Concept Note
Concept Note
Concept Note
Determinant of Microcytic Anemia in Pregnancy: A Case Control Study
Background: Microcytic anemia during pregnancy is a prevalent condition
characterized by the presence of small red blood cells, often indicative of iron
deficiency or other nutritional deficiency. It a significance public health concern due
its association with adverse maternal and fetal outcomes, including preterm birth,
low birth weight and maternal mortality, despite the known impact of microcytic
anemia on pregnancy outcomes, the specific determinant of this condition remain
poorly understood particularly in diverse population and settings.
Rational: Understanding the multifaceted determinant of microcytic anemia in
pregnancy is crucial for developing targeted interventions and improving maternal
health outcomes. This case control study aims to explore the roles of dietary,
nutritional, socioeconomic, lifestyle, and environmental factors in the development
of microcytic anemia during pregnancy. By identifying these risk factors, the study
will inform public health strategies, clinical guidelines, and interventions aimed at
reducing the prevalence and impact of anemia in pregnant women.
Study Objectives
Primary Objectives