Tutorial 5 Convection

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Tutorial 5: Convective Heat Transfer-External flow

ENER 411: Heat and Mass Transfer

Department of Mechanical, Energy and Industrial Engineering
Botswana International University of Science and Technology
1. The average conventive heat transfer co-efficient is calculated unsing the relation
h̄ = h(x) dx
L 0

The local heat transfer co-efficient for a flat plate is hx (x) = a x−0.5 . Calculate the average
heat transfer co-efficient. Plot both the local and average co-efficients upto length of 5 m.

2. Consider airflow over a flat plate of length L = 1.0 m under conditions for which transition
occurs at xc = 0.5 m based on the critical Reynolds number, Rex,c = 5 x105 .
(a) Evaluating the thermophysical properties of air at 350 K, determine the air velocity.
(b) In the laminar and turbulent regions, the local convection coefficients are, respectively,
hlam (x) = Clam x−0.5 and hturb (x) = Cturb x−0.2
where, at T = 350 K, Clam = 8.845W/m1.5 K, Cturb = 49.75W/m1.8 K, and x has
units of m. Develop an expression for the average convection coefficient, h̄lam (x), as a
function of distance from the leading edge, x, for the laminar region, 0 ≤ x ≤ xc .
(c) Develop an expression for the average convection coefficient, h̄turb (x), as a function of
distance from the leading edge, x, for the turbulent region, xc ≤ x ≤ L.
(d) On the same coordinates, plot the local and average convection coefficients, hx and
h̄x , respectively, as a function of x for 0 ≤ x ≤ L.

3. A fan that can provide air speeds up to 50 m/s is to be used in a low-speed wind tunnel with
atmospheric air at 25◦ C. If one wishes to use the wind tunnel to study flatplate boundary
layer behavior up to Reynolds numbers of Rex = 108 , what is the minimum plate length
that should be used? At what distance from the leading edge would transition occur if the
critical Reynolds number were Rex,c = 5 x105 ?

4. Experimental results for heat transfer over a flat plate with an extremely rough surface
were found to be correlated by an expression of the form N ux = 0.04 Rex0.9 P r1/3 , where
N ux is the local value of the Nusselt number at a position x measured from the leading
edge of the plate. Obtain an expression for the ratio of the average heat transfer coefficient
h̄ to the local coefficient hx .
5. Forced air at T∞ = 25◦ C and V = 10 m/s is
used to cool electronic elements on a circuit
board. One such element is a chip, 4 mm x 4
mm, located 120 mm from the leading edge
of the board. Experiments have revealed
that flow over the board is disturbed by the
elements and that convection heat transfer Figure 1: Figure for question 5
is correlated by an expression of the form N ux = 0.04 Re0.85
x P r1/3 . Estimate the surface
temperature of the chip if it is dissipating 30 mW.

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