Chapter V
Chapter V
Chapter V
4. To find out the association between pre-test knowledge score with selected socio-
demographic variables.
H1: There will be a significant increase in the post-test level of knowledge regarding
staff nurses regarding the prevention of central line associated bloodstream infection
Conceptual framework
The conceptual framework adopted for the study was based on “General system
theory” which consists of 3 steps that is central input, process, output, evaluation and
The hypothesis H1 was accepted that Information Booklet was effective. Chi-
square test suggesting that there is association between the findings Age in years,
professional qualification, experience of staff nurses, working area, and previous
knowledge but no association with other demographic variables such as Gender.
Thus the student researcher found it satisfactory in providing the effectiveness
of Information Booklet. Further recommendations have been stated expecting for an
improved study with wider generalizations.
The major findings of the study are summarized as follows:
Findings related to demographic variables which contain 6 items are summarizes as
Majority of the respondents 48.33% belongs to the age group of 31-40 years, 26.66%
respondents to age group of 21-30 years, 16.66% respondents to age group 41-50 years,
8.33% respondents to age group 51-60 years.
Based on the gender majority of the respondents 65% were males, 35% respondents were
Majority of the respondents 53.33% were GNM, 30% were B.Sc. Nursing, 13.33% Post
Basic B.Sc. Nursing, 3.33% were M.Sc. Nursing.
Majority of the respondents 38.33% belongs to 6-10 years, 30% were belongs to 11-15
years, 20% were belongs Above 15 years, 11.66% were belongs 0-5 years of experience.
Majority of the respondents 43.33% belongs to ICU, 25% respondents were belongs to
emergency/Dialysis unit, 18.33% respondents were belongs to others, and 13.33%
respondents were belongs to O.T.
Majority of the respondents 50% belongs to In-service education, 25% respondents were
belongs to mass media, 15% respondents were belongs to books, 10% respondents were
belongs to magazines/literature.
The result showed that in pre-test the mean percentage obtained by the respondents was
51.11% with SD of 1.73 in the aspect of Introduction and definition regarding central line
associated bloodstream infection, 53.70 with SD 0.7 in aspect of causes, risk factor,
pathophysiology, and symptoms of central line associated bloodstream infection, 53.20%
with SD of 0.82 in the aspect of Diagnostic test, treatment and complication of central
line associated bloodstream infection, 49.36% with SD 1.82 in aspect of prevention and
management of central line associated bloodstream infection. The mean percentage of
overall knowledge obtained by the respondents is 49.36% with SD is 3.95.
The result showed that in post-test the mean percentage obtained by the
respondents was 82.22% with SD of 1.11 in the aspect of Introduction and definition
regarding central line associated bloodstream infection, 62.50% with SD 0.64 in aspect of
causes, risk factor, pathophysiology, and symptoms of central line associated
bloodstream infection, 76% with SD of 0.71 in the aspect of Diagnostic test, treatment
and complication of central line associated bloodstream infection, 83% with SD 1.32 in
aspect of prevention and management of central line associated bloodstream infection.
The mean percentage of overall knowledge obtained by the respondents is 79.70% with
SD is 2.56.
The result showed that in the pre-test 6.66% respondents had adequate knowledge on
prevention on central line associated bloodstream infection, 23.33% respondents had
moderate knowledge and 70% respondents had Inadequate knowledge on prevention on
central line associated bloodstream infection.
After giving Information Booklet in post-test most of the respondents gain
adequate knowledge on prevention of central line associated bloodstream infection that
was 70% whereas 30% respondents had moderate knowledge and 0% respondents had in
adequate knowledge on prevention of central line associated bloodstream infection.
The result showed that the mean post-test knowledge score is 23.91(79.70%) is greater
than the mean pre-test knowledge score 14.81 (49.36%). The data further represent that
the ‘t’ value of 19.89 is significantly higher than the tabulated ‘t’ value 2.0010 at 0.05
level of significance. This indicates that there was different in pre-test and post-test
knowledge score of respondents and Information Booklet is effective in improving the
knowledge score of staff nurses on prevention of central line associated bloodstream
The following conclusions were drawn on the basis of the findings of the study. The
findings showed that majority of the subjects had inadequate knowledge in the pre-test
whereas majority of the subjects had adequate knowledge in post-test. The mean post-test
percentage scores and the modified gain scores in all areas were found to be high.
Knowledge about prevention of central line associated bloodstream infection was
inadequate among staff nurses working in Govt. MBS Hospital, Kota. Therefore they
have gained knowledge in all area of prevention of central line associated bloodstream
The ‘t’ test which was computed between pre-test and post-test knowledge scores,
indicate a true gain in the knowledge. Hence it was concluded that Information Booklet
was effective method to improve knowledge among staff nurses.
There is no significance association between knowledge score with selected
demographic variables such as Age, and Gender and there is significance association
between knowledge score with selected demographic variables such as professional
qualification, years of experience, working area, and previous knowledge on central line
The results of this study have implications on nursing practice, nursing education,
administration, and nursing research.
Nursing practice:
The present study would help the nurse to understand the level of knowledge of staff
nurses regarding prevention of central line associated bloodstream infection.
The finding would help the health personnel to develop as insight about the
importance of knowledge regarding prevention of central line associated bloodstream
Information Booklet of the present study regarding prevention of central line
associated bloodstream infection is a strategy which is intended to improve the
practical knowledge of staff nurses in the wards and reduce complications.
Information Booklet can be propagated through mass media to improve the
knowledge regarding prevention of central line associated bloodstream infection.
Nursing education:
Information Booklet of the present study could be utilized by the nursing teachers to
teach nursing students regarding prevention of central line associated bloodstream
The power point presentation could be utilized both by the nursing students in class-
room and staff nurses in different clinical areas.
The structured knowledge questionnaire used in study could be employed by the
nurses to refine their knowledge on the topic from time to time render effective
patient care.
Nursing administration:
The nurse administrator can organize and conduct project on education of student
nurses by organizing workshop, conference, and seminar in school and college so as
to enhance knowledge of the student nurses regarding prevention of central line
associated bloodstream infection.
The Information Booklet and the structured knowledge questionnaire prepared by the
investigator may be utilized by ward supervisors or the nursing superintendent to
assess the knowledge of staff nurses before selecting them to working clinical area.
This study material could be utilized by the administrations to formulate polices,
protocols regarding prevention of central line associated bloodstream infection and
also for the staff development programme.
Nursing research:
There is a great need for an extensive nursing research to upgrade the knowledge and
skills of student nurses regarding prevention of central line associated bloodstream
Research should be done on various innovative methods of teaching and clinical
practices to improve nursing care and to develop good and effective teaching
materials which would enhance knowledge of staff nurses in their practice.
The present study conducted by the investigator could be a source of review of
literature for others who are intended to conduct studies regarding prevention of
central line associated bloodstream infection.
It can be used se reference for the further studies.
Study was limited to small number of samples which limit the generalization that can
be made.
Sample subjects were selected from Govt. MBS Hospital, Kota hence generalization
can only be made for the same studies.
The study was confined to only 60 samples.
Present study could not include control group due to ethical considerations.
A similar study can be conducted on larger and wider sample in order to draw
The same study can be conducted on the basis of assessing knowledge and practice.
A comparative study may be done by using two strategies like one hospital staff
nurses to other hospital staff nurses.
A descriptive study can be done on knowledge prevention of central line associated
bloodstream infection.
A similar study can be conducted with control group design.
This chapter deals with the findings of the objectives in comparison with
supported studies, major findings of the study, and effectiveness of Information Booklet.