17 - Dams in General and A Few Dams in Particular
17 - Dams in General and A Few Dams in Particular
17 - Dams in General and A Few Dams in Particular
Beavers are sometimes encouraged to build dams in areas where man can not reach
easily to construct man-made dams.
17.1.4. Modern Dams. The first modern dam of the world was perhaps constructed
on the Nile river, in Egypt at Aswan. It was completed in 1902 and was a major
engineering project.
This famous Aswan Dam was designed primarily to control the flooding of the Nile
river, to promote irrigation in the Nile Valley, and to further navigation along the river.
Aswan is 1200 km from the mouth of the Nile. The site was chosen because the
river at Aswan is shallow and has a granite bed, on which a firm foundation. could be·
The first step in damming any major river is to divert the flow of water so as to
permit dam construction. This was accomplished at Aswan, by constructing a circular
earthen barrier around the area chosen from the dam foundations. At low river, this
enclosure was pumped out. All the work had to be completed before the river flooded
again. The foundation was laid round the clock with a huge labour force. So much so
that 3,600 tons of masonry were put in places in a single day.
This 120' high dam, running for about miles from shore to shore, 100 feet thick
at its base and 24' wide at top, costed about 1.5 crore dollars, when completed in 1902.
A roadway ran along the upper rim. About 1 billion tons of water was its storage ·
capacity, and 180 sluices were constructed into this barrier. Water could be collected
r' during the rainy season and released through the sluice gates during the summer and
Roosevelt Dam. The next famous dam of the world was completed in 1911 on the
· Salt River of Arizona (U.S.A.) and was called Roosevelt dam.
The Aswan dam was constructed with stone, while the Roosevelt dam was con-
structed with solid blocks of concrete :whic.h..was of.Jhe type .knowaas 'Solid Masonry .
Gravity Dam' : which simply means that it was built with solid blocks of concrete, which
hold back the flow of water by sheer weight. This type of dam is one of the most ancient.
The construction was started in 1905. Despite the numerous troubles in its construc-
tion, the dam was completed in 1911 with a reservoir capacity of billion gallons of i
water. The completed dam, 280 feet high, was 158 feet thick and spanning for a length
of 1,125 feet. Had the dam been built without the benefit of 19th century engineering
advances in design and stress control, it would have had to be 700 to 1000 feet thick at
base ; a far more expensive and cumbersome thing to build.
This dam was a fascinating advancement, but was soon overshadowed by other
vastly greater dams, such as Hoover Dam, (726' high), Bhakra Dam (740' high), etc. All
of them are 'solid concrete gravity type' dams.
------ ---- --- ------- - -- -- - --- -- - ----------- -- --------- - --- -----·- --- ------------- --- ----
17.2. Various Kinds of Dams
Before we describe some of the famous dams of the world, it is worth while to
classify the various types of dams.
Most engineers recognise seven general types of dams. Three of them are ancient
in origin, and four have come into general use only in the last about 100 years or so.
The three older types of dams are :
(1) Earth Dams
Sometimes, fish were trapped on one side of the dam and passed on to the other side by
giant steel and plastic nets. An external arrangement called Fish Ladder was also
Fish Ladder. Just as river-going vessels can bypass a dam by using a navigation
lock, so a series of 'locks' enable the fish to get over the dam. A separate channel is
created, consisting of a series of little dams that form a row of pools, rising up over the
big dam to reservoir level. The salmon, entering the lowest rung of the ladder at the
base of the dam, could leap from pool to pool until they had crested the dam. Then, they
could continue on through the reservoir to the spawning grounds. The new born fish
called finger lings could later return to the sea (downstream) in the same fashion via the
ladder. A section, plan and photographic view of a fish ladder has already been shown
in the chapter on Weirs.
In the beginning, the fish ladders worked better in theory than in practice. The fish
seemed to prefer to mill ground in splashing water under spillway, instead of entering
the ladder. This difficulty was overcome by careful design that put the fish ladder in the
place where it was most likely to attract the fish. Another problem was that the slow
moving water was stranger to fish and they tended to collect in the lower pools without
going onward.
Millions and billions were spent into fish-ladder research. Improvements in design
made the fish ladder more attractive to fish, more like the rapids they were accustomed
Fish ladders are not always practicable from engineering stand point. In such cases,
other steps have to be taken to protect the fish.
Meanwhile, other experiments are going forward to see if fish can be successfully
induced to spawn in waters other than their own ancestral spawning grounds. In the long
run, it may save millions of currency to construct fish hatcheries instead of fish-ladders.
There are many possible solutions to the problem of anadromous fish, and research is
being undertaken in different regions of the world to find out a better soiution to the
(2) Submergence Problem. Whenever a dam is constructed across a river to store
water on the upstream side, a large area gets submerged due to the rise in the water
levels. The entire area which gets submerged, forming a reservoir, has to be calculated
and acquired before a dam can be constructed. The owners of the land have to be
persuaded, adequately compensated, and well settled somewhere else, before, the work
can be taken up in hand. Hence it is necessary to investigate the probable damage caused
by this submergence.
(3) Failure Problem. We try ourbest to build dams to last as long as possible.
-- -Evefyperson-Wli0s-6ever bas-work:ea on -dam-
a dam -fiol:£s-t&at th-e will Tlve as
long as
the pyramids of Egypt. But many a times, the dam give way under the continued insistent
pressure of the water penned up behind them. This failure of the dam may be caused
either due to bad workmanship or due to faulty design or due to the occurrence of
unanticipated floods.
Luckily, these disasters have been comparatively rare in this century. Dams used to
give way easily in olden times, but due to engineering advancement in modern times,
their failure has been considerably reduced. ·
These huge structures are now properly designed, keeping in view the various forces
which they are going to face. Proper and rational design, good supervision and constant
vigil and watch during maintenance period ensures their safety and makes us fairly
confident of it. Bhakra Dam on Satluj River in India and Boulder Dam on Colorado
River in U.S.A. cannot fail in one attempt, h.ow furiously these rivers may try to move'
their foundations. We are fairly confident of this, but sometimes the confidence is rudely
and cruelly repaid with tragedies. .
Dams may sometimes fail due to excessive and unanticipated earthquakes. The
Koyna Dam in India was at the verge of failure in 1968 earthquake. Thanks to the efforts
of the Illiiian engineers who saved that dam by toiling hard day and night. A very .
confiden't dam called Vega de Tera Dam is Spain failed in January 1959. The people
were tucked in the town of Rivaldelago. The disaster caused was tremendous. Rival-
delago was flattened. Telephone poles were snapped like matchsticks. Within moments,
123 villages were drowned. Several hundred luckier ones were saved, but were rendered
homeless. This was a case where a dam had simply not been built strong enough to bear
the full weight of its intended reservoir. Heavy rains wrecked it. Faulty design and bad
engineering must be blamed.
Another important dam called The Malpasset Dam, a 200 feet high arch dam on
the Reyran River, was completed in 1954. This dam gave way in December 1956,
causing 421 persons to die in floods. Investigations revealed that the. dam had failed
because the foundation rock has shifted along a thin clay seam in the left abutment,
making the dam unstable and vulnerable to any serious stress.
We learnt from our mistakes;and several other dams of the same type, then under
constr.uction in Europe, were quickly resurveyed to find the possibility of such a geo1ogi-
cal formation. This was .very very small comfort to the relatives of those who died when
Malpasset failed; but at least, we should learn from our mistakes and there should be
no such repetitions.
- (4) The Bomb Problem. The dams create dangers in wais, especially in modern .
atomic age. One single atom bomb may cause the failure of Hoover Dani (Boulder Dam)
or Bhakra Dam. The resultant failure of such a dam will create catastrophes, but also,
it will get contaminated by radioactivity from which there could be no escape.
This is an important point which is generally stressed by opponents of big dams.
But the only answer to this argument is that it would not be advisable to deprive
ourselves of the benefits of big dams simply because they are hazards in war time. After
all, an atom bomb dropped in Calcutta, Delhi, or New York would also cause tremen-
dous damage and catastrophe, but this does not mean that we should not develop big
Atomic war is dangerous to every aspect of living and not only to the construction
of dams. We don't refuse riding in automobiles or ae~pl_~!1~~ b~C~l!~~ ~Lthf'._ f~~.r: __()f____ _
acCideniS. -cerrain--risFhas-io Iie-accepteC! if !'hire- is-to be progress.
So, without denying the very great damage that could be caused by atomic ex-
plosions at our dams, we must go on buildfo.g dams. We need them and we must devote
our energies to the cause of continued peace, so that bombs will never be able to fall.
We may also take more precautions, and anticraft guns and radars can be established at
and in the vicinity of such important works. The use of atomic energy for peaceful ·
purposes and a general feeling of brotherhood is the only possible way to reduce such
- The Jawahar Sagar Dam in Rajasthan offered such a problem. A bed of clay
was encountered, between the base of the dam and solid rock foundation. It was not
economically feasible to remove this clay bed. The solution adopted was to anchor the
base of the dam to the foundations below, by means of prestressed cables.
(3) Availability of Materials. In order to achieve economy in the dam, the materials
\required for its construction must be available locally or at short distances froll1 the
construction site.
Sometimes, good soil is easily available, which naturally calls for an earthen dam.
If sand, cement and stone, etc., are easily available, one should naturally think of a
concrete gravity dam. If the material has to be transported from far off distances, then
_a hollow concrete dam (Buttress) is a better choice.
(4) Spillway Size and Location. Spillway, as defined earlier, di poses of the surphis
river discharge. The capacity of the spillway will depend on the magnitudes of the floods
to be by- passed. The spillway will, therefore, become much more important on streams
with large flood potential. On such r.iwrs; the spillway may become dominant structure,
and the type of dam may become the. secondary consideration.
The cost of constructing a separate, spilly/ay may be enormous or sometimes a
suitable separate site for a spillway may not be available. In such cases, combining the
spillway and the dam into one structure may be desirable, indicating the adoption of a
concrete overflow dam.
A_t certain places, where excavated material from a separate spillway channel may
be utilised in dam embankment, an earthfill dam may prove to be advantageous. Small
spillway requirement often favou~s the selections of earth fill or rockfill dams even in
.narrow dam sites.
The practice of building a concrete spillway on earth and rock embankments is
being discouraged. these days, because of their conservative design assumptions and the
vigil and watch that has\to be kept during their operations.
(5) Earthquake Zone. If the dam is to be situated in an earthquake zone, its design
must include the earthquake forces. Its safety should be ensured against the increased
stress induced by an earthquake of worst intensity. The type of structures best suited to
resist earthquak_e shocks without danger are earthen dams and concrete gravity dams.
(6) Height of the Dam. Earthen dams are usually not,provided.for h~ights more
than 30 m or so. Hence, for greater heights, gravity dams are generally preferred.
(7) .Other Considerations. Various other factors such as, the life of the dam, the
width of the roadway to be provided over the dam, problem of skilled labour, legal and
. aesthetic point must also be considered before a final decision is taken. Overall cost of
construction and maintenance and the funds available will finally decide the choice of
a particular kind of a dam at a particular place.
17 .6. Selection of Dam Site
The selection of a site for constructing a dam Width
should be governed by ~11'#;fo11owing factors: ---+--t---o t basin-+--+---
(1) Suitable foundations (as determined in
·- tbe-previOufluticl~}must-be-available.- : -
(2) For economy, the length of the dam
should be as small as possible, and for a given
height, it ~hould store the maximum volume of
water. It, therefore, follows, that the river valley
at the dam site should be narrow but should open
out upstream to provide a large basin for a reserc
voir. A general configuration of contours for a
suitable site is shown in Fig. 17.1. :- Fig. 17.1
Attempts were made to tame.this river by constructing dikes or levees, but failed.
Spring floods of 1904 brought havoc. Another catastrophe occurred in 1916. Gila
River, a tributary of Colorado, flooded at a rate of about 5, 560 cubic metres/sec. The
town of Yuma in Arizona, where the Gila empties into the Colorado, was submerged to
a depth of 1.2 metres.
It was exti;emely desirable to tame this river. But how? A solution was dreamt of.
The idea of constructing a big dam was visualised by Arthur Davis. It was an ambitious
Planning for the Dam. A scheme was planned: A concretegravity dam, of about
700 to750 feet height was thought. A reservoir at the back of the dam could hold every
drop of water, the Colorado could send in any 2 years of steady flow. It was to be the
biggest man-made lake in the world. It was going to be a multi- purpose dam, generating
about 6 billion Kilo watt-hours of electrical energy each year for the growing cities of
southern California. The reservoir would hold the flood waters, and the spillways would
release the required amounts of water to the downstream farmers.
Flood control, irrigation and electricity were the three main purposes of this project.
Supply of drinking water to 13 cities of California and creation of a recreational and
navigable lake reservoir were the additional advantages.
Selection of a suitable site. A thorough search was made for the spectacular gorges
of the Colorado, seeking the best possible site. They studied 70 such sites before
choosing 'Black canyon' on the border between Arizona and -Nevada, 48 km from the
city of Las Vegas (Nevada).
The preliminary survey of Black canyon took about 3 years. Here, the river flows
through cliffs 1000-2000 feet (300 m to 600 m) high. At the water line, the rock walls
were 350 feet (105 m) apart.
Engineers roamed in heat and sun, testing the rocks, drilling into it, to make sure
that it,could·stand·the burden of enormous weight of the concrete -iliaf woulobe laid
upon it. Their conclusion was that it could. They recommended that the giant dam be
After the technical green-signal was obtained, some political issues such as to who
will be benefitted and up to what extent, were settled with a great difficulty. The rift
between the different States always persists in such huge projects.
Construction of the Dam. The reai work began in late 1930. Herbert Hoover was
the President of America at that time. He himself was an engineer. The work started
under his vigilance, Arthur Powell Davis, 70 years old and about to re!ire, saw his life
long dream fulfilled as he stood high above the Colorado and watched thousands of
workers working hard with picks and dynamite far below.
The dam site was very hot. It was not a congenial surroundings to work. But a dam
- -hQd--to--be--built.:_____ - -·--·- -·--- -----·--·--- - - - - -- --- -~:__ __ ----- --- -- -
First of all, a town was built to house the workers. A permanent city, now called
Boulder-city, was settled at an expenditure of about $70 million. This was spread in an
area of about 300 acres and could accommodate 5, 000 workers.
Whenever a dam is constructed, the water of the river is first of all to be diverted
so that the construction could start. This is called by engineers as 'to turn the river off.'
1.4 tunnels, each 56 feet wide and 4000 feet long were dug into the solid rock of the
~anyon walls. These bypass tunnels received the flow of the river and carried it down·
to the downstream, to a point beyond the construction site. About 1 milli~m cubic feet
of rock had to be removed for building these four tunnels.
Then, the Coffer dam was built. A coffer dam is a temporary retaining embankment
·upstream of the site. Huge amounts of rock and earth was heaped up, forcing the river
into four bypass tunnels. The bed of the river was thus laid bare.
Workers then descenqed into this river bed to lay the foundations for the dam. Seven
million tons of concrete had to be laid. It was 660 feet thick at the base.
The dam curves upstream, so that the water load is held back in part by the walls
of the canyon. The completion of the dam took about 2 years of non-stop work.
After completion, the bypass tunnels were blocked up and the water started coming
and collecting against the dam. The lake formed on the upstream side was called Lake
mead. Electrical power houses, which are of the size of 20-storey sky-scrapers were
constructed. The lake, the power houses, the dam galleries etc. are open for visitors and
for inspection. It was a great achievement indeed.
· 17 .8. Bhakra Dam
Bhakra Dam is a concrete gravity dam. It is 740 feet (226 m) high, spanning the
V-shaped gorge in the lower Shivalik hills. The dam is 1700 ft long at the top and only
· 325 ft at the bottom. The thickness of the dam at foundations is 1320 ft and it tapers to
30 ft at the top where a road runs. Bhakra dam was the highest concrete gravity dam of
the world when built, thus surpassing the existing 726 ft (221 m) high Hoover dam. But
the highest concrete gravity dam of the world, at present, is Grand Dixence dam in
. Switzerland (284 m high). Bhakra dam is situated in Himachal Pradesh State of India
near a village use<;l to be called Bhakra. It has been constructed on Satluj river. Satluj
is a river coming from Himalayas. It is a perennial river but carries enormous water
during floods and rains.
Downstream and upstream. views of Bhakra dam are shown in Photo Fig. 17.4.
----- This dam has given tremendous prospedty tcdn&a and has given her'a'liigh name
in the \\'.Orld. The various functions .served by this dam are:
(i) Flood control (ii) Irrigation
·(iii) Electricity (iv) Fish development.
Bhakra Project is not a single Bhakra Dam but consists of the following:
(i) 740 ft high Bhakra Dam (ii) 95 ft high Nangal Dam
(iii) Nangal Hydel Channel (iv) Ganguwal and Kotta Power houses
(v) Bhakra Canal System.
Planning and Construction. The survey works for the construction of this multi-
purpose project started in 1919. From 1919 to 1930, the survey continued and various
sites were considered for various purposes. From 1932 to 1946, the work was inter-
_.-rupted,-andfinally in1946,arailway line was spread in this-area,and-thenthe"-actual-
construction started. ·
After selecting a suitable narrow canyon for the construction of Bhakra Dam, the
dam site was dewatered after the river was 'turned off'. Two diversion tunnels, one in
either abutment were constructed in order to carry the river water: Two coffer dams
enclosing the foundation area, were also constructed. Both the tunnels are 50 ft, in
finished diameter, half a mile long 'and are lined with 3.6 ft thick heavily reinforced
concrete. The work on these two tunnels was started in 1948 and was completed in 1953.
The total expenditure incurred on them was approximately Rs. 3.6 crores. .,
Fig. 17.4 (a) Upstream view of Bhakra Dam.
17.8.1. Nangal Dam. Nangal Dam is 95 ft high subsidiary dam, 8 miles down-
stream of Bhakra on Satfuj. It falls within the jurisdiction of Punjab State in India. The
length of the dam is 1, 000 ft. The object of this dam is to head up water of the river
Satluj and then divert it into the'canal off-taking from the left bank of the fiver. The
canal is called Nangal Rydel Canal, and is a 40 miles long concrete lined canal.
This dam has 29 strong gates ~of span 30 ft each. An enormous tunnel Galled the
Inspection gallery has been made in the river Satluj in the lower portion of this dam.
This was the first tunnel constructed by the Government under Bhakra Project Scheme.
In order to enter into this tunnel, one has to go 70 ft down. The tunnel goes across Satluj
Bhakra Nangal Project is something tremendous, stupendous, something which
----shakes-up-and--thri-I-ls us-when-we -see it- It marks the India's-progress after her Inde- --
pendence. It is something which cannot be forgotten easily, if we see it once.
17.9. Nagarjuna Sagar Dam
The multipurpose Nagarjuna Sagar dam is located across Krishna River, near Nan-
dikonda village in Nalgonda District (Andhra Pradesh). It is named after Buddhist
Savant, Acharya Nagarjuna, who lived at the spot about 2,000 years ago to fulfil a
This Dam irrigates in Guntl.ir, Kurnool, Nellore, Nalgonda, Khamman and Krishna
Districts. Its irrigation Potential is about 35 Jakh acres of land and electrical potential
is 1 lakh kilowatt hours of firm power (guaranteed-power generation) and 4.6 lakh
kilowatt hours of seasonal power.
A photoview of this dam is shown in Fig. 17.5.
Salient Features of the Dam. The river gorge is blocked by a masonry dam 409 ft
(124.6 m) high above the deepest foundation level and 4756 ft long. The full reservoir
level is +590.0 ft above the mean sea level (M.S.L.). The most unique feature of this
dam is the adoption of Stone masonry for its construction, deviating fromthe traditional
concrete. The use of stone had resulted in a large saving and had created huge employ-
ment potential for a large labour force. Hence, Nagarjuna Sagar Project ranks first in
the man-power utilisation among the modern gigantic projects of its own kind in the
world. It was designed and executed entirely by Indian engineers. On either side of the
masonry dam, earth dams have been constructed for a length of about two miles, the
maximum height being ·85 ft. The spillway crest has been installed with 26 Radial gates
each of size 45'x44'. Other component-works of this mighty dam include 8 penstock
pipes on the left side, three Power sluices and 9 irrigation sluices on the right side, two
chute sluices and a diversion-cum-irrigation tunnel. Two canals-off-ta~e on either side
of the dam for irrigation. The expenditure on the project was of the order of Rs. 80
crores. The crest level of the dam is +605 ft and the crest level of spillway is +546 ft.
Various details of the -dam are given below: ·
(1) Location. Lat.= 16°34' North, Long.= 71°19' East, 1~ mile downstream of Nan-
dikonda village Miryalaguda Taluk, Nalgonda District, 90 miles from Hyderabad.
(2) States Covered. ANDHRA PRADESH
(3) Hydrology,·
(a) Water-shed area at dam site ... 83,087 sq. miles
/(b) Maximum! flood discharge (observed) ... 11.7 laKh cumecs.
(4) Reservoir
(a) Full Reservoir level ... + 590'.0
(b) Maximum water level ... + 594'.0
(c) Gross siorage capacity ... 9 .3 7 M.a.ft
(d) Net (live) storage capacity ... 5.51 M.a.ft
(e) No. of villages submerged ,.. 57
if> Population displaced ... 4,824 families
(5) Masonry dam
(a) Total length- - -..-.-4,-7.56 ft--·-·
(b) Spillway length ... 1545 ft
(c) Non-overflow length including power
dam ... 3,211 ft
(d) Height of dam (maximum) ... 409 ft
(e) Base width (maximum) ... 320 ft
if> Top width ... 28 ft
(g) Top level ... + 605'.0
(h) Top of crest in spillway ... + 546'.0
(i) Chute sluices 2 No. 10' x 25' provided in
blocks 25 and 51 with sill level elevation ... +450'.0
(j)8 No. of 16' diameter penstocks provided
one in each in blocks 16 to 23 with
central line in elevation ... +405'.0
-- ---- (k) 3 No. power sluices 15' x 38' provided
(two in block 71 and one in block 7'2)
with sill level at elevation ... + 479'.0
(/) Radial Crest Gates 26 No. 45' x 44', with
crest elevation ... + 546'.0
(m) Thickness of spillway pipes ... + 15'
(n) Nine No. sluices 10' x 15' are provided
for right canal head regulator with sill at
elevation ... +489'.0
(6) Quantities of Work
. PkOBLEMS -- .
1. (a) What is meant by a "dam and a reservoir" ? What are the different meterials that are commonly
used for dam construction and what are their comparative advantages and disadvantages ?
(b) Discuss the geological and tropological features which affect the selection of the type of dam.
2. (a) What are 'arch' and 'buttress' dams ? Illustrate with sketches and mention site conditions
favourable for construction of such dams.
(b) Discuss the factors which are considered in the .selection of the site for a proposed dam. It is
assumed that the type of the dam has already been selec.ted for the project.
3. (a) What useful purpose is served by a dam ? What are the illeffects of dam construction ?
(b) How do you classify dams according to:
(i) their use ;
(ii) their hydraulic designs ;
(iii) their materials of construction.
(c) Dis·cuSflhe.VarioOS factors wtiich govern the selection of a particular type of dam for a-particular
4. "Dams are the sources of sorrow and grief'. Debate the above statement giving points in favour
as well as against it.
5. Narrate briefly the story of construction of any m~jor dam of India.