1. District: ANNA P.S. THIRUMANGALAM Year 2024 FIR No. 339 Dat
(b) Information received at PS. 14-06- Time: 18:30 (c) General Diary Reference: Ent
Date: 2024 Hrs No(
5. Place of Occurrence: (a) Direction and Distance from PS: NORTH-WEST & 1.0 Km Beat Number:
(c) In case, outside limit of this Police Station,then the Name of P.S: - District: -
(b).Father's/Husband's SRINIVASAN
(f). Occupation: -
IfOJ =dLILI;HBJ :- *+g 14.06.2024 2 D%G .&67 18.30 .fS! #5 GN.^372 3&/4 567
9i/&EU hFGC+ 9H8 "&+ 5678 =j/M4 *NO% DI&J /&G GN.G. "G8&\k/&@+ /8J- 37 3/$I. \
>: - 21-B. 2/J $%N. %^32 3&7k. =:Y&"3U . $@+6X 40 >+I/U 56782 9lC&H $3&;F% b3&(
"&+ D.A3:1 <3/(T4 >+ 3Y/U .Ag2 >+ !]O6%3m1+ /nFJ /NHDB+. >+ =j/73FG4 o
Ifb(O% #S1U >+I/NS!2 M.H 3&7k68 D@UO% "&iI&b (>) $"467 I&b >+I/NS!2 2 /N1^3mS
/&i%3C&g <AK 6337LI&3 .&K8J. =6% >+ 3Y/U \k/&@+ >+I/U %&+ @&.%&X2 $@iJ 6/F%&
9FGC.61O% "&iI&b >+ 3Y/6C $%&67DInT4 =6]FJ =n^3.&3 DIn p 8&N >XS! Iq@&8J $@i
h+ rC& >+g D30; @:61L DI&01&+. *%AH61T4 "&iI&b . $/?6E *C&lD@3U. D.F%& "3U 3&UF
90D1& <CZ >+HB I6]8 !AB/&Z */U3? =6X/N2 >+ 3Y/U sJ #DC&% DI&SHD7D8 *NO%X
"&iI&b >+I/U G<36/ D@UO%/U. 90D1& <CZ >+I/U 3&^HCt 30n68 D@UO%/U. >LDI&J u6ED.
30; #v8.&3 $@+B&j2 "&iI&b >+I/U @:61 DI&;/J DI&7D8 >G(4 /OJ 5+g <6BFJ
*%A3&3D/ >+ 3Y/U \k/&@+ =/U36E u6ED.; I!GS! =dLI&.D7D8 6/FJ *NOD%+. *O
*+g D/wU D3&U0;S! /]S! x+g @2IO%.&3 $@+g #0; GN2b2 DI&J >XS! $%(O% "IC&X C&lI
>+I/(1yNOJ $%&67DIn =6]Lb /O%J. =G4 >+ 3Y/NS! #IFJ cAI0WNLI%&3)2 AMBULANC
3&FGNLI%&3)2 h1DX /N2IWR2 zKX&U3?. h1DX >+ 3Y/(+ $%&67DInS! =6]FJ I&UF% DI
"IU >;FJ C&lI&:W8+ zK86%D8 zKX&U. SMF =6]FJ $@4/%&3 zKX&U3?. h1DX "&
.NFJ/.6XT4 I&UF% DI&J >+ 3Y/(+ %67T4 I7F% $/0;S3&8^3m2 h14<a/J2 $/0;S3&
*NO%J. D.AIW "IU3? %&+ *%A! 3&CY2 >XD/ =/U3? sJ @01LIW /]S! IG) $@iJ "1/WS63 >;
D30;S$3&?HDB+. *LIWS! Sd/- XXXX( "G8&\k/&@+)
=i8&. D.AIW b3&6C 14.06.2024 2 D%G .&67 18.30 .fS! $IAg #5 GN.^372 3&/4 5678 !AB >
2024 U/S 341,294(b), 307 IPC + /]S! IG) $@iJ b3&(+ =@4 "367R2 <%4 %3/4 =KS63T6XR2 3X
!AB#84 ";/U pG.+BGA! >{2|U =/U3mS! =dL'R2 .AB "3436E h(8 h8U =G3&(3mS!
6/FJ2 D.4 #@&C6YS3&3 9i/&EU I&U6/S! 6/S3LI01J.
13. Action Taken: Since the above report reveals Commission of Offence(s) u/s as mentioned in item No.2, regist
case and took up the investigation.
>;S3LI01 "1/WS63 : D.D7 !AB <6BV0W4 h?E6/ '() 2 -4 zBLI01 @01 '()LIW8&X !AB.
/]S! IG) $@iJ b7X&i)S! >;FJS$3&?ELI01J
FIR read over to the Complainant/Informant, admitted to be correctly recorded and a copy give
Complainant/Informant free of cost.
14. Signature / Thumb Impression of the Complainant/Informant Signature of the Officer in-charge, Police
!AB<6BV01&EU / %3/4 $3&;LI/(+ xLI2 / $IN#C4 3&/4 5678 $I&gLb =j/7(+ xLI
*DC63L IG)
567 >:
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