Anushka Roy Corrected
Anushka Roy Corrected
Anushka Roy Corrected
State anxiety has been defined as an unpleasant emotional response while coping with threatening or
dangerous situations (Spielberger, 1983), which includes cognitive appraisal of threat as a precursor for
its appearance (Lazarus, 1991). In general, states refer to any reliably measured characteristic, but
typically, state variables refer to conscious, verbally reportable qualities such as moods (Matthews, Deary
& Whiteman, 2003, pp.77). On the other hand, trait anxiety refers to stable individual differences in a
tendency to respond with an increase in state anxiety while anticipating a threatening situation. This
tendency is consistent across a broad range of situations and is temporarily stable. Spielberger (1999)
characterized trait anxiety as a general disposition to experience transient states of anxiety, suggesting
that these two constructs are inter-related.
The raw score of the present participant in form X-1, state anxiety is 29, and the range is 31.94-49.52, so
the participant’s state anxiety level is below the range. Again, the raw score of the present participant in
form X-2, trait anxiety is 31, and the range is 32.96-49.62, so the participant’s trait anxiety level is below
the range.
The participant’s z score equivalent to the raw score of 29 for Form X-1 (State Anxiety) is -1.33σ and
from the areas of normal probability curve it has been found out that 40.82 % of cases in a normal
distribution lie between mean and -1.33σ thus (50%-40.82%)= 9.18% of individuals fall below the
present participant in normal probability curve. Thus, the participant’s percentile rank is 9.18 (approx. 9).
The participant’s z score equivalent to the raw score of 31 for Form X-2 (Trait Anxiety) is -1.24σ and from
the areas of normal probability curve it has been found out that 39.25% of cases in a normal distribution
lie between mean and -1.24σ, thus (50%-39.25%)= 10.75% of individuals fall below the present
participant in normal probability curve. Thus, the participant’s percentile rank is 10.75 (approx. 11).Thus,
the participant's percentile ranks for state anxiety (9.18) and trait anxiety (10.75) indicate their relative
standing in the population (individuals of her age and gender).
As the raw score falls below the range for state anxiety for the present participant it can be interpreted
that the particular situation may not be threatening for the participant. It may indicate that the
participant is currently experiencing a relatively calm and relaxed state, with minimal feelings of fear,
worry, or unease. The present participant might not be facing significant stressors or challenges that
would typically trigger heightened anxiety levels. Also, low level of state anxiety may not significantly
impact daily life. However, some studies suggest low state anxiety might correlate with lower motivation
or engagement in tasks (Chiu & Huang, 2012). State anxiety can fluctuate depending on situations and
stressors. Research shows high variations among students (Li et al., 2023; Yang et al., 2022).
Again, as the raw score of the present participant falls below the range for trait anxiety, it can be
interpreted that she may have a lower trait anxiety due to a combination of genetic, environmental, and
psychological factors. These may include genetic predispositions towards lower anxiety levels, supportive
environments during childhood, positive social relationships, resilience, coping mechanisms, and
adaptive personality traits. Additionally, engaging in regular physical activity, mindfulness practices, and
healthy lifestyle habits might contribute to her lower overall anxiety levels. Also it can be inferred that
similar short-lived states of anxiety may occur in individuals who don’t have a high tendency towards
anxious responding. In such cases, the experience of state anxiety can be a reaction to certain situational
demands. Specifically, even a person with low trait anxiety may experience state anxiety in the presence
of a sufficiently threatening situation. Studies suggest 23-33% of students display low trait anxiety (Li et
al., 2023; Wang et al., 2022). While generally associated with better well-being, surprisingly, some
research suggests it might correlate with lower motivation or engagement in tasks (Chiu & Huang, 2012).
However, the score for her state anxiety is slightly lower than the score for her trait anxiety. The possible
reasons for this may be familiarity of test environment, prior theoretical exposure (participant being a
student of psychology). It may also be possible that even when the mentioned factors are not present,
the test situation has not evoked any unpleasant association and affect within the participant.
Thus, it can be concluded that the level of anxiety of the participant has been determined using State
Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAl) and she has been found out to be 'below the range' in both state and trait