditprocedure.
u u ,



JUNE 1997


mechanical support, scaling and secondary blasting costs can be reduced; the berm interval can be increased, because the pit walls and berms are more sound; costly damage to buildings or tunnels can be prevented by controlling vibrations from blasting; rockfall hazards to miners and equipment can be reduced (pit walls are smoother and less fractured, so rockfalls are reduced); safety berms will be more effective in catching rockfalls, because they have not been degraded by overbreak or crest fracture from production blasting; and ground shock or blasting vibrations can be reduced to improve stability. Damage in underground mining has received comparatively less attention. Before attempting to control blast damage, it is important to distinguish between damage related to blasting (vibrations and high-pressure gases) and damage caused by ground-stress redistribution. Although the impact of damage is perhaps more evident underground, the causes of the overall rock-mass damage, such as inherent damage caused by tectonic forces prior to mining or damage from stress redistribution in deep openings, are sometimes harder to distinguish. McKown (1986) states that the resulting overbreak and damage to remaining rock can lead to safety problems and additional costs due to the following: rock falls that result in additional mucking; extra backfill material to fill overbreak (expensive shotcrete, in the case of a lined tunnel or a foundation to be poured against rock); additional rock reinforcement (e.g., rock anchors, steel sets and wire mesh), which may be required due to damage to rock walls; additional pumping or grouting, which may be required (if below the groundwater table) if joints or other discontinuities are opened by explosive gases; and additional maintenance (e.g., scaling) of exposed rock walls. Underground mining efficiency is strongly affected by ore loss and dilution, as well as rework, ground support and restricted access. Damage may necessitate the design of larger pillars, reduced stope sizes and ore loss. Damaged ground presents hazards to both personnel and equipment.

Damage measurement techniques

The relative merits of the various techniques described below should be evaluated in light of the fact that some of them were used for specific scientific studies, while others were developed and applied in on-going routine excavation work. The work of the authors has been aimed at being functional within a conventional mine-operating environment, in terms of acceptable reliability, simplicity and robustness. Assessing preblast, inherent damage. Prior to any blast, it is important to characterize the existing integrity of the rock mass. This can only be achieved through defining the geology of the mine's rock masses and their

component rock units. It is then possible to sensibly conbasic struct a geomechanical classification to provide ; reference for postblast observations and audit. Standards and recommended procedures exist, such as those provided by the lnternational Society of Rock Mechanics (ISRM) (Brown, 1981). Fragmentation and damage-assessment studies have often suffered from inadequate supporting rock-property measurements, perhaps due to a lack of facilities, expense and the difficulty in correlating damage with any one specific rock property. It is important to distinguish static from dynamic properties. Because blasting induces dynamic loads, dynamic strengths can be many times higher than static ones, and there appears to be no quantitative correlation between the dynamic strength and static strength or any other easily measured elastic property (Mohanty, 1987). It has been demonstrated that even microcracks caused by blasting can measurably reduce the rock strength (Persson et al., 1994). It should also be noted that, even if there is no change in the measured strength of the intact rock, it in no way means that the rock mass has not been damaged, because this is more likely to occur in the "weakest links", i.e., in discontinuities in the rock mass. Visual inspection and surveys. Visual inspection of a blast site can provide a great deal of information, albeit qualitative, on the performance of a blast and the associated pre- and postblast damage. It is important to inspect the site prior to the blast to assess the site conditions to identify inherent damage features (i.e.,joints, cracks and major discontinuities) and any prior damage that may have existed. The inspection of nearby fixed installations, such as mine support, shotcrete or concrete structures, is oarticularlv useful. because these installations are often more susceptible to damage at lower thresholds and because they are usually more visible than damage to the rock mass. lnformation regarding the blast design, the actual explosives loaded and the actual firing sequence should also be collected prior to the blast. In open-pit blasting, the number of free faces and the confinement of the last two rows of holes to be fired are factors to be noted, as well as the relative direction of the blast in relation to the orientation of the major discontinuities or preferential orientation of the joint sets. Visible half-cast holes consequent to the use of wallcontrol blasting techniques can indicate the extent of blast damage. Backbreak, circumferential cracking and radial cracking show that damage will not extend uniformly and can align preferentially with rock-mass discontinuities or as a function of the blasting direction. Observations should be aimed at providing insight into the damage mechanisms operative in each geological setting. Geoinechanical line surveys are a systematic method of site inspections to assess the rock mass prior to and after blasting, highlighting particularly the discontinuities that are the "weakest links" in the rock mass. Basic data for each fault, or joint and bedding set, is comprised of orientation, spacing, persistence, roughness, wall strength, aperture, filling and water seepage. Line surveys can serve the following three purposes: the assessment of the rock-mass structural features, which may affect the response to blasting;

the basic information for compiling the discontinuities into sets; and the required information for rock-mass classification systems. Differentiation between natural discontinuities and blast-induced fractures is important in mapping or logging but may not be straightforward. Borehole surveying, including the assessment of core, is the most common and useful three-dimensional method of blast-damage evaluation. Borehole cameras for relatively small holes, 60 mm (2.5 in.), are now quite common, and they have proven their worth in several rock-mechanic stability evaluations. In a recent study, lnco (1994) used a borehole camera for a blast-damageassessment study at a mine in Manitoba, Canada. Figure 1 illustrates the compilation of a borehole survey, which indicates fractures and open fractures, as a function of both time and the blast number. The camera was inserted into boreholes in the hanging wall of a blasthole stope. The results were compared to surveys from a blasthole stope with lightly loaded holes. Thus, an attempt was made to differentiate blast fracturing from that due to stress redistribution. Scoble et al. (1987) employed a borehole dilatometer to measure the rock-deformation modulus in witness holes at varying distances from blastholes underground. Fractures were mapped by adapting the dilatometer as a fracture-impression packer. A correlation was derived between the modulus and the blast-fracture intensity, in an attempt to develop destress blast-design guidelines. Traditional observation methods. These methods do not directly measure damage, and what may be judged a "good" result at one site might be considered a "poor" result in another geology or blast geometry.The half-cast factor (HCF) is a popular parameter to assess damage. Controlled-blasting techniques, when effective,will leave part of the perimeter blast holes intact, referred to as "half-casts" or "half-barrels." HCF is computed as the total length of visible half-casts divided by the total 'length of perimeter holes drilled, expressed as a percentage (McKown, 1986). It is not an absolute value, but it is


Borehole survey data from a stope blast sequence (after lnco, 1994).






only an indirect measure of efficiency. Identical techniques can also produce very different HCFs from one blast to another, simply because of slight variations in rock-mass structure. Worsey (1985) reported that halfcast measurements do not always agree with the rock quality established by diamond drill-core fracture-density analysis. Other details can be recorded in addition to the condition of the half-barrels, such as the crushed zone lengths produced by the toe loads. The percentages of half-barrels can then be computed with the crushed zone lengths subtracted from the total hole lengths, as shown in Fig. 2 (Paventi, 1995). Scaling time: Scaling time is another empirical blastdamage-assessment parameter. In a specified rock mass, scaling time should, in theory, be a function of the area and the quality of the blast. Sutherland (1989) used scaling time to evaluate perimeter blasting in development headings, establishing a correlation between scaling time

Left wall


Right wall



Cavity-monitoring system (after lnco, 1994).




, ' ,

, '

, ,


, /, ,




, ' STOP





The effect of structures and their condition on the computation of Dl. lsotro~ic

J1 now Slickensided

53 and Shear

^ "

J3 now Slickensided

DI = 22

D 1 = 1 2


Inherent vs. blast-induced damaae in different rock masses (after Paventi, 1995).

and the HCEThis can be useful for estimating blast damage on a routine basis without having to measure HCFs. To account for size effect in assessing tunnel damage, Paventi (1995) used a scaling time that was weighted by tunnel perimeter area. Overbreak and underbreak: Forsyth (1993) defined overbreak as the breakage or significant reduction in rock quality beyond the design perimeter of the excavation. He reported on changes in blast design that reduced overbreak in tunneling from 25% to 4 % with a decrease in both the lime for shotcrete application and the total volume of shotcrete required. Developments in laser and ultrasonic technologies now make the measurement of face, stope cavity and development drift profiles more convenient and feasible than traditional surveying or photographic profiles. Surveys can relate planned profiles to overbreak, underbreak and sloughing. Measurements taken with a laser cavity-monitoring system during a blast-damage study were useful in monitoring the cavity shape throughout a stope life (Inco, 1994).This can be inserted into a stope on an 8-m- (26-ft-) long beam or through a 200-mm- (8-in.-) diam borehole, as illustrated in Fig. 3. Rock-mass-classification methods. The empirical rock-mass-quality rating systems, e.g., Barton et al. (1974), Bieniawski (1976) and Laubscher (1977), are now widely used, but they were not designed specifically to address issues of blast damage. Their role is limited to inherent damage assessment, but they usually do not consider discontinuity orientation.The blast-damage rating system was devised by Colchester-Steele et al. (1991) as a specific method to evaluate blast damage. It is based on simple field measurements of scaling, HCF and overbreak, which are obtained by summing the three components to give a rating between zero and nine. Paventi (1995) extended this approach in underground drifting by adopting a measure of preblast rock-mass damage, using an inherent-damage index (D,) based on the evaluation of rock strength, fabric, meso- and macroscale structures. Figure 4 illustrates the influence of structural variation in a sample rock mass on D,. An index of blast-induced damage (DM)was also used in this study to quantify the amount of postblast damage inflicted on a rock mass. It is derived from the product of the following five parameters: reduction in intact rock strength, postscaling half-cast factor, drift condition (sounding the back and walls with the use of a scaling bar), normalized scaling time and direction of the structure with reswect to the drift direction. These Darameters were selected and combined after statistical evaluation of several available parameters, against known damage situations. Sounding of the back and walls indicates the loose" ness of the rock-mass blocks defined by inherent discontinuities and mining-induced damage. Sounding with a scaling bar is somewhat subjective. The results may differ depending on the skill and experience of the individual. A drift-condition rating based on sounding was investigated by Forsyth and Moss (1991). This was adopted by Paventi (1995) as a component of DM.The use of this

. #


Inherently Weak Rock Mass

Inherently Moderate Strength Rock Mass

inherently Strong Rock Mass

Slightly Damaged

Highly Damaged l~oderatelyDamaged


. - .

High mining-induced damage

lnherent Damage (D,)



type of parameter was discussed by Jowsey et al. (1991) in connection with a prototype device, mounted on a hydraulic scaler, that potentially can sense and assess the looseness of a rock mass. ! Another D, component was the drift direction with respect to the direction of the prevailing meso- and macrostructure, accounting for the most persistent and abundant structures encountered in the drifts. Figure 5 shows D, and DM plotted for 54 monitored drill-and-blast rounds, all broken with the same design and blast practice. It clearly shows a correlation between the two indices and their distinct variation according to the type of rock mass. The metasedimentary rock mass (MD), according to this rating system, is inherently strong, sustaining the least damage as a result of mining. This was followed by the massive-sulfide rock mass (MSD), while the most damaged by blasting was the weak serpentinized ultrarnafic rock mass (SUD). The D,-DMrelationship enables damage to be classified according to intensity. The data suggests that the relationship could enable the prediction of damage from a particular blast design in another type of rock mass. This would require further study of the manner in which variation in the blast design affects the relationship within different rock-mass types. The required data in this type of approach is also readily obtained with simple tools for field measurement. Geophysical methods. It is anticipated that new technology will provide improved tools in the future. These methods may then become more applicable to assessing mining-induced damage, e.g., seismic tomography, ground-penetrating radar and loose-rock detection sensors. At present, such tools lack either sensitivity,require specialist support, or are limited in terms of cost, size or site preparation requirements. Spathis et al. (1987) demonstrated the use of high-frequency cross-hole seismic methods for surface and underground experimentation. The main measures selected for analysis are velocity, amplitude and rise time. Stachura and Cumerlato (1989) used seismic-refraction tomography in experimentation to select better explosives fordhighwallstability. Data from a series of refraction shots were collected both before and after the test blasts and analyzed tomographically. Ouchterlony et al. (1993) used geophysical methods to measure zone depths in various smooth blasting patterns in underground development. Borehole methods were used in properly positioned and angled holes, both before and after blasting. The most sensitive method was the sonic log. The most useful method in shallow holes was the electric-resistivity log. It could detect both single fractures and porositylike effects, and it gave similar results in hammer- and core-drilled inspection holes. The damage zone in the contour consisted mainly of single fractures that produce distinct log anomalies. The damage zone in the floor had a continuous deterioration towards the floor, indicating closely spaced fractures and1 or microcracking. Ground-penetrating radar was used by Adams et al. (1993) before and after preconditioning blasts to quantify the changes in fracturing in deep rock burst-prone stopes.The radar penetrated 10 m (33 ft) to identify the postblast extension of preexisting fractures and new fractures. Vibration analysis. An explosive detonation shock wave in a blasthole eventually manifests itself as blasting

vibrations. This seismic wave undergoes attenuation, multiple reflection, refraction and diffraction from boundaries and other discontinuities. Mohanty and Chung (1986) found that backbreak is essentially a "near-source" phenomenon, with the zones of crushing, compressive failure and tensile failure confined to the immediate vicinity of the exploding boreholes. The former two failure zones in hard rock seldom exceed 20 borehole diameters. In contrast, the damage potential from blasting vibrations extend much beyond these zones and, therefore, may be considered a far-field phenomena. This includes the phenomena of spalling, crack extension and block sliding. Blast-vibration analysis to assess and control rock-mass damage has not been studied extensively and specific rock-mass damage criteria related to vibration levels and frequencies are not entirely clear. Mojtabai and Beattie (1996) reported on blast-vibration monitoring in open-pit bench blasting. They related observed degrees of damage to monitored PPV and scaled distance within four rock units of varying strength. Singh (1993) reviewed the damage criteria based on vibration levels, peak particle velocities (PPVs), reported by others. The following investigators reached these conclusions: Langefors and Kihlstrom (1973) proposed the following criteria for tunnels: PPVs of 12 in.1sec (305 mmls) result in the fall of rock in unlined tunnels, and PPVs of 24 in./sec (610 mmls) result in the formation of new cracks. Calder (1977) observed that no fracturing of intact rock will occur with a PPV of 10 in./sec (254 mmls). However, PPVs of 10 to 25 in./sec (254 to 635 m d s ) result in minor tensile slabbing, and PPVs of 25 to 100 in./sec (635 to 2,540 mmls) would cause strong tensile and some radial cracking. The break up of a rock mass will occur at a PPV of 100 in.1sec (2,540 mds). Oriard (1 982) proposed that most rock masses suffer some damage at a PPV above 25 in.1sec (635 m d s ) . Damage can be observed at measured PPVs in the near-field, while it is difficult to predict damage from PPVs measured further away, based on exceeding the strain level of the intact rock close to the exploding charge. Again, damage relates to the properties of the "weakest link" within the rock mass. Blast-vibration monitoring, while providing some indication of damage to the rock mass is, unfortunately, not a complete solution to the problem of measurement. The measurement of seismic velocities can provide an indication of the relative change in rock-sample elasticity. This can be extrapolated to rock-mass assessment in the field, considering that damage would produce a change in the rock-mass modulus (E,). If it is only possible to measure V, in the field, then rock with a higher seismic velocity will have a higher modulus for a constant density (McGaughey et al., 1994). Seismic velocity is also affected by other factors, such as changes in the stress field.

It is paramount to understand and account for geology in assessing and controlling rock-mass damage. The



geology should be defined by identifying the rock units encountered in the mine and grouping them into their associated domains or rock masses. Structural features at the rock unit and rock-mass scales are very important to establish. The geological classification thus established can be the basis for a geomechanical classification, summarizing the physical and mechanical properties of the environments in which blasting will occur. This should facilitate a procedure to quantify the inherent rock-mass damage, i.e.,the in situ integrity of the medium. Observations should also relate the geology to the observed forms of damage mechanisms and their relative intensity. Only at that stage should a procedure and measurement technique to quantify blast damage be selected. This should be able to relate damage to both geology and blast design. The capability only exists to proceed further and relate damage to mining method, sequence and ground support. The experience gained in this sequence of work should be exploited by formally developing a damageaudit procedure that can be integrated into routine mine-production control. Controlled blasting may then be optimized according to damage tolerances, geology and blast design. An underlying requirement is to convince all personnel of the benefits of damage control for mine safety and efficiency. This paper has reviewed the available damage-measurement techniques. At this point in time, it is felt that simple observational procedures to derive inherent and mining-induced damage indices, integrated with geological mapping, represent the most effective approach to damage monitoring. Nevertheless, the ultimate aim should be to develop a robust geophysical technique capable of extending these simple practical procedures to improve the resolution and volumetric coverage of damage characterization. H

The authors wish to acknowledge the support of Natural Resources Canada, Inco Limited (Manitoba Division), ICI Explosives Canada Limited and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. The views expressed are entirely those of the authors.

Adams,D.J., Gay,N.C.,and M. Cross, 1993,"Preconditioning -A technique for controlhg rock bursts," Proc. 3rd. Int. Symp. On Rock Bursts and Seismici@in Mines, Kingston,Ontario, Canada, pp. 29-33. Bauer,A., 1982,"WaU control blastingin open pits," CIM SpecialVol. 30, Can. Inst. of Mining and Metallurgy,14th Can. Rock Mechanics Symp.,pp.310. Barton, N., Lien, R., and Lunde, 5.1974, "Engineering classification of rock masses for the design of tunnel support," Rock Mech.,Vol.6,pp. 189-236. Bieniawski, Z.T., 1976,"Rock mass classificatioilin rock engineering," Proc. Symp. Explorationfor Rock Engineering,Johannesburg,South Africa, pp. 97-106. Brown, E.T., ed., 1981,ISRM Suggested Methods: Roclc Characterization Testing and Monitoring,Pergammon Press, London, 52 pp. Calder, I?, 1977,"Perimeter blasting," Pit Slope Manual, CANMET Report 77-14,Chapt. 7,82 pp. Colchester-Steele,R., Kelly,M.,Moss,A., and Forsyth,W.,1991,"Assessment of blasting efficiency," 93rdAnn. Gen. Meeting of CIM, Vancouver,B.C., Canada, Paper 198.

Forsyth,W.W., 1993,"A discussion of blast-induced overbreak around underground excavations,"4th Int. Symp. on Rock Frngnlentationby Blasting -Fragblmf'I,Vienna, Austria,Balkema, pp. 161.166. Forsyth, WW. and Moss, A.E., 1991,"Investigation of Development Blasting Practices, CANMET-MRL pp. 91.143. Holmberg, R., and Persson, P.-A., 1980, "Design of tunnel perimeter blasthole pattems to prevent rock damage, Tram, IMM.,pp. A37-A40. Inco Ltd., 1994,A Shidy of Blasthole Stope - Blmt Damage Control, Mining Research Department, Manitoba Division, Natural Resources Canada, CANMET,Vol.I, 146 pp. Jowsey,M.,Yu,T.,Croxall,J., Petigrew,M., and Fisher,N.,1991,"Development of a calibration technique for HDRK's loose rock detection system," 93rdAnn. Gen. Meeting Can. Imt. of Miningand Mefallurgy,Vancouver,B.C., Canada. Langefors,U., and Kihlstrom,B., 1978,The Modern Technique of Roclc Blasting, 3rd ed., John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 0-470-99282-4,438pp. Laubscher, D.H., 1977,"Geomechanics classification of jointed rock masses -Mining application," Tram. IMM,Vol.86,pp. A1-A8. McGaughey, J., McCreary, R.G.,Young, R., and Maxwell, S.C., 1994, "Muung applicationsof seismic tomography," CIM Bull.,Vol.87,No.977,pp. 49-56. McKown, A., 1986,"Perimeter control blasting for underground excavations in fractured and weathered rock, Bull. of the Assoc. of Engineering Geologists,Vol.XXII1,No. 4, pp. 461-478. Mohanty,B.B., 1987,"Strength of rock under hgh strain loading condion tions applicableto blastingF2nd Int. Syrr~p. Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, Keystone,C0,pp. 72-79. Mohanty, B.B., and Chung, S.I-I., 1986,"Production blasts in open pit mines and their effect on slope stability,"Int. Symp. on Geofechnical Stability in Surface Mining, CANMET, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, pp. 133-140. Mojtabai,N.,and Beattie,S.,1996,"Empirical approach to prediction of damage in bench blasting," Trans. IMM, 105,pp.A75-A80. Oriard, L.L., 1982,"Blasting effects and their control," Underground Mining Methods Handbook, SMEIAIME, New York, pp. 1590-1603. Ouchterlony, F., Sjoberg, C., and Jonsson, B.A., 1993, "Blast damage predictions from vibration measurements at the SKB underground Laboratories at ASP0 in Sweden,"9th Symp. on Explosives and Blmtilzg Research, Int. Soc.Explosives Engineers, Sail Diego, CA, pp. 189.197. Paventi, M., 1995, "Rock Mass Characteristics and Damage at the Birchtree Mine," unpublished Ph.D.Thesis,McGill University,445 pp. Persson, P-A,, Holmberg, R., and Lee, J., 1994,Rock Blasting and Explosives Engineering, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 540 pp. Scoble,M.J.,Cullen M., and A. Makuch, 1987,"Experimental studies of factors relating to destress blasting," Proc. 28th US Syrnp. on Roclc Mechanics,AIME, Univ. of Anzona,pp. 901-908. Singh,S.P., 1993,"Prediction and determulatioil of explosive induced damage," 4th Int. Symp. on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting - Fragblmt'4, Vienna,Austria, Balkema, pp. 183-192. Spathis,A.T., Blair, D.E, and Grant, J.R., 1987,"Blast damage assessment of rock by using the high frequency crosshole seismicmethod,2nd Int. Symp. on Rock Fragmentation by Blmting, Keystone, CO, pp. 488-497. Stachura, V.J., and Cumerlato, CL., 1989,"Changing powder distribution in the hghwaU holes reduces overbreak and rockfall hazards,"5fh Conf on Explosivesand Blmting Research, Soc. of Explosives Engineers,New Orleans,LA. Sutherland,M., 1989,"Improvingmine safety through perimeter blasting at lnco Limited's Thompson T-3 Mine," 9th Underground Operators' Conf, Can. Inst. of Mining and Metallurgy,Sudbury, Ontario, 6 pp. Worsey, PN., 1985,"Measurement of blast induced damage in wall rock for a selection of underground perimeter blasting techmques," 11th Con$ on Explosivesand Blasting Technique, Soc. of Explosives Engineers,San Diego, CA,pp. 175-189.



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