Feeding Tips For Cows
Feeding Tips For Cows
Feeding Tips For Cows
Feeding of sufficient quantity of roughages will reduce use of concentrate and is economic
1 kg straw = 5 kg grass ( Straw contain little protein, more concentrates are to be fed)
Concentrate & roughages are fed at 2 times in a day. ( High yielders are fed 3 times a day)
Urea should be mixed well with other feeds & introduce gradually
Egg 1
Castor oil Half teaspoon
Fish liver oil 1 teaspoon
Water 300 ml
Whole milk 500 ml
It is a metabolic disorder usually affecting soon after calving. Cow is in a negative energy balance and
utilises her body fat for energy production. When fat is utilised through different pathways ketone
bodies like beta hydroxy butyrate are produced in blood.
Symptoms:- Decreased food intake, low milk production, ketone smell for breath, Nervous symptoms
Prevention –Proper feeding of energy supplements