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Ac vity – 2


GROUP MEMBERS – Pragya Bhutoria , Sneha, Khushi Yadav, Urvi,
Deepika Singh , Isha

INTRODUCTION - The field report on cleanliness and sanita on in

South Extension part 2 , Delhi, was conducted to assess the hygiene
condi ons of the area, par cularly in terms of public spaces, waste
management, and the status of public toilets. South Extension, a
prominent commercial and residen al locality, is known for its
bustling markets, upscale bou ques, and a significant foo all. The
purpose of this report is to provide insights into the cleanliness of the
locality and know about the sanita on prac ces among residents,
shop owners, and visitors.
AREA - South Extension is divided into two parts, South Extension I
and South Extension II, with well-developed roads, markets, and a
combina on of residen al and commercial zones. The area has a
rela vely affluent popula on, with many modern ameni es.
However, with its status as a commercial hub, especially around the
South Extension market, it witnesses heavy foot traffic, especially
during weekends and fes vals. This contributes significantly to waste
genera on.
The streets are lined with high-end shops, eateries, and small food
vendors. As a result, food waste, packaging material, and general
li er were noted in various spots, especially around the market
areas. Residen al sec ons, in contrast, are generally cleaner, but
problems related to sanita on and waste management persist.

Cleanliness Assessment: Upon observa on, cleanliness in residen al

areas of South Extension appeared moderately maintained, with
municipal services visibly ac ve. Garbage collec on trucks made
regular rounds, and bins were placed at key points. However, in
commercial areas, especially around the market, there was a marked
difference in cleanliness levels. The following points summarize the
key cleanliness issues:
1. Li ering: Despite waste bins being available, many visitors and
shopkeepers were found to dispose of waste in the open,
especially around food stalls. Packaging waste, plas c cups, and
wrappers were common sights around busy sec ons of the
2. Waste Collec on: While the municipal services were present,
the frequency of waste collec on did not seem sufficient given
the volume of trash generated. Overflowing bins and sca ered
waste were visible in some areas. Improper disposal by street
vendors contributed to the overall poor state of cleanliness.
3. Public Awareness: There appeared to be a lack of awareness
among a segment of the popula on, par cularly daily visitors,
regarding responsible waste disposal. Proper waste
management and disposal was either absent or insufficient.
Though some residents were proac ve in maintaining their
immediate surroundings, there was no coordinated community
effort observed in the market area.

Public Toilets: The condi on of public toilets in South Extension was

another cri cal aspect of the sanita on assessment. The area is
equipped with a few public toilets, but the following issues were
1. Hygiene: The overall hygiene of public toilets was average.
Many toilets were poorly maintained, with a lack of regular
cleaning. The smell of urine and waste was prevalent in some of
the public toilet facili es near the market, deterring people
from using them.
2. Water Supply and Facili es: In several public toilets, especially
those located in more congested parts of the market, there was
inadequate water supply. This lack of water made it difficult for
users to maintain hygiene, and in some cases, people opted not
to use the facili es altogether. In contrast there was one tap
which was having leakage issues and the water was not
stopping to flow from it.
3. Accessibility and Awareness: While toilets were available,
many visitors seemed unaware of their loca ons due to a lack
of proper signs or awareness campaigns. Furthermore, some
facili es were under-u lized, possibly because of their poor
condi on and the lack of informa on on maintenance. During
the assessment, it was observed that instead of using the
designated public toilets, many men were seen urina ng openly
on the roads, contribu ng to unsanitary condi ons in the area.
Addi onally, several individuals were using public washrooms
as smoking spots, which further exacerbated the unhygienic
environment due to the improper disposal of cigare e bu s
and the lingering smell of smoke.

People’s Awareness and A tude: The general public’s awareness

and a tude towards cleanliness varied. In residen al areas, residents
seemed more conscious of their surroundings and ac vely
par cipated in keeping their local streets clean. In interviews with a
few locals, they emphasized the role of the municipal corpora on but
also expressed frustra on over the irregular waste collec on at
In commercial areas, par cularly around the market, awareness was
rela vely low. Many vendors lacked proper disposal mechanisms, and
despite some a empts by the municipal body to place dustbins in
the area, they were o en ignored. Some vendors openly admi ed
that they were unaware of strict cleanliness guidelines, while others
stated that they did not have enough infrastructure to maintain
Several shop owners, however, expressed that they were keen on
maintaining cleanliness but felt that the efforts must be collec ve.
They emphasized the need for stronger enforcement of cleanliness
laws and be er infrastructure, such as more frequent waste
collec on and be er-maintained public toilets.

QUESTIONNAIRE - Ques onnaire for Survey on Swachh Bharat

Abhiyan in South Extension, Delhi:
This survey aims to gather insights from residents, shopkeepers, and
visitors, police in South Extension, Delhi, regarding their awareness,
par cipa on, and perspec ves on the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and
overall cleanliness in the area.

Sec on 1: General Informa on

1. Name (Op onal): ___________________

2. Age:
- Below 18
- 18-30
- 31-45
- 46-60
- Above 60
3. Gender:
- Male
- Female
- Other

4. Occupa on:
- Student
- Business Owner
- Employed
- Unemployed
- Homemaker
- Other

5. Are you a:
- Resident of South Extension
- Shop owner/employee
- Visitor

Sec on 2: Awareness and Par cipa on in Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

6. Are you aware of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India

- Yes
- No
- Somewhat

7. How o en do you see cleanliness drives or campaigns in South

- Frequently
- Occasionally
- Rarely
- Never

8. Have you personally par cipated in any cleanliness drives or

Swachh Bharat ac vi es?
- Yes, regularly
- Yes, some mes
- No, but I would like to
- No, and I am not interested

9. Do you believe Swachh Bharat Abhiyan has made a no ceable

impact on the cleanliness of South Extension?
- Yes, a significant impact
- Yes, a slight improvement
- No no ceable change
- The situa on has worsened

Sec on 3: Cleanliness and Public Behavior

10. How would you rate the overall cleanliness of South Extension?
- Very clean
- Moderately clean
- Somewhat dirty
- Very dirty

11. Do you feel there are enough public dustbins available in the
market and public areas?
- Yes, sufficient
- Somewhat, but more are needed
- No, there are very few
- I am not sure

12. Have you no ced people li ering despite the availability of

- Yes, o en
- Yes, occasionally
- No, people use dustbins responsibly

13. How frequently do you observe people urina ng in public spaces

(roads, corners) instead of using public toilets?
- O en
- Some mes
- Rarely
- Never

14. Do you think the public toilets in South Extension are:

- Clean and well-maintained
- Moderately clean, need improvement
- Poorly maintained and unhygienic
- I haven’t used the public toilets

15. Have you seen people using public washrooms for ac vi es other
than their intended use (e.g., smoking, etc.)?
- Yes, frequently
- Yes, occasionally
- No, never
- I’m not aware

Sec on 4: Sugges ons and Improvements

16. What do you think are the main reasons for poor sanita on or
cleanliness in South Extension? (Select all that apply)
- Lack of awareness among people
- Insufficient public dustbins
- Inadequate cleaning by municipal authori es
- Poor maintenance of public toilets
- People’s careless behavior
- Other

17. What steps would you suggest to improve cleanliness in the

South Extension area? (Select all that apply)
- More awareness campaigns and educa on
- Strict fines for li ering or urina ng in public
- Increased number of dustbins and be er waste collec on
- Regular maintenance and cleaning of public toilets
- Installa on of more public toilets
- Community-led cleanliness drives
- Other

18. Do you think stricter enforcement of cleanliness rules (fines,

penal es) would help maintain cleanliness in the area?
- Yes, definitely
- Maybe
- No, enforcement won’t help

19. On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate your own contribu on to
maintaining cleanliness in your surroundings?
- 1 (Not contribu ng at all)
- 2 (Minimal contribu on)
- 3 (Average contribu on)
- 4 (Above average contribu on)
- 5 (Highly involved in maintaining cleanliness)
20. Any addi onal comments or sugges ons regarding cleanliness
and sanita on in South Extension?
- __________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________

1. Survey with a policeman -
2. Survey with sweeper -
3. Survey with student -
4. Survey with security guard -
CONCLUSION - The cleanliness and sanita on condi ons in South
Extension, Delhi, reflect a mixed picture. While residen al areas
maintain a reasonable level of cleanliness, the bustling commercial
areas, especially the market, struggle with waste management and
sanita on. Public toilets require urgent a en on in terms of hygiene
and maintenance. The lack of awareness about proper waste disposal
among visitors and some shopkeepers further exacerbates the
problem. To improve the situa on, a stronger collabora on between
the municipal authori es, local residents, and businesses is needed.
Regular awareness campaigns, increased waste collec on frequency,
and be er signage for public toilets could significantly improve
sanita on in the area.

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