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15.JRF 20121
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To cite this document: Moawia Alghalith, Christos Floros, Marla Dukharan, (2012),"Testing dominant theories and assumptions in
behavioral finance", The Journal of Risk Finance, Vol. 13 Iss: 3 pp. 262 - 268
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13,3 Testing dominant theories and
assumptions in behavioral finance
Moawia Alghalith
262 Department of Economics, University of West Indies, St Augustine,
Trinidad and Tobago
Received September 2011 Christos Floros
Revised January 2012
Accepted February 2012
Department of Economics, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK, and
Marla Dukharan
Department of Economics, University of West Indies, St Augustine,
Trinidad and Tobago
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to empirically test dominant theories and assumptions in
behavioral finance, using data from the Standard & Poor’s 500 index.
Design/methodology/approach – The empirical analysis has three parts: to test the assumption of
risk aversion; to examine the dominant theory that the optimal portfolio depends on risk preferences;
and to test prospect theory that decision makers prefer certain outcomes over probable outcomes.
Finally, an alternative model to test prospect theory is introduced.
Findings – The proposed model is more flexible than prospect theory since it does not a priori
assume what value of the portfolio induces risk aversion/seeking, while it does not a priori preclude
linear preferences. Empirical results show that: investors are risk seeking; a change in the sign of
preferences does not necessarily imply a change in the sign of wealth/return and vice versa; and the
optimal portfolio does not depend on preferences.
Practical implications – These findings are helpful to risk managers dealing with models of
behavioural finance.
Originality/value – The contribution of this paper is that it successfully tests fundamental theories and
assumptions in behavioral finance by providing a better alternative to prospect theory in several ways.
Keywords Behavioural economics, Investors, Expectation, Financial forecasting, Risk aversion,
Dominant theory, Prospect theory, S&P500
Paper type Research paper
1. Introduction
It is widely accepted and empirically demonstrated that the rational expectations theory
and the efficient markets hypothesis do not generally hold for various suggested
reasons. Thus, there is a growing acceptance of alternative behavioral finance theories
(Ritter, 2003). If investors and traders were all rational beings whose investing decisions
were logically based on the information available, then a particular event would
precipitate predictable and unanimous reactions every time. But trading is not a precise
science. Each event causes varied reactions and predictions, which effectively amount to
The Journal of Risk Finance sheer speculation, or forecast error, where “permanent and widespread psychological
Vol. 13 No. 3, 2012
pp. 262-268 biases affect both the subjective probability of future economic events and their
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/15265941211229262 JEL classification – G11, G32
retrospective interpretation” (Bovi, 2009). Emotional and psychological factors often Theories in
override the rational expectations theory in financial decision making, affecting trading behavioral
performance (Lo et al., 2005), and only if risk aversion is pegged at unrealistically high
levels, does the efficient market hypothesis and rational expectations theory explain the finance
volatility of the market overall (Shiller, 2003).
The psychological factors that interfere with rational thinking include cognitive
biases such as heuristics, overconfidence, mental accounting, framing, 263
representativeness, the conservatism and disposition effect (Ritter, 2003), and the
overall emotional reactivity (Lo et al., 2005). There are also other factors that skew
decisions, such as misevaluations of financial assets (Ritter, 2003), lack of understanding
and miscalculation of basic financial measures, such as volatility (Goldstein and Taleb,
2007), and finally, the effect of word of mouth and media driven feedback (Shiller, 2003).
Unfortunately, “psychology is silent on the magnitude of the biases and on whether
the effects of the biases are constant over time and/or are homogeneous across
individuals” (Bovi, 2009), so that this inability to generalize hampers the opportunities
for a meaningful hypothesis testing in this regard.
In addition, the theoretical and empirical models based on the efficient market
hypothesis usually adopt the a priori assumption of risk aversion. Examples include
the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) and the mean variance model.
Prospect theory was introduced as an alternative to expected utility theory, rational
expectations theory and the efficient market hypothesis. Prospect theory postulates that
decision makers prefer certain outcomes over probable outcomes, called the certainty
effect, which gives rise to risk aversion when faced with sure gains and risk seeking
when faced with sure losses (Kahneman and Tversky, 1979). Indeed, the original
prospect theory and its later versions demonstrate that framing effects, nonlinear
preferences, source dependence, risk seeking and loss aversion, for example, repeatedly
override any rational choices (Tversky and Kahneman, 1992).
However, prospect theory does not suggest what the market’s reaction to
(or interpretation of) a specific economic event would be, since it argues that a person’s
risk attitude in any given situation depends on that individual’s specific economic
situation (or his interpretation of it) such that if the event is viewed positively, then the
individual tends to be risk averse, and vice versa (Bovi, 2009).
Moreover, prospect theory still adopts the expected utility theory’s definition of risk
aversion/seeking[1]. According to expected utility theory, risk aversion (seeking) is
synonymous with a diminishing (increasing) marginal utility. This is a major limitation
of expected utility theory and also prospect theory. Other limitations of prospect theory
are discussed by Alghalith (2010).
The contribution of this paper is that it successfully tests fundamental theories and
assumptions in behavioral finance. In particular, using a standard portfolio model and
data pertaining to the Standard and Poor’s 500 (S&P500) index, we first test the
assumption of risk aversion.
Second, we test the dominant theory that the optimal portfolio depends on risk
preferences. Third, we test prospect theory. Furthermore, we introduce a more flexible
and general alternative to prospect theory. The contribution of this paper is that it offers
a better alternative to prospect theory in several ways. First, the proposed model is more
flexible than prospect theory since it does not a priori assume what value of the portfolio
JRF induces risk aversion/seeking. Second, unlike prospect theory, our model does not a
priori preclude linear preferences.
13,3 The structure of the paper is as follows: Section 2 provides theoretical information,
while Section 3 shows estimating equations which we use to test theories and
assumptions. Section 4 describes the data, and finally, Section 5 summarizes and
concludes the paper.
2. Theory
We consider a standard investment model, which includes a risky asset or portfolio,
and a risk-free asset. We use a standard Brownian Motion {W1 s, W2 s, Fs} t # s # T
on the probability space (V, Fs, P), where {Fs} t # s # T RisT the augmentation of
r ds
filtration. The risky free asset price process is given by S 0 ¼ e t s where r s [ C 2b ðRÞ
is the rate of return.
The risky asset/portfolio price is given by:
dS s ¼ S s {ms ds þ ss dW s }; ð1Þ
where m is the average rate of return on the risky asset/portfolio, and s is the volatility
of such return.
The wealth process is given by:
X pT ¼ x þ {r s X ps } þ ððms 2 r s Þps Þ}ds þ ps ss dW s ; ð2Þ
t t
where x is the initial wealth, {pt ; F s }t#s#T is the risky portfolio process with
RT 2
t ps ds , 1.
The trading strategy ðpsÞ [ AðxÞ is admissible (that is, X ps $ 0).
The investor’s objective is to maximize the expected utility of the terminal wealth:
V ðt; xÞ ¼ SupE u X pT jF t ð3Þ
where V ð:Þ s the value function, and u(.) is a continuous bounded utility function.
Under regular conditions, the value function satisfies the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman
partial differential equation:
1 2 2
V t þ r t xV x þ Sup pt st V xx þ ½ðmt 2 r t Þpt V x ¼ 0;
pt 2 ð4Þ
V ðT; xÞ ¼ uðxÞ
where the subscripts x and xx denote the first and second partial derivative, respectively.
Hence the optimal portfolio is given by:
ðmt 2 r t ÞV x
p*t ¼ 2 ð5Þ
st2 V xx
Therefore, the optimal portfolio depends on the parameters mt ; r t ; st2 and preferences
ðV x =V xx Þ. According to the traditional expected utility theory and prostpect theory,
the agent is risk averse (seeking) if V xx is negative (positive). Thus, a diminishing
(increasing) marginal utility is synonymous with risk aversion (risk seeking).
3. Estimating equations Theories in
We use the theoretical foundations in the previous section to derive estimating behavioral
equations which we use to test some finance and behavioral finance theories and
assumptions. Using equation (5) and letting P ; V x =V xx be the measure of risk finance
preferences, we obtain the following estimating equations:
p*t ¼ 2 þ [1 ; ð6Þ 265
P ¼ 2 þ [2 ; ð7Þ
ðmt 2 r t Þ
p*t ¼ 2 ; ð8Þ
c3 st2
where ci is the parameter that will be estimated, while p*t ; P; mt ; r t and s2t are observed
data, and ei is the estimation error. These equations can be estimated using a nonlinear
regression. Equations (6) and (7) attempt to measure the relationship between the value
of the portfolio and preferences, and hence the direction of influence is not known a
It is worth emphasizing that much of the theoretical and empirical literature assumes
that preferences determine the value of the portfolio (a fundamental postulate of
expected utility theory) and thus they preclude the possibility that the portfolio can
determine preferences. Consequently, we can test this dominant theory by
independently estimating equations (6) and (7). The third estimating equation (8)
provides an estimate for the average value of c3. A negative (positive) value for c3 implies
risk aversion (seeking), since Vx . 0 by the assumption of a positive marginal utility of
Figure A1. –0.1000
S&P500 vs c3 and
daily return
0.5 –0.1500
Corresponding author
Christos Floros can be contacted at: [email protected]