Adam Lucero-Super Human Discipline System
Adam Lucero-Super Human Discipline System
Adam Lucero-Super Human Discipline System
*Drink water more in the day and 5 hours before going to bed
ii)Minimize light exposure as much as possible. This includes normal light in your
house and especially blue light from electronics. Download the app “flux” on any
computer or get blue light blocker glasses. Alternatively turn our phone on
“grayscale” at night time.
iii)Limit caffeine and alcohol consumption, coz they can interfere with my sleep, don’t consume
them especially in the hours leading up to bedtime.
Iv)Exercise regularly, especially in the morning or afternoon can help regulate your circadian
rhythm and improve your sleep quality
v) Go to sleep at the same time every single night (And wake up at the same-time – this will be a
byproduct of going to bed at the same time). Ideally you want to sleep at 10 pm …as 10pm-2 am
are the highest quality hours of sleep.
Vi) Get direct sunlight early in your day as possible. Like 10-15 mins of direct sunlight
i)Cut out caffeine at least 8 hours before your bedtime, don’t abuse it
iii)Create a sleep routine to signal to your brain to wind down. Be it mediation, yoga, breath
work, journaling etc.
iv)Put your phone and other attention-grabbing devices in the other room while you sleep
v)Its vital you learn how to shut off your mind and not be thinking about stress in your business
or life BY; i) You can do Meditation, yoga or sex