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Spur Gears Component Generator (Version: 2020 (Build

240168000, 168))

Project Info

Design Guide - Module and Number of Teeth
Unit Corrections Guide - User
Type of Load Calculation - Torque calculation for the specified power and speed
Type of Strength Calculation - Geometry Design
Method of Strength Calculation - ISO 6336:1996

Common Parameters
Gear Ratio i 3.5000 ul
Desired Gear Ratio iin 3.4500 ul
Module m 7.000 mm
Helix Angle β
Pressure Angle α
Center Distance aw
Product Center Distance a
Total Unit Correction 0.0000 ul
Circular Pitch p
pt 20.665
Base Circular Pitch
b mm
Operating Pressure Angle αw
Contact Ratio ε 1.6809 ul
Limit Deviation of Axis 0.0170
Parallelity mm
Limit Deviation of Axis 0.0085
Parallelity mm

Gear 1 Gear 2
Componen Componen
Type of model
t t
Number of Teeth z 20 ul 70 ul
Unit Correction x 0.0074 ul -0.0074 ul
140.000 490.000
Pitch Diameter d
mm mm
154.103 503.897
Outside Diameter da
mm mm
122.603 472.397
Root Diameter df
mm mm
131.557 460.449
Base Circle Diameter db
mm mm
140.000 490.000
Work Pitch Diameter dw
mm mm
112.000 105.000
Facewidth b
mm mm
Facewidth Ratio br 0.7500 ul 0.2143 ul
Addendum 1.0000 ul 1.0000 ul
Clearance c* 0.2500 ul 0.2500 ul
Root Fillet rf* 0.3025 ul 0.3025 ul
11.033 10.958
Tooth Thickness s
mm mm
11.033 10.958
Tangential Tooth Thickness st
mm mm
Chordal Thickness tc 9.743 mm 9.676 mm
Chordal Addendum ac 5.279 mm 5.187 mm
53.658 182.479
Chordal Dimension W
mm mm
Chordal Dimension Teeth zw 3.000 ul 9.000 ul
Dimension Over (Between) 156.488 506.613
Wires mm mm
12.000 12.000
Wire Diameter dM
mm mm
Limit Deviation of Helix 0.0170 0.0180

Angle mm mm
Limit Circumferential Run- 0.0300 0.0390
out mm mm
0.0110 0.0120
Limit Deviation of Axial Pitch fpt
mm mm
0.0100 0.0110
Limit Deviation of Basic Pitch fpb
mm mm
Virtual Number of Teeth zv 20.000 ul 70.000 ul
140.000 490.000
Virtual Pitch Diameter dn
mm mm
da 154.103 503.897
Virtual Outside Diameter
n mm mm
131.557 460.449
Virtual Base Circle Diameter db
n mm mm
Unit Correction without
xz 0.4891 ul -1.0369 ul
Unit Correction without
xp -0.1188 ul -3.0433 ul
Unit Correction Allowed
xd -0.2940 ul -3.2184 ul
Addendum Truncation k 0.0000 ul 0.0000 ul
Unit Outside Tooth Thickness sa 0.6923 ul 0.7941 ul
31.3843 23.9673
Tip Pressure Angle αa
deg deg

Gear 1 Gear 2
Power P 2.530 kW 2.302 kW
Speed n 144.15 rpm 41.19 rpm
167.601 N 533.810 N
Torque T
m m
Efficiency η 0.910 ul
Radial Force Fr 871.455 N
Tangential Force Ft 2394.304 N
Axial Force Fa 0.000 N
Normal Force Fn 2547.965 N
v 1.057 mps
Resonance Speed nE 8719.679
1 rpm

Gear 1 Gear 2
EN C45 EN C45
Ultimate Tensile Strength Su 640 MPa 640 MPa
Yield Strength Sy 390 MPa 390 MPa
206000 206000
Modulus of Elasticity E
Poisson's Ratio μ 0.300 ul 0.300 ul
Bending Fatigue Limit σFlim 410.0 MPa 410.0 MPa
Contact Fatigue Limit σHlim 520.0 MPa 520.0 MPa
Hardness in Tooth Core JHV 210 ul 210 ul
Hardness in Tooth Side 600 ul 600 ul
Base Number of Load Cycles in 3000000 3000000
Bending ul ul
Base Number of Load Cycles in 50000000 50000000
Contact ul ul
W?hler Curve Exponent for
qF 6.0 ul 6.0 ul
W?hler Curve Exponent for
qH 10.0 ul 10.0 ul
Type of Treatment 0 ul 0 ul

Strength Calculation

Factors of Additional Load

Application Factor KA 1.000 ul

Dynamic Factor KH 1.034 1.034

v ul ul

Face Load Factor KH 1.730 1.506

β ul ul

Transverse Load Factor KH 1.294 1.436

α ul ul
One-time Overloading KA 1.000 ul
Factor S

Factors for Contact

Elasticity Factor ZE 189.812 ul

Zone Factor ZH 2.495 ul
Contact Ratio Factor Zε 0.879 ul
Single Pair Tooth Contact 1.081 1.000
Factor ul ul
1.000 1.057
Life Factor ZN
ul ul
Lubricant Factor ZL 0.937 ul
Roughness Factor ZR 1.000 ul
Speed Factor Zv 0.904 ul
Helix Angle Factor Zβ 1.000 ul
1.000 1.000
Size Factor ZX
ul ul

Work Hardening Factor Z 1.000 ul


Factors for Bending

2.850 2.272
Form Factor YFa
ul ul
1.586 1.815
Stress Correction Factor YSa
ul ul
Teeth with Grinding Notches YSa 1.000 1.000
Factor g ul ul
Helix Angle Factor Yβ 1.000 ul
Contact Ratio Factor Yε 0.696 ul
1.000 1.000
Alternating Load Factor YA
ul ul
1.000 1.000
Production Technology Factor YT
ul ul
1.000 1.000
Life Factor YN
ul ul
1.094 1.104
Notch Sensitivity Factor Yδ
ul ul
1.000 1.000
Size Factor YX
ul ul
Tooth Root Surface Factor YR 1.000 ul


Factor of Safety from Pitting SH 1.407 ul 1.607 ul

Factor of Safety from Tooth 20.853 21.637
Breakage ul ul

Static Safety in Contact SHs 3.487 ul 3.768 ul


47.657 48.984
Static Safety in Bending SFst
ul ul
Check Calculation Positive
Summary of Messages

9:50:05 PM Design: Gear 1: The Unit Correction (x) is less than the Unit Correction without
Tapering (xz)
9:50:05 PM Design: Numbers of teeth are commensurable - shots of the same teeth are
taken relatively regularly
9:50:05 PM Calculation: Calculation indicates design compliance!

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