08 Frog X

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1. Functional kidney of frog is : 12. Absence of thumb is feature of :-

(1) Pronephric (2) Mesonephric (1) Rabbit (2) Man
(3) Metanephric (4) Absent (3) Frog (4) Monkey

2. Bidder's canal in frog is found in : 13. Dorsal part of frog is ..... and ventral part is ....
(1) Kidney (2) Testes (1) olive green, uniformly pale yellow
(3) Urinary bladder (4) Cloaca (2) olive green, uniformly dark yellow
(3) olive green, nonuniformly pale yellow
3. Which of the following is the function of kidney in
(4) olive green, nonuniformly dark yellow
frog ?
(1) Excretion (2) Osmoregulation 14. Common Indian bullfrog is :-
(3) Haemopoiesis in larva (4) All of the above (1) Rana tigrina (2) Rana essulenta
(3) Rana silvatica (4) Rana goliath
4. In male frog ureter transfer :
(1) Urine (2) Sperms 15. Summer sleep of frog is called :-

(3) Both 1 and 2 (4) None (1) Hibernation (2) Aestivation

(3) Both (4) None
5. Cortex and medulla region in frog kidney.
(1) Less distinct (2) More distinct 16. Head of frog is .... and its anterior conical part is
called......... .
(3) Absent (4) None
(1) circular, snout (2) triangular, snout
6. Kidney in frog are (3) rectangular, snout (4) pentagonal, snout
(1) Identical in position
17. Select the true statement regarding frog ( Rana
(2) Unidentical in position tigrina):-
(3) Absent (1) Frog is a homeothermal animal
(4) None (2) Frog drinks about 5 litres H2O per day
7. Pyramids in kidney of frog are :- (3) Poisonous glands are not found on the body of
(1) Two (2) Five
(4) A very long tail is present in posterior part of
(3) Ten (4) Absent
frog's body.
8. Teeth of frog are :-
18. Frog belong to order :-
(1) Pleuro dont (2) Thecodont
(1) Urodela (2) Apoda
(3) Heterodont (4) Acrodont (3) Caudata (4) Anura
9. Lower jaw is toothless in : 19. Vocal sacs are found in :-
(1) Dog (2) Man (1) male frog (2) female frog
(3) Rabbit (4) Frog (3) both (4) none
10. The venous system of frog differs from that of rabbit 20. The glands present in the skin of frog are :-
in the presence of :-
(1) mucous (2) sweat and mammary
(1) Hepatic portal system (2) Renal portal system (3) sweat and sebaceous (4) mucous and sweat
(3) Hepatic vein (4) Three vena cava
21. A hibernating frog respires with :-
11. Three chambered heart is found in:- (1) Lung (2) Diaphragm
(1) Frog (2) Human (3) Buccal epithelium (4) Skin
(3) Crocodile (4) Tortoise
22. Which of the following trait is not characteristic of 26. Frog belongs to amphibia because :-
frog :- (1) tail is not found in it
(1) Thin, scaleless skin (2) lungs are found in it
(2) Aquatic reproduction (3) its tadpoles are aquatic in nautre
(3) Amniote egg (4) it lives in water as well as on land
(4) Cutaneous respiration
27. Skull of frog is :-
23. Neck is absent in frog. This helps frog in :- (1) Tricondylic (2) Monocondylic
(1) catching prey (3) Dicondylic (4) Polyconylic
(2) respiration
28. Which of the following found in frog :-
(3) swimming in water
(1) five fingers and four toes
(4) jumping on ground
(2) four fingers and five toes
24. A frog lives in water or near water because :- (3) five fingers and five toes
(1) it can get its food easily in water (4) four fingers and four toes
(2) its hindlimbs are webbed and help in swimming
29. Frog reproduces :-
(3) it can see through its transparent eyelids while
(1) in water
(2) on trees
(4) It respires through the skin
(3) in sand
25. Rana tigrina is zoological name of :-
(4) on lotus flowers in water
(1) Frog (2) Leopard
30. Number of cranial nerves found in frog :-
(3) Lizard (4) Earthworm
(1) 10 (2) 12
(3) 20 (4) 24


Que 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Ans 2 1 4 3 3 1 4 4 4 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 3
Que 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans 4 1 1 4 3 4 4 1 4 3 2 1 3

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