Af 724
Af 724
Af 724
V. INDIVIDUAL READINESS INDEX (Completed by Rater after talking to unit deployment manager)
Are all deployment requirements current in accordance with AFI 10-403? AEF Indicator
VI. PERFORMANCE FEEDBACK (To be completed by Rater) - Information may be used on next OPR
1. Job Knowledge. Has knowledge required to perform duties effectively. Strives to improve knowledge. Applies knowledge to handle non-routine situations.
N/A Initial Feedback Does Not Meet Meets Above Average Clearly Exceeds
2. Leadership Skills. Sets and enforces standards. Promotes a healthy organizational climate. Works well with others. Fosters teamwork. Displays initiative.
Self-confident. Motivates subordinates. Has respect and confidence of subordinates. Fair and consistent in evaluation of subordinates.
N/A Initial Feedback Does Not Meet Meets Above Average Clearly Exceeds
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3. Professional Qualities. Exhibits loyalty, discipline, dedication, integrity, and officership. Adheres to Air Force standards. Accepts personal responsibility.
N/A Initial Feedback Does Not Meet Meets Above Average Clearly Exceeds
Committed to the Air Force standards
Keeps flight accountable to uphold the same standards
4. Organizational Skills. Plans, coordinates, schedules, and uses resources effectively. Meets suspense's. Schedules work for self and others equitably and
effectively. Anticipates and solves problems. Develops innovative solutions.
N/A Initial Feedback Does Not Meet Meets Above Average Clearly Exceeds
Improved in meeting suspenses set forth by Sq/CC
5. Judgment and Decisions. Makes timely and accurate decisions. Emphasizes logic and decision making. Retains composure in stressful situations. Adheres
to safety and occupational health requirements. Recognizes and acts to take advantage of opportunities.
N/A Initial Feedback Does Not Meet Meets Above Average Clearly Exceeds
Stays true to the CONOP/LLAB plans
6. Communication Skills. Listens, speaks, and writes effectively. Clearly and succinctly conveys ideas.
N/A Initial Feedback Does Not Meet Meets Above Average Clearly Exceeds
Communicates clearly and openly
Sets strong goals, expectations and gives good instruction
7. Physical Fitness. Maintains Air Force physical fitness standards. Discuss current AF Fitness Program and how lifestyle ensures fitness standard goals.
Does Not Meet Meets Exempt Next FA Due
Meets Air Force physical fitness standards
VII. KNOWING YOUR AIRMAN (To be discussed by Ratee and Rater during the feedback session)
1. How do you think you are performing in the unit? How can your unit help you perform better?
Performing well, trying to manage time with busy major
2. What are some of your goals for self-improvement? (Goals should be SMART -- Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound).
2a. Do you have personal (family, financial, fitness, etc.) goals? Would you like to discuss?
Thumb is healing, able to get back into gym
2b. What are your professional (assignments, academic and professional education, etc.) goals (i.e., SOS, ACSC, AWC, Masters Degree)?
Aiming for a B+ in genetics
3. Do you have stressors in your life? If so, what are your goals for reducing them? How can we help?
School, studying for the MCAT
5. How would you rate yourself as a Wingman and a mentor? Can you provide some specific examples?
Want to be there for cadets, can sometimes get stuck on carrying out a vision
6. Would you like to offer any suggestions/feedback? (e.g., unit improvements, safety, productivity enhancements, existing programs, living conditions)
Future wing staff have one person that has experience and one without (300/400)
7. Expectations for unit and ratee (Areas for Improvement, strengths and weaknesses; recommendations to improve)
Continue to carry out the standards put forth by TRG in your own way
Be active in getting to know your cadets in Charlie flight
See feedback given previously
8. NOTE: This information is to enhance open communication, the rater will not utilize or document any areas discussed in Section III or VII when preparing
evaluations (Ref: AFI 36-2406)