Nearpeer Vocabulary 2023-1
Nearpeer Vocabulary 2023-1
Nearpeer Vocabulary 2023-1
Pictorial Sentence
WORDS Synonyms Antonyms
1 Admonish reprimand, allow, compliment "If you don't do what
rebuke, scold, flatter, laud the doctor says, you'll
warn or reprove, upbraid, permit, praise have to go to the
reprimand chastise, chide, applaud, approve hospital", the mother
someone firmly censure, castigate, commend, extol admonished her
lambast, berate, severely.
reproach, criticize
2 Arbitration adjudication, conflict, discord, The union finally agreed
mediation, disagreement to go to arbitration as a
reach an negotiation, confrontation way of ending the strike.
authoritative conciliation, hostility
judgement or intervention, opposition, dispute
settlement interceding, dissension, strife
interposition, contestation
3 Articulate expressive, inarticulate, He, because he was not
understandable, hesitant, mumbled, very articulate, did not
having or assertive, clear, misrepresented, at first think it
showing the eloquent, fluent, unclear, rambling, worthwhile to contradict
ability to speak communicative, disagreement, her ideas.
fluently and effective, lucid, incoherent,
coherently persuasive, vocal, unintelligible
coherent, poised
4 Ascetic austere, rigorous, Indulgent, Living hidden away in
self-denying hedonistic, the mountains suited his
a person who abstinent, solitary, luxurious, self- ascetic character.
follows an ascetic abstemious, indulgent, lavish,
life non-indulgent, extravagant,
self-disciplined, decadent, sensual
frugal, hermitic
15 Bequeath entrust, transfer disinherit, borrow, She had not been able to
Hand down, convey withhold, retain, bequeath him all her
Leave (property) grant, bestow, pass keep, take, deny, mind, still less the
to a person or on, endow, devolve dispossess, deprive brilliance of it; but she
other beneficiary legate, transfer keep possession, had left him with a
by a will. ownership, hand hold onto, calmness and a poise.
over assign, vest, keep back
leave behind
38 Excavate dig, dig out, bury, fill level, Al-Zahra became the
scoop out, conceal, nucleus of a royal
Make (a hole or gouge, cut out inter, inhume suburb whose remains,
channel) by bore, burrow, partly excavated in and
digging. tunnel, shovel after 1910, can still be
39 Eccentric odd, conservative, "May be some eccentric
unconventional, conformist, millionaire is playing
Unconventional unusual, peculiar, straight, games with people," she
and slightly strange, weird, predictable, said.
strange. bizarre, arcane orthodox,
245 Forfeit damages, fine, premium, bribe, If you cancel now I'm
forfeiture, mulct, douceur, afraid you forfeit your
lose or be penalty, penance, remuneration, deposit.
deprived of damages, compensation
as a penalty for confiscation, loss,
wrongdoing. sequestration
246 Fragile breakable, delicate, infrangible, non- The old lady was
frail, frangible breakable, strong, increasingly fragile
easily broken or flimsy, weak sturdy, tough, after her operation.
damaged. frail , insubstantial unbreakable
delicate, dainty
247 Flimsy cobwebby, Sturdy, substantial, The flimsy structure of
filmy, frothy, robust, strong, the vehicle could not
insubstantial and gauzy, gossamer, sturdy. withstand even mild
easily damaged. insubstantial, impacts.
248 Grudge Grievance, Peaceful, He bears a grudge
Resentment, forgiving, against me because I
a persistent Bitterness, forbearing, calm, took his place in the
feeling of ill will Rancour, good-tempered, office.
or resentment Pique, umbrage, unresentful.
resulting Displeasure,
from a past insult Dissatisfaction,
or injury disgruntlement
249 Gratis complimentary, Expensive, costly, He gave me two Cup
costless, free, dear, pricey. Final tickets free,
Without charge; gratuitous, unpaid, gratis and for nothing.
free. charge less
cost-free, freebie
toll-free, for love
250 Gorge Ravine, canyon, abnegate, pass, A deep gorge separates
gully, pass, defile, shun, cease, the two halves of the
a narrow valley couloir, deep eschew, forbear city.
between hills or narrow valley,
mountains chasm, abyss, gulf,
chine, bunny,
251 Gale agony, blaze, burst, Calm, tranquillity, The house crumpled up
eruption, spasm, subsidence, in the gale.
a very strong explosion, flash, restraint,
wind. flush, gush, gust, composure, zephyr.
paroxysm, storm
252 Gravest burial, heavy, light, unserious But the gravest threat
serious, weighty to health is posed by
serious or solemn the total collapse of the
in manner or economy.
253 Hazy beclouded, clear, cloudless, The mountains were
befogged, limpid, pellucid, hazy in the distance.
made dim or clouded, cloudy, unclouded
cloudy by or as if foggy, gauzy,
by fine dust, misty, murky,
smoke, or light smoggy, soupy
vapour in the air
254 Hallowed revered, reverend, abominable, The table he sat before
sacred, cursed, impure, was as hallowed as any
made holy; venerable, polluted, secular, altar.
consecrated. venerated un-consecrated
255 Hamlet Bourg, town let, city, country, It was easy to believe
villa, village, downtown that the tiny hamlet
a small whistle-stop held some great
settlement, mystery.
smaller than a
256 Indomitable bulletproof, super able, Through such
impregnable, surmountable, indomitable thinking,
impossible to insuperable, vulnerable the Chinese claim they
subdue or defeat insurmountable, have found a cure for
invincible, deaf.
257 Intimately bosom, buddy- distant, enemy, foe The cafe has an
buddy, chummy, intimate but buzzy
in a private and close, especial, atmosphere.
personal way. familiar, friendly,
258 Impatient agog, antsy, apathetic, The big clubs are
anxious, ardent, indifferent, becoming increasingly
having or athirst, avid, crazy, un-eager, impatient at the rate of
showing a desirous, eager, unenthusiastic progress.
tendency enthused,
to be quickly enthusiastic,
irritated or excited
259 Inflict Impose, remove, disburden They inflicted serious
Force, injuries on three other
cause (something Press, men.
unpleasant or Thrust,
painful) to be Foist,
suffered by Burden
someone or
260 Incarnation embodiment disembodiment, This film is the latest
personification, spiritualization, incarnation of a fairy
a person who exemplification abstraction tale that dates back to
embodies in the type, epitome, the Middle Ages.
flesh a deity, manifestation
spirit, or quality. bodily form, avatar
261 Inclusive compendious, Exclusive, The monthly rent is $
complete, excepted, 20 inclusive of
including all the comprehensive, denunciative, everything.
services or items cover-all, adversative.
normally exhaustive, full,
expected or global, in-depth,
required. omnibus
262 Invigorate excite, exhilarate, bad, baneful, The tactic could well
fortify, stimulate, deadly, deleterious, help invigorate a
making one feel refresh, energize, destructive, struggling campaign.
strong, healthy, enliven, quicken, detrimental, evil,
and full of animate, rejuvenate foul, harmful,
energy. hurtful, injurious
263 Latent Dormant, visible, apparent, Without training, his
Quiescent, manifest, musical talent
(of a quality or inactive, untapped conspicuous, remained latent.
state) existing but unused, exposed,
not yet developed undiscovered unconcealed,
or manifest; hidden, unrevealed attentive,
hidden or unexpressed, developed
concealed. concealed
264 Legacy bequest, Disinherit, disable. He received a large
birth right, legacy from his uncle.
an amount of heritage,
money or inheritance,
property left to patrimony
someone in a
265 Legislature legislative disassembly After furious debate,
assembly, the legislature
a governing body legislative body, defeated the bill.
that makes laws general assembly,
and can law-makers,
also amend or assembly,
repeal them chamber, senate,
266 Legitimate legal, lawful, licit illegal, illegitimate, The army must give
legalized, illicit, lawless, power back to the
conforming to the authorized, unlawful, wrongful legitimate government.
law or to rules. permitted
allowable, allowed,
267 Mediate Conciliation, provoke, terminal, He mediated in the
arbitration, unmediated, direct, quarrel between the
intervene in a Reconciliation, immediate two boys.
dispute in order Intervention,
to bring about an Intercession,
agreement or Interposition,
reconciliation. good offices,
268 Meticulous careful, Careless, negligent, He's always
conscientious, slack, slovenly, meticulous in keeping
showing great fussy, loving, uncircumspect, the records up to date.
attention to detail; painstaking, undemanding,
very careful and scrupulous undetailed,
precise unmindful
269 Manacles band, bind, unbind, unfetter, The soldiers were
bond, unshackle already putting
one of two metal bracelet, chain, manacles around
bands joined by a fetter, irons, Rachel's wrists.
chain, for ligature,
fastening a shackle
person's hands or
270 Nepotism bias , partiality fairness, He was guilty of
partisanship, impartiality, nepotism and
the practice prejudice neutrality, corruption.
among those with preference, objectivity, open-
power or unfairness mindedness,
influence discrimination unbiasedness
of favouring inequity
relatives or
especially by
giving them jobs.
271 Oppression suppression, bliss, blissfulness, The people reacted
subjection, ecstasy, elatedness, against the oppression
prolonged cruel subjugation, elation, euphoria, of the government by
or unjust enslavement, exhilaration, holding a
treatment or exploitation, exuberance, demonstration.
exercise of cruelty, exultation, felicity,
authority. ruthlessness, gladness
harshness, brutality
272 Paltry cheap, admirable, She made some paltry
contemptible, commendable, excuse and left.
very small or cruddy, deplorable, creditable,
meagre despicable, dirty, laudable,
grubby, lame, meritorious,
lousy, mean, nasty, praiseworthy
pitiable, pitiful
273 Peril danger, Security, safety, The refugees were in
hazard, certainty. peril of death from
serious and imminence, hunger.
immediate menace,
danger. pitfall, risk,
threat, trouble
274 Prolixity long-windedness, conciseness, It will probably make
pleonasm, briefness, misunderstanding, and
unduly prolonged verbiage, condensation, make the version
or drawn out wordiness, crispness, prolixity.
diffusion, concision,
redundancy, directness
275 Persuasion coaxing, ineffective, We hope your
persuading, disinterest persuasion will wear
convincing others coercion, down his opposition.
to change their inducement,
point of view convincing,
urging, prompting
276 Pernicious adverse, bad, anodyne, benign, Pollution of the water
baleful, baneful, harmless, innocent, supply reached a level
having a harmful damaging, innocuous, pernicious to the
effect, dangerous, inoffensive, safe health of the
especially in a deleterious, population.
gradual or subtle detrimental,
way. evil
277 Pilgrimage journey, jaunt, stay, rest, They set out for a
peregrinate, abide pilgrimage to Rome.
a journey of a tour, travel,
pilgrim trek, trip,
especially: one to voyage
a shrine or a
sacred place.
278 Pledge promise, break, disagree The meeting ended
undertaking disavow, disobey with a pledge to step
a solemn promise vow, word, word falsify, reject up cooperation
or undertaking. of honour between the six states
commitment, of the region.
oat, covenant
bond, agreement
279 Ravine canyon Flat, plain, hill, In some cases the
couloir, defile, mount, ravine could well be
a deep, narrow flume, gap, gill, prominence, shown as virtually
gorge with steep gorge, gulch, gulf, munch, mound, bottomless.
sides. Linn , notch, pass, altitude.
280 Reconciliation knitting, reunion, alienation, They aimed to secure a
conciliation, estrangement, lasting reconciliation
the restoration of reconcilement, rivalry, split, between the two
friendly relations pacification, parting, countries.
appeasement disaffection,
placating, division,
propitiation, disagreement
281 Revelation disclosure, Concealing, His performance in the
divulgence, veiling, shrouding, race today was a
an act of exposure, keeping back. revelation to everyone.
revealing or declaration,
communicating utterance,
divine truth announcement
report, news,
leak, avowal
282 Reckon Calculate, count, Miscalculate, She doesn't know how
regard, estimate, misestimate, and to reckon with this
establish by value, account, misreckon. problem.
calculation. consider, argue,
infer, judge.