Literature Review BMJ
Literature Review BMJ
Literature Review BMJ
It requires a
comprehensive understanding of the topic, the ability to critically analyze existing literature, and the
skill to synthesize information from multiple sources.
One of the main difficulties in writing a literature review is the sheer volume of research available.
Sorting through numerous articles, books, and other sources to find the most relevant and reliable
information can be a time-consuming and daunting process. Additionally, the need to critically
evaluate each source for its credibility and relevance adds another layer of complexity to the task.
Another challenge is organizing the information in a coherent and meaningful way. A literature
review should not simply summarize each source but should instead provide a synthesis of the
existing research, identifying patterns, gaps, and areas of disagreement or consensus.
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The checklist is aimed at systematic review authors and organisations, funders, commissioners, and
groups developing guidelines, decision aids, and policy briefs; or anyone using systematic reviews of
interventions as the basis of decision making. The objective of this review is to systematically
evaluate the efficacy and safety of Tai Chi for rehabilitation in stroke patients. Data extraction and
management Two review authors (YZ and SW) will independently carry out data extraction using a
piloted data extraction form which will be developed by all authors with reference to previously
published systematic review papers on Tai Chi and stroke. Four agreed to be cited here;
A26,B33,C16,L1 while one preferred to remain anonymous. Study design All studies reporting real-
world evidence, prospective or retrospective, were eligible for inclusion. The reviews rarely reported
on the number of authors contacted and the response rate. The difference did not reach statistical
significance. Triage advice from the symptom checkers was generally risk averse and inappropriate
for many of the vignettes. Conclusions Whole person, holistic and biopsychosocial terminology are
primarily characterised by a multidimensional approach to care and incorporate additional elements
described above. We used a framework adapted from the socio-ecological model and thematic
synthesis for data analysis. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. These factors can be
different in neonates when compared with adults, so that for example, differences in gastric
emptying rate will affect the t max for drugs that are mainly absorbed in the duodenum. 13 However,
absorption parameters are less relevant in the context of TH as all drugs except for topiramate and
melatonin are administered intravenously, where a bioavailability of 100% can be assumed. A
standardised definition of cancer-related sarcopenia which can be used clinically and in the research
setting will harmonise reporting, allowing for direct comparison of results as well as meta-analysis of
data. Our independent expert gave a discrimination score of 4 for paper 3 and a score of 2 for papers
1 and 2. In all other cases, the high predicted probability of pulmonary embolism meant referral for
further objective testing. Unfortunately, in the absence of intravenous PK data in neonates,
quantification of bioavailability and the impact of asphyxia and TH cannot be assessed. The
PRISMA 2020 items are relevant for mixed-methods systematic reviews (which include quantitative
and qualitative studies), but reporting guidelines addressing the presentation and synthesis of
qualitative data should also be consulted. 39 40 PRISMA 2020 can be used for original systematic
reviews, updated systematic reviews, or continually updated (“living”) systematic reviews.
Integrating community-based verbal autopsy into civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS):
system-level considerations. Included studies were categorised into these durations, and durations
were decided comparatively by the researchers. There was also evidence of merit in the involvement
of communities and families living in registration sites. 37 44 52 54 Several partnerships models were
seen to help extend CRVS systems in settings lacking resources and capacity, fostering improved
health systems performance and, ultimately, reductions in avoidable mortality. 22 38 58 There is a
growing demand for evidence-based and data-driven interventions in LMICs. Patients’ preferences
for patient-centered communication: a survey from an outpatient department in rural Sierra Leone.
Tai Chi for improving recovery after stroke (protocol). Preferred reporting items for a systematic
review and meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy studies: the PRISMA-DTA statement.
Establishing the cost-effectiveness of new pharmaceuticals under conditions of uncertainty—when is
there sufficient evidence. The search terms within each block are combined with OR, then the
blocks are combined with AND. You will be able to get a quick price and instant permission to reuse
the content in many different ways. Disparities in diabetes care: impact of mental illness. OpenUrl
FREE Full Text 13. ? Covell DG, Uman GC, Manning PR. A randomised controlled study with 518
participants, examining the effect of eicosapentaenoic acid (found in fish oil) supplements, revealed
increased patient-rated physical functioning, but no significant change in FFM, at the end of the
study period. 28 A similar, smaller study of eight participants concurred. 75 By contrast, one study of
fish oil supplementation demonstrated a reduction in the rate of loss of muscle mass; however, the
number of studies was small—40 patients in total. Step 3: assess the effect of updating the review
Will the adoption of new methods change the findings or credibility.
The PRISMA statement for reporting systematic reviews and meta-analyses of studies that evaluate
healthcare interventions: explanation and elaboration. We included qualitative or quantitative studies
describing at least one coping strategy for chronic illness OOP payments in a LMIC context.
Experiences with online consultation systems in primary care: case study of one early adopter site.
First, sarcopenia manifests in patients with cancer of all ages and is not isolated to the elderly alone.
Toward transdisciplinary research: historical and contemporary perspectives. Erythropoietin signaling
promotes oligodendrocyte development following prenatal systemic hypoxic-ischemic brain injury.
Review Manager 5.3 will be used for assessment of risk of bias, data synthesis and subgroup
analysis. The objective of the Ottawa meeting was to revise and expand the QUOROM checklist and
flow diagram as needed. Therefore, patient-facing HIT design must be proposed and evaluated from
a systems perspective with the inquiries from both doctors and patients and even family members.
Our focus was to establish what factors influence clinical decision making by health professionals in
determining when a patient is in the dying phase, including any tools, triggers or guidance. Although
systematic reviewers are in a privileged position to unearth misconduct such as copy-paste-like
plagiarism, intentional selective data reporting and data fabrication or falsification, they do not
systematically report them. Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions: Version
6.0. Cochrane, 2019. Available from. ? Dekkers OM, Vandenbroucke JP, Cevallos M, Renehan AG,
Altman DG, Egger M. Current online triage systems should not be used by individuals who have
reasonable access to traditional healthcare. Projections of multi-morbidity in the older population in
England to 2035: estimates from the population ageing and care simulation (PACSim) model. New
Castle-Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale-Cohort Studies. 2012 ( 15 Jun 2012 ). 27. ? Aaltonen K,
Heinonen A, Joensuu J, et al. Flaws in the application and interpretation of statistical analyses in
systematic reviews of therapeutic interventions were common: a cross-sectional analysis. There may
be significant heterogeneity due to the different types of Tai Chi and duration and frequency of
practice. Pharmacokinetics of gentamicin in newborns with moderate-to-severe hypoxic-ischemic
encephalopathy undergoing therapeutic hypothermia. The new design is adapted from flow diagrams
proposed by Boers, 55 Mayo-Wilson et al. 56 and Stovold et al. 57 The boxes in grey should only be
completed if applicable; otherwise they should be removed from the flow diagram. Altman DG,
Schulz KR, Moher D, Egger M, Davidoff F, et al, for the CONSORT group. High-Dose
erythropoietin and hypothermia for hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy: a phase II trial. The PRISMA
extension statement for reporting of systematic reviews incorporating network meta-analyses of
health care interventions: checklist and explanations. Four articles described the use of clinical
vignettes to test the triage tools. This was a service evaluation of an urban DRS programme with an
uptake rate of 84%. Inter- and transdisciplinary scenario construction to explore future land-use
options in southern Amazonia. Santa Monica: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2001. 34. ?
Shachak A, Reis S. Guidance on when, and how, to report suspected misconduct is needed. A
change in the date of the search only (where no new studies were identified) would not require peer
review (except, arguably, peer review of the search), but the addition of studies that lead to a change
in conclusions or significant changes to the methods would require peer review. Another limitation is
that there may be significant heterogeneity due to the various different types of Tai Chi, styles,
duration and frequency. We contacted all the corresponding authors of the reviews and asked them
to confirm our interpretation of their methods of review.
Adhesively bonded versus non-bonded amalgam restorations for dental caries. A team of researchers
were involved in the synthesis and development of themes, and analysis of potential biasses and
quality. Those attributes apply to cross-disciplinary research teams, academic institutions and
funders. The definition of persistence varied across included studies, thereby complicating the
interpretation of any direct comparisons of results. However, some modifications of the checklist
items or flow diagram will be necessary in particular circumstances. However, in this admittedly
bizarre example, learning might have occurred; it just may have been related to palliative care, or
most likely dermatology. Provenance and peer review: Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
Univ of California Press, 2013. 3. ? Koplan JP, Bond TC, Merson MH, et al. Further validation and
simplification of the Wells clinical decision rule in pulmonary embolism. Social factors included
perceived judgement from others and a lack of trust in health practitioners. The checklist can be used
by systematic review authors and organisations, funders, commissioners, and groups developing
guidelines, consumer decision aids, and policy briefs. Data sharing statement The study protocol is
available upon request; please contact corresponding author. If you use truncation, the automatic
mapping won’t work. They talk of always having been holistic and how holism is not confined to
complementary medicines. 27. If the review does not answer a current question, the intervention has
been superseded, then a decision can be made not to update and no further intelligence gathering is
required (fig 1 ? ). In view of the multifaceted heterogeneity evident in both study design and
outcomes, the data gathered systematically were synthesised narratively. 17 Outcomes and
constructive alignment considerations Examining the intervention efficacy with an educational
theory lens was the logical first step in performing a narrative synthesis of included articles in this
particular review. All included studies will be categorised into three categories: high, unclear and low
risk of bias. It is especially essential to investigate the sociotechnical systems outcome at different
levels for the best patient-centred outcome. Fate of articles that warranted retraction due to ethical
concerns: a descriptive cross-sectional study. Since Tai Chi is practiced mostly on one foot, it is also
a weight-bearing exercise that improves balance similar to conventional rehabilitation exercises. 19
The requirement for deep breathing and relaxation of the body and mind when practicing Tai Chi is
consistent with stroke rehabilitation therapies that encourage patients to relax and stay calm to
achieve better recovery. Melander H, Ahlqvist-Rastad J, Meijer G, et al. Grey literature was
identified through Advanced Google searching and targeted searching of international health
departments’ and non-government organisations’ websites. Growing into interdisciplinarity: how to
converge biology, economics, and social science in fisheries research. Consensus building in palliative
care: a Europe-wide Delphi Study on Common understandings and Conceptual Differences. Select
fields for each comparison below and click on Find Duplicates under References and remove all
duplicates. However, the studies that evaluated muscle mass alongside muscle function show that
there is limited correlation. Our findings demonstrate that diagnosis is important, with cancer linked
to more explicit recognition of dying than other life-limiting illnesses. If you have less time than that
available, you may want to conduct a rapid review instead. This was evaluated by comparing values
for the different PK processes: absorption, distribution, metabolisation and elimination. Our core
research team included two patient partners who are included as authors.
It has not been vetted by BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) and may not have been peer-
reviewed. The grey literature was of adequate quality according to the AACODS Checklist; 12 of the
14 grey literature documents met all ACCODS Checklist criteria ( online supplemental table 3 ). A
range of terms may be used for the final phase of life, with varied and often implicit rather than
clearly stated definitions, which can confound synthesis of evidence and cause ambiguity in relation
to care goals. 46. OpenUrl PubMed ? Reynolds K, Henderson M, Schulman A, et al. Social factors
included perceived judgement from others and a lack of trust in health practitioners. However, it did
raise the question of altered clearance under TH and inspired others. Three studies reported on
mental health related barriers to attending DRS ( table 2 ). Two independent reviewers (HT and JR)
screened titles and abstracts. Professionals’ expertise in end-of-life care is also important in
determining their course of action. In the thesaurus you may also find referrals to related terms. One
tip is to use both broader, narrower and related terms, in order to ensure that you’re getting all the
relevant subject headings into your search. Death is not always a failure: outcomes from
implementing an online virtual patient clinical case in palliative care for family medicine clerkship.
Nesta Report, 2010. 62. ? Jeffrey P. Smoothing the waters: observations on the process of cross-
disciplinary research collaboration. Step 3: assess the effect of updating the review Will the adoption
of new methods change the findings or credibility. Tai Chi for stroke rehabilitation: a focused
review. The proceedings included the management of authorship and editorial decisions, and
innovative and technological approaches. Of the remaining publications, 50 met inclusion criteria (
figure 1 ). Four (3%) reviews searched for English articles in Medline only. A varied set of examples
of useful replication and wasteful duplication were used to ensure that the checklist is pragmatic.
Doctor-patient communication patterns in breast cancer adjuvant therapy discussions. Improving
knowledge in palliative medicine with a required hospice rotation for third-year medical students.
TCH has received personal fees from Elsevier outside the submitted work. Individual qualities such
as being receptive to new ideas, dealing with the unknown, commitment and confidence, as well as
funders’ power and influence, all have practical implications for conducting cross-disciplinary
research. For each subgroup analysis, it was noted which of the included studies had undertaken
measures to minimise bias, and which had not. A thematic framework analysis categorised
explanations into patient and system level factors. One reviewer declared that, contrary to our
assumption, unpublished trials had not been searched in their review, B28 and seven claimed that
unpublished trials had been searched although this was not reported in the published reviews. You
will be able to get a quick price and instant permission to reuse the content in many different ways.
Association of diabetes mellitus with use of atypical neuroleptics in the treatment of schizophrenia.
Design A rapid review, co-designed with policymakers, of peer-reviewed and grey literature using a
modified Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses framework. These
were predominantly from high-income countries and indicated that practical actions on fostering
cross-disciplinary research are closely linked to leadership and teamwork which should be planned
and implemented at research team and institutional levels. However, their effectiveness and
usefulness need to be further evaluated and improved from a systems perspective.
While information regarding statistical predictors of persistence was extracted and summarised as
part of the current review, underlying reasons for treatment switch or discontinuation as noted by a
healthcare professional were not. Compared with RA and PsA patient populations, the paucity of
studies was particularly pronounced for AxSpA, highlighting the need for further research. The use
of a single reviewer, as opposed to two or more reviewers, to identify eligible papers allows for a
more timely identification of relevant documents and is typical of rapid reviews. 28 Eligibility was
determined by examining source titles, abstracts or executive summaries, and full texts sequentially.
Comparison of physician and computer diagnostic accuracy. The whole team skimmed the included
and excluded documents and uncertainties were resolved by group consultation. Competing
interests: All participants have a direct or indirect interest in systematic reviews and updating as part
of their job or academic career. Patient and public involvement This research was done without
patient involvement, due to its primary focus being on the understanding of WPC among GPs, and
its nature as a systematic review. Transdisciplinary translational behavioral (TDTB) research:
opportunities, barriers, and innovations. No intrinsic factors influenced the scores, so the model is
appropriate for use by all general practitioners regardless of their seniority, location, teaching or
training experience, and the number of articles they read regularly. We thank the following
contributors who provided feedback on a preliminary version of the PRISMA 2020 checklist: Jo
Abbott, Fionn Buttner, Patricia Correia-Santos, Victoria Freeman, Emily A Hennessy, Rakibul Islam,
Amalia (Emily) Karahalios, Kasper Krommes, Andreas Lundh, Dafne Port Nascimento, Davina
Robson, Catherine Schenck-Yglesias, Mary M Scott, Sarah Tanveer and Pavel Zhelnov. For example,
they may include contacting the editor-in-chief of the journal where the suspected paper was
originally published, or the editor-in-chief where the systematic review will eventually be published.
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2017: 1299. 43. ? Garcia-Porrua C. Drug survival on first TNF
inhibitors in patients with psoriatic arthritis: Comparison across etanercept, adalimumab, golimumab
and infliximab: EULAR, 2018. 44. ? Gonzalez Fernandez CM, et al. Systematic reviews of
evaluations of prognostic variables. Conduct and reporting of research are distinct concepts This
distinction is, however, less straightforward for systematic reviews than for assessments of the
reporting of an individual study, because the reporting and conduct of systematic reviews are, by
nature, closely intertwined. Limitations The usability, acceptability, and usefulness of the checklist
will need to be assessed and tailored to different users. New Castle-Ottawa Quality Assessment
Scale-Cohort Studies. 2012 ( 15 Jun 2012 ). 27. ? Aaltonen K, Heinonen A, Joensuu J, et al.
Funding: This work was funded by an operating grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health (PJT-
148870). Levels and predictors of exercise referral scheme uptake and adherence: a systematic
review. Editors, referees, or experts in the topic area or methodologists can provide an informed
view of whether a review can be substantially improved by application of current methodological
expectations and new methods (fig 1 ? ). Safety of patient-facing digital symptom checkers. Exercise
programs for patients with cancer improve physical functioning and quality of life. Cost of biologic
treatment persistence or switching in rheumatoid arthritis. Canberra, Australia: Australian
Government, 2017. ? Department of Health. Engaging general practice nurses in chronic disease self-
management support in Australia: insights from a controlled trial in chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease. The following will be assessed for risk of bias: selection, performance, detection, attrition,
reporting and other factors. Policy: Social-progress panel seeks public comment. Distribution
Distribution is typically expressed as volume of distribution (V D ) which represents a virtual space
that the drug has been dissolved in. Consider whether or not your search terms include a word with
a different spelling. EMW has received personal fees from the American Journal for Public Health,
for which he is the editor for systematic reviews. We also noted units of muscle mass measurements,
and techniques used to measure these.
Thereafter, thematic analysis and narrative synthesis were conducted in which evidence was critically
examined and key themes were identified. General practice postal surveys: a questionnaire too far.
Geneva: World Health Organization, 2016. 3. ? World Health Organization. Best practice primary
and secondary preventative interventions in chronic disease in remote Australia. Statistical
significance was defined as an ?-error of 0.05 or less in two-sided tests. A large multimethod study
on the implementation of the digital tool eConsult in 11 practices in Scotland suggested that the
workload was not decreased but, in general, that patients who used eConsult felt that they benefited
from the service. 14 Factors that would facilitate the implementation included: the presence of a
superuser; the inclusion of innovative methods for promoting appropriate use of the tool and the
engagement of staff in all areas of the practice. Provenance and peer review Not commissioned;
externally peer reviewed. Adhesively bonded versus non-bonded amalgam restorations for dental
caries. The reality of cross-disciplinary energy research in the United Kingdom: a social science
perspective. How much does a verbal autopsy based mortality surveillance system cost in rural India.
The heterogeneity of the studies included in this review made it difficult to account for individual
risk of bias, not least because we included a broad range of studies from large randomised controlled
trials to small observational studies. Abnormal protein metabolism is implicated in the development
of sarcopenia; however, in this review, neither anabolic 58 nor proteolytic pathways 59, 55 had any
consistent effect on loss of muscle mass. Strengthening the reporting of observational studies in
epidemiology (STROBE): explanation and elaboration. Moher D, Liberati A, Tetzlaff J, Altman DG,
PRISMA Group. Dealing with missing predictor values when applying clinical prediction models.
However, stratified analysis according to these variables will be performed if sufficient studies are
included. The effect of undergraduate palliative care teaching on clinical practice has not been
studied and warrants investigation. The Liverpool Care Pathway. (accessed Dec 2013). ? Department
of Health Australia. End of life care for community dwelling older people with dementia: an
integrated review. Moja LP, Telaro E, D’Amico R, Moschetti I, Coe L, Liberati A. Evidence from
observational studies suggests that use of the PRISMA 2009 statement is associated with more
complete reporting of systematic reviews, 17 18 19 20 although more could be done to improve
adherence to the guideline. 21 Many innovations in the conduct of systematic reviews have occurred
since publication of the PRISMA 2009 statement. The future of health information technology in the
patient-centered medical home. We have previously shown how systematic reviewers can test the
impact of fraudulent data on systematic reviews, 40 identify redundant research 41 and identify
references that should have been retracted. 42 This paper suggests that systematic reviewers may
have additional roles to play. The funders had no role in the study design, the collection, analysis, and
interpretation of data or the writing of the article or the decision to submit it for publication.
Definition and classification of cancer cachexia: an international consensus. Establishing a new
journal for systematic review products. Free tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment are not enough:
patient cost evidence from three continents. OpenUrl ? Shankaran S, Laptook AR, Tyson JE, et al.
The PUGs guidance can help individuals or academic teams working outside of a commissioning
agency or Cochrane, who are considering writing a systematic review for a journal or to prepare for
a research project.
Coping with the economic burden of diabetes, TB and co-prevalence: evidence from Bishkek,
Kyrgyzstan. The knowledge users included commissioners, funders, and other users of systematic
reviews, including clinicians, patients, and representatives from organisations involved with policy
making. These inclusion criteria can be modified in the light of developments within the topic area
with new interventions, new standards, and new approaches. The determinants of successful
collaboration: a review of theoretical and empirical studies. The household-level economic burden of
heart disease in India. British Medical Journal 2001; 323 ( 7313 ): 584.. pmid: 11557690; pmcid:
PMC1121170. In Cochrane, the decision making process is decentralised to the Cochrane Review
Group editorial team, with different approaches applied, often informally. Tortorici et al 27
established that hypothermia impacted hepatic drug elimination by decreasing the activity of the
CYP450 system, based on studies in brain-injured adults and healthy volunteers. In addition to these
small and large interventions, a third descriptive category was determined: eLearning interventions.
Past trends, future projections and implications for services. A structured clinical model for
predicting the probability of pulmonary embolism. A comparative study of artificial intelligence and
human doctors for the purpose of triage and diagnosis. Individual qualities such as being receptive to
new ideas, dealing with the unknown, commitment and confidence, as well as funders’ power and
influence, all have practical implications for conducting cross-disciplinary research. Other groups,
including guideline developers and journal editors, adopt updating principles (as applied, for
example, by the Systematic Reviews journal; ). On this page, we will review a few things worth
thinking about when you intend to conduct and report a systematic literature search. Pattanittum P,
Laopaiboon M, Moher D, Lumbiganon P, Ngamjarus C. Energy balance in patients with advanced
NSCLC, metastatic melanoma and metastatic breast cancer receiving chemotherapy—a longitudinal
study. Impact of teaching interventions Kirkpatrick’s Four-Level Training Evaluation Model is used
to evaluate the results of educational programmes, which are divided into four levels ( figure 2 ). 12
This model was used to evaluate the impact of interventions in the included studies. Second, our
review supports the conclusion that there is heterogeneity within single types of coping strategies
used for chronic illness costs. Finally, the use of this checklist depends on stakeholders recognising
the value of systematic review replication. Ultimately, we hope that uptake of the guideline will lead
to more transparent, complete, and accurate reporting of systematic reviews, thus facilitating
evidence based decision making. The Cochrane risk of bias tool was used to appraise any
randomised trial studies. Sarcopenia: European consensus on definition and diagnosis: report of the
European Working Group on sarcopenia in older people. Every 36-h gentamicin dosing in neonates
with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy receiving hypothermia. Newly identified studies can change
the conclusion of a review. We used IBM SPSS version 21 for descriptive statistical analyses. Box 1
Glossary of terms Systematic review —A review that uses explicit, systematic methods to collate
and synthesise findings of studies that address a clearly formulated question 43 Statistical synthesis
—The combination of quantitative results of two or more studies. A guide to interpreting discordant
systematic reviews. These core criteria can be reviewed in detail, with additional usage guidance,
using the 2018 iteration of the MMAT tool. 15 To aid interpretation of what was meant by the core
quality criteria, the research team referred to this expanded guidance. The MEDLINE search strategy
is shown in box 1 and was modified for other databases.