08 Frog X
08 Frog X
08 Frog X
2. Bidder's canal in frog is found in : 13. Dorsal part of frog is ..... and ventral part is ....
(1) Kidney (2) Testes (1) olive green, uniformly pale yellow
(3) Urinary bladder (4) Cloaca (2) olive green, uniformly dark yellow
(3) olive green, nonuniformly pale yellow
3. Which of the following is the function of kidney in
(4) olive green, nonuniformly dark yellow
frog ?
(1) Excretion (2) Osmoregulation 14. Common Indian bullfrog is :-
(3) Haemopoiesis in larva (4) All of the above (1) Rana tigrina (2) Rana essulenta
(3) Rana silvatica (4) Rana goliath
4. In male frog ureter transfer :
(1) Urine (2) Sperms 15. Summer sleep of frog is called :-