2 Parent Esternrejon
2 Parent Esternrejon
2 Parent Esternrejon
e-ISSN: 2320–1959.p- ISSN: 2320–1940 Volume 10, Issue 6 Ser. VI (Nov. – Dec. 2021), PP 44-51
Abstract: Childhood mental disorders are the most widespread problem in our society. The consequences of
not addressing the mental health and psychological development of children and adolescents extend into
adulthood limiting their opportunities for a fulfilling life.
Aim: This study aimed to assess parents’ awareness of their children’s mental health status in the eastern
region of Saudi Arabia.
Method: A quantitative research design was used for this study and a descriptive cross-sectional survey with
simple random sampling was conducted among 368 parents in Eastern Region-Saudi Arabia.
Results: The results of this study show that most of the 282 parents were female (76.6%), had a university
degree (48.1%), and were not employed (73.4%). Most of the children were female (54.6%) and lived with both
parents (97.8%). 90.8% of parents had never been gone to a mental health clinic to assess their children’s
mental health.
CONCLUSION: This study shows that most parents did not visit a mental health clinic when they noticed
abnormal physical and emotional signs in their children, and they never visited a mental health clinic to assess
their child’s mental health.
Keywords: children, mental health status, parents’ awareness.
Date of Submission: 15-12-2021 Date of Acceptance: 31-12-2021
I. Introduction
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 10-20% of children and adolescents worldwide
have mental health problems, considering only the most severe cases, and these are 4-6%.(1) Half of the mental
health problems begin in childhood. (2) Having mental health in childhood means achieving developmentally
and emotionally. (3) The diagnosis is often not made until the school years or before, and sometimes it is not
made early at all. (4) Parenting programs are the most effective interventions to improve children's mental health
, especially when the father is involved. (6)
Although Australia has been at the forefront of research into the treatment of mental disorders in
adolescents and adults, childhood mental health has been largely ignored. (7.8) Children who lack adequate
emotional support and are constantly in stressful situations caused by poverty, poor nutrition, parental stress, or
inadequate parenting are at higher risk of experiencing toxic stress. (9)
Mental health problems in children include different types of physical and emotional symptoms. (10)
However, physical symptoms and living with pain for a long period can negatively affect a child's self-esteem.
Frustration due to physical limitations can also occur. Both physical and psychological factors are often
interrelated. (11) Pediatric patients with chronic daily headaches are more likely to develop psychiatric disorders.
When muscles are tense and contracted over a long period, it can trigger other responses in the body and even
promote stress-related disorders. Muscle tension in the neck, head, and shoulder can also have chronic effects on
mood. (12) Most children complain of abdominal pain and bowel problems that are related to their mood. (13)
II. Methods
The research design used in this study is a quantitative and specifically a descriptive cross-sectional
survey to collect information on parents' awareness of their children's mental health status in the Eastern Region
- KSA.
Place of the study:
The study was conducted randomly through social media in the Eastern Region. Eastern Region is
administratively located in Saudi Arabia and consists of 11 governorates (Dammam, Alahsa, Hafir albatin,
Aljubail, Alqtif, Alkoubar, Alkhafiji, Ras tannrah, Buqayq, Annuayriah, Qaryah Alulya). The population of
Eastern Region is (5,148,598), which is 15% of the Kingdom's population, of which 2,045,335 are women and
3,103,263 are men. According to the General Authority for Statistics (GAStat), the number of Family
Registrations is (138490), which is 2.62%. The study was conducted for over 3 months, that is, February 2021up
to April 2021.
Sample size = 383 Families (368 in the main study, 15 in pilot study)
Data were collected by a structured questionnaire created by using "Google forms" after being modified based
on the pilot study and the expert report. Data was collected by publishing a questionnaire that elicited the level
of awareness of parents regarding physical and emotional problems and the importance of seeking pediatric
mental health services.
The data were categorized, coded, and analyzed according to an appropriate statistical method using the
program Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. Descriptive statistics were used to describe
the main variables of the sample.
In the data collection form the information was made clear to the parents who participate in the study. A clear
and simple explanation of the purpose of the study and its importance was presented. Participation was
voluntary and participants had the right to withdraw. The researchers emphasized that the information obtained
would be kept credential and used only for the sake of the study. Participants were reminded that their
participation would not result in any harm or conflict.
The pilot study conducted included 15 parents to assess the validity of the questionnaire used for data collection.
Furthermore, necessary modifications were made. The design used for the pilot test was a descriptive one and
the questionnaire was completed by the 15 parents. Cronbach's alpha was used (0.8).
III. Results
Table 3.1: Frequencies and percentages of demographic variables of the whole sample (No = 368).
Statement Frequency Percentage
Parents gender
Male 86 23.4
Female 282 76.6
Total 368 100.0
Father’s level of education Intermediate school 52 14.1
Secondary school 111 30.2
University 162 44.0
Post-university 43 11.7
Total 368 100.0
Mother’s level of education Intermediate 53 14.4
Secondary 125 34.0
University 177 48.1
Post-university 13 3.5
Total 368 100.0
Father employed No 45 12.2
Yes 323 87.8
Total 368 100.0
Mother employed No 270 73.4
Yes 98 26.6
Total 368 100.0
Marital status Married 356 96.7
Divorced 5 1.4
Widowed 7 1.9
Total 368 100.0
Table 3.2: Assessment of awareness of parents regarding physical symptoms of child's mental health.
1-Does your child become easily tired, show Never 178 48.4
little energy?
Sometime .55 .560 18.801 .000
178 48.4
12 3.3
2-Has your child suffered from pain? Never 201 54.6
Sometime 16.712 .000
157 42.7 .48 .552
Often 10 2.7
3-had your child got muscle strain? Never 294 79.9
Sometime .000
70 19.0 .21 .435 9.346
Often 4 1.1
4-Does your child suffer from Never 320 87.0
migraines? Sometime .15 .398
42 11.4 7.076 .
Often 6 1.6
5-Had your child got diarrhea? Never 240 65.2
120 32.6 .37 .527 13.465 .
Often 8 2.2
6-Did your child suffer from loss of appetite? Never 124 33.7
195 53.0 .80 .356 23.299 .
Often 49 13.3
7-Has your child suffered from Never 172 46.7
abdominal pain? Sometime
176 47.8 .59 .593 18.976 .000
Often 20 5.4
Table 3.3: Assessment of parent’s awareness regarding emotional symptoms of child mental health. (N=368)
Statement Mean SD t-value Sig
Frequency Percentage
1-Did your child spend
Never 174 47.3
more time alone? .59 .607 18.648 .000
Sometimes 171 46.5
Often 23 6.3
2-Did your child show less Never 204 55.4 .000
interested in school? Sometimes 140 38.0 .51 .618
Often 24 6.5
3-Did your child have daydream Never 185 50.3
17.108 .000
too much? Sometimes 136 37.0 .62 .7011
Often 47 12.8
4-Was your child afraid
Never 120 32.6
of new situations? .000
Sometimes 206 56.0 .79 .630 24.012
Often 42 11.4
5-Did your child feel sad, Never 200 54.3
unhappy? Sometimes 153 41.6 .50 .577 16.546
Often 15 4.1
6-Was your child is irritable, Never 78 21.2 .000
.99 .643 29.488
angry? Sometimes 216 58.7
Often 74 20.1
Table 3.4: Assessment of parent’s awareness regarding the importance of seeking pediatric mental health
care services. (N=368)
Statement Frequency Percentage Mean SD t-value Sig
Table 3.5: Relationship among sociodemographic characters &parent awareness regarding child physical
symptom, emotional symptom, and the importance of seeking pediatric mental health services
Sociodemographic Awareness of physical Awareness of emotional Awareness of seeking psychiatric
characteristic symptoms symptoms health services
Pearson Sig Pearson Sig Pearson Correlation Sig
Correlation Correlation
Parents Sex .153** .003 .063 .230 .075 .151
Father education level -.250** .000 -.165** .001 .082 .116
Mother education level -.217** .000 -.121* .021 .108* .039
Father working -.140** .007 -.070 .178 .051 .333
Mother working -.055 .295 .018 .732 .104* .045
Marital status .001 .980 -.052 .316 -.026 .623
Child lives with -.007 .890 -.025 .627 .047 .368
Residence .045 .387 .096 .065 .028 .592
IV. Discussion
The results of sociodemographic variables, concerning parents' sex, in our study the majority were
mothers 76.6% and fathers 23.4%, similar study which was done by (Rochelle and Cheng, 2016) pointed that
mother 76% and fathers 24%. (29) In our study marital status 96.7% is married, it is higher than (Rochelle and
Cheng, 2016) study is (93.4 %%). (29) In our study child living with both parents were 97.8% compared to
(Mahsoon et al., 2020) (30) study was 78%, the difference may be due to sampling size which was 236 is lower
than our study 368. In our study employed parents was 85.6% higher than (Abera, Robbins, and Tesfaye, 2015)
study that was 49.8%, the difference may be due to study area, (Abera, Robbins and Tesfaye, 2015) study in
Ethiopia, and sample size 532 is higher than our sample size. (26)
The physical characteristics variables about children who complain about abdominal pain in the present
study was 9.7%, whereas it was 14.7% in the study carried out by (Abera, Robbin and Tesfaye 2015). It is
V. Conclusion:
In sum, the present study showed that Eastern Region-KSA has unclear and consistent views of
children's mental health problems. Mental health specialists face challenges in gaining family participation.
Unless systematically addressed, the public's lack of knowledge, skepticism, and misinformed beliefs signal
continuing problems for providers, as well as for caregivers and children seeking treatment.
This study illustrates, most parents didn’t go to the psychiatric hospital when noticed abnormal
physical and emotional signs in their children, and never visited a mental and psychiatric hospital to assess their
child’s mental health, finally they think that their children didn’t need to be examined by a mental and
psychiatric doctor.
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Ragaa Gasim Ahmed Mohmmed, et. al. “Assessment of Parents’ Awareness regarding their
Children Mental Health Status in Eastern Region- KSA.” IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health
Science (IOSR-JNHS), 10(06), 2021, pp. 44-51.