The Top 300 Words To Master English Vocabulary

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PRC-1 BWCS Vocabulary

Wordlist as specified by ICAP (Book page 226-230)

No. Word Urdu Meaning Synonyms Antonyms

1 Abet ‫اسھتدانی‬،‫ امحیرکنا‬assist, aid, help Halt, prevent, discourage

2 Abeyance ‫وفق‬ suspension, reserve, pending Revival, operation, action

3 Abject ‫تسپ‬،‫ذلیل‬ despicable, miserable, degraded Presumptuous, arrogant, proud

4 Accolade ‫نیسحت‬،‫ازعاز‬ honor, recognition, privilege Disgrace, dishonor, humiliation

5 Accord ‫راضدنمی‬،‫وماتقف‬ agreement, harmony, concord Disagreement, discord, conflict

6 Adamant ‫انعدی‬،‫دگنسل‬ stubborn, unyielding, resolute Flexible, yielding, pliable

7 Adept ‫امہر‬
‫ ر‬،‫امہر‬ skilled, proficient, expert Inept, unskilled, incompetent

8 Adhere ‫اانلھچ‬،‫ریپویرکنا‬ stick, cling, follow Detach, separate, disconnect

9 Adjuvant ‫اعمون‬،‫دمداگر‬ assistant, auxiliary, subsidiary Hindrance, obstacle, impediment

10 Admonish ‫ڈانا‬
‫ ر‬،‫انباہدانی‬ reprimand, warn, scold Praise, commend, encourage
‫ت‬ Praise, commendation,
11 Admonition ‫ڈایر‬،‫انباہ‬ warning, rebuke, caution encouragement

12 Adolescent ‫ولبغ‬،‫ونوجان‬ youthful, teenage, juvenile Adult, mature, grown-up

13 Adore ‫رکنا‬
‫رپشتس ر‬،‫قشعرکنا‬ love, worship, idolize Despise, loathe, detest

14 Adroit ‫امہر‬
‫ ر‬،‫وہایشر‬ skillful, adept, proficient Clumsy, awkward, inept

15 Adulterate ‫دبانل‬،‫الموٹرکنا‬ contaminate, dilute, corrupt Purify, refine, cleanse

16 Affix ‫وجڑنا‬
‫ ر‬،‫کلسنمرکنا‬ attach, join, append Detach, disconnect, remove

17 Affluent ‫امدلار‬،‫اریم‬ wealthy, prosperous, rich Poor, impoverished, needy

18 Aggravate ‫دشت بب ر‬،‫ببراھنا‬

‫راھنا‬ exacerbate, worsen, intensify Alleviate, mitigate, alleviate
19 Akin ‫ق ب‬،‫امملث‬
‫ریااسلن‬ similar, related, alike Unrelated, dissimilar, unlike

20 Alleviate ‫ااھٹنا‬
‫ ر‬،‫مکرکنا‬ relieve, ease, mitigate Aggravate, worsen, intensify

21 Alter ‫رکنا‬
‫دبتلی ر‬ change, modify, amend Retain, preserve, maintain

22 Altercation ‫ڑگھجا‬ quarrel, dispute, argument Agreement, harmony, conciliation

23 Ambiguous ‫مہبم‬ unclear, vague, uncertain Clear, definite, unambiguous

24 Ambush ‫اگلنا‬
‫اھگت ر‬ trap, surprise, ambush Warn, alert, reveal

25 Amicable ‫دواتسہن‬ friendly, cordial, harmonious Hostile, unfriendly, antagonistic

26 Amnesty ‫وفع‬ pardon, forgiveness, absolution Punishment, penalty, retaliation

PRC-1 BWCS Vocabulary
27 Amplify ‫وتعسدانی‬،‫ببراھنا‬ enlarge, expand, increase Reduce, decrease, diminish

28 Anarchy ‫ےباقونین‬ chaos, disorder, lawlessness Order, government, law and order

29 Animation ‫اجن‬،‫وتانایئ‬ liveliness, vitality, energy Lethargy, dullness, lifelessness

‫ت‬ disaster, cataclysm,
30 Apocalypse ‫ایقمر‬ Armageddon Concealment, salvation, redemption

31 Apportion ‫رکنا‬
‫میسقت ر‬ distribute, allocate, divide Consolidate, unite, join

32 Appraise ‫اگلنا‬
‫ادنازہ ر‬ assess, evaluate, estimate Undervalue, underestimate, belittle

33 Apprehend ‫رکنا‬
‫رگاتفر ر‬،‫ڑکپنا‬ arrest, capture, seize Release, free, liberate

34 Apprise ‫رکنا‬
‫علطم ر‬ inform, notify, brief Conceal, withhold, hide

35 Appropriate ‫انمسب ر‬
‫انبنا‬ allocate, assign, earmark Release, return, surrender

36 Arbiter ‫ہلصیفنک‬ mediator, referee, judge Litigant, disputant, partisan

37 Arbitrary ‫رمیضےکاطمقب‬ random, capricious, whimsical Fair, just, equitable

excavation, antiquities,
38 Archaeology ‫ابرنات‬ paleontology Futurism, speculation, modernism

39 Archives ‫ارفیش‬ records, documents, files Destruction, erasure, deletion

40 Arena ‫رعہص‬ stadium, field, arena Confined, limited, small-scale

41 Ascent ‫اورپ‬،‫دنلبی‬‫ت‬ rise, climb, elevation Descent, decline, fall

‫ی‬ ‫خ‬ ‫تش‬
42 Assessment ‫ص‬ evaluation, appraisal, judgment Ignorance, neglect, disregard

43 Assurance ‫اامتعد‬،‫نیقی‬ confidence, certainty, guarantee Doubt, uncertainty, hesitation

44 Atrocity ‫اہبدری‬،‫ملظ‬ brutality, cruelty, inhumanity Kindness, benevolence, compassion

45 Audit ‫اجچ‬،‫اعمي‬
‫ن‬ examination, review, inspection Neglect, ignorance, disregard

46 Augment ‫ااضہف ر‬،‫ببراھنا‬

‫رکنا‬ increase, expand, enlarge Decrease, diminish, reduce

47 Autocrat ‫آرم‬،‫اظمل‬ dictator, tyrant, despot Democrat, democrat, populist

48 Autocratic ‫ر‬
‫رساس‬ ‫وخد‬ dictatorial, tyrannical, despotic Democratic, liberal, egalitarian
independent, self-governing,
49 Autonomous ‫وخداتخمر‬ sovereign Dependent, controlled, subordinate
independence, self-government,
50 Autonomy ‫وخداتخمری‬ freedom Dependence, subjugation, control
enthusiasm, keenness,
51 Avidity ‫رحص‬،‫وشق‬ eagerness Indifference, apathy, disinterest

52 Banner ‫ڈنھجا‬ flag, standard, pennant Disgrace, dishonor, shame

53 Bash ‫زوردانی‬ strike, hit, attack Assist, support, encourage

54 Basking ‫لا‬
‫دوھپںیم ر‬ sunbathing, lounging, relaxing Working, toiling, laboring

PRC-1 BWCS Vocabulary
55 Beneficiary ‫دیفتسم‬ recipient, heir, inheritor Donor, giver, benefactor

56 Benevolent ‫کینوخاہ‬ kind, compassionate, generous Cruel, malicious, malevolent

57 Bestow ‫رکنا‬
‫اطع ر‬ give, grant, confer Withhold, deny, refuse

58 Blitz ‫اغرت‬ attack, assault, bombardment Defense, protection, safeguard

59 Blunder ‫یطلغ‬ mistake, error, slip Accuracy, correctness, precision

60 Bona fide ‫صلخم‬ genuine, sincere, authentic Fake, counterfeit, insincere

61 Bonanza ‫تمعن‬ windfall, blessing, boon Disaster, calamity, misfortune

62 Bondage ‫الغیم‬ servitude, slavery, captivity Freedom, liberation, emancipation

63 Breach ‫اگشف‬ violation, infraction, rupture Compliance, observance, adherence

64 Brisk ‫زیت‬ quick, rapid, lively Slow, sluggish, lethargic

65 Browse ‫رکنا‬
‫اطمہعل ر‬ peruse, scan, skim Ignore, neglect, disregard
66 Buoyant ‫ریتنا‬
‫ر‬ floating, floating, cheerful Sinking, heavy, depressed

67 Calamity ‫تبیصم‬ disaster, catastrophe, tragedy Blessing, fortune, luck

68 Candid ‫رھکا‬ frank, honest, straightforward Deceitful, dishonest, insincere

69 Candor ‫رایگتس‬ honesty, frankness, openness Deceit, dishonesty, insincerity

70 Captious ‫اسفدی‬ critical, faultfinding, caviling Accepting, approving, satisfied

‫ت‬ meat-eating, predatory, flesh- Herbivorous, vegetarian, non-
71 Carnivorous ‫وگسوخر‬ eating carnivorous
72 Censure ‫رکنا‬
‫ذمم ر‬ criticize, condemn, denounce Praise, commend, approve
73 Centenarian ‫سییی یننر‬ hundred-year-old, elderly, aged Young, youthful, adolescent

74 Cerebral ‫دامیغ‬ intellectual, brainy, cognitive Emotional, instinctive, visceral

75 Chaos ‫ےببریبیت‬ disorder, confusion, turmoil Order, organization, system

76 Charisma ‫رکہمش‬ charm, allure, magnetism Aversion, repulsion, dullness

77 Chicanery ‫اچالیک‬ deception, trickery, deceit Honesty, integrity, fairness

persistent, long-lasting,
78 Chronic ‫مریدار‬ recurrent Acute, temporary, transient

79 Cite ‫وحاہلدانی‬ quote, mention, reference Ignore, overlook, disregard

80 Climax ‫دنلبی‬ peak, pinnacle, culmination Nadir, low point, base

81 Clone ‫رکنا‬
‫ولکن ر‬ replicate, duplicate, copy Original, prototype, source

82 Cognate ‫رتمادف‬ related, akin, similar Unrelated, dissimilar, unrelated

PRC-1 BWCS Vocabulary
Incoherent, inconsistent,
83 Coherent ‫رموبط‬ logical, consistent, connected disconnected
‫ت‬ cooperation, teamwork,
84 Collaboration ‫اعمویر‬ partnership Conflict, rivalry, opposition
accompanying, parallel,
85 Collateral ‫وتمازی‬ secondary Primary, main, central
proportional, equivalent, Incommensurate, disproportionate,
86 Commensurate ‫ومازہن‬ comparable unequal
harmonious, congruent, Incompatible, incongruous,
87 Compatible ‫اطمتقب‬ agreeable conflicting

88 Compel ‫رکنا‬
‫وبجمر ر‬ force, coerce, oblige Persuade, convince, influence

89 Compendium ‫الخہص‬ summary, synopsis, abstract Expansion, detail, elaboration

90 Confiscate ‫رکنا‬
‫طبض ر‬ seize, expropriate, impound Return, release, restore
contradictory, opposing,
91 Conflicting ‫اضتمد‬ clashing Harmonious, agreeing, congruent
bewildered, confused,
92 Confounded ‫رپاشین‬ perplexed Clear, certain, understood

93 Connoisseur ‫امہر‬
‫ر‬ expert, aficionado, specialist Novice, amateur, dilettante

94 Contemporary ‫اعمرص‬ modern, current, present-day Ancient, outdated, past

association, alliance,
95 Consortium ‫ااحتد‬ partnership Disunity, separation, division

96 Constitutional ‫دوتسری‬ fundamental, legal, sanctioned Unconstitutional, illegal, illegitimate

97 Constrain ‫رکنا‬
‫وبجمر ر‬ compel, enforce, restrain Allow, free, liberate

98 Consummate ‫اہمردنمت‬ skilled, accomplished, proficient Incomplete, inept, amateurish

99 Contemporary ‫اعمرص‬ modern, current, present-day Ancient, outdated, past

100 Contempt ‫ریقحت‬ disdain, scorn, disrespect Admiration, respect, esteem

condescending, derisive,
101 Contemptuous ‫وتنیہآزیم‬ disdainful Respectful, admiring, reverent
Non-convention, dissolution,
102 Convention ‫االجس‬ meeting, assembly, congress prorogation
acquainted, knowledgeable,
103 Conversant ‫آاگہ‬ skilled Unacquainted, ignorant, unfamiliar

104 Converse ‫اخمتفل‬ antithesis, contrary, inverse Agree, conform, acquiesce

Improbable, unlikely,
105 Credible ‫ب‬
‫اقباامتعد‬ plausible, reasonable, reliable untrustworthy
106 Crucial ‫اہنیامہ‬ necessary, pivotal, urgent Superficial, indifferent, lenient
Triviality, insignificance,
107 Crux ‫لکشم‬ essence, gist, kernel superficiality

PRC-1 BWCS Vocabulary
108 Cubicle ‫ویکلکیب‬ chamber, booth, room Open space, hall, atrium
cooking, cuisine, culinary
109 Culinary ‫کلینیئرری‬ science Non-cooking, non-culinary

110 Culminate ‫ااتتخمی ردبر‬ conclude, terminate, end up Commence, begin, initiate
deficiency, shortage,
111 Dearth ‫یمک‬ inadequacy Abundance, surplus, plenitude
deficiency, imperfection,
112 Defalcation ‫یمک‬ insufficiency Payment, satisfaction, assets
appointment, charge,
113 Delegation ‫ودف‬ investiture Recall, supersede, dis-commission

114 Delusion ‫امگن‬ fantasy, hallucination, illusion Reality, truth, certainty

115 Demur ‫ارتعاض‬ hesitate, protest, resist Approve, consent, agree

Continuation, progress,
116 Demurrage ‫یلطعم‬ hesitation, delay advancement
117 Denounce ‫رکنا‬
‫ذمم ر‬ castigate, criticize, prosecute Applaud, uphold, praise

118 Deploy ‫رکنا‬

‫اامعتسل ر‬ utilize, use, extend Withdraw, withhold, retract
despondency, gloom,
119 Despair ‫تمہانکر‬ melancholy Hope, optimism, encouragement

120 Destiny ‫دقمر‬ consequence, fate, chance Choice, volition, free will

121 Destitute ‫رغیبر‬ impoverished, penniless, poor Wealthy, affluent, prosperous

‫ت‬ custody, incarceration,
122 Detention ‫رحاسر‬ apprehension Liberation, release, freedom

123 Detest ‫رکنا‬

‫رفنت ر‬ loathe, abominate, despise Like, adore, admire

124 Detonate ‫دامھہک‬ explode, burst, discharge Smolder, hang, puff

125 Devoid ‫اخیل‬ lacking, vacant, deficient Furnished, provided, supplied

grace, self-respect,
126 Dignity ‫شان‬ respectability Disgrace, shame, humiliation

127 Dilapidated ‫ہتسخاحل‬ crumbling, decaying, run-down Maintained, pristine, well-kept

128 Dilemma ‫الکشمت‬ impasse, predicament, difficulty Solution, resolution, escape

industrious, painstaking,
129 Diligent ‫یتنحم‬ attentive Lazy, slothful, indolent

130 Discrepancy ‫االتخف‬ difference, disparity, error Agreement, consistency, conformity

131 Disperse ‫الیھپنا‬

‫ ر‬،‫لیکشتدانی‬ scatter, disband, dissipate gather, collect, assemble

132 Distress ‫رجن‬،‫رپاشیین‬ affliction, agony, torment comfort, solace, relief

133 Dogma ‫دیقعت‬،‫دیقعہ‬ belief, principle, tenet doubt, skepticism, disbelief

PRC-1 BWCS Vocabulary
flexible, open-minded,
134 Dogmatic ‫ےباحلظ‬،‫ینمض‬،‫دیقعاہن‬ doctrinaire, rigid, authoritarian accommodating
wilderness, wasteland, uninhabited
135 Domain ‫رہشت‬،‫العہق‬ realm, territory, province land

136 Dormant ‫اخومش‬،‫وسناوہا‬ inactive, latent, quiescent active, awake, alert

137 Draconian ‫ےبرمح‬،‫تخس‬ severe, harsh, stringent lenient, gentle, merciful

‫ت‬ effectiveness, efficiency, inefficacy, ineffectiveness,
138 Efficacy ‫اکررگیر‬،‫وقت‬ potency impotence

139 Elevate ‫رکنا‬

‫اواچن ر‬،‫دنلبرکنا‬ raise, uplift, heighten lower, degrade, demote

140 Elicit ‫رکنا‬

‫رگتف ر‬،‫آامدہرکنا‬ evoke, extract, derive suppress, inhibit, repress

141 Elite ‫ایلعہقبط‬،‫ایلع‬ upper class, aristocracy, cream commoners, masses, proletariat

142 Eloquent ‫اعمین‬،‫حیصف‬ articulate, expressive, articulate inarticulate, ineloquent, tongue-tied

143 Elucidate ‫رکنا‬

‫رونش ر‬،‫واحضرکنا‬ clarify, illuminate, explicate obscure, confuse, complicate
renowned, prominent,
144 Eminent ‫امنناں‬،‫وہشمر‬ distinguished obscure, unknown, insignificant
experiential, observational, theoretical, hypothetical,
145 Empirical ‫اشمدہایت‬،‫رجتنبایت‬ practical speculative

146 Equivocal ‫مہبم‬،‫ااہبیم‬ ambiguous, vague, unclear clear, unambiguous, definite

spying, surveillance,
147 Espionage ‫ہیفخاکری‬،‫اجوسیس‬ intelligence gathering transparency, openness, honesty

148 Evade ‫اپھچنا‬

‫ ر‬،‫ناانل‬ avoid, dodge, elude confront, face, encounter

149 Exaggerate ‫رکنا‬

‫زنادہ ر‬،‫ابمہغلرکنا‬ embellish, inflate, overstate minimize, downplay, understate

150 Exasperate ‫ڑھگانک‬،‫ہصغدالنا‬ irritate, infuriate, provoke calm, soothe, pacify

‫ت‬ statement, rule, proposition,
151 Exception ‫ ببرناؤ‬،‫اانثتسء‬ omission, barring, debarment inclusion
insufficient, moderate, limited,
152 Excessive ‫قراواین‬،‫زنادیت‬ enormous, exaggerated restrained

153 Exodus ‫تکلیاا‬،‫خروج‬ departure, evacuation arrival, influx, entrance

154 Exploit ‫لمع‬،‫ہلضف‬ accomplishment, adventure failure, defeat, loss, disaster

155 Exquisite ‫دمعہ‬،‫ناناب‬ flawless, beautiful common, coarse, ordinary

156 Extinct ‫اغیبر‬،‫اخہمت‬ no extant, out extant, existing, alive

157 Extra-terrestrial ‫ایوجیتن‬،‫ریبویناضفیئ‬ astral, celestial, ethereal earthly, terrestrial, mundane

158 Feeble ‫رتمکنی‬،‫زمکور‬ fragile, frail strong, robust, powerful

159 Feign ‫دوعی ٰرکنا‬،‫انبوٹ‬ assume, bluff reveal, expose, disclose

160 Fiasco ‫وھباچن‬،‫تسکش‬ disaster, embarrassment success, triumph, victory

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161 Fidelity ‫اامیدناری‬،‫وافداری‬ devotion, loyalty treachery, disloyalty, betrayal
easygoing, undiscriminating, laid-
162 Finicky ‫زنادیتدجتیدی‬،‫وٹھکن‬ fussy, critical back
‫ت ت‬ clumsiness, inelegance,
163 Flair ‫ابلقر‬،‫ادعتساد‬ ability, elegance awkwardness

164 Foe ‫رحفی‬،‫دنمش‬ attacker, enemy ally, friend, supporter

‫ت ت‬
165 Folly ‫ ر‬،‫وہیبدیگ‬
‫امحق‬ absurdity, foolishness wisdom, prudence, sanity

166 Foremost ‫رسدار‬،‫اوج‬ chief, head last, bottom, least

167 Forsake (v) ‫برکرکنا‬،‫وھچڑدانی‬ forgo, quit embrace, adopt, welcome
168 Fortune ‫ ر‬،‫تمسق‬
‫دول‬ wealth, luck poverty, misfortune, adversity

169 Gadget ‫اوزار‬،‫آہل‬ appliance, contraption obstacle, hindrance, handicap

170 Generic ‫یسنج‬،‫اعم‬ universal, collective specific, particular, individual

171 Germane ‫لصتم‬،‫قلعتم‬ applicable, pertinent irrelevant, extraneous, unrelated

172 Glamour ‫وشیخ‬،‫اجدو‬ charm, charisma dullness, plainness, unattractiveness

173 Glib ‫اسفہن‬،‫حیصف‬ articulate, eloquent hesitant, halting, inarticulate

174 Gradual ‫وشیپاں‬،‫دتریجی‬ progressive, steady sudden, abrupt, immediate

175 Graphic ‫واحض‬،‫وصتبری‬ vivid, descriptive vague, unclear, indistinct

176 Habitat ‫طیحم‬،‫راہشئ‬ environment, territory barren, desolate, uninhabitable

177 Hazily ‫ددنھیلےس‬،‫ریغواحض‬ dimly, faintly clearly, distinctly, sharply

178 Hazy ‫ابغرےواال‬،‫ددنھال‬ dim, misty clear, sharp, distinct

179 Heroic ‫اہبدر‬،‫بخراٸتدنم‬ daring, gallant cowardly, timid, fearful

180 Heterogeneous ‫فلتخم‬،‫ریغمہلکش‬ diverse, varied homogeneous, similar, alike

181 Hindrance ‫امعن‬ barrier, drawback, handicap assistance, facilitation, support

182 Hoard (v) ‫احیفظرکنا‬ store, pile, mass waste, squander, dissipate
assumption, conjecture,
183 Hypothesis ‫قرہیض‬ explanation fact, reality, truth
debatable, imaginary,
184 Hypothetical ‫قریض‬ problematic actual, real, definite
‫ت‬ forthcoming, immediate,
185 Imminent ‫قر یبر‬ inevitable distant, remote, unlikely

186 Immunity ‫اعمیف‬ amnesty, charter, freedom liability, obligation, burden

187 Impeach ‫ازلامدانی‬ accuse, arraign, criticize acquit, absolve, vindicate

188 Implement ‫وہلیس‬ instrument, utensil, tool labor, work, science

PRC-1 BWCS Vocabulary
189 Impound ‫دیقرکنا‬ imprison, seize, cage release, free, liberate
fortified, impenetrable,
190 Impregnable ‫ن ب‬
‫ااقبدلخ‬ indestructible vulnerable, weak, penetrable

191 Imprudent ‫ےبرپوا‬ unwise, foolish, rash prudent, cautious, sensible

crippled, debilitated,
192 Incapacitated ‫ذعمور‬ handicapped able, capable, fit
193 Incessant ‫اگلنار‬ constant, continuous, perpetual periodic, occasional, interrupted
‫ت‬ incomprehensible, incongruous,
194 Incoherent ‫ریغرمیبر‬ jumbled coherent, connected, organized

195 Incredulous ‫یکش‬ doubtful, hesitant, quizzical convinced, confident, trusting

196 Indigenous ‫ایلص‬ domestic, endemic, homegrown foreign, imported, alien

197 Indigent ‫رغیبر‬ destitute, impoverished, needy wealthy, affluent, rich

interrogation, cross-
198 Inquisition ‫اوکنابری‬ examination, inquiry exoneration, vindication, clearance

199 Insanity ‫دویایگن‬ absurdity, alienation, craziness sanity, rationality, lucidity

200 Insipid ‫ےبمرا‬ bland, innocuous, trite tasty, flavorful, engaging

201 Institute ‫ادارہ‬ doctrine, fixture, habit disestablish, subvert, deprive

202 Integral ‫یلیمکت‬ built-in, constitutional, inherent partial, incomplete, fragmented

203 Intimate ‫دیل‬ confidential, cozy, loving distant, unfamiliar, superficial

204 Intrinsic ‫ایلص‬ elemental, innate, peculiar extrinsic, acquired, adventitious

205 Invaluable ‫ےبتمیق‬ helpful, valuable, costly worthless, trivial, cheap

206 Irk ‫زیباررکنا‬ annoy, bother, disturb interest, rivet, animate

207 Itinerary ‫ریساگہ‬ guidebook, journey, path detour, wandering, aimlessness

208 Jeopardize ‫رطخےںیمڈاانل‬ imperil, threaten, chance safeguard, protect, secure

209 Jettison ‫وھچڑدانی‬ abandon, discard, dump embrace, retain, keep

210 Keep in ‫ںیمروھک‬ retain, hold on to release, let go, discard

211 Latent ‫وپدیشہ‬ inherent, lurking, underlying visible, apparent, manifest

commendable, praiseworthy, condemnable, deplorable,
212 Laudable ‫ب‬
‫اقبرعتفی‬ deserving reprehensible

213 Lax ‫الرپوا‬ indifferent, lenient, negligent concise, coherent, strict

214 Lean ‫التپ‬ gaunt, lanky, slender bulky, stout, chubby

215 Leave ‫وھچڑدو‬ time off, depart, abandon stay, remain, continue
216 Legacy ‫ر‬
‫ورای‬ estate, gift, tradition novelty, innovation, departure

PRC-1 BWCS Vocabulary
217 Lethal ‫ذہرالی‬ dangerous, destructive, mortal invigorating, restorative, benign
communication, contact,
218 Liaison ‫راہطب‬ intermediary disconnection, isolation, detachment

219 Lineage ‫لسن‬ clan, descent, genealogy unrelated, distant, non-ancestral

figuratively, metaphorically,
220 Literally ‫رحفہبرحف‬ actually, directly, precisely symbolically

221 Lucid ‫واحض‬ clear, articulate, well-spoken obscure, unintelligible, confused

222 Lynch ‫لتقرکنا‬ mob, hang, murder acquit, pardon, absolve

altruistic, charitable,
223 Magnanimous ‫یخس‬ considerate mean, selfish, petty
‫ت ت‬
224 Makeshift ‫ومقلح‬ expedient, stopgap, substitute permanent, stable, durable

225 Manifold ‫دعتمد‬ assorted, complex, diversified single, uniform, solitary

226 Manipulate ‫اہھتےساکمرکنا‬ handle physically, change to suit preserve, maintain, leave unchanged

227 Manipulative ‫اچابلز‬ canny, considerate, devious honest, sincere, straightforward

exemplary, praiseworthy,
228 Meritorious ‫الہ‬ admirable unworthy, mediocre, reprehensible

229 Metamorphosis ‫دبتیلی‬ mutate, transmute, develop stasis, stagnation, preservation

230 Meticulous ‫دقیق‬ accurate, cautious, fastidious careless, sloppy, negligent

231 Mitigate ‫مکرکنا‬ alleviate, ease, lessen aggravate, worsen, intensify

privilege, exclusiveness,
232 Monopoly ‫ریمعتایت‬ preoccupancy competition, free-trade, partnership
immortality, eternal life,
233 Mortality ‫اناینرمگ‬ fatality, carnage, deadliness indestructibility

234 Mutation ‫دبتیلی‬ alteration, variation, deviation stability, constancy, stagnation

235 Myriad ‫ےبامشر‬ countless, infinite, multiple limited, few, finite

ignorant, simple,
236 Naïve ‫اسدہ‬ unsophisticated sophisticated, experienced, worldly
arrogance, self-absorption,
237 Narcissism ‫وخدرپیتس‬ egomania humility, modesty, selflessness

238 Native ‫اقمیم‬ aboriginal, innate, original foreign, alien, extraneous

239 Navigate ‫راہدانھکی‬ cruise, maneuver, sail misguide, get lost, stumble

240 Nebula ‫ابغرہ‬ galaxy, vapor, nimbus clarity, transparency, distinctness

241 Nebulous ‫ریغواعض‬ ambiguous, hazy, murky clear, evident, apparent

242 Negligent ‫الرپوا‬ careless, neglectful, inattentive diligent, attentive, careful

243 Nexus ‫راہطب‬ catena, chain, concatenation disconnection, separation, isolation

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244 Nimble ‫زیت‬ quick, agile, sprightly clumsy, sluggish, inert
‫ح‬ longing, sentimentality,
245 Nostalgia ‫یننر‬ wistfulness indifference, apathy, forgetfulness
246 Nostalgic ‫وسحمس یننر‬ regretful, sentimental, homesick indifferent, unsentimental, content
illustrious, noteworthy,
247 Notable ‫وہشمر‬ preeminent ordinary, obscure, insignificant

248 Nutshell ‫الخہص‬ incisive, pertinent, sharp lengthy, verbose, elaborate

249 Oasis ‫واہح‬ fountain, watering hole, haven desert, barren land, wasteland

250 Obligation ‫قرض‬ duty, necessity, commitment freedom, choice, exemption

251 Oblivious ‫ےبوخد‬ blind, unconcerned, unaware attentive, aware, conscious

252 Obscure ‫مہبم‬ ambiguous, cryptic, enigmatic clear, apparent, straightforward

253 Obsolete ‫رپانا‬ antique, ancient, obsolescent modern, current, up-to-date

254 Obviate ‫روانک‬ forestall, preclude, anticipate necessitate, require, mandate

255 Octogenarian ‫آھٹاسہل‬ geriatric, old, venerable young, youthful, juvenile

256 Onus ‫ذہمداری‬ culpability, duty, encumbrance freedom, innocence, exoneration

257 Opponent ‫اخمفل‬ challenger, competitor, enemy ally, supporter, collaborator

‫ت ت‬ auspicious, convenient,
258 Opportune ‫ومقر‬ felicitous inopportune, untimely, unfortunate

259 Opt ‫بختنمرکںی‬ choose, prefer, select reject, decline, refuse

260 Option ‫اایتخر‬ choice, opportunity, preference obligation, compulsion, necessity

Annual, Intermittent,
261 Orbital ‫رگدیش‬ Occasional, Recurrent Fixed, Permanent, Stationary
Ammunition, Armament, Arms,
262 Ordnance ‫ایھتہر‬ Munitions Disarmament, Peace, Surrender
Classy, Extravagant,
263 Ostentatious ‫داھکویٹ‬ Flamboyant, Garish Unostentatious, Modest, Plain
Atmospheric, Ceiling, Airless, Polluted, Contaminated,
264 Ozone ‫اوزون‬ Breathable Unbreathable
Insanity, Depression,
271 Paranoia ‫ووسہس‬ Derangement, Lunacy Sanity, Rationality, Soundness
Financial, Monetary, Economic, Nonfinancial, Nonmonetary,
272 Pecuniary ‫امایلیت‬ Commercial Noncommercial
Expulsion, Imprisonment,
279 Persecution ‫ملظ‬ Killing, Massacre Freedom, Liberation, Acceptance
Cynicism, Despair, Distrust,
281 Pessimism ‫ناادیمی‬ Gloom Optimism, Hope, Confidence

282 Pilfer (v) ‫رچانا‬ Swipe, Annex, Cop, Crib, Pinch Pillage, Ransack, Plunder

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Lection, Poll, Polling, Autocracy, Dictatorship,
283 Plebiscite ‫وعایمراےئ‬ Referendum Authoritarianism
Condition, Predicament,
285 Plight ‫تبیصم‬ Quandary, Trouble Advantage, Blessing, Benefit
Consider, Contemplate,
286 Ponder ‫وغررکنا‬ Deliberate, Evaluate Disregard, Ignore, Neglect
Circumstance, Dilemma,
287 Predicament ‫تبیصم‬ Hardship, Impasse Solution, Resolution, Success
Acquire, Anticipate, Arrogate,
288 Pre-empt ‫ےلہپیہاکمرکنا‬ Assume, Commandeer Hesitate, Postpone, Delay
Foreboding, Hunch, Omen,
289 Premonition ‫وگشیپیئ‬ Portent, Apprehension Certainty, Assurance, Confidence
Common, Commonplace, New,
290 Prevalent ‫وموجدہ‬ Normal, Popular, Rife Uncommon, Rare, Unpopular

291 Prohibit ‫ونممعرکنا‬ forbid, freeze, halt authorize, consent to, tolerate
generation, propagation,
292 Proliferation ‫ازفاشئ‬ reproduction non-proliferation, control, restraint

293 Prolific ‫واقر‬

‫زنادہ ر‬ abundant, copious, fertile barren, infertile, sterile

294 Promulgate ‫االطعدانی‬ declare, publish, decree suppress, conceal, stifle

295 Prone ‫رحنمف‬ inclined, disposed, susceptible disinclined, unapt, averse

296 Propensity ‫راحجن‬ inclination, tendency, penchant aversion, disinclination, reluctance

297 Protracted ‫دراز‬ lengthy, prolonged, extended brief, short, concise

298 Puerile ‫وچبںیکرطح‬ childish, immature, juvenile mature, adult, grown-up

299 Pundit ‫امہر‬ expert, scholar, intellectual novice, amateur, no expert

300 Purge ‫افصیئ‬ cleanse, clear, eliminate contaminate, pollute, taint

widespread, prevalent,
301 Rampant ‫قراوان‬ unchecked restrained, controlled, limited

302 Reckless ‫ےبرپوا‬ careless, heedless, rash cautious, careful, prudent

303 Rectify ‫درسرکنا‬ correct, amend, fix worsen, exacerbate, distort
salvation, deliverance, condemnation, damnation,
304 Redemption ‫اجنت‬ absolution punishment
unnecessary, superfluous,
305 Redundant ‫زنادہ‬ surplus essential, necessary, required

306 Refurbish ‫ےئناسیجانبنا‬ renovate, revamp, restore damage, destroy, ruin

relentless, unyielding,
307 Relentless ‫ےبدرغی‬ persistent lenient, merciful, compassionate

308 Remedy ‫العج‬ cure, solution, treatment problem, ailment, affliction

309 Render ‫شیپرکنا‬ deliver, present, provide withhold, keep, retain

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PRC-1 BWCS Vocabulary
meeting, appointment,
310 Rendezvous ‫الماقت‬ encounter cancellation, avoidance, absence
311 Renounce ‫برکرکنا‬ Deny, Disavow, Relinquish Acknowledge, Claim, Maintain
Reconstruction, Recovery,
312 Repatriate ‫ونطوایسپ‬ Rehabilitation Expatriate

313 Replicate ‫لقن‬ Clone, Copy, Imitation Original, Real

314 Repugnance ‫نادنسپیدیگ‬ Abhorrence, Disgust, Dislike Delight, Liking

315 Rescinded ‫وسنمخرکنا‬ Abolish, Annul, Invalidate Perpetuate, Enforce, Maintain

316 Rescue ‫اچبؤ‬ Delivery, Recovery, Relief Endanger, Jeopardize, Abandon

317 Residue ‫نبایق‬ Debris, Silt, Garbage Good Fortune, Success

318 Resilient ‫وبضمط‬ Strong, Tough, Volatile Vulnerable, Fragile, Inflexible

319 Resolve ‫زعم‬ Purpose, Settle, Decide Combine, Indecision

320 Retort ‫وجاب‬ Reply, Respond, Snap Back Neutral, Refuse, Accept

321 Retrieval ‫نبازنایب‬ Rebirth, Recuperation, Renewal Destruction, Worsening

322 Revamp ‫انبنا‬

‫رتہب ر‬ Overhaul, Refurbish, Restore Broken, Damaged, Destroyed

323 Revoke ‫وسنمخرکنا‬ Annul, Deny, Invalidate Sanction, Enforce, Renew

Collapse, Destruction,
324 Ruin ‫ابتیہ‬ Extinction Success, Salvation, Construction

325 Rustic ‫داہییت‬ Meek, Modest, Self-doubting Fancy, Elaborate

326 Sadden ‫اوسفس‬ Discourage, Dishearten, Grieve Anticipated, Progressive, Gradual

327 Sagacious ‫وہایشر‬ Apt, Astute, Clever Dull, Obtuse, Unintelligent

328 Sage ‫دانا‬

‫ر‬ Enlightened, Knowing, Smart Fool, Blockhead, Imbecile

329 Sanctuary ‫دقمسہگج‬ Altar, Shrine, Temple Betrayal, Extradition, Violation

330 Satire ‫زنط‬ Irony, Mockery, Sarcasm Eulogy, Panegyric

331 Scarce ‫مک‬ Rare, Uncommon, Infrequent Common, Abundant, Plentiful

332 Sceptic ‫یکش‬ Critic, Dissenter, Nonbeliever Believer

333 Scintillating ‫ےتکمچوہےئ‬ Dazzling, Exciting, Lively Dull, Boring, Matte

334 Sedimentation ‫زرزیخ‬ Powder, Trash, Waste Elutriate, Filtrate, Lixiviate

335 Segment ‫ہصح‬ Division, Portion, Slice Whole, Totality, Integrity

336 Shrewd ‫وہایشر‬ Keen, Sensible, Ingenious Stupid, Dull, Unintelligent

337 Shrink ‫وہنا‬

‫وھچنا ر‬ Decrease, Dwindle, Reduce Stretch, Expand, Venture

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PRC-1 BWCS Vocabulary
338 Siphon ‫یکلن‬ Drain, Funnel, Draw Unsettled, Disarranged, Soft

339 Sleazy ‫دنگہ‬ Sordid, Trashy, Broken-down Reputable, Principled

340 Solvent ‫لحنک‬ Aqueous, Dissolvable, Liquid Insolvent

341 Spineless ‫زمکور‬ Feeble, Frightened, Impotent Strong-willed, Bold, Brave

342 Splendid ‫شادنار‬ Bright, Elegant, Impressive Tarnished, Depressing, Dim

343 Spurious ‫یلعج‬ Bogus, Phony, Apocryphal Genuine, Authentic, Veritable

344 Stable ‫مکحتسم‬ Coop, Durable, Fast Weak, Transient, Inconstant

345 Stagnant ‫دمدوم‬ Idle, Lifeless, Sluggish Lively, Agitated, Effervescent

346 Stalemate ‫ےبلح‬ Delay, Impasse, Standstill Progress, Resolution, Solution

347 Stimulate ‫بب ر‬

‫راھنا‬ Encourage, Prompt, Spark Deter, Prevent, Dissuade

348 Stipulation ‫رشط‬ Clause, Obligation, Qualification Refuse, Decline, Disagree

349 Stultify ‫ےبینعم‬ Mock, Smother, Suffocate Excite

350 Subsequently ‫دعبںیم‬ Afterwards, Later, Consequently Previously

351 Substantiate ‫ن بای ار‬
‫رکن‬ Confirm, Verify, Validate Disprove, Invalidate, Contradict

352 Succulent ‫رسوخار‬ Juicy, Luscious, Tasty Dry, Tough, Tasteless

353 Succumb ‫تسکشدانی‬ Yield, Submit, Surrender Resist, Overcome, Prevail

Voting, Franchise, Disenfranchisement, Disapproval,
354 Suffrage ‫ووٹ‬ Enfranchisement Repudiation
Excessive, Redundant,
355 Superfluous ‫زنادہ‬ Unnecessary Essential, Necessary, Required

356 Supersede ‫ےئنوکد انبانیل‬ Replace, Override, Displace Retain, Preserve, Maintain

357 Surge ‫ااھٹو‬ Increase, Rise, Swell Decrease, Decline, Ebb

358 Sustain ‫داھریت‬ Maintain, Support, Preserve Undermine, Weaken, Deteriorate

359 Swallow ‫تگلیاا‬ Ingest, Consume, Devour Regurgitate, Vomit, Reject

Perspiration, Sweatiness,
360 Sweat ‫ہنیسپ‬ Exertion Dryness, Comfort, Relaxation

361 Swift ‫زیت‬ Fast, Quick, Rapid Slow, Sluggish, Leisurely

362 Syndrome ‫رمض‬ Disorder, Condition, Affliction Health, Normalcy, Wellness

363 Synopsis ‫الخہص‬ Summary, Overview, Recap Elaboration, Detail, Expansion

364 Tangle ‫انھجل‬ Entanglement, Confusion, Snarl Order, Clarity, Organization

365 Tedious ‫یتنحم‬ Boring, Monotonous, Tiresome Interesting, Engaging, Stimulating

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PRC-1 BWCS Vocabulary
‫ت‬ Persistence, Determination,
366 Tenacity ‫ااقتسمر‬ Perseverance Weakness, Indecision, Surrender
‫ت‬ Religious Rule, Ecclesiastical Secularism, Democracy, Secular
367 Theocracy ‫دینیوکحمر‬ Government Government

368 Torso ‫نباالدھنچہ‬ Trunk, Body, Chest Limbs, Extremities, Appendages

369 Tortuous ‫دیچیپہ‬ Twisting, Winding, Complicated Straightforward, Direct, Simple

370 Toxin ‫زہر‬ Poison, Venom, Toxins Antidote, Remedy, Cure

371 Transcript ‫لقن‬ Copy, Record, Duplicate Original, Source, Authenticity

372 Trigger ‫وگیلاکنٹب‬ Stimulus, Prompt, Incite Suppress, Inhibit, Prevent

373 Tycoon ‫رسدار‬ Magnate, Mogul, Baron Peasant, Commoner, Laborer

Supersonic, High-frequency,
374 Ultrasonic ‫ااہتنیئوصیت‬ Sonic Subsonic, Low-frequency, Silent

375 Uncanny ‫اوناھک‬ Mysterious, Strange, Peculiar Ordinary, Typical, Predictable

376 Undermine ‫لیلحت‬ Weaken, Sabotage, Subvert Strengthen, Bolster, Support

377 Urban ‫رہشی‬ Metropolitan, City, Civic Rural, Countryside, Rustic

Dizziness, Lightheadedness,
378 Vertigo ‫رکچ‬ Giddiness Stability, Balance, Composure

379 Viable ‫ب‬

‫اقبر‬ Feasible, Practical, Workable Impractical, Infeasible, Unviable
Alertness, Watchfulness, Negligence, Carelessness,
380 Vigilance ‫وہایشری‬ Awareness Inattention

381 Vigilant ‫وہایشر‬ Alert, Watchful, Observant Careless, Inattentive, Negligent

382 Vintage ‫دقمی‬ Classic, Antique, Old Modern, Contemporary, New

383 Vitriolic ‫ڑچھکی‬ Bitter, Scathing, Acerbic Sweet, Pleasant, Kindly

384 Voyage ‫رفس‬ Journey, Trip, Expedition Arrival, Return, Stay

‫ت‬ Guarantee, Assurance,
385 Warranty ‫امضیر‬ Warranty Uncertainty, Risk, Ambiguity

386 Weigh ‫وزنرکنا‬ Measure, Assess, Evaluate Ignore, Disregard, Neglect

387 Yearn ‫وخاشہ‬ Long, Pine, Crave Detest, Abhor, Despise

Passionate, Enthusiastic,
388 Zealous ‫جنبایت‬
‫بد‬ Fervent Apathetic, Indifferent,

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