03 System Strength Data

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14 HYDRONEWS №34 / 2021

STRE The ren

The smart
solution for Though the clean energy transition offers an existing and limited transmission infrastructure is a
modern grids economic and environmental benefits, it difficult issue to resolve.
also presents a number of challenges.
One of the key mechanisms to reduce climate-changing PV and wind parks must therefore be integrated
carbon emissions is through the deployment of renew- into the grid while considering the conditions and
able electricity generation such as wind and solar. limitations of today’s power system. In fact, the
However, the variability of such energy sources can sig- requirements for adaptation, expansion and inter-
nificantly affect the power transmission and distribution connection of the transmission system to better bal-
grid as well as the quality of the electricity supplied. ance the supply and demand of power are going

to take years or even decades to realize. The syn-

For the TSOs tasked with maintaining the stability of chronous condenser is the perfect tool to cope with
the grid, the massive introduction of clean energy to these challenges.
№34 / 2021 HYDRONEWS 15

naissance of rotating machines
A changing generation portfolio is profoundly impacting the ability
of Transmission System Operators (TSOs) to maintain the stability
of the transmission network. Synchronous condensers are the
optimum solution for this purpose, both now and in the future.

Any imbalance between the supply and demand of dominated by renewables, similar effects are seen when
energy can affect the grid frequency, which can then the wind drops suddenly, or cloud cover affects a large
drift from the desired nominal frequency (e.g. 50 Hz solar power plant. The Rate of Change of Frequency
or 60 Hz). For example, when there is an excess of (RoCoF) indicates the robustness of a power system to
generation the frequency tends to rise as generators withstand sudden system imbalances after such events
accelerate. Gross changes in load and reactive power and grid codes typically specify the ride-through limits
can also affect the voltage. for RoCoF events, such as 0.5 Hz per second.

THE TRANSMISSION SYSTEM CHALLENGE Traditionally, grid stability is maintained by the large

Rapid changes in either power supply or demand can rotating generators that are found in conventional
be particularly challenging, for example when a large thermal or nuclear power plants. These huge machines
generator trips off line. Where an electricity system is might weigh several hundreds of tonnes and when
16 HYDRONEWS №34 / 2021

rotating at, perhaps 3,600 rpm, possess considerable As a result of these changes, TSOs need to both
physical inertia. This inertia is invaluable when absorb- monitor system inertia and take appropriate action
ing potential shocks to the transmission system and any to ensure enough inertia can be deployed when
variability between supply and demand. It is very hard required. Today, TSOs worldwide are seeking out new
to rapidly accelerate or decelerate such large machines, methods to add inertia to the grid.
which provides an inherent stability and therefore suffi-
cient time for other reserves to be put in place. THE SYNCHRONOUS CONDENSER SOLUTION
One technology that offers considerable benefits to
However, the energy transition has seen large vol- the grid is the synchronous condenser, a synchro-
umes of conventional thermal generation decommis- nous rotating machine operating as a motor with no
sioned to be replaced by non-synchronous renewable mechanical load. As a massive rotating machine, the
sources or HVDC connections. These are connected synchronous condenser is able to provide grid inertia
via power electronics and do not provide significant with excellent availability. As synchronous machines
system inertia. In addition, renewable energy typically are electro-magnetically coupled to the power sys-
benefits from dispatch priority when it is available. tem, they are a source of system strength.
Correspondingly, conventional rotating generation
units are requested to reduce their output and conse- Indeed, synchronous condensers have been used
quently further reducing system inertia. within the transmission network since the beginning
of the last century where they have provided vari-
ous grid services, like voltage regulation and reactive
power services.

After a steady decline in the use of synchronous

condensers due to the introduction of solid-state
compensation devices – such as the Static VAR Com-
pensator (SVC) that provides reactive power when
needed – today, the demand of synchronous con-
densers is now experiencing a strong resurgence.

Synchronous condensers not only provide inertia and

variable reactive power to support the transmission
system voltage during events, but they are also able to
deliver a range of additional ancillary services for grid
operators that increase the robustness of the system.

For TSOs synchronous condensers are able

to provide stabilization capabilities that
are being lost from the grid due to the the
transformation of the generation mix.
№34 / 2021 HYDRONEWS 17

For more than 120 years,

ANDRITZ has supplied
numerous synchronous
and non-synchronous
machines, mainly for generation purposes.
About 5,000 units are in service all over the
world relying on decades of extensive experi-
ence in plant and system integration in the
renewable energy business.

NOT JUST INERTIA FOR GRID STABILITY power than their rated capacity and can also provide
Synchronous condensers are rotating compensa- a time-limited overload capability, sustaining 200%
tors that provide a number of critical services to grid for 30 seconds for instance, when responding to reac-
operators. To stabilize the grid during imbalances, tive power demands.
synchronous condensers can deliver sufficiently large
amounts of system inertia to attenuate or avoid any Short circuit power capac-
“ANDRITZ’ top-tier
high Rate of Change of Frequency events. They also ity is so important that some synchronous condenser
support TSOs by injecting dynamic reactive currents PV project developers have technology improves the
into the grid during and after faults, therefore they are even proposed adding syn-
able to prevent voltage collapse and have been used chronous condensers in order
performance of power
to provide this function for many decades. to secure a TSO connection generation facilities and
approval for their PV parks. grid stability and increases
Short-circuit power also plays a vital role in the proper
functioning of the protection system of the transmis- Last but not least, it is impor-
revenue for our customers.”
sion grid. It is typically mandatory that enough short- tant to note that synchro-
circuit power is available at the connection point for nous condensers can also absorb harmonics caused
power generators. This is particularly important for by inverter-based generation such as solar.
non-synchronous power generators such as wind or
solar, which contribute only up to their rated capacity Considering all the benefits that a synchronous
(110%) to the available short circuit power. condenser can provide with an extensive range of
ancillary services to the grid in addition to inertia, syn-
ANDRITZ Synchronous Condensers, for example, can chronous condensers represent an attractive invest-
provide up to five times more (500%) short-circuit ment with elevated levels of return.

1.0 Relationship between system

0.9 inertia and Rate of Change

of Frequency (RoCoF)
in a changing world with
0.7 increased penetration of
Rate of change of frequency (Hz/s)

0.6 non-synchronous renewable

energy power generation
(wind and solar PV)




System inertia (GVA.s)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Loss (MW): 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800

Source: www.nationalgrideso.com
18 HYDRONEWS №34 / 2021


Current progress
“Demanding new regulatory 2015 – 2018/2019
requirements and a cleaner,

Variable renewable energy

more diversified energy mix

share in generation (%)

are giving rise to new issues for
4.5% 10%
electricity grid operators tasked
with maintaining a stable
energy supply. The synchronous 2015 2018

condenser is a reliable, proven,

and cost-effective solution.”

NEW BUILD VS EXISTING ASSETS With well over a century of experience designing, manu-
The global trend to retire fossil-fuelled generation facturing, supplying, installing, integrating, operating and
plants is a significant factor in the loss of system iner- maintaining a vast range of rotating electrical machines,
tia, but such facilities may be repurposed to act as ANDRITZ has a comprehensive reference list. Indeed,
synchronous condensers. The conversion process is more than 5,000 synchronous generating units are in
beneficial as it allows asset owners to retain resid- service today. For all kinds of synchronous condenser
ual asset value while securing the grid benefits of solutions, from greenfield projects to modernization and
a large rotating machine. In addition, such facilities uprating, ANDRITZ always delivers top-tier solutions.
are located at appropriate locations with good grid
connections. HVDC substations also require precisely In Brazil, for example, ANDRITZ is currently supplying
those qualities that can be supplied by synchronous three synchronous condenser systems for grid services,
condensers and are often co-located with existing three new long-distance transmission lines. One sys-
generation assets. tem is being installed at the existing 525-kV Marmel-
eiro 3 substation with another two systems at the new
ANDRITZ offers conversion services to ensure these Livramento 230 kV substation. The scope of supply
benefits are retained, increasing the return on invest- also comprises the step-up transformer, circuit breaker,
ment. We can also supplement existing facilities with automation, control and protection systems, as well as
the addition of rotating flywheels or by increasing the monitoring systems for the synchronous condenser and
rotating mass of the machine. qualities such as vibration, air gap and partial discharge.

Marmeleiro and Livramento 3, Brazil; supply of three synchronous condenser systems for grid services.
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Where we are heading Where we need to be
Planned energy scenario / 2030 and 2050 Transforming energy scenario / 2030 and 2050

19% 36% 35% 61%

2030 2050 2030 2050

Source: IRENA, Global Renewables, Outlook 2020


ANDRITZ’ advanced designs offer a range of techni-
• Reliable proven technology
cal features such as reduced friction flywheels based
• Cost-effective
on vacuum technology, direct air-cooling systems,
sophisticated hydrogen/water cooling systems, and • Increased revenue
Totally Enclosed Water to Air Cooling (TEWAC), as • Providing inertia – improving stability
well as salient pole and cylindrical rotor solutions with • Short circuit power – essential for system protection
static and rotating high efficiency excitation systems. • Dynamic voltage support – overload capability
The ANDRITZ portfolio covers a range of standardized • Implemented in already existing infrastructure
and tailor-made synchronous condenser solutions. In
• Reactive power
addition, advanced monitoring systems and sophis-
• Ancillary services
ticated analysis of power flow, transients, grounding,
insulation coordination, protection coordination, and
dynamic performance allow the selection or design of
the optimum synchronous condenser solution to meet
the requirements of any specific project.

Synchronous condensers are a cost-effective and

reliable solution and are able to address issues affect-
ing grid stability when faced with increasing
volumes of variable renewable energy and a
corresponding loss of system inertia. Further-
more, synchronous condensers are able to
supply a host of additional ancillary services.
These services are increasingly required by
grid operators if they are to maintain system
security and stability of supply during the
clean energy transition.

As a well-established and proven technology in many

global markets, the synchronous condenser is experi-
encing a renaissance.


Leonardo Sepulveda
Serdar Kadam
[email protected]

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