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HEALT-RELATED COMPONENTS  Low Intensity- beginner who wants to start an

HRF-Health-Related Fitness exercise routine. This is the best intensity for a
 Cardiovascular endurance- The ability of the beginner
heart, lungs, and blood vessels to deliver oxygen  High Intensity- improving her muscular strength
to working muscles efficiently  Quick, reflexive movements and drills-
*Through CVE it improves your skills in improvement in reaction time for basketball
marathon games
 Body Composition- the combination of all  Established realistic ones- the most important
tissues that make up the body such as bones, rule in setting goal in making a fitness plan
muscles, organs and body fat  Principle of Reversibility- becomes injured and
 Muscular Endurance- the ability to exert force cannot train may lose muscular endurance
repeatedly without getting tired MODERATE-VIGOROUS PHYSICAL ACTIVITY
 Flexibility-component of fitness is crucial for  Zumba- the physical activity that makes you
preventing injuries and promoting good posture sweat, causes you to breathe harder, and gets
-the ability to use joints fully through a wide your heart beating faster compared to when
range of motion you are at rest
 Muscular Strength-the ability of muscles to lift  Aerobic Exercise-the ability of the
a heavy weight or exert a lot of force one time - cardiovascular system of the body to supply
the ability to do 20 squats with a heavy weight energy during continuous physical activities
 Continuous training- it improves your such as biking and running
cardiovascular endurance  Aerobics- The absence of oxygen
 Improvement of body composition- Reducing  NOT a benefit of being Physically Fit- It give a
body fat percentage and increasing lean muscle higher risk of blood cholesterol level 30 minutes
mass a week - does a person need in performing
 Health-related physical fitness-Your ability to moderate activity
perform your day-today-day physical tasks  What is the purpose of cooling down exercise-
efficiently Prepare the muscle for intense activity cycling in
 Main benefit of having good flexibility- short distance-moderate intensity example
Improved joint mobility and reduced risk of  Vigorous-intensity activities- short on time and
injury you wants to meet your physical activity goals
 Primary benefit of having good muscular quickly just perform vigorous activity
endurance- Ability to perform everyday tasks  At least 60 minutes both moderate and
without fatigue vigorous activity-children and adolescents aged
FITT PRINCIPLE 5-17 years should do how many times of
 FITT-Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity
 Time- it measure how long an activity will last daily
 Specificity Principle- basic principle of physical  Formula in getting your predicted maximum
conditioning states that in order to improve heart rate-220-age
physical fitness the body or specific muscles  Heart Rate-physiological indicator measure
must be stressed the number of heart beats per minute -the
 Frequency-how tough you work during work out level of participation in a Physical Activity
 Intensity-improvement of cardiovascular  20%- very very weak
endurance, follow the intensity level in FITT Plan  +60-80 beats per minute-normal range for
 Progression Principles-principle of training resting heart rate in adults
dictates that overload should be increased  How to get your pulse
gradually during the course of physical fitness 1. Place the tips of your index, second and
program third fingers on the palm side of your other
wrist below the base of the thumb

2. Press lightly with your fingers until you

feel the blood pulsing beneath your fingers
3. Use a watch with a second hand, or look
at a clock with a second hand.
 The primary purpose of physiological
indicators- To monitor physical health Why
do we use
 Rating Perceived Exertion scale- To
measure the intensity of your exercise


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