Ama 4326 Fluid Mechanics II
Ama 4326 Fluid Mechanics II
Ama 4326 Fluid Mechanics II
U 0 2
y 2 where 2d is the distance between the 2 plates and y is measured from
the midpoint. 5 marks
Question THREE (20 marks)
a) Write the complete Navier Stokes equation for conservation of momentum then name all
the terms in the equation. 3 marks
b) The velocity components for a fluid flow are U=a+by-cz, V=d-bx-ez and W=f+cx-ey,
where a, b, c, d, e and f are arbitrary constants.
i) Show that it is a possible case of fluid flow. 2 marks
ii) Is the fluid flow irrotational. 3 marks
iii) If not determine the vorticity of the flow. 2 marks
c) Suppose that a liquid is in the region of the positive side of x- axis with rigid boundary
y=0 and there is a source of strength –m at (0, a) and an equal sink at (0, b). If the
pressure on the negative side of the boundary is the same as the pressure at infinity, show
that if the fluid satisfies the no – slip condition on the boundary then the resultant
10 marks
Question FOUR (20 marks)
a) Find the equation of the streamlines due to 2 line sinks each of strength m through the
point (-C, 0) and (C, 0) with a uniform line source of strength 2m through the origin.
9 marks
find the circulation about the circle x 2 y 2 2 a y=0 situated in the flow if a is the radius of the
circle. 5 marks
1 r
b) The radial velocity profile in a pipe is given by U U where U is the velocity at a
radial distance r, Umax is the maximum velocity and R is the radius of the pipe. Derive an
equation for the average velocity in the pipe. 8 marks
ik log z
c) Discuss the flow equation of a line vortex whose complex velocity potential is w
7 marks