7 Bad Habits That Keep Your Dream Out of Reach

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7 Bad Habits That

Keep Your Dreams

Out Of Reach
(And how to break them)

Chris Donnelly
1. Persistent
Consistently delaying tasks until the last
minute solves nothing
It only stresses you more and it means
that less stuff gets done
It can also quite easily lead into a cycle of
negative thinking, which can be hard to
break free of.

How to break:
As soon as you realise you’re doing it,
immediately break the task down into
smaller chunks, and take it step by step.

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2. Doomscrolling
We’ve all been there. You go to take a 5-
minute work break, and before you know it,
you’re 30 minutes into scrolling TikTok.
It is so bad because it’s one of the most
productivity-draining psychological
addictions of all.
For this, you have to break free by dealing
with the root of the problem.

How to break:
Use an app like Opal to break the cycle by
blocking distracting apps during work hours.

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3. Streaming Services
Don’t get me wrong, we all need to switch
off from time to time…
I’ve made it well documented about my
investment into the Walking Dead lately!
However, it shouldn’t get in the way of
pursuing your hobbies or passions.

How to break:
Carve out a specific slot every day for
building something that’s just YOURS.

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4. Checking Emails
Emails are supposed to facilitate our work,
not take us away from it.
Yet, so many people lose productivity
because of their emails.
It can be tempting to tick off every
notification and respond right away…

How to break:
Mute those notifications and check your
emails at specified breaks.

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5. Missing The Present
Everyday, we have multiple aspects
demanding our attention at once.
As a result, we end up only half paying
attention to any given thing.
It’s damaging to your relationships if
people don’t feel listened to.

How to break:
Spend time developing your active
listening, truly listen and give your full

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6. Moral Licensing
This is essentially a cognitive bias that
occurs when someone who has behaved
morally in the past behaves less morally
later on.
It’s the exact reason you might finish a big
task ahead of time and slack on the rest of
your projects for the rest of the week.

How to break:
Set out and understand exactly what
needs to get done within any given week,
and don’t use up all your energy by

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7. Overspending
This is a classic when someone gets a
new job or pay rise.
You spend money on things you can’t
really afford or need.
This behaviour can quite easily lead to
debt and missed opportunities to save or

How to break:
Create good spending habits and have a
monthly budget that you follow.

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Chris Donnelly

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Chris Donnelly | chris-donnelly.co.uk

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