SMD - DLL - Math - Q1 W1 Jul29-Aug02
SMD - DLL - Math - Q1 W1 Jul29-Aug02
SMD - DLL - Math - Q1 W1 Jul29-Aug02
B. Establishing a purpose for Group game: Playing “the Whose father among you Do you keep your changed Who among you are members Ask the learners to prepare for
the lesson boat is sinking” works in a bakery? Do you from the sari- sari store? Is it of the Supreme Pupil the weekly test.
a. The students will group know how they bake and good to have a collection of Government? As member,
themselves according to prepare different breads? coins? Why? what do you usually do to help
the number called out by your schoolmates?
the teacher.
b. Students who failed to
group themselves
according to that number
sit down and are out of the
c. While the game is in
progress, writes the data
on the board
1. Did all of you participate in
the game?
2. What will happen if you will
not participate in any of the
activities actively?
C. Presenting Examples/ Developmental Activity: Developmental Activity: Developmental Activity: Developmental Activity: The teacher informs the
instances of the new lesson Present the problem to the Present the problem to the Present the problem to the Present the problem to the learners that the weekly test is
class. class. class. class. based on the lesson that they
have learned for the week.
Jun harvested 460 pieces of On a certain bakery shop in Consider a collection of 108 The Provincial Capitol workers
pineapples in his farm in Daet, Daet, there were 230 coins. Can the coins be of Camarines Norte are
Camarines Norte. He wants to pineapple pie to be placed on divided into 3 group in such a setting up the hall for the
arrange his products in 2 rows trays. The baker wants to way that each group will have commemoration of the
on the top of the tables in the arrange them in either 5 or 10 the same number of coins? Philippine Independence
market. Would it be possible rows. Would it be possible for through a simple yet
for him to to arrange the him to arrange the breads? significant program. There are
pineapples? Ask: a total of 288 armchairs which
Ask: 1. How many coins were they have to set up in either
Ask: 1. How many pineapple pie collected? rows of 6 or 9 . Which are
1. How many pineapples did were in the bakery? 2. What does the problem possible set ups.
Jun harvested? 2. What does the problem ask asked you to find?
2. What does the problem to find? 3. How will you find the Ask:
asked you find? 3. How will you find the answer to the problem? 1. If you were one of those
3. How will you find the answer to the problem? who have to set up the hall,
answer to the problem? what would you do? Would
you got ahead and try to
make rows of 6 or 9? Is
there an easier way?
2. Tell the students that using
the divisibility rules will help
in identifying if a number is
divisible by another number.
D. Discussing new concepts Performing the activities: Performing the activities: Performing the activities: Performing the activities: Learners will read,
and practicing new skills #1 Ask the pupils to work in pairs 1. Solution 1A: Dividing 230 Ask the pupils to work in pairs 1. Solution 1A: Dividing understand, analyze the test
in solving the problem. by 5 in solving the problem. 288by 6. question and will answer it on
1. Solution A: Dividing 460 230 ÷5 = 46, arranging by 1. Solution A: Dividing 108 288 ÷ 6 = 48, setting up by a separate sheet of paper.
by 2. 5’s is possible. by 3. 6’s is possible.
2. Solution B: Using the 2. Solution 1B: Using the 2. Solution B: Using the 2. Solution 1B: Using the
divisibility rule for 2. divisibility rule for 5. divisibility rule for 3. divisibility rule for 6.
- A number whose ones Numbers ending in 0 and - A number is divisible by A number is divisible by
digit is 0,2,4,6,8 is 5 are divisible by 5. 3 if the sum of all the both 2 & 3 is divisible by 6.
divisible by 2. 230 ends in 0, therefore it digit is divisible by 3. 288 is divisible by both 2
- Hence, if a number is is divisible by 5, Group Activity: Using the and 3, therefore it is
even, it is divisible by 2. arrangement of bread divisibility rule for 3.
By 5’ s is possible. divisible by 6, setting up of
Group Activity: Using the
divisibility rules for 2. 3. Solution 2A: Dividing 230 armchairs by 6’ is possible.
by 10. 3. Solution 2A: Dividing 288
Check the numbers that are 230 ÷10 = 23, arranging Check the numbers that are by 9.
divisible by 2 or has 2 as their divisible by 2 or has 2 as their 288 ÷9 = 32, setting up by
breads by 10’s is possible.
_____ 1. 234 _____ 4. 476 4. Solution 1B: Using the _____ 1. 342 _____ 4. 571 9 is possible.
_____ 2. 847 _____ 5. 652 divisibility rule for 5. _____ 2. 126 _____ 5. 486 4. Solution 2B: Using the
_____ 3. 523 Numbers ending in 0 and _____ 3. 235 divisibility rule for 9.
5 are divisible by 5. A number is divisible by 9 if
Processing the activities: 230 ends in 0, therefore it the sum of its digits is
1. How did you find the is divisible by 5, divisible by 9.
activity? arrangement of bread The sum of its digits of 288 is
2. How did we know if a By 5’ s is possible. divisible by 9, therefore it is
number is divisible by
another number? Group Activity: Using the divisible by 9, setting up of
3. How did we know if 2 is divisibility rules for 5 and 10. armchairs by 9’s is
factor of number? possible.
Problem 1. Checking the
numbers that are divisible 5 or Group Activity: Using the
has 5 as their factor. divisibility rules for 6 and 9.
____1. 3 000 ____4. 2 000
____2. 4 231 ____5. 165 Problem 1. Check the
____ 3.1235 numbers that are divisible 6 or
Processing the activities: has 6 as their factor.
1. How did you find the ____1. 120 ____4. 300
Problem 2. Check the ____2. 4 231 ____5. 624
numbers that are divisible by activity?
____ 3.630
10 or has 10 as their factors. 2. How did we know if a
____ 1. 130 ____ 4. 1250 number is divisible by
____ 2. 1002 ____ 5. 140 another number?
Problem 2. Check the
____3. 325 3. How did we know if 3 is numbers that are divisible by 9
factor of number? or has 9 as their factors.
Processing the activities: ____ 1. 963 ____ 4. 315
1. How did you find the ____ 2. 702 ____ 5. 129
_____ 3. 319
2. How did we know if a
number is divisible by Processing the activities:
another number? 1. How did you find the
3. How did we know if 5 and activity?
10 are factors of a 2. How did we know if a
number? number is divisible by
another number?
3. How did we know if 6 and
9 are factors of a number?
E. Discussing new concepts Circle the number if it is Solve: Circle the number if it is Solve: The teacher and learners will
and practicing new skills #2 divisible by 2. Box it if it is not Put a check under the correct divisible by 3. Box it if it is not Put a check under the correct check the test.
divisible. column applying the rules for divisible. column applying the rules for
a. 140 divisibility. a. 141 divisibility.
b.996 Number 5 10 b. 222 Number 6 9
c.847 1 200 c.245 120
d. 348 4 435 d. 246 972
e.303 5 980 e.5 031 423
2 335 306
9 000 504
1 005 468
970 990
225 225
100 297
2 025 1063
F. Developing Mastery Write “Yes”on the blank Write “Yes” if the larger number A. Underline the numbers Have the pupils solve the
whether the given number is is divisible by the smaller A. Write “Yes” on the blank which are divisible by 6. following exercises.
divisible by 2 and “ No” If it is number and “No”if it is not. whether the given number is Square the numbers which ACTIVITY 1:
not. 1. Can 485 be divided by 5? divisible by 3 and “ No” If it is are divisible by 9. Put a check under the correct
1. 486 ___ 6. 771 ___ _______ not. If it is divisible by both 6 column applying the rules for
2. 728 ___ 7. 1878 ___ 2. Can 727 be divided by 5? and 9 put a star above the divisibility.
1. 513 _____
_______ number. 2 5 10
3. 413 ___ 8. 639 ___ 3. Can 205 be divided by 5? 2. 227 _____
4. 760 ___ 9. 514 ___ 3. 426 _____ 1. 35 172
_______ 2. 1 152 6345
5. 322 ___ 10.1020 ___ 4. Can 265 be divided by 5? 4. 660 _____
5. 329 _____ 3. 240 8000
5. Can 265 be divided by 5? B. Check the numbers that are 4. 8 352 4970
_______ divisible by 3. 5. 6 453
6. Can 200be divided by 10? 1. ___3,012 2560
_______ 2. ___15,217 B. Are these numbers divisible
7. Can 412 be divided by 10? 3. ___21,036 by both 6 and 9.Write Yes or 348
_______ 4. ___30,318 No in the blank.
8. Can 510 be divided by 10? 5. ___6,973 ______1. 3 186
_______ ______2. 10 924 ACTIVITY 2:
C. Make a list of five 3 digit
9. Can 315 be divided by 10 numbers which are divisible ______3. 6 372 3 6 9
_______ by 3. ______4. 12 744
10. Can 1050 be divided by 10 ______5. 12 640 315
1. ___
_______ 2. ___ 120
3. ___
4. ___ 8640
5. ___ 4176
G. Finding Practical application Summarizing the lesson: Summarizing the Lesson: Summarizing the lesson: Summarizing the Lesson:
of concepts and skills in daily How to find the factors of a A Whole number that ends How to find the factors of a How do we find the factors
living number using divisibility rules with 0 or 5 is divisible by 5 and number using divisibility rule of a numbers using divisibility
for 2? a whole number that ends with for 3? rules?
- A number whose ones digit 0 is divisible by 10. We recall and apply the rule We recall and apply the
is 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 is divisible of divisibility for 3. rules on divisibility for 6 and
by 2. A number is divisible by 3 9.
- Hence, if a number is even, if the sum of all the digits is a. Divisibility by 6. A number is
then it is divisible by 2. divisible by 3. divisible by 6 if it is divisible by
2 and 3.
b. Divisibility by 9. A number is
divisible by 9 if the sum of its
digits is divisible by 9.
H. Making generalization and Solve the following. Solving Problem. Solve the following. Solve the following problems. The learner shows honesty in
abstraction about the lesson 1. Lester got a passing score 1. Consider the Population 1. Arnold got a passing 1. Consider the 2015 answering the test questions.
in their 50-item test in Census of Camarines Norte in score in their 50-item test population census of the
Math. He got a score which 1990 of 391 370 persons. Can in Math. He got a score top 5 municipalities with The teacher will record the
is less than 40 but greater the number of persons be which is less than 45 but high population in the test result.
than 35. His score is divided into 5 or 10 groups in greater than 40. His score Province of Camarines
divisible by 2 but not such way that each group will is divisible by 3 but not Norte with a total of 375
divisible by 4 and 6. What have the same number of divisible by 9. What is his 300 persons. Can the
is his score? persons? Explain. score? number of persons be
2. What number between 60 2. What number between 50 divided into 6 or 9 groups
and 80 is divisible by 2. 2. A number is divisible by 10. and 60 is divisible by 3. in such way that each
Explain how you got your Is it also divisible by 5? Explain how you got your group will have the same
answer? Explain your answer. answer? number of persons?
Explain your answer.
2. If a number is divisible by
6, is it also divisible by 9?
Give an example to
support your answer.
I. Evaluating learning Fill in the blanks with a digit Put a check ( √ ) under the A. Write 3 in the blank, if the Encircle the numbers which ACTIVITY 3:
that will make each number column of each divisor if it given number is exactly are exactly divisible by the
divisible by 2. exactly divides the given divisible by 3. given number before each
1. 97_ number. __1. 630 item.
2. 105_ __2. 363
3. 4_8 Number Divisor __3. 423
4. _.602 5 10 __4. 4 110
5. 2.51_ 9,360 __5. 846
5,445 ACTIVITY 4:
15,130 B. Using the first 20 counting
177,813 numbers, write all numbers
5,105 exactly divisible by 3.
J. Additional activities for Write “Yes” on the blank Using the divisibility rule, put a Write “Yes” on the blank Using the divisibility rule, put a
application or remediation before each item whether the check on blank if the second before each item whether the check on blank if the second
given number is a factor or number is a factor of the first given number is a factor or number is a factor of the first
divisible by 2 and “No” if it is number. divisible by 3 and “No” if it is number.
not. 1. 445 (5) _____ not. 1. 114 ( 6 ) _____
1. 18 _____ 2. 3 770 (10) _____ 1. 351 _____ 2. 630 ( 9 ) _____
2. 655 _____ 3. 5,655 (5) _____ 2. 357_____ 3. 261 ( 6 )_____
3. 344 _____ 4. 290 ( 10 ) _____ 3. 951 _____ 4. 645 ( 9 )_____
4. 120 _____ 5. 345 ( 5 ) _____ 4. 172 _____ 5. 378 ( 6 ) _____
5. 752 _____ 5. 2043 _____
A. No. of learners who earned _____No. of the pupils got _____No. of the pupils got _____No. of the pupils got _____No. of the pupils got _____No. of the pupils got
80% in the evaluation 80% mastery 80% mastery 80% mastery 80% mastery 80% mastery
B. No. of learners who require _____No. of Learners who _____No. of Learners who _____No. of Learners who _____No. of Learners who _____No. of Learners who
additional activities for require additional activities for require additional activities for require additional activities for require additional activities for require additional activities for
remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation
C. Did the remedial work? No. of ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
learners who have caught up ____ of Learners who caught ____ of Learners who caught ____ of Learners who caught ____ of Learners who caught ____ of Learners who caught
with the lesson up the lesson up the lesson up the lesson up the lesson up the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue ___ of Learners who continue ___ of Learners who continue ___ of Learners who continue ___ of Learners who continue ___ of Learners who continue
to require remediation to require remediation to require remediation to require remediation to require remediation to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching Strategies used that work Strategies used that work Strategies used that work Strategies used that work Strategies used that work
strategies worked well? Why did well: well: well: well: well:
these work? ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration
___ Games ___ Games ___ Games ___ Games ___ Games
___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw
___Answering preliminary ___Answering preliminary ___Answering preliminary ___Answering preliminary ___Answering preliminary
activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises
___ Carousel ___ Carousel ___ Carousel ___ Carousel ___ Carousel
___ Diads ___ Diads ___ Diads ___ Diads ___ Diads
___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS)
___ Re-reading of ___ Re-reading of ___ Re-reading of ___ Re-reading of ___ Re-reading of
Paragraphs/ Poems/Stories Paragraphs/ Poems/Stories Paragraphs/ Poems/Stories Paragraphs/ Poems/Stories Paragraphs/ Poems/Stories
___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama
___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method
___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method
Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?
___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs
___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials
___ Pupil’s eagerness to learn ___ Pupil’s eagerness to learn ___ Pupil’s eagerness to learn ___ Pupil’s eagerness to learn ___ Pupil’s eagerness to learn
___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s
cooperation in doing their task cooperation in doing their task cooperation in doing their task cooperation in doing their task cooperation in doing their task
F. What difficulties did I ___ Bullying among pupils ___ Bullying among pupils ___ Bullying among pupils ___ Bullying among pupils ___ Bullying among pupils
encounter which my principal or ___ Pupils’ behavior/attitude ___ Pupils’ behavior/attitude ___ Pupils’ behavior/attitude ___ Pupils’ behavior/attitude ___ Pupils’ behavior/attitude
supervisor can help me solve?
___ Colorful IMs ___ Colorful IMs ___ Colorful IMs ___ Colorful IMs ___ Colorful IMs
___Unavailable-Technology ___Unavailable-Technology ___Unavailable-Technology ___Unavailable-Technology ___Unavailable-Technology
Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD)
___ Science/ ___ Science/ ___ Science/ ___ Science/ ___ Science/
Computer/Internet Lab Computer/Internet Lab Computer/Internet Lab Computer/Internet Lab Computer/Internet Lab
___ Additional Clerical works ___ Additional Clerical works ___ Additional Clerical works ___ Additional Clerical works ___ Additional Clerical works
___ Reading Readiness ___ Reading Readiness ___ Reading Readiness ___ Reading Readiness ___ Reading Readiness
___ Lack of Interest of pupils ___ Lack of Interest of pupils ___ Lack of Interest of pupils ___ Lack of Interest of pupils ___ Lack of Interest of pupils
G. What innovation or localized Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:
materials did used/discover ___ Localized Videos ___ Localized Videos ___ Localized Videos ___ Localized Videos ___ Localized Videos
which I wish to share with other ___ Making Big books from ___ Making Big books from ___ Making Big books from ___ Making Big books from ___ Making Big books from
teachers? views of the locality. views of the locality. views of the locality. views of the locality. views of the locality.
___ Local poetical ___ Local poetical ___ Local poetical ___ Local poetical ___ Local poetical
composition composition composition composition composition
___ Flashcards ___ Flashcards ___ Flashcards ___ Flashcards ___ Flashcards
___ Pictures ___ Pictures ___ Pictures ___ Pictures ___ Pictures
Prepared by:
Checked by:
Reviewed by:
Salvacion M. Delfin Contents Noted by:
Teacher II Evangeline A. Bautista
Master Teacher I Janette O. Pielago
OIC-Assistant Principal Melody M. Gonzales, EdD.
Principal III