Lesson Plan

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Subject: English

Grade Level: Grade 6

Objective: purposes of Informational text/ factual text, Describe various types

of the informational/factual text, Determine the purpose of various types of
informational/ factual texts

Learning within the curriculum:

1) **Research Reports** - Students will learn how to gather, analyze, and present
information on a specific topic, emphasizing the importance of factual text in
academic writing. This connects to the objective as it requires understanding
different types of informational texts and their purposes in presenting data clearly.

2) **News Articles** - This topic explores the structure and purpose of news articles,
highlighting how they inform the public. The objective is met as students analyze the
purpose of news articles as a form of informational text, understanding their role in

Learning across the curriculum:

1) **Science Experiments** - In science, students will conduct experiments and write

reports based on their findings. This connects to the objective by focusing on how
scientific reports serve as informational texts that explain procedures and results,
thereby determining their purpose in conveying scientific knowledge.

2) **Social Studies** - When studying historical events, students will read

biographies and historical accounts. This relates to the objective as they learn to
identify the purposes of these texts, such as informing, persuading, or providing
insight into historical contexts.

Review Motivation:

[Teaching Strategy:] Interactive Read-Aloud Activities

[Instructional Materials:] A selection of informational texts (articles, brochures,

Engaging Activity 1 - **Text Detective**: Students will analyze different types of
informational texts and identify their features.

Engaging Activity 2 - **Purpose Hunt**: Students will work in pairs to find

examples of informational texts in newspapers or magazines and discuss their

Engaging Activity 3 - **Role-Playing**: Students will choose a type of

informational text and role-play as the author to present its purpose to the class.

Activity 1: **Creating a Fact File**

[Teaching Strategy:] Project-Based Learning

Materials - Paper, markers, access to informational texts

Significance - This activity enables students to synthesize information and

understand the structure of factual texts.

Instructions -

1) Choose a topic of interest.

2) Research and gather information from various informational texts.

3) Create a fact file that summarizes the key points and includes the purpose of the


- Clarity of Information - 5 pts.

- Accurate Purpose Identification - 5 pts.

- Creativity and Presentation - 5 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) What is the main purpose of your chosen informational text?

2) How did you determine the credibility of your sources?

3) What features of the text helped you convey the information effectively?
Activity 2: **Informational Text Jigsaw**

[Teaching Strategy:] Cooperative Learning

Materials - Various excerpts of informational texts

Significance - Promotes collaboration and critical thinking by allowing students to

teach each other.

Instructions -

1) Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a different informational

2) Each group reads and discusses their text’s purpose and features.

3) Groups present their findings to the class.


- Engagement in Group Discussion - 5 pts.

- Clarity of Presentation - 5 pts.

- Depth of Analysis - 5 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) What type of informational text did your group analyze?

2) What key features did you identify in your text?

3) How does your text serve its intended purpose?

Inclusive Activity 3: **Story Circle**

[Teaching Strategy:] Interactive/Integrated Learning

Materials - None

Significance - Encourages students to share knowledge and insights without needing

physical materials.

Instructions -

1) Form a circle and have each student share a brief summary of an informational
text they have encountered.

2) Discuss the purpose of each text shared.

3) Reflect on how these texts are similar or different in their purposes.


- Contribution to Discussion - 5 pts.

- Understanding of Text Purpose - 5 pts.

- Listening and Engagement - 5 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) What was the most interesting informational text shared in the circle?

2) How did the purposes of the texts vary?

3) What common features did you notice among the texts?


Activity 1 - Students will demonstrate their ability to synthesize information and

express the purpose of various informational texts through the creation of a fact file.
This activity aligns with the objective by requiring them to identify and describe the
features of factual texts.

Activity 2 - Through the Jigsaw activity, students engage in cooperative learning,

allowing them to explore different informational texts and articulate their purposes,
reinforcing their understanding of the objective.

Activity 3 - The Story Circle provides an inclusive environment where students can
share and reflect on various informational texts, deepening their comprehension of
text purposes and encouraging peer learning.

The main point of this lesson is to understand the diverse purposes and types
of informational texts, which allows students to critically analyze the
information presented to them. By identifying features and purposes, students
develop skills in evaluating texts across various contexts. Reading materials:

Supporting Material 1 - "The Elements of a Good Informational Text" - This material

discusses the critical components that make up effective informational texts, helping
students recognize these elements in their reading.

Supporting Material 2 - "Understanding Informational Texts" - This article provides

insights into the different types of informational texts and their purposes, serving as a
guide for students to enhance their comprehension skills.


[Teaching Strategy:] Experiential Learning

Task 1 - Students will create a class newsletter that informs the school community
about important events, utilizing various types of informational text.

Task 2 - Students will conduct interviews with family members or community

members to gather information about a local event, which they will then present as
an informational report.


[Teaching Strategy:] Think-Pair-Share

[Instructional Materials:] Informational texts, discussion questions

Question 1 - What is the purpose of informational texts?

Question 2 - How can understanding the purpose of a text improve your reading

Question 3 - What features help you identify the type of informational text?

Question 1 - How does the purpose of an informational text influence its structure?

Answer 1 - The purpose determines what information is included and how it is

organized, affecting readability and clarity.

Question 2 - In what ways can an author’s choice of words impact the effectiveness
of an informational text?

Answer 2 - Word choice can convey tone and clarity, influencing how well the
information is understood by the reader.

Question 3 - Why is it important to differentiate between types of informational texts

when conducting research?

Answer 3 - Different types serve various purposes, which affects their reliability and
relevance to a specific research question.


**Assignment 1**

Guiding Overview for the Teacher: Instruct students to explore their local library or
online resources to find different types of informational texts.

Assessment Question: Identify and summarize three types of informational texts

you found, explaining their purposes.

**Assignment 2**

Guiding Overview for the Teacher: Encourage students to conduct interviews with
family members about their favorite books or articles.

Assessment Question: Create a report detailing the types of informational texts

discussed during the interviews and their purposes.


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