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stewards of the institution, The Curriculum Relevant To
ensure an enabling and Learners (Contextualization
supportive environment for And Enhancement), it shows
effective learning to happen that there is an application of
shows that DepEd is Reconstructionism in which
reconstructionism. DepEd there is a discussions on the
believes teaching involves students about the issues
the students in discussion of such as Disaster Risk
moral dilemmas in order to Reduction (DRR), Climate
understand the implications Change Adaptation, and
of one's action. Information &
Communication Technology
(ICT) are included in the
enhanced curriculum.
things that are practical for
life encourages them to grow application of
into better people. Pragmatism as students
acquire in-depth
knowledge, skills, values,
and attitudes through
continuity and
consistency in order to
encourage them to grow
into better people across
in all levels.
toward making social,
economic, or political
The DepEd Mission In K-12 Curriculum
which is Teachers Framework, it shows that
facilitate learning and there is a Constructivism
constantly nurture every in which it encourage
learner show also that students to consider this
DepEd is using to share their valuable
Constructivism as they knowledge and
help learners to construct experiences as the
knowledge rather than learner.
just passively take in
information. As students
experience the world and
reflect upon those
experiences, it helps to
build their own
representations and
incorporate new
information into their
pre-existing knowledge.
Since rationalism aims to develop the learner's
reasoning power, what my cooperating did was
to give mathematical equations about supply
function. Supply function tackles the relationship
between the price and quantity supplied.
- One of the philosophies that schools and teachers should give more attention to is
Perennialism. Students should be taught that they must always value their
learning. They must not forget but instead use it as an edge to face the present
and succeed in the future.
My Philosophy of Teaching
I believe that the learners are unique, with their own unique learning style and set of needs and
gifts that they bring to the classroom. As a teacher, it is my obligation to expound on their
talents and to create an environment that promotes maximum learning while also meeting each
child's unique requirements.
I believe that I should teach the learners on how to grow and learn. I'm aware that kids actively
develop and modify their own knowledge based on earlier learning and experiences by
understanding that not all pupils study in the same way or at the same pace. As a teacher, I feel
it is my obligation to effectively diagnose pupils' interests, abilities, and prior knowledge. Then I
have to devise learning activities that will both challenge and enable each learner to think and
I believe that I should fulfil my goals as a teacher. By creating a strong relationship with my
students, their parents, to people and to the community. Teachers must work with other school
stakeholders to develop and build a school culture in which students can grow while improving
their learning abilities.
2. Perennialism-teach those that last, the classics, The teachers do not allow the
there are universal values; inculcate these interests or experiences of the pupils
universal, objective values to significantly influence what they
teach. They use whatever systematic
solution and tried-and-true
procedures they believe are most
effective in training the minds of the
through reason; a teacher must develop the my cooperating did was to give
reasoning power of the learner mathematical equations about
supply function. Supply function
tackles the relationship between the
price and quantity supplied.