Research Article: Sleep Disturbance in ADHD Children: Prevalence, Clinical Profile and Influencing

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Research Article
Sleep Disturbance in ADHD Children: Prevalence, Clinical Profile and Influencing
Listianingrum, Sp.A1, Susi Rutmalem Bangun2, Tri Cahyani Utami3, Ery Surya Sevriana 4, Rayi Citra Ayu Pangestuti5, Yumna Nur Millati

Author’s Affiliation:
1- Pediatrician, Children and Adolescents Mental Health Department , Soerojo Hospital, Central Java, Indonesia
2- Psychiatrist, Children and Adolescents Mental Health Department , Soerojo Hospital, Central Java, Indonesia
3- Nurse, Children and Adolescents Mental Health Department , Soerojo Hospital, Central Java, Indonesia
4- General Practice Department, Soerojo Hospital, Central Java, Indonesia
5- Research Division, Soerojo Hospital, Central Java, Indonesia

Listianingrum, Sp.A Jalan Ahmad Yani, Email: [email protected]

Received on: 31-Dec-2022 Accepted for Publication: 22-Mar-2023

Background: Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a prevalent neurodevelopmental disorder that is frequently
accompanied by several comorbidities, making it complicated and challenging to manage. Sleep disturbance is one of the ADHD
comorbidities with complex, multi-directional, and multifactorial relationships.

Objective: To determine the prevalence and factors that influence sleep disturbance in ADHD children.

Methods: A cross-sectional study conducted at Soerojo Hospital, involving 60 children under aged 6-15 years who had been diagnosed
with ADHD using DSM-5 criteria, at the child and adolescent mental health department, outpatient clinic of Soerojo Hospital, Central
Java in May 2022 - October 2022. Data collected by purposive sampling technique, using validated and reliable Indonesian version of the
Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children (SDSC) questionnaire. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine the factors that are
influencing sleep disturbance.

Results: A total of 60 ADHD children in this study, sleep disturbance prevalence was 12 (20%). Sleep hyperhidrosis (13%) was the most
common sleep disturbance type, followed by disorders of initiating and maintaining sleep (3%) and sleep breathing (3%) then disorders
of excessive somnolence (1%). Based on bivariate analysis we found that the factors that influence sleep disturbance in ADHD children
were Asthma (ρ-=0.025) and epilepsy (ρ-=0.037).

Conclusion: Prevalence of sleep disturbance in ADHD children is relatively high. Asthma and epilepsy were significant influences on
increased sleep disturbance incidents in children with ADHD. Early screening for sleep disturbance in ADHD children and its
influencing factors is necessary to provide effective prevention and treatment.

Keywords: Sleep disturbance, ADHD, SDSC, influencing factors.


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders that can develop in
both children and adults, characterized by an inability to maintain attention according to the level of growth, restlessness,
and/or hyperactive-impulsive psychomotor behavior1. Children with ADHD may have troubles paying attention,
hyperactivity, and impulsivity and may adversely impact social, academic, or other activities 2. ADHD, a perennial
neurodevelopmental disorder that impacts 2.5% of adults and 5% of children and adolescents globally 3.
There is no clear data available on the prevalence of ADHD children in Indonesia but there are a number of studies that can
describe the prevalence of ADHD. The previous survey discovered that a significant proportion of primary school students
(26.2%) experience ADHD in the capital city of Indonesia4 and the other research by Paramashanti et al (2018) in Bantul-DIY
reported ADHD prevalence was 29.19% 5.

Asia Pac J Paediatr Child Health ------------------------------------------- Volume 6, Jan - Mar 2023

ADHD is typically accompanied by a number of comorbidities, making it challenging and complicated to manage6. Most
children and adolescents with ADHD have comorbid conditions, often multiple comorbidities or at least one comorbid. The
results of a study by Radmanovic (2020) reveal that sleep disturbance is one of the comorbid ADHD and other comorbidities
such as learning difficulties, speech-language difficulties, mood disorders, and eating disorders7. Therefore, the association
between sleep disorder and ADHD are complex, multi-directional, and multifactorial and are often associated with poorer
daily functioning8.
Compared to 7% of the general population, patients with ADHD reported sleep alteration 25-55% of the time9. Hodgkins et
al (2013) provided data that as many as 25-55% of parents reported that their children with ADHD had sleep disorders10.
Based on this description, this study was conducted with the aim of assessing sleep disturbance and their influencing factors in
ADHD children, so that the results of this study can provide appropriate prevention and treatment.


Study design and data collection

A cross-sectional design was carried out from May to October 2022 at Soerojo Hospital. Purposive sampling technique was
used to select a total of 60 respondents. The inclusion criteria were ADHD pediatric patients aged 6-15 years accompanied by
parents or caregivers willing to participate in the study, therefore informed consent was obtained from the child's parent or
caregivers. Meanwhile, ADHD children with comorbidities such as schizophrenia/psychotic disorders and/or other mental
disorders: anxiety disorders, mood disorders, dissociative disorders, personality disorders, substance intoxication or drug
withdrawal, autism, and mental retardation were excluded. This study was approved by The Ethics Committee, Soerojo
Hospital issued on 28 April 2022 (No: 22/KEH/IV/2022).

Data collection
Data collection begins with determining the sample based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Respondents who agree to
participate in the research will sign an informed consent and be recruited as a sample. Data obtained by distributing
questionnaires to respondents. The questionnaire consists of questions related to sleep disturbances in children with ADHD.
We also collected data about the demographic characteristics of respondents and the influencing factors of sleep disturbance
that consist of: history of therapy, comorbidities, Low Birth Weight (LBW), malnutrition, screentime, and socio-economic
conditions of parents.

Research instrument
We measured all subjects’ weight and height and plotted it into CDC growth charts to measure malnutrition; other data were
collected through interviews with their parents. The SDSC (Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children) questionnaire was
distributed to get sleep disturbance data. SDSC is a sleep disturbance screening instrument for standardizing the assessment,
identifying specific limits, and identifying sleep disturbance in children using a sleep scoring system (Herwanto et al., 2018).
SDSC questionnaire contains 26 question items divided into 6 sleep disturbance type :1) SHY (Sleep Hyperhidrosis); 2) DIMS
(Difficulty in Initiating and Maintaining Sleep); 3) SBD (Sleep Breathing Disorder); 4) DOES (Disorder Of Excessive
Somnolence);5) DOA (Disorders Of Arousal );6) SWTD (Sleep–WakeTransition Disorder). The questions are scored on a
Likert scale of 1 to 5 and the sum of the scores determines a total sleep score (Total SDSC). The validated and reliable
Indonesian version of the Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children (SDSC) questionnaire was adopted in this study (Natalita et
al., 2016).

Asia Pac J Paediatr Child Health ------------------------------------------- Volume 6, Jan - Mar 2023

Data analysis
The distribution and proportion of the demographic and clinical profile of children with ADHD, sleep disturbance, and
influencing factors were analyzed using univariate analysis. Meanwhile, the chi-square test was used in bivariate analysis to
determine the association between influencing factors and sleep disturbance. Two variables are statistically significant if the
calculated ρ-value is less than 0.05. Data was analyzed using the SPSS software.

The study was conducted at the child and adolescent mental health clinic at Soerojo Hospital for four months from May to
August 2022. There were 60 respondents who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria in this study with the following basic

The proportion of ADHD children between the ages of 5 - 11 years is 3 times higher than that of children with ADHD aged
> 12 years, which is 75% versus 25% (3:1). Meanwhile, based on gender data, it is known that the number of ADHD children
is 54 (90%) boys and 6 (10%). Among all child respondents, 8 (13%) had a history of low birth weight, 2 (3%) had comorbid
asthma and 7 (12%) had comorbid epilepsy.

Asia Pac J Paediatr Child Health ------------------------------------------- Volume 6, Jan - Mar 2023

It is known that the prevalence of sleep disturbance in ADHD children is 12 or 20% of the total respondents with ADHD.
The data was obtained based on a questionnaire answered by parents according to the sleep habits of children with ADHD.
Hyperhidrosis disorder during sleep (13%) was the most common type of sleep disturbance found in this study. Followed by
the type of disorder in initiating sleep and maintaining sleep (3%) and breathing disorders during sleep (3%) and excessive
somnolence (1%). It was found that there was 1 child with ADHD who had 2 types of sleep disturbance at once, namely
respiratory disorders and hyperhidrosis during sleep.

Asia Pac J Paediatr Child Health ------------------------------------------- Volume 6, Jan - Mar 2023

Based on table 3, there are 8/45 children with ADHD aged 5-11 years having sleep disturbance. Among all ADHD children
who have sleep disturbance, 10 of them are male. It is also known that 7 out of 35 ADHD children receiving pharmacological
ADHD therapy have sleep disturbance. There are 2 of all respondents have asthma and both have sleep disturbance. In
addition, there are 4 out of 7 ADHD children with epilepsy who have sleep disturbance.
Among ADHD children with sleep disturbance, one child had a history of low birth weight, 6 children had non-ideal
nutritional status or malnutrition, and 7 children had screen time exceeding the recommendation. There are 7 ADHD children
with sleep disturbance who have mothers with low levels of education (< high school) and 5 children with lower
socioeconomic backgrounds.

Asia Pac J Paediatr Child Health ------------------------------------------- Volume 6, Jan - Mar 2023

The results of bivariate analysis of relationship between sleep disturbance and each factor are presented in table 6. Based on
the chi-square test for bivariate analysis, it was found that comorbid asthma had a statistical relationship with sleep disturbance
in ADHD children (ρ-value 0.037) and the OR value was 1.2, which means that ADHD children who have asthma are 1.2
times more likely to have sleep disturbance. In addition, epilepsy comorbidity also has a relationship with sleep disturbance in
ADHD children (ρ-value 0.025) with an OR value of 7.5, which means that ADHD children who have epilepsy have a 7 times
greater risk of having sleep disturbance.

ADHD is a chronic neurodevelopmental behavior disorder characterized by symptoms of inattention, impulsivity and
hyperactive behavior11. The result of this study indicates that children with ADHD are found more in boys than girls and a
higher proportion of ADHD in children aged 5 to 11 years than aged >12 years.
ADHD children are more susceptible to having sleep difficulties12. Sleep disorders have been identified as a comorbid
condition in 25–50% of children and adolescents with ADHD10. ADHD is multidirectional and multifactorial along with
other conditions, one of which is sleep disorder13. Sleep disorders affect the quantity, quality, and timing of sleep, causing
daytime distress and functional impairment14.
Types of sleep disturbances were measured using SDSC questionnaire and categorized into 6 types including DIMS (Difficulty
in Initiating and Maintaining Sleep); SBD (Sleep Breathing Disorder); DOA (Disorders Of Arousal ); SWTD (Sleep–Wake
Transition Disorder); DOES (Disorder Of Excessive Somnolence); and SHY (Sleep Hyperhidrosis) 15,16. Results of this study,
13% of ADHD respondents had sleep hyperhidrosis. According to Zeron et al. (2020), while ADHD combined-type patients
experience more severe sleep breathing problems and sleep hyperhidrosis, ADHD inattentive patients have problems with
substantial behavioral sleep, including problems falling asleep and staying asleep, sleep-wake transition abnormalities, and
excessive daytime somnolence17. ADHD patients who scored high on the sleep hyperhidrosis subscale were more likely to
have night sweats and had shorter sleep durations. According to the SDSC questionnaire, type of sleep hyperhidrosis consists
of two points, including falling asleep sweating and night sweating 15,16.
In addition to sleep hyperhidrosis, disorder of initiating and maintaining sleep was identified in 3% of ADHD respondents.
These results are consistent with previous research conducted at Child Development Polyclinic Dr. Sardjito Hospital,
Yogyakarta knew that 64,8% of ADHD children experienced sleep disorders with the majority having disorders of initiating
and maintaining sleep (48.1%), sleep-wake transition disorders (14,6%), and disorders of excessive somnolence (1,9%)18.
Disorder of initiating and maintaining consists of several points including sleep duration, sleep latency, unwillingness to go to
bed, difficulties falling asleep, anxiety before falling asleep, nighttime awakenings, and difficulty getting back to sleep after
The results of this study also found that 3% of ADHD respondents experienced sleep breathing disorders. In a narrative
review of sleep disorders in ADHD patients19, thirteen research examined the sleep characteristics of individuals with sleep
breathing disorders and ADHD. Sleep breathing disorders are characterized by irregular breathing and/or ventilation during
sleep and research has shown that higher sleep breathing disorders symptoms are correlated to higher total ADHD symptoms.
This correlation is stronger for hyperactivity, then impulsivity, and also poor social skills, and lower academic performance.
The first line treatment for ADHD children with sleep breathing disorders is surgical removal of the tonsils or adenoids. Sleep
breathing disorders consist of three points including breathing problems, sleep apnoea, and snoring16
In this study, disorders of excessive somnolence were found with the least number (1%). In a study conducted by Cohen and
colleagues (2013) on 186 children aged from 2 to 18 years consisting of 109 boys and 77 girls. The SDSC questionnaire was

Asia Pac J Paediatr Child Health ------------------------------------------- Volume 6, Jan - Mar 2023

given to their parents to complete. The questionnaires were separated into three groups: ADHD (62 patients), epilepsy (58
patients), or other (66), according to their primary neurologic diagnosis. Total abnormal sleep scores for fifty children.
Initiating and maintaining sleep (24.7%), arousal nightmares (23.1%), and excessive sleepiness (25.3%) were the three most
prevalent sleep disorders20. Disorders of excessive somnolence consist of several points including distress and tiredness when
waking up, daytime somnolence, sleep paralysis, and sleep attacks 16.
Furthermore, the results of the bivariate statistical analysis, it is known that epilepsy and asthma are comorbidities in ADHD
children associated with sleep disorders. Clinical studies estimate a prevalence of 30-40% for ADHD in children with epilepsy,
which is substantially higher than in the general pediatric population21. According to studies, ADHD is the most prevalent
problem among preschoolers and school-aged children with epilepsy, affecting both males and girls equally. The presence of
sleep disturbance in children with epilepsy is related to impaired GABA release. Decreased GABA or increased acetylcholine
and norepinephrine are responsible for the pathophysiology of sleep disorders in children with epilepsy. The pathophysiology
of epilepsy causes prolonged sleep onset, sleep phase disorder, prolongation of NREM 1 and 2 phases, decreased sleep
spindle density, and decreased REM phase 22. The results of these studies are consistent with the bivariate statistical analysis in
this study, that there is an association between comorbid epilepsy and sleep disturbance in ADHD children (ρ-value 0.025).
Besides epilepsy, comorbid asthma is also one of the factors associated with sleep disturbance in ADHD children. The
bivariate analysis results showed a significant association between comorbid asthma and sleep disturbance in ADHD children
(ρ-value 0.037). These results are consistent with previous research by Furtado et al, which stated that asthma causes sleep
disorders, based on clinical experience there is a significant interaction between respiratory function disorders and sleep
quality. Uncontrolled history of comorbid asthma in children or adolescents could be functional condition and progression,
impaired growth, as well as attention deficit disorders, excessive drowsiness, psychological issues, increased school absences,
and inadequate academic performance that impact their QoL23. Hypoxia and breathing maintenance activities exacerbate
attention problems that children with asthma may experience. Additionally, difficulty breathing at night might disrupt sleep,
aggravating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 24.
Based on the description, it is known that sleep disorders are one of the comorbidities highly prevalent in ADHD children.
Therefore, proper assessment of sleep disorders is needed, especially for those who have sleep problems, so early treatment
can be given, and should be noted that sleep disturbances and ADHD have a reciprocal relationship associated with poorer
daily functioning. The results of the study are expected to be a scientific basis for identifying the risk of sleep disorders in
ADHD children so appropriate prevention and management can be carried out.
The limitation of this study was the research sample consisted of ADHD children who were already undergoing therapy. The
obtained pharmacological or non-pharmacological therapy has the potential to cause bias in the measurement of sleep

Based on the identification using the SDSC questionnaire, 20% of ADHD children have sleep disturbance. The types of sleep
disturbance experienced by respondents in this study were sleep hyperhidrosis (SHY), a disorder of initiating and maintaining
sleep (DIMS), sleep breathing disorders (SBD), and disorders of excessive somnolence (DOES). There is a research
respondent who has more than one type of sleep disturbance.
In this study, ADHD children who had comorbid asthma and epilepsy were more likely to have sleep problems. Although the
association between sleep disturbance and ADHD are complex (multi-directional and multifactorial). Based on the results of
this study and supported by a number of previous studies, an initial screening of sleep disturbance in pediatric patients with
ADHD is required in order to provide effective prevention and treatment.

Asia Pac J Paediatr Child Health ------------------------------------------- Volume 6, Jan - Mar 2023

The authors thank all of the respondents who contributed to this study. We are also grateful to Soerojo Hospital for the
support and funding sources in this research.


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