Vac 2
Vac 2
Vac 2
4. Occupa on:
- Student
- Business Owner
- Employed
- Unemployed
- Homemaker
- Other
5. Are you a:
- Resident of South Extension
- Shop owner/employee
- Visitor
11. Do you feel there are enough public dustbins available in the
market and public areas?
- Yes, sufficient
- Somewhat, but more are needed
- No, there are very few
- I am not sure
15. Have you seen people using public washrooms for ac vi es other
than their intended use (e.g., smoking, etc.)?
- Yes, frequently
- Yes, occasionally
- No, never
- I’m not aware
16. What do you think are the main reasons for poor sanita on or
cleanliness in South Extension? (Select all that apply)
- Lack of awareness among people
- Insufficient public dustbins
- Inadequate cleaning by municipal authori es
- Poor maintenance of public toilets
- People’s careless behavior
- Other
19. On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate your own contribu on to
maintaining cleanliness in your surroundings?
- 1 (Not contribu ng at all)
- 2 (Minimal contribu on)
- 3 (Average contribu on)
- 4 (Above average contribu on)
- 5 (Highly involved in maintaining cleanliness)
20. Any addi onal comments or sugges ons regarding cleanliness
and sanita on in South Extension?
- __________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________
1. Survey with a policeman -
2. Survey with sweeper -
3. Survey with student -
4. Survey with security guard -
CONCLUSION - The cleanliness and sanita on condi ons in South
Extension, Delhi, reflect a mixed picture. While residen al areas
maintain a reasonable level of cleanliness, the bustling commercial
areas, especially the market, struggle with waste management and
sanita on. Public toilets require urgent a en on in terms of hygiene
and maintenance. The lack of awareness about proper waste disposal
among visitors and some shopkeepers further exacerbates the
problem. To improve the situa on, a stronger collabora on between
the municipal authori es, local residents, and businesses is needed.
Regular awareness campaigns, increased waste collec on frequency,
and be er signage for public toilets could significantly improve
sanita on in the area.