Nearpeer Vocabulary 2023-1

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Pictorial Sentence
WORDS Synonyms Antonyms
1 Admonish reprimand, allow, compliment "If you don't do what
rebuke, scold, flatter, laud the doctor says, you'll
warn or reprove, upbraid, permit, praise have to go to the
reprimand chastise, chide, applaud, approve hospital", the mother
someone firmly censure, castigate, commend, extol admonished her
lambast, berate, severely.
reproach, criticize
2 Arbitration adjudication, conflict, discord, The union finally agreed
mediation, disagreement to go to arbitration as a
reach an negotiation, confrontation way of ending the strike.
authoritative conciliation, hostility
judgement or intervention, opposition, dispute
settlement interceding, dissension, strife
interposition, contestation
3 Articulate expressive, inarticulate, He, because he was not
understandable, hesitant, mumbled, very articulate, did not
having or assertive, clear, misrepresented, at first think it
showing the eloquent, fluent, unclear, rambling, worthwhile to contradict
ability to speak communicative, disagreement, her ideas.
fluently and effective, lucid, incoherent,
coherently persuasive, vocal, unintelligible
coherent, poised
4 Ascetic austere, rigorous, Indulgent, Living hidden away in
self-denying hedonistic, the mountains suited his
a person who abstinent, solitary, luxurious, self- ascetic character.
follows an ascetic abstemious, indulgent, lavish,
life non-indulgent, extravagant,
self-disciplined, decadent, sensual
frugal, hermitic

5 Attached to ascribed, assigned, detached, apart, He examined it with the

conferred, joined, separate, removed, air of a connoisseur and
joined, fastened, awarded, fastened, separated, aloof, studied the price label
or connected to accorded, isolated, attached to it.
something bestowed, disengaged,
6 Appalling dreadful, abysmal, delightful, An appalling number of
inexcusable, pleasing, women died from the
Causing shock or horrifying, brilliant, disease.
dismay; horrific. shocking, terrible, magnificent,
disgusting, awful, superb, fantastic,
outrageous, marvellous
7 Astounded speechless, aghast, unimpressed, Mr. Hubert, the simple
horrified, wordless, indifferent, bored, 'countryman looked at
Shock or greatly staggered, unsurprised, the Mayor astounded
surprise. appalling, expected, normal, and already terrified by
astonished, anticipated, the suspicion resting on
surprised, amazed, unstartled him.
8 Apparently seemingly, actually, The route lay across an
speciously, really, truly, apparently trackless
As far as one ostensibly, essentially, in desert.
knows or can see. outwardly, point of fact

9 Auspicious Propitious, lucky, Unpropitious, Mehrunnisa, was put in

encouraging, unfavourable, seclusion in a separate
Conducive to satisfactory, discouraging, room till the auspicious
success; successful, unsatisfactory, day.
favourable. promising, inauspicious,
golden, fortunate, unpromising,
opportune, abortive, hopeless.
10 Anxieties Suspicions, calmness, serenity, Grayson was excused
disquiets, fears, quietness, stillness, lessons; for a whole day
A feeling of agitation, peace, tranquillity, the School centred
worry, restlessness, composure emotionally upon his
nervousness, or nervousness, anxieties.
unease about worries,
something with concerns,
an uncertain apprehensions,
outcome. doubts, qualms,
11 Attenuate weaken, reduce strengthen, So he arrived at the
lessen, decrease, enhance, mark up, method of attenuating
Reduce the force, diminish, impaired, upgrade, aid, germs, i.e., of
effect, or value enervate, dissipate, amplify, extend, cultivating them so that
of. enfeeble, shrink assist, enable, they were weakened,
extenuate, mitigate, enlarge , expand

12 Barbarian savage, calm, mild, Big Hall was full of

uncivilized, moderate, refined lusty barbarians ready
Insulting word barbarous, sophisticated, to pounce on him as
for a person from primitive, wild, civilized, polite, their legitimate prey.
an uncivilized brutish, vulgar cultured, educated
culture or a thuggish, loutish, humane
person with no uncouth, coarse,
13 Batter thrash, smack, aid, fix, repair, He battered his head
beat up, abuse guard, protect, against the stone wall.
Strike repeatedly hit, strike, beat, decorate, defend,
with hard blows. assault, attack, mend, compliment,
thump, lash, bash, assist, preserve,
knock about, ruin fortify, shield

14 Beguile charm, attract, unmask, The teacher used to

captivate, bewitch, uncover, reject, beguile her pupils with
Charm or enchant spellbind, deceive, show up, uncloak, fairy tales.
(someone), often dazzle, hypnotize, dissuade, divulge,
in a deceptive mesmerize, allure, annoy, displease
way. seduce, tempt

15 Bequeath entrust, transfer disinherit, borrow, She had not been able to
Hand down, convey withhold, retain, bequeath him all her
Leave (property) grant, bestow, pass keep, take, deny, mind, still less the
to a person or on, endow, devolve dispossess, deprive brilliance of it; but she
other beneficiary legate, transfer keep possession, had left him with a
by a will. ownership, hand hold onto, calmness and a poise.
over assign, vest, keep back
leave behind

16 Blaze fire, conflagration, Douse, extinguish He nearly answered;

holocaust, flames, snuff out, turn off, "You can go to blazes
A very large or firestorm, outburst, depress, pale, for all I care. My wife is
fiercely burning burst, eruption, darken, smother, dead and my child is
fire. flare-up, explosion subdue dead, and I wish I were
outbreak, blast, dead myself."
17 Bloom flower, decay, decadence, The poet says that one
blossom coarseness, blight, should not miss any
A flower, floweret, blast, harshness, chance of enjoying the
especially one flowering roughness bloom of the 'loveliest
cultivated for its blossoming, of trees', the cherry, in
beauty. florescence the woods in all seasons.

18 Bewilderment confusion, order, clarity, But - "Chips began, in

incomprehension stability, calm, sheer bewilderment;
A feeling of bafflement, harmony, and then he took up
being perplexed puzzlement, peace, tranquillity, isolated words out of
and confused. perplexity, panic, lawfulness that
disorientation extraordinary

19 Briskly energetically, slowly, leisurely, So, while others were

quickly, rapidly, unhurriedly, walking briskly to keep
In an active, fast, smartly, sluggishly, warm, he was ambling
quick, or hurriedly, deliberately, along obviously
energetic way. vigorously, gently, at a enjoying his promenade.
efficiently snail's pace
20 Chivalry Knighthood, Rudeness, He had a vague notion,
courtly manners, boorishness, if he ever formulated it,
The medieval knightliness, cowardice, that nice women were
knightly system courtliness, discourteousness, weak, timid, and
with its religious, nobility, disrespect, delicate, and that nice
moral, and social magnanimity. impertinence, men treated them with a
code. bravery, courage, impudence
polite but rather distant
boldness, valour,
21 Connoisseur adept, authority, apprentice, He examined it with the
expert, maestro, beginner, layman, air of a connoisseur and
An expert judge master, neophyte, novice studied the price label
in matters of past master, dabbler, dilettante attached to it.
taste. scholar, virtuoso nonprofessional
critic, reviewer
22 Confront challenge, oppose, avoid, evade, When confronting the
antagonize, circumvent, enigma of the Chinese
Come face to face provoke, sidestep, planet, too many
with (someone) threaten, defy, elude, escape, Westerners have
with hostile or encounter, face, eschew, ignore, forgotten the Asiatic
argumentative deal with, oppose, cower, surrender background and painful
intent. come up against
colonial history.

23 Compelled bound, obliged, free, unrestricted, As a matter of fact, no

forced, obligated, uninhibited, boy ought to be
Force or oblige duty, bound, uncontrolled, compelled to earn his
(someone) to do required, coerced, spontaneous entire way through
something. forced, induced, college if it can in any
constrained way be avoided.

24 Captivating alluring, appealing, boring, irksome, The beauty of nature,

attractive, engaging tedious, tiresome, especially of cherry is
Capable of bewitching, wearisome, captivating.
attracting and charismatic, abhorrent,
holding interest; charming, abominable,
charming. elfin, enchanting, appalling, awful,
entrancing distasteful
25 Coast seaboard, coastal interior, back land, Sea foods were
region, coastline, middle, inland, generally available only
The part of the seashore, shore, centre along the coast, fish and
land adjoining or shoreline, seaside, shell-fish could be eaten
near the sea. beach, sands, soon after they were
foreshore, littoral caught.
26 Catastrophic calamitous, auspicious, bright, Towards the close of
cataclysmal, encouraging, that catastrophic July,
Involving or damning, fair, golden, Chatteris talked to Chips
causing sudden destructive, heartening, one afternoon at Mrs.
great damage or disastrous, fatal, hopeful, optimistic, Wickett's.
suffering. fateful, ruinous, promising
27 Cord string, thread, disconnection, He wound the cord
lace, strap, separation, around a wheel.
Thin, flexible rope, wire, disconnect,
string or rope ribbon, disengagement,
made from cable, tape detachment,
several twisted tie, ligature disunion, parting,
strands. division
28 Despised abhorred, beloved, cherished, The School said; he was
abominated, darling, an old man; they might
Feel contempt or detested, dear, fair-haired, have despised anyone
a deep disdained, favoured, else for the weakness.
repugnance for. disfavoured, favourite, fond,
disliked, execrated, loved, pet,
hated, loathed precious, special
29 Dainty delicate, coarse, unpleasant, Seeing those dainty
demanding, ugly, unrefined, feet, Maulvi Abul burst
Delicately small exacting, unsophisticated, into tears like a child.
and pretty. fastidious, harsh, horrible
finical, finicky,
30 Delegate representative, Deny, ignore He continued, "A
envoy, emissary, refuse, reject congress of delegates to
A person sent or commissioner, retract, keep represent the real,
authorized to agent, deputy, hold, retain free Turkey should be
represent others. commissary, called as quickly as
spokesperson, possible."
31 Deuce combination, Unyoke, outspan, His opponent, Mr Jones
couple detach, deaden, de- wins each of his three
The two on dice duo, match, energize. games off the first
or playing cards. team, brace, advantage from deuce.
combo, doublet,
duality, dyad
32 Diffident shy, bashful Reassured, No longer did he have
modest, self- overconfident, those slight and
Modest or shy effacing confident, self- occasional disciplinary
because of a lack unassuming, confident, troubles, or feel
of self- humble, meek, self-assured, diffident about his own
confidence. unconfident assured, work and worth.
unassertive, cocksure,
timid, timorous unreserved.
33 Diligent industrious, careless, Their lawyer was
assiduous, disinterested extremely diligent in
Having or conscientious, idle, ignorant, preparing their case.
showing care and particular, inactive,
conscientiousness punctilious inattentive, lazy
in one's work or meticulous, neglectful,
duties. painstaking thoughtless, tired
rigorous, exacting
34 Dunce dotard, duffer, half- genius, brain We were considered
wit, stupid, idiot, prodigy, such dunces that we
A slow-witted or silly, blockhead, smart, aleck, whiz, could learn only
stupid person. deadhead intellectualist English.

35 Enigma mystery, puzzle Proposition, When confronting the

riddle, answer, enigma of the Chinese
A person or thing conundrum solution, axiom, planet, too many
that is mysterious paradox, problem, explanation. Westerners have
or difficult to poser, teaser forgotten the Asiatic
understand. brain-teaser background and painful
colonial history.

36 Emboss carve, bare, denude, From Spain the art of

engrave, dismantle, display, tanning and embossing
Carve, mould, or imprint divest, expose, leather was carried to
stamp (a design) inscribe, reveal Morocco and from these
on a surface or adorn, embellish two lands it was brought
object. design, to France and England,
as the word morocco

37 Encumber Hamper, hinder, clear, make I don't want to

obstruct, impede, way, open, encumber myself with
Restrict or check, cramp, unclog, unplug, unnecessary luggage.
impede (someone inhibit, restrict, free, liberate,
or something) in limit, constrain, release, untie
such a way that restrain
free action or
movement is

38 Excavate dig, dig out, bury, fill level, Al-Zahra became the
scoop out, conceal, nucleus of a royal
Make (a hole or gouge, cut out inter, inhume suburb whose remains,
channel) by bore, burrow, partly excavated in and
digging. tunnel, shovel after 1910, can still be
39 Eccentric odd, conservative, "May be some eccentric
unconventional, conformist, millionaire is playing
Unconventional unusual, peculiar, straight, games with people," she
and slightly strange, weird, predictable, said.
strange. bizarre, arcane orthodox,

40 Exasperating infuriating, pleasing, delighting Mr. Hubert said in the

incensing, most exasperating tone,
Intensely anger, "It is, nevertheless, truth
irritating and annoying, of the good God, the
frustrating. irritating, sacred truth."

41 Exaggeration overstatement, simplification, "The man who was a

overemphasis, laconic, terse, Hospital" is a fine
A statement that magnification, brief, economical, example of humorous
represents amplification, concise exaggeration.
something as aggrandizement,
better as or worse overplaying,
than it really is. dramatization,

42 Exhort blandish, deter, Thus exhorted the

cajole, coax, discourage, unfortunate man, in the
Strongly wheedle, dissuade, greatest fear, laboured
encourage or urge high-pressure, nag, brake, check, away with all his might
(someone) to do incite, instigate, constrain, curb,
something. provoke, stir (up), hold back,
pressurize, spur inhibit,
43 Forlorn alone, supported, She looked a forlorn
desolate, attended, figure standing at the
Pitifully sad and lonesome, cherished, bus stop.
abandoned or solitary, protected,
lonely. abandoned, befriended,
deserted, forsaken, cheered
44 Felicity beatitude, calamity, He demonstrated a
blessedness, misery, concern for the felicity
Intense bliss, sadness, of his children.
happiness. blissfulness, unhappiness,
gladness, wretchedness
happiness, joy
45 Fidgets fiddle, jerk, relax, rest, His daughter, ELLEN, a
jig, jiggle, unwind lively girl of twenty,
Make small squiggle, calm (down), fidgets as she listens.
movements, squirm, still
especially of the thrash, thresh,
hands and feet, toss, twist,
through twitch, wiggle,
nervousness or wriggle, writhe
46 Fervent sentimental, detached, dry, "Thanks be to Allah for
sloppy, sugary impersonal, having
Having or histrionic, objective, placed the sea between
displaying a melodramatic reserved, us and such a foe!" was
passionate enthusiastic, undemonstrative the caliph's fervent
intensity. keen, zealous rejoinder.

47 Frantic agitated, delirious, calm, peaceful, Those ideas of dignity

distracted, placid, and generosity that were
emotionally out distraught, self-possessed, becoming increasingly
of control frenzied, serene, tranquil rare in a frantic world.
hysterical cool, coolheaded,
48 Gilded bossed, chased, bare, denuded, The gilded tip of his cap
emblazoned, exposed, used to shine brightly
Covered thinly embossed, naked, stripped, above the turban.
with gold leaf or embroidered, uncovered
gold paint. ringed, garlanded, modest, simple

49 Groove drill, grind, natural object, The same lessons year

lockstep, achiever, take after year had formed a
a long, narrow pattern, rote, away groove into which
cut or depression routine, the other affairs of his
in a hard rut, treadmill life adjusted themselves
material. with" insidious ease.

50 Gruff rough, Cheerful, happy, I could almost hear his

hoarse kind, nice, gruff, sneering laugh:
(Of a voice) harsh, guttural pleasant, polite, "You tell that to the
rough and low in throaty, tactful, even- Marines, my son!"
pitch. husky tempered, soft,
croaking, rasping sweet
51 Hooligans bully, Tender, edible, Everyone was certain
gangbanger, weak that the East End lads
A violent young gangster, goon, inexperienced, would be hooligans.
troublemaker, gorilla, delicate.
typically one of a hood, hoodlum,
gang. mobster, mug
52 Hail Barrage, dribble, Rain and hail bounced
bombardment, drip, on the tiled roof.
Pellets of frozen hailstorm, trickle
rain which fall in rain, salvo,
showers from shower, storm,
cumulonimbus volley
clouds. broadside
53 Insidious beguiling, candid, direct, The same lessons year
deceitful, foursquare, after year had formed a
Proceeding in a deceiving, frank, groove into which
gradual, subtle deluding, free-spoken, the other affairs of his
way, but with delusive, openhearted, life adjusted themselves
very harmful delusory, outspoken, with" insidious ease.
effects. fallacious, false, plain, plainspoken,
misleading, straight
54 Impede clog, cramp, clear, make way, It was not a very long
embarrass, open, unclog, speech, but it had a
Delay or prevent encumber, fetter, unplug, unstop good many jokes in it,
(someone or hamper, free, liberate, and was made twice as
something) by handcuff, release, untie long, perhaps, by the
obstructing them; handicap, hinder, laughter that impeded
hinder. hobble, hog-tie
its progress.

55 Improvise extemporize, make Disorganize, I improvised a sack,

up, wing-it, devise, disorganise, stuffed the books into it,
Create and improvisation, refrain, fail, and put it over my shoulder,
perform (music, prepared, notate, make peace. and went down the
drama) extemporize, stairs into the darkness.
spontaneously or invent,
without extemporaneous,
preparation. impromptu
56 Juxtaposition abutment, distance, The fact remains that
adjacency, remoteness when the number is not
The fact of two closeness, simply a juxtaposition
things being seen contiguity, of persons, but a
or placed close immediacy, compact whole, then it
together with nearness, tends to become
contrasting effect. propinquity,
proximity, vicinity
57 Laboriously energetically, lifelessly, The scheme worked.
vigorously sleepily, idly, Seven strands of wire,
In a way that indefatigably, inactively laboriously twisted
takes tirelessly actively, together, just reached
considerable time assiduously, busily, comfortably to water-
and effort. diligently, level in the well.
58 Inoculate imbue, inculcate, deprive, 93% of the British
infuse, ingrain, divest, strip garrison were
Treat with a invest, steep, clear, empty inoculated, and deaths
vaccine to suffuse eliminate, remove, from typhoid fell from
produce take (away) usual 300 - 600 to only
immunity against 20.
a disease;
59 Mortality dead, death, Immortality, In Ceylon, for example,
grave, lifelessness, life span, the death rate was
The state of being bloodletting, lifetime, living, reduced by
subject to death. bloodshed, existence, life one third in two years
foul play, by greatly reducing
homicide, killing, mortality from malaria.
60 Mumbo jumbo double-talk, Clear talk, sensible Are you suggesting we
drivel, gabble, play a trick on Clay, in
Language or gibber, order to carry out your
ritual causing or gibberish, jabber, mumbo-jumbo ideas?
intended to cause jabberwocky,
confusion or nonsense, prattle,
bewilderment. slobber

61 Myriad multiform, homogeneous, Everywhere, fifty miles

multiple, homogenous, over
A countless or multiplex, monolithic, the countryside, the
extremely great multitudinous unmixed, unvaried smoke was rising from
number of people heterogeneous, alike, identical, myriads of fires.
or things. miscellaneous, same

62 Orthodox authorized, unauthorized, However heretical he

certified, unofficial might be about the
someone or official, sanctioned graceless, Boers, he was orthodox
something that accepted, correct, improper, about Mr. Lloyd George
strictly adheres to decorous, inappropriate, and the famous Budget.
religious beliefs genteel, nice, incorrect,
polite, indecorous, inept,
respectable infelicitous
63 Paradox contradiction, Normality, The study of the
dichotomy, regularity, population growth
A person or thing incongruity, standard, indicates one of the
that combines self-contradiction usualness, greatest paradoxes of
contradictory inconsistency, accuracy, certainty, our time.
features or anomaly, conflict, correction, same,
qualities. absurdity, oddity, success, truth
64 Pedestrian ambler, hiker, extraordinary, Up and down the main
perambulator, unusual, road there was an
A person walking rambler, walker uncommon, unending stream of cars,
rather than alpinist, different, buses, tongas and
travelling in a backpacker, exceptional, bicycles while the
vehicle. climber, interesting pavement thronged with

65 Peninsula arm, cape, embark, The south-eastern plains

foreland, leave, of the peninsula,
A piece of land headland, disconnect, especially favoured by
almost ness, point, unfasten climate and soil,
surrounded by promontory, spit developed important
water or centres of rural and
projecting out
urban activity.
into a body of
66 Perpetually always, eternally, never He speaks to all nations
ever, and is perpetually
In a way that everlastingly, modern, said Emerson.
never ends or evermore,
changes; forever,
constantly. forevermore,
67 Pomp solemnity, ritual, conservativeness, Before his marriage,
display moderation, Maulvi Abul Barkat,
Ceremony and spectacle, modesty, restraint, alias Abul, used to live
splendid display. ostentation, simplicity, in comfort, even pomp.
splendour understatement
grandeur, elegance,
grandness gracefulness,
magnificence, tastefulness

68 Preoccupied absorbed, alive, attentive, Young Grayson, in

daydreaming, aware, conscious, particular was careless
Engrossed in dreaming, dreamy, engaged, heads-up, and preoccupied.
thought; engrossed, heedful, mindful,
distracted. faraway, intent, observant,
pensive, heedless, observing, open-
inattentive, eyed, sharp,
insensible, vigilant
69 Prevailed overcame, swept collapsed, failed, Political and personal
squeaked, squeezed flopped, folded, ambitions are starting to
Prove more contended, vied washed out, prevail over economic
powerful or succeeded floundered, interests.
superior. breezed, romped struggled
70 Pedagogy education, confusion, He had, in fact, already
instruction, destruction begun to sink into that
the method and schooling, ignorance, neglect creeping dry rot of
practice of teaching, training, pedagogy that is the
teaching tuition, tutelage, worst and
tutoring, higher ultimate pitfall for the
71 Prodigious amazing, unimpressive, These animals are
astonishing, uninspiring, camels of prodigious
Remarkably or astounding, unremarkable size and strength.
impressively awesome, awful, boring, dull,
great in extent, eye-opening, jading,
size, or degree. fabulous, monotonous,
marvellous, tedious, tiring
72 Prosecutor District, attorney, unauthorized, Finally the Mayor
prosecuting, unofficial discharged Hubert with
A person, who attorney, solicitor, unestablished, warning that he would
institutes legal advocate, attorney, irregular, consult the public
proceedings attorney-at-law, unconfirmed prosecutor and ask for
against someone. counsel, counsellor further orders.

73 Rejoinder answer, comeback, challenge, charge, "Thanks be to Allah for

replication, cross-examination, having
A reply, reply, response, grilling, placed the sea between
especially a sharp retort, return interrogation us and such a foe!" was
or witty one. the caliph's fervent

74 Rakish corrupt, debased, incorruptible He had put on a brown

debauched, ethical, honest, overcoat with a cream
Having or decadent, principled coloured half opened
displaying a degenerate, good, moral, rose in
dashing, jaunty, degraded, righteous, virtuous his button hole and a
or slightly demoralized, green flat hat which he
disreputable depraved,
wore at a rakish angle.
quality or dissipated,
appearance. dissolute, jackleg
75 Reconnoitre hunt, probe, reject, neglect, Officer said, "Well, it is
prospect, overcome, ignore my view that you have
Make a military search, been sent here by
observation of (a disclose, another civilization for
region). discover, reveal, the express purpose of
unearth, reconnoitring prior to
examine, scrutinize
76 Regime administration, chaos, disorder, The Chinese regime has
authority, anarchy set up an assistance
A government, governance, unsystematic, system guaranteeing a
especially an government, disorganization minimum subsistence
authoritarian one. jurisdiction, disarray, discord level.
regimen, rule

77 Remedy cure, drug, aggravate, worsen Nobody had succeeded

medicament, misdiagnose, over in finding a remedy,
A medicine or medication, diagnose, until Pasteur suggested
treatment for a medicinal, underdiagnose collecting the eggs, laid
disease or injury. medicine, by each moth separately
pharmaceutical, and only keeping those
physic, specific
derived from healthy

78 Rumination cogitation, unbend, relax, Suddenly I heard a step

contemplation, idle, gape, near me; quite
A deep or meditation, wool-gather automatically I sprang
considered pondering back from the wall and
thought about account, began walking on with,
something. advisement, I fervently hoped, an air
of rumination and
reflection, study
79 Sagacity discernment, brainlessness, One by one he
insight, perception, folly, reconquered the lost
The quality of perceptiveness, foolishness, provinces, reduced them
being sagacious. perceptivity, idiocy, imbecility, to order and
sagaciousness, mindlessness, administered them with
wisdom silliness, stupidity sagacity and ability.

80 Sanatorium clinic, hospital, "I've only just come out

infirmary, of the sanatorium, sir -
an establishment medical centre, I've been there since the
for the medical sick bay beginning of term with
treatment of halfway house, measles."
people home, sickroom
81 Scaffold platform, Surrender, They may not have as
dais, podium, disallow, forbid, many lives as a cat, but
A raised wooden rostrum, stage, boycott, they certainly die hard:
platform used stand, tribune, disapproval. and it is sometimes
formerly for the riser difficult to find a
public execution scaffold for them.
of criminals.
82 Scornfully contemptuously, benevolently, At last Chips had
deprecatingly, benignantly, something tangible that
A contemptuous disdainfully good-heartedly, he could tackle. "Oh,
or disgusted way. bitchily, cattily, kind-heartedly, that?" he answered
despitefully, affably, agreeably, scornfully.
hatefully, amiably, cordially,
malevolently, genially
83 Sepulchral black, bleak, blithesome, My voice was
cheerless, chill, buoyant, gay, sepulchral.
Gloomy; dismal. Cimmerian, jocund, joyful,
cloudy, cold, joyous, merry,
comfortless, dark, mirthful,
darkening, encouraging,
depressing, hopeful,
depressive optimistic
84 Septic infected, Germicidal, "We have in this war
festering bactericidal, gone back to all the
Infected with suppurating, pus- clean, aseptic, septic infections
microorganisms, filled, putrid, cleansing, of the Middle Ages",
especially putrefying uninfected, said the Director-
harmful bacteria. purulent, purifying, sterile, General of the Army
poisoned disinfectant.
Medical Service.

85 Shrapnel ammunition, The guns began almost

shells, instantly, and there was
Fragments of a armament, ball plenty of shrapnel
bomb, shell, or bomb, buckshot, falling about outside.
other object bullet, cannonball
thrown out by an cartridge, charge
86 Sojourn stay, visit, stop, migrate, move, After a brief sojourn in
stopover, wonder, depart, Holland to study
A temporary stay. residence, holiday, travel, journey Sanskrit, he moved to
vacation, reside, India.
tarry, lodge
87 Stalwart bold, brave, chickenhearted, There was a rim of
courageous, cowardly, craven, shadow over the rows of
Loyal, reliable, dauntless, doughty, dastardly dark stalwart plants
and hard- fearless, gallant, fainthearted, loaded with green
working. great-hearted, fearful, gutless, tomatoes.
gutsy lily-livered
88 Shamble Shuffle, lumber, Run, sprint, bound, So I shambled in and
totter, dodder, dapper, neat, trim, looked timidly round at
(Of a person) stumble, scuff/drag petite the clerks.
move with a one's feet, hobble,
slow, shuffling, limp, ungainly,
awkward gait. lumbering,
shuffling, awkward
89 Souvenir commemorative, Forbid, forget His eyes were blinded
keepsake, by the constant flashing
A thing that is memento, of the official souvenir
kept as a memorial, photographers.
reminder of a monument,
person, place, or remembrance,
event. reminder, token
90 Sympathy commiseration, indifference, This coupled with his
compassion, insensitivity, sympathy for the
Feelings of pity feeling, unconcern, people of the devastated
and sorrow for condolence, regret cruelty, harshness, region, overcame his
someone else's humaneness, inhumanity, reluctance, and he set
misfortune. humanity, animosity, out for Alias, a town in
kind-heartedness, antipathy, dislike,
the silk district.
kindliness, hatred, hostility
91 Sumptuous Babylonian, economical, frugal, And now, fifteen years
deluxe, lavish, meagre, spare, after that, he could look
Splendid and luxe, luxurious, stingy, thrifty upon it all with a deep
expensive- opulent, palace, and sumptuous
looking. palatial, plush, tranquillity.
92 Threshold alpha, baseline, cessation, closing, Instead of listening to
beginning, birth, closure, Shamim Ahmed's
A strip of wood commencement, completion, finale, request on his
or stone forming dawn, inception, finish, threshold, he turned
the bottom of a kick-off, launch, period, stop, and shouted: "Arif’s
doorway and morning, onset, termination, mother, I'm going out. I
crossed in outset windup
will be back soon."
entering a house
or room.
93 Tenancy habitation, dispossession, I offered a tenancy to a
occupancy, ejection, ejectment free man the other day
a holding of an occupation, vacancy, vacating and he refused.
estate or a mode possession,
of holding an residency,
estate specifically ownership,
94 Tranquil Arcadian, calm, deafening, noisy, And now, fifteen years
hushed, peaceful, raucous, rip- after that, he could look
Free from placid, quiet, roaring, roistering, upon it all with a deep
disturbance; restful, serene, romping, rowdy, and sumptuous
calm. still, stilly tumultuous tranquillity.

95 Trifle Triviality, phenomenon, Spleding said, "Well, it's

bagatelle, crisis, conjuncture, a trifle old-fashioned."
something of inessential, importance,
little value, nothing, trivia, urgency, weight,
substance, or minutiae, bauble, necessity,
importance trinket, knick- seriousness
96 Uncanny arcane, cryptic, fathomable, None the less, the driver
deep, enigmatic, intelligible, (named Hantout) picked
Strange or impenetrable, understandable his way with uncanny
mysterious, inscrutable, apparent, skill.
especially in an mysterious, mystic, clear, evident,
unsettling way. occult manifest,
97 Undulant undulating, wavy, exact, uniform Bare foot, through the
rolling, billowing, aligned, regular, bazaar,
Having a rising swelling, surging horizontal, tabular And with the same
and falling rippled, rippling, plumb, straight, undulant grace
motion or rutted, rutty vertical, flush, flat,
appearance like level, plane,,
that of waves; smooth
98 Usher Attendant, escort, dog, hound, The merciful ushers
guide, doorkeeper, misguide collected my piece of
A person who commissionaire, foolscap with all the
shows people to aide, lackey, others and carried it up
their seats, flunkey to the Headmaster's
especially in a table.
cinema or theatre
or at a wedding.
99 Urbane debonair, smooth, boorish, churlish, Then suddenly, in 1908
sophisticated, classless, clownish, when he had just turned
(Of a person) suave, svelte loutish, uncouth sixty, came Ralston's
courteous and urbane ultimatum.
refined in
100 Virulent bitchy, cruel, benevolent, benign, I am suffering from the
despiteful, benignant, loving particular disease
Extremely severe malevolent, therein dealt with in its
or harmful in its malicious, most virulent form.
effects. malignant,
nasty, spiteful
WORDS Synonyms Antonyms Sentence
101 Trilby Fedora, felt hat, I was then discharged
top-hat, trench at Oulton Broad with a
A soft felt hat coat, bow-tie, pin stripe suit and a
with a narrow leopard-skin, green pork pie trilby
brim and polo-neck hat.
indented crown.
102 Peg out check out, breathe, live, Her pet pig pegged
decease, demise, energized out last week
to stop depart, die, drop, intact, lively
living end, exit, expire, invigorated,
fall, flat line, go, rested, restored
kick in
103 Flamboyant arresting, inconspicuous, She is a flamboyant
bodacious, bold, unnoticeable, performer who can
tending to attract brilliant, catchy, unobtrusive, allure the audience.
attention conspicuous, unremarkable
because of dramatic,
confidence, emphatic,
and stylishness. eye-catching,

104 Profound heartfelt, intense, superficial, He is profound to

keen, great, insignificant, become a doctor.
(of a state, extreme, sincere, dilettantish,
quality, or earnest, deep, ostensible,
emotion) very deeply felt, seeming
great or intense wholehearted
105 Sympathetic commiserative, callous, cold- He received much
compassionate, hearted, help from
feeling, empathetic, hard-hearted, sympathetic friends.
showing, or empathic, heartless,
expressing humane, inhumane
sympathy. understanding
106 Malevolent catty, cruel, benevolent, He look at me with
despiteful, benign, malevolent sight.
having or hateful, benignant,
showing a wish malicious, loving,
to do evil to malign, un-malicious
others. malignant,
mean, nasty,
107 Meditatively broody, unreflective, During the class, we
cogitative, thoughtless, non- used yoga to go into a
in a meditative contemplative, intellectual meditative trance.
manner; "round melancholy,
and round musing,
108 Scornfully abhorrent, admiring, Memoona looked at
contemptuous, applauding, him scornfully.
in a way that disdainful appreciative,
shows you have scoffing, approving
no respect for sneering,
someone think jeering
they are stupid scathing, snide,
109 Composure calmness, agitation, During the class, we
collectedness, discomposure, used yoga to go into a
the state or composedness, perturbation composure trance.
feeling of being cool, coolness,
calm and in countenance,
control of equanimity,
oneself equilibrium,
110 Wrecked Demolished, Repaired, fixed, My car was
crashed, smash, repaired, completely wrecked
having been smash up, restored, in the accident.
wrecked. ruin, damage rectified
111 Hysterical humorous, killing, humourless, lame, His hysterical
laughable, unamusing, laughter made
affected by or ludicrous, un-comic, everybody stunned.
deriving from ridiculous, unfunny, un-
wildly riotous, risible, humorous, un-
uncontrolled screaming, hysterical
emotion. side-splitting,
112 Implore beg, beseech, hint, imply, Dear princess, I beg
besiege, conjure, intimate, suggest, and implore you, have
beg someone entreat, impetrate, appease, some pity on him!
earnestly or importune, conciliate,
desperately to petition gratify
do something.
113 Enfeebled debilitate, beef (up), The attack by Taliban
devitalize, fortify, on Americans made
made weak or enervate, etiolate, strengthen them enfeebled.
feeble. prostrate, sap,
soften, tire, waste,
114 Abyss abysm, chasm, Surface, cavity, The unemployed are
deep, gulf, ocean depression, falling more and more
a deep or indentation. into an abyss of
seemingly despair.
115 Pioneers colonial, colonist, stay in place, Charles Darwin was a
colonizer, unmake, fall, pioneer of evolution.
a person who is frontiersman, natural
among the first homesteader, depression,
to explore or settler, stand still
settle a new mastermind,
country or area. originator

116 Insolence Rudeness, Deference, Her insolence cost her

disrespect, consideration, job.
rude and insubordination, politeness,
disrespectful discourtesy, modesty,
behaviour. impertinence, bashfulness.
117 Menace danger, safety, surety Drunk drivers are a
hazard, comfort, menace to everyone.
a person or thing imminence, delight,
that is likely to peril, pitfall, happiness
cause harm risk, threat, pleasure, aid,
trouble assistance
118 Disastrous calamitous, wonderful, Half the city was
cataclysmal miraculous, destroyed by a
causing great catastrophic, prosperous, disastrous fire.
damage. damning, successful,
destructive, fatal, triumphant,
fateful, ruinous, winning
119 Eloquently articulate, inarticulate, She spoke eloquently
fluent, ineloquent, on the subject for
in a fluent or silver-tongued, unvocal about an hour.
persuasive well-spoken
120 Compatriot Fellow, Foreigner, I am not so happy
countryman, Alien, outsider, about some of our
a fellow citizen fellow citizen, immigrant. compatriots who
or national of a fellow, national, travel abroad for their
country. inarticulate, holidays.
121 Absurd bizarre, crazy, realistic, She found the whole
fanciful, fantastic, reasonable, concept absurd.
wildly foolish, insane, sensible,
unreasonable, nonsensical, reasonable,
illogical, or preposterous, realistic, justified,
inappropriate. unreal, wild pragmatic
122 Ingenuity cleverness, Incapacity, He showed amazing
creativeness, clumsiness, ingenuity in finding
the quality of creativity, ignorance, ways to cut costs.
being clever, imagination, weakness,
original, and imaginativeness, ineptness,
inventive. ingeniousness stupidity,
123 Ennobled aggrandize, abase, Her skill and talent
canonize, degrade, ennoble her
give (someone) deify, dignify, demean, profession.
a noble rank or elevate, enshrine, humble,
title. enthrone, humiliate
exalt, glorify,

124 Grotesque Malformed, Un-deformed, The actors wore dark

deformed, shapely, capes and grotesque
comically or misshapen, beautiful, masks.
repulsively ugly distorted, attractive,
or distorted. twisted, pleasing,
mangled, statuesque
125 Cynical Sceptical, Un-cynical, He was cynical about
doubtful, genial, politicians' promises
distrustful of distrustful, lenient, on taxes.
human sincerity suspicious, complaisant,
or integrity. disbelieving, urbane
126 Stenographer author, reader Without a
biographer, stenographer, the
a person whose columnist judge had no one to
job is to correspondent, record notes of the
transcribe critic, dramatist day's proceedings.
speech in editor, essayist,
shorthand. journalist
127 Waddle Toddle, dodder, Travel, stride, She walked with a
wobble, shamble, walk, march, waddle.
walk with short sway, rock, lurch, stair, high tail
steps and a limp, shuffle,
clumsy swaying stumble, reel,
motion. stagger, walk like
a duck
128 Bawling Shouting, beaming, The bear cried out and
calling out, chuckling, stood on its hind legs,
weeping or crying out, giggling, bawling at him.
crying noisily. yelling, roaring, grinning,
bellowing, laughing,
screaming, smiling,
howling, cheerful
129 Agitated excited, calm, relaxed, Sonya entered the
feverish, peaceful, room with an agitated
feeling or frenzied, imperturbable face.
appearing heated, undisturbed,
troubled or hectic, unworried
nervous. hyperactive,
130 Sprawling straggling, compressing, There were weeds
spreading, shrinking sprawling in the yard.
spreading out extensive standing ,
over a large area expansive, straightening
in an untidy or rambling, curling up
irregular way straggly
131 Swishing waggling, Freezing, The horse's tail
waving, shaking, untwisting, swished back and
move with a swinging, exalting, unstylish forth.
hissing or fluttering,
rushing sound flapping,
132 Rout dispel, scatter, Succumb, After our fifth goal the
defeat beat, repatriate, match became a rout.
a disorderly conquer, beginning,
retreat of vanquish, crush success, fill
defeated troops. overpower,
133 Gratitude appreciation, ingratitude, Her heart was filled
appreciative ness, thanklessness, with gratitude.
the quality of gratefulness, un-appreciation,
being thankful thankfulness, ungratefulness
134 Forge shape, make, arrest, balk, Difficulties help to
manufacture block, check, forge people into able
make or shape produce, turn out, detain, halt, folk.
by heating it in a knock together hinder, hold back
fire or furnace knock up
and hammering
135 Perpetual ceaseless, He is on a perpetual
continual, discontinuous, search for truth.
never ending or continued, non-continuous
changing. nonstop,
136 Polytheists agnostic, atheist, believer, Muhammad (SAW)
doubter Christian, also faced opposition
believing in or freethinker, Jew from Makkah’s
worshiping heathen, heretic, polytheists.
multiple gods iconoclast,
idolater, infidel,
137 Untrammelled rampant, restrained, Self-governing
unbridled, conservative, schools are
not deprived of unhampered muted, untrammelled by
freedom of free, loose, reserved, education authority
action or unbounded, reasonable, rules
expression; not uncurbed, withdrawn
restricted or untamed
138 Lament Wail, delight, exult (in), She lamented over the
lamentation, glory (in), loss of her best friend.
a passionate moan, moaning, joy, rejoice (in),
expression of groan, weeping, celebrate
grief or sorrow. crying, sob,
sobbing, keening,
howl, complaint
139 Waver indecisive, devoted, faithful, They never wavered
irresolute, incorruptible, in their support for
not certain uncertain, loyal, stanch, their leader.
about what to uncommitted, sure, true,
say or do. undecided, trustworthy,
fluctuating unwavering

140 Sanctity blessedness, godlessness, I believe in the

devoutness, impiety, sanctity of human
the state or godliness, ungodliness, life.
quality of being holiness, piety, un-holiness
holy, sacred, or piousness,
saintly. sainthood,
saint ship
141 Exploitation Bleeding dry, idleness, Commercial
sucking dry, inactivity, exploitation of
the action or fact squeezing, mismanagement, resources threatens
of treating wringing. misuse our survival.
someone manipulation,
unfairly in order cheating,
to benefit from swindling,
their work. fleecing,
142 Jeopardy danger, distress, Thousands of jobs are
endangerment, safeness, safety, in jeopardy.
danger of loss, harm's way, secureness,
harm, or failure imperilment, security
peril, risk, trouble
143 Chauvinism jingoism, Disloyalty, The war stimulated an
nationalism, super internationalism, intense national
exaggerated or patriotism, multiculturalism. chauvinism.
aggressive jingoism, male
patriotism. chauvinism,
144 Disquieting fuss, perturb, calm, The bad news
undo, unhinge, compose, disquieted him.
inducing unsettle, upset, quiet, settle,
feelings of weird out, worry soothe,
anxiety or tranquilize
145 Limp halt, inflexible, She wasn't impressed
hobble, resilient, by his limp
walk with droopy, rigid, handshake.
difficulty, flaccid, stiff,
typically floppy, sturdy,
because of a lank, tense
damaged or stiff yielding
leg or foot.
146 Augury presaging, experience, These sales figures are
prognosis, science, a good augury for
a sign of what prognostic, observation another profitable
will happen in prognosticating, year.
the future; an prognostication,
omen. prophecy,
147 Playwright dramatist, Non-author, Shakespeare is quite
screenwriter, non-writer possibly the most
a person who scriptwriter, well-known
writes a play auto biographer, playwright in the
memoirist, world.
148 Solicitor baiter, defendant, The one job I hated
seducer, accused more than any other was
a member of the advocate, offender, as a telephone solicitor
legal profession articled clerk, perpetrator where I hounded people
qualified to deal solicitor general prisoner, to buy a service.
with legal attorney general, suspect
matters law agent
149 Canopied awning, exposed, shade The trees canopied
ceiling, less, sunny their heads.
covered or cover, bedazzling,
provided with a roof, tent bright,
canopy. brightened
150 Monotone humdrum, tuneful, In the mornings, I
monotonousness melodious usually speak in a
a continuing monotony, harmonious, monotone voice until
sound that is sameness musical I obtain energy from
unchanging in colourlessness, pleasing, my first cup of coffee.
pitch and continuance sonorous
without continuity, symphonic
intonation. dreariness
151 Wispy thin, fine, weak, shady, A warm breeze
feathery dull, dim, mussed up her wispy
(of hair, threads, flyaway, wraithlike, hair.
smoke, etc.) straggly dumb
fine; feathery.
152 Remanded detention, Freedom, Corruption culprit was
imprisonment liberation, liberty, remanded in custody
place (a incarceration, discharge, after being refused
defendant) on custody liberating, bail.
bail or in restraint, release
custody, confinement
especially when detainment, arrest
a trial is internment,
adjourned quarantine
153 Endeavour try, attempt, Idleness, We will make every
venture inactivity, endeavour to obtain
try hard to do or undertake, passivity, sufficient supplies.
achieve aspire, aim entertainment,
something. seek, set out, fun, pastime,
strive, struggle, peace, laziness.
154 Dreadfully ghastly, hair- encouraging, They're dreadfully
raising, inspiriting, busy at the moment.
extremely, very horrendous, assuring,
badly horrible, promising,
horrifying, hopeful
scary, shocking,
terrible, terrifying
155 Nuisance annoyance, gratification, I've forgotten my
inconvenience, blessing, umbrella - what a
a person or thing bore, bother, pleasure, nuisance!
causing irritant, problem, delight,
inconvenience difficulty, benefit
or annoyance. trouble,
trial, burden,
pest, plague
156 Muffled mute, stifle, Un-muffle, bare, The sound of the bell
thudding, loud, unfold, was muffled by the
(of a sound) not dim, wearisome, exhibit, reveal. curtains.
loud because of quiet, dense,
being obstructed muted, boring,
in some way; dumb, leaden,
muted. tedious
157 Adjourn prorogue, expedite, The court will
recess, suspend, despatch, urge, adjourn for lunch.
break off (a withdraw, retire, hasten,
meeting, legal beat a retreat, conclude,
case, or game) take oneself, complete, seal,
with the decamp, consummate,
intention of depart, exit, terminate
resuming it repair, remove
158 Beckoned signalled, signed, dismissed, She beckoned the
summoned, discharged, waiter to come over.
to summon or gestured, sacked, fired,
signal typically indicated, terminated,
with a wave or motioned rejected, shelved
159 Crackle sizzle, frizzle, Lie, regularity, We heard the rapid
fizz, hiss, crack, comprehensibility crackle of automatic
make a rapid snap, sputter , stiffen, gunfire.
succession of decrepitate, decrease
short sharp crepitate
160 Tumbler glass, drinking Unfasten, unbolt, He drank from a
glass, goblet let go of. tumbler.
a drinking glass wine glass,
with straight beaker, acrobat,
sides and no entertainer,
handle or stem. turner, tumbler,
161 Knighthood gallantry, boorishness, The Queen awarded a
chivalry, churlishness, knighthood to the
the title, rank, or courtliness, clownishness, famous actor.
status of a courtesy, dame, loutishness,
knight. baronetcy, vulgarity

162 Culminate reach a finale, Start, begin, Their summer tour

peak, climax, commence, will culminate at a
to bring to a reach a pinnacle, initiate spectacular concert in
triumphant build up to, London.
conclusion lead up to

163 Enshrined adored, deconsecrated, The memory of our

glorified, desacralized, un- friendship will be
place (a revered revered, consecrated, enshrined in my
or precious venerated unhallowed heart.
object) in an ceremonial, nonreligious,
appropriate liturgical, unspiritual
receptacle. priestly,
164 Hostile adversarial, friendly, hospitable, His enemy looked at
adversary, non-antagonistic, him in hostile manner.
showing or antagonistic, non-hostile,
feeling antipathetic, sympathetic
opposition or inhospitable,
dislike; inimical
165 Shrivelled up withered, wizened beefy, brawny, Under the direct
cadaverous, burly, fit, hale, sunlight young plants
wrinkled and emaciated, gaunt, healthy, hearty, will shrivel up.
shrunken, haggard, skeletal, husky, chubby,
especially as a wasted corpulent
result of loss of
moisture or old
166 Inevitable certain, preventable It was inevitable that
ineluctable, doubtful, dubious, she would get a piece
impossible to inescapable, questionable, of glass in her foot.
avoid or evade necessary, sure, shaky, unclear
unavoidable, undecided,
unescapable unsettled
167 Strum Jam, pick, plunk, Strum chords on a
twang, noodle, guitar.
a sound made by riff, beat, thrum,
strumming a hum, drum
guitar or similar
168 Dwarf diminutive, big, huge, Without a step stool, it
midget, mini, large, tall, giant was difficult for the
a living thing miniature, dwarf to get anything
much smaller baby, pygmy done around the cabin.
than others of its
169 Contemporary coetaneous, asynchronous, He and I were
coeval, non-contemporary, contemporaries at
existing or coexistent, non-simultaneous, school.
occurring at the coexisting, nonsynchronous
same period of coextensive,
time coincident,
170 Profusion abundance, barrel, famine, lack, In the summer, my
basketful, paucity, poverty, dog is always covered
a considerable boatload, bucket, scarceness, deficit, with a profusion of
amount loads, lot, mass, inadequacy, fleas.
mess, mountain, insufficiency,
much scantiness
171 Microcosm cross section macrocosm, huge, New York's mix of
case, exemplar, macroeconomics, people is a microcosm
A miniature example, multicellular, of America.
model of exemplification, multilingual, multi-
something. illustration, movable
172 Prevalent Widespread, abnormal, These diseases are
Prevailing, exceptional, more prevalent
widespread in a Frequent, extraordinary, among young
particular area General, uncommon children.
or at a particular Universal,
time. Pervasive,
173 Gingerly 1. Cautiously, 1. Carelessly, Jackson sat down very
delicately, rashly, un- gingerly.
1. In a careful or prudently, carefully, un-
cautious judiciously, cautiously
manner. vigilantly 2. tactless,
2. Showing 2. considerate, Indiscreet,
great squeamish, insensitive
care or caution. delicate discreet
174 Maladjustment Insanity, normal, Many students are
mental disorder, healthy stressed due to
failure to cope personality maladjustment.
with the disorder,
demands of a schizophrenia,
normal social alienation,
environment. confusion
175 Upheavals bouleversements, Blessing, calm, I can't face the
cataclysms, good fortune, upheaval of moving
a violent or convulsions, good luck, house again.
sudden change earthquakes, happiness,
or disruption to paroxysms, miracle
something. storms, tempests
176 Vigilance Watchfulness, drowsiness, You should exercise
careful, inattention, extra vigilance about
the action or observation, carelessness, locking your car
state of keeping surveillance, indulgence, properly.
careful watch attentiveness, somnolence,
for possible attention, inobservance,
danger or alertness, inactivity
difficulties. guardedness

177 Jubilant triumphant, disappointed, I was impressed by his

proud, thrilled, dissatisfied, jubilance even in such
feeling or ecstatic, disenchanted, a depressing period of
showing great delighted, upset, saddened, this life.
happiness euphoric, glad, thwarted,
because of a overjoyed, frustrated
success pleased
178 Gait Walk, step, stride, Unfashionable, He walked with a slow
pace, tread, unstrap, unwind, stiff gait.
a person's manner of uncoil, malfunction.
manner of walking, way of
walking. walking, bearing

179 Geniality Affability, Aloofness, What a genial person

agreeability, depression, he was.
The quality of agreeableness, gloom, sadness,
having a amenity, sorrow,
friendly and amiability, unhappiness
cheerful manner. cheerfulness, woe, coldness,
conviviality, coolness,
cordiality irritation
180 Sentient alive, careless, heedless, Humans are not the
apprehensive, inattentive, only sentient beings,
responsive to or aware, cognizant, incautious, elephants are very
conscious of conscious, mindless, emotional and
sense mindful, sensible, unguarded, perceptive mammals
impressions ware, witting unheeding, unwary as well.
181 Porridge Discharge, Breakfast consisted of
Gruel, oatmeal Freedom, porridge served with
a dish consisting polenta, frumenty, release, butter.
of oatmeal or grout, loblolly, liberating,
another meal or mush, pottage. liberation,
cereal boiled in liberty
water or milk.
182 Temptations Allurement, Dislike, hate, He who avoids
appeal, hatred, temptation avoids the
The desire to do attractiveness, prevention, sin.
something, bait, discouragement,
especially Blandishment, repulsion
something coaxing, come-
wrong or on, decoy, draw

183 Drowsy asleep, dormant, alert, awake, I feel drowsy after

dozing, resting, conscious, lunch every day.
desiring or sleeping, wakeful,
needing sleep slumbering wide-awake
184 Sternly brutally, hard, Clemently, Her husband looked at
hardly, gently, her sternly.
in a serious and harshly, ill, leniently
severe manner oppressively,
185 Hop caper, frisk, lumber, plod, He was hopping up
gambol, romp, trudge and down.
to move with a skim, skitter,
light springing jump, leap,
step vault
186 Wheelbarrow Trolley, Whet, I got a brush from the
pushcart, Whetstone, wheelbarrow.
a small cart with barrow, cart, Whey,
a single wheel at truck, trailer, Wicker
the front and transporter,
two supporting handcart,
legs gig, two-wheeler
187 Merrily joyfully, happily, drearily, The fire soon began to
cheerfully, cheerlessly, burn merrily.
in a cheerful noisily, heavily,
way. mirthfully, pessimistically,
gleefully, disconsolately,
blithely, gaily, wretchedly,
lazily despondently
188 Sluggish Inactive, quiet active, quick, A heavy lunch makes
slow, slow- nervous, me sluggish in the
slow-moving or moving, slack laborious afternoon.
inactive. flat, depressed
stagnant, slow,
inert, indolent,
189 Privilege Advantage, Disqualification, The town attracts
right, benefit, exclusion, people who are
a special right, prerogative, prohibition, wealthy and
advantage, or entitlement, inhibition. privileged.
immunity due, concession,
granted or freedom
available only to
a particular
person or group.
190 Scarlet ruby, sanguine, sad, whiteness, He had gone
rubicund, flushed, pale, pallid, absolutely scarlet
describe things cherry-red, sallow, paleness, with embarrassment.
that are a deep, reddish, red- Pessimistic,
rich red colour faced, violent, unhappy,
red, blood-red, depressed,
reddened, florid achromatic.
191 Trudging dragging, drifting, floating, She trudged up the
flopping, hauling hanging, hill.
to move heavily blundering, hovering, poising,
or clumsily careening, wafting
192 Goatherds Drover, goat Where had the
herder, herder, goatherd hidden
a person who herdsman. himself?
tends goats.
193 Rear Back, end, Front, frontal, We attacked the
rearmost, forward, fore, enemy from the rear.
the back part of endmost, hind, anterior, first,
something hindmost leading, foremost,
posterior preceding
194 Stanchion Stay, prop, Branch, A small lamp was
bolster, beam, subsidiary, mounted on an upright
an upright bar, brace, support, extension, stanchion near the
post, or frame framework, pole, offshoot, head of each in
forming a post, upright and subdivision, library.
support or girder. adjunct,
195 Queer Odd, strange, average, She gave a queer
unusual, funny, commonplace, laugh.
strange; odd. peculiar, curious normal, ordinary
bizarre, weird
196 Flicker dash, fly, sail, float, hang, hover Looking through the
shoot, speed, cabin window I saw
to make an sprint, zing, zoom the flicker of flames.
irregular series scamper, scud,
of quick, sudden scurry, scuttle,
movements skip, skitter
197 Hefty burdensome, airy, ethereal, The film also contains
leaden, lumpish feathery, fluffy, a hefty dose of
having great bulky, gossamer, comedy.
weight elephantine, flimsy,
massy, outsize insubstantial,

198 Exultant ecstatic, elated, crestfallen, The exultant crowds

euphoric defeated, were dancing in the
having or arrogant, boastful, dejected, streets.
expressing cocky, depressed,
feelings of joy conquering, disconsolate,
or triumph victorious, dispirited,
winning downcast
199 Triumph accomplishment, Defeat, loss. The victorious army
achievement, catastrophe, returned in triumph.
a successful acquirement, fizzle, flop,
result brought attainment, baby, washout
about by hard coup, success
200 Prodigious Olympian, Ordinary, small, The stove consumed a
stupendous, insignificant, prodigious amount of
Remarkably or surpassing, little, fuel.
impressively portentous, unimportant.
great in extent, colossal,
size, or degree. exceeding,
Pictorial Sentence
WORDS Synonyms Antonyms
201 Astray amiss, adrift, on course, right, Jack's parents thought
straying, wrong, straight the other boys might
away from the seek, afield, lead him astray.
correct path or surprise,
direction. wandering

202 Amnesty pardon, pardoning, penalty, retaliation, The government

reprieve, release, punishment, granted an amnesty to
an official pardon discharge, liberty, retribution, all political prisoners.
for people who freedom, requital, visitation
have been absolution,
convicted of forgiveness
political offences.
203 Apostle disciple, follower, agnostic, atheist He might have been,
evangelist, disbeliever, like Gandhi, an apostle
a vigorous and evangelical, unbeliever of passive resistance.
pioneering proselytizer adversary,
advocate or spreader of the nonbeliever
supporter of a faith/word,
particular policy, preacher, teacher,
idea, or cause. reformer
204 Assent agree to, accept, dissent, refusal Once the directors have
approve, consent to objection, given their assent to
the expression of acquiesce in, opposition, the proposal we can
approval or concur in, accede rejection, begin.
agreement. to, ratify, sanction repudiation
205 Abode home, house, dislodge, unfasten, He's of no fixed abode
accommodation looseness, foreign, and we found him on
a place of habitat, base, seat, go the streets.
residence; a quarters, lodgings,
house or home. rooms, dwelling,
dwelling place,
206 Aboriginal indigenous, native, subsequent, He has lived among the
original, earliest, adventitious, aboriginal inhabitants
inhabiting or first, initial, imported, exotic, for a few years.
existing in a land ancient, primeval, immigrant, recent
from the earliest primordial,
times or from autochthonous
before the arrival
of colonists
207 Adversary opponent, rival, friendly, He has to pit his wits
enemy, foe, hospitable, against an adversary
one's opponent in nemesis, obliging, amicable, who is cool, clever and
a contest, antagonist, communicative, cunning.
conflict, or combatant, companionable
dispute. challenger, congenial , cordial
208 Adverse unfavourable, Favourable, Modern farming
disadvantageous, friendly, amicable, methods can have an
preventing inauspicious, propitious, adverse effect on the
success or unpropitious, fortunate, lucky. environment.
development; unfortunate,
harmful; unlucky,
unfavourable. untimely
209 Acquitted absolve, exonerate, blame, charge, He was acquitted on
exculpate, condemn, charges of assault with
free (someone) declare innocent, convict, hold, a deadly weapon.
from a criminal find innocent, incarcerate,
charge by a discharge, incriminate,
verdict of not release, liberate, punish, sentence,
guilty. emancipate keep
210 Adieu Goodbye, farewell, greeting, welcome, Should I really adieu
au revoir recognition, to this summer?
Adieu is a French ciao, bye-bye, ta- salutation
word meaning ta, cheers,
"goodbye" leave-taking,
parting salutation,
211 Archive arrange, collate, Use, discard, I've been studying
compile, organize, disburse, disperse, village records in the
as in organize, systematize dissipate, divide, local archive.
compile ball, batch, bunch, uncover
cluster, huddle
212 Beacon flare, lantern, Blacken, darken, The beacon sends out a
radar, rocket, obfuscate, and dull. beam of light every
a light or other alarm, sign, beam, thirty seconds.
visible object lamp, watchtower,
serving as a alert, bonfire
signal or warning
213 Boastful Bragging, Egoless, humble, I tried to emphasize my
crowing, modest, good points without
showing swaggering, uncomplacent. sounding boastful.
excessive pride braggart,
and self- overweening,
satisfaction in overbearing,
one's bumptious,
achievements, puffed up,
possessions, or vaunting
214 Commencement Beginning, Conclusion, close, Some courses have an
start, starting point end. early commencement
the beginning of opening, outset, date.
something. onset, launch,
inception, birth

215 Compendious thumbnail, brief, Diffuse, vague, The taxation system of

crisp, compact, prolix, shapeless, Hong Kong is very
containing or concise, cumbrous, compendious, and tax
presenting the condensed, undigested. rate is very low.
essential facts of shortened,
something in a contracted,
comprehensive compressed,
but concise way. abridged,
216 Cease end, halt, stop, ceaseless, never- Whether the protests
conclude ending, everlasting, will cease remains to
come or bring to terminate, finish, constant, incessant be seen.
an end. wind up,
pause, break off
abate , fade away
217 Consented Accede, acquiesce, refusal, dissent, The judge asked if she
agree, willingness, disagreement, had consented to
give permission assent, permission, opposition intercourse.
for something to approval,
happen. agreement.
218 Contended happy, glad discontented, She was gazing at him
gratified, contented dissatisfied with a soft, contented
satisfied or satisfied, pleased aggrieved, annoyed smile on her face.
showing delighted, cheerful chagrined, dejected
satisfaction with cheery, untroubled disaffected
things as they are
219 Coarse oafish, loutish, sophisticated, Several comedians
boorish, churlish, refined, have been criticized for
(of a person or uncouth, rude, inoffensive their coarse humour.
their speech) rude discourse,
or vulgar. ungentlemanly,
220 Crew team, company, individual, one, The tragedy could have
unit, party, alone been averted if the
a group of people working party, crew had followed
who work closely gang, shift safety procedures.
together. line-up, squad,
221 Carcass corpse, cadaver, alive, raising, agile A cluster of vultures
dead body crouched on the
the dead body of remains, carcass of a dead
an animal. skeleton buffalo.
relics, stiff, coarse
222 Contingent Chance, accidental, Positive, absolute, The front army troops
inadvertent, independent, were strengthened by a
subject to chance. coincidental, unmodified, large contingent of
serendipitous, unaffected, students from the
unplanned, uncontrolled, military academy.
unintentional, irrespective.
223 Covenant contract, compact, break, condemn The money was given
treaty, pact deny, renounce to us by deed of
an agreement. accord, deal, covenant.
bargain, settlement
protocol, entente,
224 Contentious controversial, Un-argumentative, Sanctions are expected
disputable, uncontroversial, to be among the most
causing or likely debatable, disputed noncontroversial contentious issues.
to cause an contended, moot,
argument; vexed
controversial. ambivalent,
equivocal, unsure
225 Curvaceous shapely, deformed, Let freedom ring from
voluptuous, sexy disfigured the curvaceous slopes
having an full-figured, disproportioned, of California.
attractively rounded, buxom misshaped,
curved shape full-bosomed, shapeless, straight,
bosomy, Junoesque ugly

226 Cordially Warmly, kindly, rudely, She greeted the visitor

heartily, disrespectfully, cordially, inviting her
in a warm and respectfully, harshly, to stay for breakfast.
friendly way. genially, discourteously,
sympathetically contemptuously,
and hospitably. disdainfully

227 Distress anguish, suffering, calm, soothe, The causes of social

pain, agony, ache, please, comforting, distress include
extreme anxiety, affliction, restore inadequate housing.
sorrow, or pain. torment, torture,
heartbreak, misery
228 Daunted intimidated, relaxed, composed He felt utterly daunted
abashed, taken reposeful, restful by the prospect of
make (someone) aback, shaken, unperturbed, moving to another
feel intimidated ruffled, thrown patient country.
or apprehensive. demoralized,
229 Depot storehouse, beginning, The fact that the
warehouse, commencement, railroad was willing to
a place for the store, storage continuation lease depot space came
storage of large place, storing as welcome news.
quantities of place, repository
equipment, food, depository, cache
or goods. arsenal, armoury
230 Dusk twilight, nightfall blaze, flame, flare, She was invisible in the
sunset, sundown, flash, flicker, glare, dusk of the room.
the darker stage evening, close of gleam, gleaming,
of twilight. day, dark, semi- glimmer, dawn,
darkness, daylight
gloominess, murk
231 Dejected downhearted, Elated, inspirited, She looked sorrowful
despondent blithe, gay, and and dejected.
sad and disconsolate, cheerful.
depressed; dispirited,
dispirited. depressed,
232 Detrimental harmful ,damaging, beneficial, These chemicals have a
injurious, profitable, detrimental effect on
tending to cause deleterious, augmentative the environment.
harm. dangerous,
233 Dismantle break down, assemble, construct They decided to
demount, dismantle the machine
take (a machine disassemble, and start again from
or structure) to dismember, scratch.
pieces. dismount, knock
down, strike,
take down
234 Deprivation loss, privation, control, ownership, Suicide is often
poverty possession connected with socio-
the damaging impoverishment, accumulation, economic deprivation.
lack of material penury, privation acquiring, gain
benefits hardship,
considered to destitution, need
be basic neediness, want,
necessities in a distress
235 Defiance disobedience, compliance, Angry protestors with
forwardness, obedience, clenched fists shouted
open resistance; insubordination, submission, their defiance.
bold disobedience intractability, subordinations,
obstreperousness, subordination,
rebellion, tractability,
rebelliousness, traceableness
236 Decree behest, charge, cue, hint, The decree stopped
command, suggestion, short of a full
an official order commandment, intimation, request declaration of
that has the force dictate, direction, independence.
of law. directive, do,
instruction, order
237 Dominion authority, anarchy, Man has been created
command, control, confusion, to have dominion in
the territory of a jurisdiction, power disintegration, this world.
sovereign or disorder,
government insubordination,
238 Desolate inhospitable, build, construct, The desolate quietness
exposed, deserted erect, put up, raise, was almost painful.
uninhabited and uninhabited, rear, set up
giving an unoccupied,
impression depopulated
of bleak forsaken,
emptiness. godforsaken,
239 Endowed gifted, talented, Denuded, striped, Nature has endowed
given, bestowed, dis-endowed, her with beauty and
provide with a endued, invested, deprived, divested. intelligence.
quality, ability, or supplied, enriched
240 Expedient judicious, politic, impolitic, This solution is
practical, imprudent, politically expedient
convenient and pragmatic, inadvisable, but may well cause
practical although strategic, tactical inexpedient, long-term problems.
possibly improper politic, prudent, injudicious,
or immoral. wise unwise
241 Enumerate spell out, detail confound, The names of items are
particularize, miscount, too numerous to
mention (a summarize, misreckon enumerate.
number of things) recount, recite,
one by one rehearse,
recapitulate, quote
242 Exhilaration joy, happiness, depression, Her mood could swing
delight, sadness, sorrow rapidly from gloom to
a feeling of joyousness, unhappiness, woe, exhilaration.
excitement, jubilation, rapture, discouragement
happiness, or ecstasy, bliss,
elation. excitement
243 Emancipation enfranchisement, enslavement, Uswa showed her
freeing, oppression, emancipation by
the freeing of liberation, serfdom, servitude, piloting an aircraft.
someone from manumission slavery
244 Ferocity savagery, brutality, nonviolent, un- Asad screamed with an
brutishness, angry, calm, inhuman ferocity.
the state or barbarity, humane, civilized
quality of being fierceness,
ferocious. violence,

245 Forfeit damages, fine, premium, bribe, If you cancel now I'm
forfeiture, mulct, douceur, afraid you forfeit your
lose or be penalty, penance, remuneration, deposit.
deprived of damages, compensation
as a penalty for confiscation, loss,
wrongdoing. sequestration
246 Fragile breakable, delicate, infrangible, non- The old lady was
frail, frangible breakable, strong, increasingly fragile
easily broken or flimsy, weak sturdy, tough, after her operation.
damaged. frail , insubstantial unbreakable
delicate, dainty
247 Flimsy cobwebby, Sturdy, substantial, The flimsy structure of
filmy, frothy, robust, strong, the vehicle could not
insubstantial and gauzy, gossamer, sturdy. withstand even mild
easily damaged. insubstantial, impacts.
248 Grudge Grievance, Peaceful, He bears a grudge
Resentment, forgiving, against me because I
a persistent Bitterness, forbearing, calm, took his place in the
feeling of ill will Rancour, good-tempered, office.
or resentment Pique, umbrage, unresentful.
resulting Displeasure,
from a past insult Dissatisfaction,
or injury disgruntlement
249 Gratis complimentary, Expensive, costly, He gave me two Cup
costless, free, dear, pricey. Final tickets free,
Without charge; gratuitous, unpaid, gratis and for nothing.
free. charge less
cost-free, freebie
toll-free, for love
250 Gorge Ravine, canyon, abnegate, pass, A deep gorge separates
gully, pass, defile, shun, cease, the two halves of the
a narrow valley couloir, deep eschew, forbear city.
between hills or narrow valley,
mountains chasm, abyss, gulf,
chine, bunny,
251 Gale agony, blaze, burst, Calm, tranquillity, The house crumpled up
eruption, spasm, subsidence, in the gale.
a very strong explosion, flash, restraint,
wind. flush, gush, gust, composure, zephyr.
paroxysm, storm
252 Gravest burial, heavy, light, unserious But the gravest threat
serious, weighty to health is posed by
serious or solemn the total collapse of the
in manner or economy.
253 Hazy beclouded, clear, cloudless, The mountains were
befogged, limpid, pellucid, hazy in the distance.
made dim or clouded, cloudy, unclouded
cloudy by or as if foggy, gauzy,
by fine dust, misty, murky,
smoke, or light smoggy, soupy
vapour in the air
254 Hallowed revered, reverend, abominable, The table he sat before
sacred, cursed, impure, was as hallowed as any
made holy; venerable, polluted, secular, altar.
consecrated. venerated un-consecrated
255 Hamlet Bourg, town let, city, country, It was easy to believe
villa, village, downtown that the tiny hamlet
a small whistle-stop held some great
settlement, mystery.
smaller than a
256 Indomitable bulletproof, super able, Through such
impregnable, surmountable, indomitable thinking,
impossible to insuperable, vulnerable the Chinese claim they
subdue or defeat insurmountable, have found a cure for
invincible, deaf.
257 Intimately bosom, buddy- distant, enemy, foe The cafe has an
buddy, chummy, intimate but buzzy
in a private and close, especial, atmosphere.
personal way. familiar, friendly,
258 Impatient agog, antsy, apathetic, The big clubs are
anxious, ardent, indifferent, becoming increasingly
having or athirst, avid, crazy, un-eager, impatient at the rate of
showing a desirous, eager, unenthusiastic progress.
tendency enthused,
to be quickly enthusiastic,
irritated or excited
259 Inflict Impose, remove, disburden They inflicted serious
Force, injuries on three other
cause (something Press, men.
unpleasant or Thrust,
painful) to be Foist,
suffered by Burden
someone or
260 Incarnation embodiment disembodiment, This film is the latest
personification, spiritualization, incarnation of a fairy
a person who exemplification abstraction tale that dates back to
embodies in the type, epitome, the Middle Ages.
flesh a deity, manifestation
spirit, or quality. bodily form, avatar
261 Inclusive compendious, Exclusive, The monthly rent is $
complete, excepted, 20 inclusive of
including all the comprehensive, denunciative, everything.
services or items cover-all, adversative.
normally exhaustive, full,
expected or global, in-depth,
required. omnibus
262 Invigorate excite, exhilarate, bad, baneful, The tactic could well
fortify, stimulate, deadly, deleterious, help invigorate a
making one feel refresh, energize, destructive, struggling campaign.
strong, healthy, enliven, quicken, detrimental, evil,
and full of animate, rejuvenate foul, harmful,
energy. hurtful, injurious
263 Latent Dormant, visible, apparent, Without training, his
Quiescent, manifest, musical talent
(of a quality or inactive, untapped conspicuous, remained latent.
state) existing but unused, exposed,
not yet developed undiscovered unconcealed,
or manifest; hidden, unrevealed attentive,
hidden or unexpressed, developed
concealed. concealed
264 Legacy bequest, Disinherit, disable. He received a large
birth right, legacy from his uncle.
an amount of heritage,
money or inheritance,
property left to patrimony
someone in a
265 Legislature legislative disassembly After furious debate,
assembly, the legislature
a governing body legislative body, defeated the bill.
that makes laws general assembly,
and can law-makers,
also amend or assembly,
repeal them chamber, senate,
266 Legitimate legal, lawful, licit illegal, illegitimate, The army must give
legalized, illicit, lawless, power back to the
conforming to the authorized, unlawful, wrongful legitimate government.
law or to rules. permitted
allowable, allowed,
267 Mediate Conciliation, provoke, terminal, He mediated in the
arbitration, unmediated, direct, quarrel between the
intervene in a Reconciliation, immediate two boys.
dispute in order Intervention,
to bring about an Intercession,
agreement or Interposition,
reconciliation. good offices,
268 Meticulous careful, Careless, negligent, He's always
conscientious, slack, slovenly, meticulous in keeping
showing great fussy, loving, uncircumspect, the records up to date.
attention to detail; painstaking, undemanding,
very careful and scrupulous undetailed,
precise unmindful
269 Manacles band, bind, unbind, unfetter, The soldiers were
bond, unshackle already putting
one of two metal bracelet, chain, manacles around
bands joined by a fetter, irons, Rachel's wrists.
chain, for ligature,
fastening a shackle
person's hands or
270 Nepotism bias , partiality fairness, He was guilty of
partisanship, impartiality, nepotism and
the practice prejudice neutrality, corruption.
among those with preference, objectivity, open-
power or unfairness mindedness,
influence discrimination unbiasedness
of favouring inequity
relatives or
especially by
giving them jobs.
271 Oppression suppression, bliss, blissfulness, The people reacted
subjection, ecstasy, elatedness, against the oppression
prolonged cruel subjugation, elation, euphoria, of the government by
or unjust enslavement, exhilaration, holding a
treatment or exploitation, exuberance, demonstration.
exercise of cruelty, exultation, felicity,
authority. ruthlessness, gladness
harshness, brutality
272 Paltry cheap, admirable, She made some paltry
contemptible, commendable, excuse and left.
very small or cruddy, deplorable, creditable,
meagre despicable, dirty, laudable,
grubby, lame, meritorious,
lousy, mean, nasty, praiseworthy
pitiable, pitiful
273 Peril danger, Security, safety, The refugees were in
hazard, certainty. peril of death from
serious and imminence, hunger.
immediate menace,
danger. pitfall, risk,
threat, trouble
274 Prolixity long-windedness, conciseness, It will probably make
pleonasm, briefness, misunderstanding, and
unduly prolonged verbiage, condensation, make the version
or drawn out wordiness, crispness, prolixity.
diffusion, concision,
redundancy, directness
275 Persuasion coaxing, ineffective, We hope your
persuading, disinterest persuasion will wear
convincing others coercion, down his opposition.
to change their inducement,
point of view convincing,
urging, prompting
276 Pernicious adverse, bad, anodyne, benign, Pollution of the water
baleful, baneful, harmless, innocent, supply reached a level
having a harmful damaging, innocuous, pernicious to the
effect, dangerous, inoffensive, safe health of the
especially in a deleterious, population.
gradual or subtle detrimental,
way. evil
277 Pilgrimage journey, jaunt, stay, rest, They set out for a
peregrinate, abide pilgrimage to Rome.
a journey of a tour, travel,
pilgrim trek, trip,
especially: one to voyage
a shrine or a
sacred place.
278 Pledge promise, break, disagree The meeting ended
undertaking disavow, disobey with a pledge to step
a solemn promise vow, word, word falsify, reject up cooperation
or undertaking. of honour between the six states
commitment, of the region.
oat, covenant
bond, agreement
279 Ravine canyon Flat, plain, hill, In some cases the
couloir, defile, mount, ravine could well be
a deep, narrow flume, gap, gill, prominence, shown as virtually
gorge with steep gorge, gulch, gulf, munch, mound, bottomless.
sides. Linn , notch, pass, altitude.
280 Reconciliation knitting, reunion, alienation, They aimed to secure a
conciliation, estrangement, lasting reconciliation
the restoration of reconcilement, rivalry, split, between the two
friendly relations pacification, parting, countries.
appeasement disaffection,
placating, division,
propitiation, disagreement
281 Revelation disclosure, Concealing, His performance in the
divulgence, veiling, shrouding, race today was a
an act of exposure, keeping back. revelation to everyone.
revealing or declaration,
communicating utterance,
divine truth announcement
report, news,
leak, avowal
282 Reckon Calculate, count, Miscalculate, She doesn't know how
regard, estimate, misestimate, and to reckon with this
establish by value, account, misreckon. problem.
calculation. consider, argue,
infer, judge.

283 Redemptive Redeeming, Forfeiture, He doesn't have any of

redeemable, abandonment, loss, those potentially
acting to save saving, deprivation, redemptive qualities.
someone from compensatory, sacrifice, betrayal,
error or evil. extenuating, dandification.
positive, qualifying
284 Speculation Conjecture, Realization, proof, The president's absence
theorizing, fact, verification, led to speculation over
the forming of a hypothesizing, certainty. his health.
theory or supposition,
conjecture guesswork,
without firm talk, theory,
evidence. hypothesis,
thesis, postulation
285 Servile abject, base, Independent, They said she had a
humble, menial, fractions, servile attitude to her
having or slavish, refractory, employer.
showing an subservient, recalcitrant,
excessive fawning, dogged, stubborn,
willingness to toadying, defiant, rebellious.
serve or please ingratiating,
others. unctuous
286 Substantial big, consequential, inconsequential, The findings show a
earth-shattering, inconsiderable, substantial difference
of considerable earth shaking, insignificant, little, between the opinions
importance, size, eventful, historic, minor, negligible, of men and women.
or worth important, slight, small
major, material,
287 Seismic Tectonic, quaky, ant, unchanging, Earthquakes produce
quivering, vaporous, two types of seismic
relating to tremulous, insubstantial, solid, waves.
earthquakes or churning, placid, fixed,
other vibrations earthshattering, motionless, subtle
of the earth and ground-breaking
its crust.
288 Sweltering ardent, boiling, algid, arctic, bitter, Everyone headed for
broiling, burning, bone-chilling, cold, the beach on that
uncomfortably fervent, fervid, freezing, frigid, sweltering summer
hot. fiery, hot, piping frozen, glacial, ice- afternoon.
hot, red, red-hot, cold, iced, icy
289 Symphony balance, coherence, asymmetry, It is not possible to
consonance, discordance, reconstruct the
an elaborate harmony, concert, disproportion, complete symphony
musical orchestration, disunity, from these manuscript
composition for proportion, imbalance, sketches.
full orchestra symmetry, incoherence,
unity, harmony, violence
290 Thriving flourishing, going, failed, unsuccessful The place has rapidly
palmy, prosperous, developed from a small
prosperous and successful, fishing community into
growing; triumphant a thriving tourist
flourishing. resort.
291 Tangible palpable, material, impalpable, There should be some
touchable, real, intangible tangible evidence that
perceptible by physical, solid, the economy is starting
touch. substantial, visible, to recover.
corporeal, concrete
292 Unalloyed Pure, intermingled, At first glance, it
uncorrupted, linked, combined looked like unalloyed
(of metal) not unmixed, good news.
alloyed; pure. Genuine.
293 Unprecedented Unparalleled, Familiar, Such policies would
unmatched, hackneyed, old, require unprecedented
never done or unrivalled, time-honoured, cooperation between
known before. extraordinary, tired, warmed- nations.
uncommon, over, ordinary,
unusual, common, normal,
outstanding, usual.
294 Unchaste Shameless, Moral, pure, And, indeed, if I had
lascivious, lustful, chaste, effortful, stayed unchaste, I
relating to or lecherous, impure, hard. would have gotten
engaging in lewd, sensual, burned out.
sexual activity, immoral and
especially of an unclean.
illicit or
295 Victimized exploitation, fraud, helped, assisted, The fat boy was
flimflam, cheat, aided, protected victimized by his
single (someone) swindle, classmates.
out for cruel or victimisation,
unjust treatment. using, criminality,
296 Vulnerability Weakness, indestructibility, There was the merest
destructibility, strength, hint of vulnerability in
the inability (of a breakability, invulnerability, the urgency of his need
system or a unit) frangibility, good, part for her.
to withstand the exposure, perfection
effects of a defencelessness,
hostile defencelessness,
environment. fragility
297 Vandal Hooligan, Conserver, They set up a 24-hour
Hoodlum, thug, protector, security camera to trap
a person who lout, delinquent, preservationist, the vandal scratching
deliberately ruffian, rowdy, conservator, saver, their car.
destroys or troublemaker, preserver.
damages property tearaway, tough,
belonging to rough
298 Vowed Promised, pledged, Benediction, He vowed to achieve
insured, plighted, benison, blessing. certain objectives
solemnly promise subscribed, before the end of his
to do a specified affirmed, presidency.
thing. agreed,
299 Verdict Judgement, on declaration, The jury has retired to
adjudication, indecision, in- consider its verdict.
a decision on an decision, finding, determination
issue of fact in a ruling, resolution,
civil pronouncement,
or criminal case decree, order,
or an inquest. settlement, result
300 Wallow Slosh, wade, Abstain (from), There is pool of water
dabble, plunge, eschew, forbear, or mud where animals
roll about or lie in bathe, trudge, forgo. go to wallow.
mud or water, plod, roll,
especially to keep flounder, writhe
cool or avoid
biting insects
WORDS Synonyms Antonyms Sentence
301 Waive relinquish, Press, urge, He didn't waive his
renounce, enforce, assert, right in this matter.
refrain from give up, abandon, claim, vindicate.
insisting on or reject, surrender,
using (a right or yield, cede, do
claim). without
302 Rattled clatter , bang, calm, hush, lull Every time a bus went
clang , clank, quietude, serenity, past, the windows
to make a rapid clink , clunk , tranquillity rattled.
succession of jingle , jangle
short sharp noises tinkle , unnerve ,
disconcert , disturb
303 Twittering cheeping, chirping, groaning, moaning, There were birds
chirruping, sighing twittering in the
to make a short chittering, eucalyptus trees.
sharp sound like a jargoning, peeping,
small bird piping, pipping,
304 Wicked evil, immoral, decent, ethical, The wicked old woman
iniquitous, good, honest, charmed the princess
not conforming to nefarious, rotten, honourable, just, with magic words.
a high moral sinful, unethical, moral, right,
standard; morally unlawful, righteous
unacceptable unrighteous
305 Frantically agitatedly, calmly, collectedly, She tore open the
confusedly, crazily, composedly, envelope and
in a confused and desperately, coolly, frantically read the
reckless manner feverishly, imperturbably, letter.
haywire, skittishly, peacefully,
uncontrollably placidly
306 Cajole beg, beseech, Repel, repulse, He really knows how to
importune, urge revolt, disgust, cajole people into doing
to get (someone) beguile, cozen, deter, discourage, what he wants
to do something finagle, juggle, disenchant,
by gentle urging, wangle, wheedle dissuade,
special attention, coax , talk into, horrify,
or flattery manoeuvre nauseate
307 Contrariness defiance, compliance, With me, nothing
disobedience, obedience, illustrates the
refusal to obey forwardness, submission, contrariness of things
insubordination, subordination, better than the matter of
disrespect, tractability, sleep.
impertinence, traceableness
308 Aghast afraid, alarmed, adventuresome, He stood aghast at the
fearful, frightened, adventurous, terrible sight.
filled with fear or horrified, horror- audacious, bold,
dread struck, hysterical , daredevil, daring,
scared, scary, dashing, gutsy
309 Slumber bed, insomnia, The phone suddenly
catnapping, sleeplessness, roused her from
a natural periodic dozing, napping, consciousness, slumber.
loss of repose, rest, wake,
consciousness resting, shut-eye, wakefulness
during which the sleep
body restores
310 Bivouac cantonment, Confuse, The children made a
campground, disarrange, bivouac at the bottom
to be camp, encamp, dislodge, of the garden with some
accommodated or encampment, displace poles and an old
lodged in a campsite, camping blanket.
specified place. site, camping
311 Impediment hindrance, Benefit, advantage, The new taxes were a
obstruction, aid, assistance. major impediment to
A hindrance or obstacle, barrier, economic growth.
obstruction in bar, handicap,
doing something. block, check, curb,
brake, restraint,
312 Tempests storm, squall calm, fair weather, The scandal caused
superstorm, hush, peace, tempests in the
A violent windy thunderstorm, serenity, stillness, newspapers.
storm. cloudburst, tranquillity
313 Lull Tranquillise, Continuation, There was a lull in
calm down, clamour, political violence after
Calm or send to calm, still, loudness, the election of the
sleep, typically tranquillize, noise, current president.
with soothing quieten, busyness,
sounds or tranquilize, quiet disturbance
314 Fraught Anxious, worried, calming, The earliest operations
upset, distraught comfortable, easy, employing this
causing or overwrought, peaceful, quiet, technique were fraught
affected by agitated, quieting, tranquil with dangers.
anxiety or stress. distressed,
315 Incumbent compulsory, elective, optional, It is incumbent upon
forced, imperative, voluntary all of us to make an
forcing one's involuntary, extra effort in this
compliance or mandatory, project.
participation by necessary,
or as if by law obligatory,
316 Suffice enough, satisfy, check, deny, Some bread and soup
fulfil, sufficient, disappoint, refuse, will suffice me.
be enough or appease, answer, restrain, restrict,
adequate. avail, dissatisfy starve
317 Perch roost , sit wing, float, plane, My father used to
rest , alight rise, move, soar, perch me on the front
(of a bird) alight settle , land lower, blast off, of his bike.
or rest on come to rest ascend, hang
318 Loom Emerge, appear, Dwindle, pale, All his life it would
become, visible, recede, fade, loom bittersweet in
appear as a vague take shape, vanish, disappear. memory.
form, especially materialize,
one that is large reveal itself,
or threatening. appear, indistinctly
come to light
319 Menace danger, hazard, guard, protection, Drunk drivers are a
imminence, peril, safeguard, shield, menace to everyone.
something that pitfall, risk, threat, asylum, harbour,
may cause injury trouble haven, refuge,
or harm retreat, shelter
320 Breech Buttocks, backside, front side, front His breeches were
behind bottom, made of white shiny
the part of the bum, rear, silk and so was his
body upon which seat haunches, waistcoat.
someone sits rump, butt
321 Vulture bloodsucker, Prey, benefactors. I felt like a vulture
buzzard, sitting there waiting for
a person who harpy, kite, bad emergencies to
habitually preys predator, shark, happen.
upon others vampire, wolf
322 Trot run , jog , jogtrot Crawl, creep, He walked briskly, but
dogtrot , lope decelerate, plod, without breaking into a
(of a person) run scamper , scuttle procrastinate, rest, trot.
at a moderate scurry, bustle remain
pace with short
323 Addled confused, silly, alert, conscious, I suppose the shock had
befuddled, foolish, clearheaded addled his poor old
Unable to think cleared, flustered, brain.
clearly; confused. mystified, jumbled,
fuddled, dizzied
324 Banish exile , expel Attack, arrive, He was determined to
deport , eject unfasten, fall, banish all feelings of
Send (someone) expatriate decrease, accept guilt.
away from a extradite
country or place repatriate
as an official transport, cast out
325 Betray double-cross defend, guard, He promised never to
deceive, cheat, protect, safeguard, betray the organization.
to be unfaithful inform on/against, save, shield
give away,
denounce, sell out,
stab someone in
the back
326 Cognitive Emotional, physical, body Teachers are trained to
intellectual, mental stimulate the child's
the mental action subjective, cerebral cognitive processes.
or process of experimental,
acquiring imaginary,
knowledge intellective,
327 Arbitrary Capricious, Consistent, definite The rules seemed
whimsical, random dependable, logical arbitrary and
based on random chance, erratic reasonable, inflexible.
choice or unpredictable regular,
personal whim, inconsistent, wild reliable,
rather than any hit-or-miss, sensible,
reason or system. haphazard, steady,
casual unchanging
328 Astray amiss, adrift, Right, close, at Several letters went
straying, wrong, home, safe. astray or were not
away from the seek, afield, delivered.
correct path or surprise,
direction. wandering, awry,
329 Cloak Mask, cover, Exhibit, propound, A borrowed cloak does
shroud, veil, promulgate, not keep one warm.
a sleeveless camouflage, portray, aggravate,
outdoor over covering, expose,
garment that disguise, veneer, demonstrate,
hangs loosely cope, coverture reveal.
from the
330 Drapes Curtain, hanging, Bare, refuse, The room was curtained
blind, drape, reject, take, off by red drapes.
arrange (cloth or screen, blackout, unclothe,
clothing) loosely drapery, portiere, unfurnished
or casually on or purdah, café,
round something. curtain
331 Entice Invite, persuade deter, warn, hinder, The adverts entice the
convince, inveigle repel customer into buying
Attract or tempt induce, beguile things they don't really
by offering cajole, wheedle want.
pleasure or coax, woo, seduce
332 Extolling adoring, be blaming, The teacher was
lauding, deifying, censuring, extolling her work to
praise idolizing, reprehending, the skies.
enthusiastically. worshipping reprobating
acclaiming, criticizing,
applauding, reproving
333 Fickle Capricious, Constant, even, Fortune is fickle.
changeable, invariable, regular,
changing variable, volatile, uniform,
frequently, mercurial, consistent,
especially as vacillating, unchanging,
regards one's fitful, irregular unvarying,
loyalties or inconstant, disloyal changeless,
affections. undependable steadfast
334 Impostor Fraud, pseud, Genuine, square, No impostor could
ringer, trickster, shooter, natural, deceive him; someone
a person who cheater, pretender, undercharge had put him up to all
deceives others slicker, role, their tricks.
by pretending to deceiver, beguiler,
be someone else. faker, name
dropper, fake
335 Knave Hogue, cheat, true-penny, Better be a fool than a
rascal, villain, gentleman, knave.
a dishonest or miscreant, innocent, dupe,
unscrupulous scoundrel. simpleton, gull, oaf

336 Muttered breathed, unexpressed, She scowled darkly and

chirped, drawled, unsaid, unspoken, muttered something
Say something in gasped, intoned, unuttered, under her breath.
a low or barely mouthed, unvoiced
audible voice, mumbled, surd, voiceless
especially in murmured
dissatisfaction or
337 Nuisance Offence, Gratification, The dogs next door are
annoyance, plague, blessing, pleasure, a real nuisance.
one who is pest, trouble. delight, benefit.
338 Pitiful distressing, poor, Fortunate, good, Their suffering was
deplorable, sorry, estimable. pitiful to see.
deserving or misfortunate, silly,
arousing pity. pathetic, pitiable,
339 Pastor Priest, minister (of Layperson, The pastor requested
religion), parson, laywoman, the women present to
a minister in clergyman, believer, join him in prayer.
charge of a Cleric, proselyte,
Christian church chaplain, padre neophyte,
or congregation father, ecclesiastic follower
340 Reproachfully Disapproving, Favourable, Maryam's mother
reproving, amicable, stopped smiling and
in a way that critical, affirmative, looked reproachfully
expresses censorious, complimentary, at him.
criticism disparaging, uncritical.
341 Slink Creep, sneak, steal, ride, run I tried to slink out of
slip, slide, sidle the room so that nobody
move smoothly edge, move would see me go.
and quietly with furtively, tiptoe
gliding steps, in a pussyfoot, pad
stealthy or skulk, lurk,
sensuous manner. prowl
342 Shear Sever, cleave, cut, Attach, connect, The farmer taught him
crop, fleece, lop, elongate. how to shear sheep.
cut the wool off prune, remove,
(a sheep or other snip, shave
343 Solitaire Gemstone, jewel, rough, plainness I ate and then watched
diamond, Jack playing solitaire
a single gem sparkler, and losing.
(such as a precious, stone,
diamond) set parallelogram,
alone gem
344 Sputter stutter, falter, enunciate, Don't sputter when you
crackle, stumble, continue, speak.
make a series of stammer, crepitate, articulate,
soft explosive or splutter, sounds, pronounce
spitting sounds. spatter
345 Tyranny Fascism, Freedom, Self-expression and
oppression, independence, individuality are the
cruel and suppression, humanity, greatest weapons
oppressive repression, clemency, against tyranny.
government or bullying, harshness constitutionalism.
rule. strictness, severity
cruelty, brutality,
346 Tendrils sprout, Straight, straight The tendrils of
ringlet, offshoot, climbing plants are
a slender shoot, sprig, thigmotropic.
threadlike coil, cirrus,
appendage of a bine, petiole
climbing plant
347 Vicious Brutal, ferocious Gentle, kind, Keep away from that
savage, violent glorious, innocent, dog, he can be vicious.
Deliberately cruel dangerous, ruthless nice, pleasant,
or violent. remorseless, pure, respectable,
merciless, heartless compliant,
callous submissive
348 Whither shrivel up, Increase, The crops have
decrease, die down, crescendo, expand, withered.
(of a plant) diminish, dry up, inflate, and
become dry and shrink, die back, lengthen.
shrivelled. mummify, blast,
atrophy, lessen
349 Writ Summons, reprieve, A writ was filed in the
subpoena, entitlement, High Court.
a form of written warrant, disallowance,
command in the arraignment, disapproval
name of a court indictment,
or other legal court, order,
authority to act, process, decree
or abstain from citation
350 Whence accordingly however, all the They returned whence
therefore, thusly same, still they had come.
from what place correspondingly,
or source. resultantly,
thence as a,
for that reason in

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