2012 Adult Wagon Form 4PP

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2012 Courir de Mardi Gras

Float / Wagon Parade Registration Form

Responsible Party: ____________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ City / State / ZIP: _____________________________________________________________ Phone: [_____]_______________________Cell Phone: [_________]____________________ E-mail: _____________________________________________________________________ Did you participate before: Yes / No How many times: _________________ Length of your Trailer / Wagon with vehicle: _______________________________________ Float / Wagon Registration for Units 2 through 11 is $250.00 / All others $100.00 Mardi Gras Sunday [02/19/12] Float / Wagon Registration is $150.00 CASH ONLY!
The above fees will allows you to admit as many riders as is safe for your unit without any extra fees.

Each Float / Wagon must have the Parade Permit Displayed at all times. Only 1 trailer / wagon can be pulled per vehicle.
The driver of each float / wagon will be subject to a Police Field Sobriety Test throughout the Run.

Notice: All fees collected for this event are NON REFUNABLE once paid. I have been Given, Read & Understand the Waiver & Release of Liability Notice.
Float / Wagon / Slot Permit #:

2012 Courir de Mardi Gras Parade

Agreement for Wagons, Floats & Parade Units
I, ___________________________________,the person responsible for my Wagon / Float, Unit, have agreed to participate and agree to follow certain regulations and rules concerning the following of the Courir Parade in Wagons, Floats, etc.. A Pre-registration fee of $250.00 per unit [for Units 2-11] and a pre-registration fee of $100.00 for all other units will be charged to follow and enjoy the entertainment provided by the Courir, to include participation in the Parade down Main Street. These fees will allow you to admit as many riders as is safe for your unit without any extra fees. Pre-registration will begin at 7:00 PM on Friday, 02/10/12 at the Clubhouse. Registration fee on Sunday morning, February 19th will be $150.00 [cash only] per Unit. Pre- Registration will be on a first come first serve basis using the Honor System. Those who register will be given a Unit Permit number, which will be used for line up and for awards. Permit Placard must be visible at all times. Units must be at the Saddle Tramp before 7:00 AM on Sunday, February 19th to begin lining up. Those who have pre registered who are late and not on time, might lose their position, due to the lining up of other units that morning. The Saddle Tramp Riding Club, Inc. is NOT providing any food or drinks to those who have registered a unit. We ask that you remain in your designated order until the run and parade is over. We want you and your participants to enjoy the Courir in a safe environment. YOU MUST REAMIN IN YOUR DESIGNATED ORDER DURING THE ENTIRE EVENT.

Only 1 trailer / wagon can be pulled per vehicle.

The driver of each float / wagon will be subject to a Police Field Sobriety Test throughout the Run.

Waiver and Release of Liability from the Church Point Saddle Tramp Riders Club Inc. I understand, along with all of the individuals who ride my float, wagon, trailer, etc. for the Courir de Mardi Gras, that I [we] release the Church Point Saddle Tramp Riders Club Inc. and its members from any and all liabilities for any injuries, damages, expenses, and/or claims which might arise as a result of my [our] participation in the Courir de Mardi Gras. [February 19, 2011] I agree that I will abide by all of the laws regarding the pulling of a trailer and will pull my trailer in a safe and prudent manner. _____________________________ Responsible Party Signature ___________________________________ Saddle Tramp Riding Club Representative

____________________ Date

Notice: All fees collected for this event are NON REFUNABLE once collected.

Waiver and Release of Liability

Church Point Saddle Tramp Riders Club Inc. Sponsors of the Church Point Courir de Mardi Gras & Festival February 19, 2012
I, the operator or responsible party of the vehicle pulling the float / trailer / wagon, who was issued this permit, understands, along with all of the individuals who ride on my float / trailer / wagon, etc. for the Courir de Mardi Gras, that I [we] release the Church Point Saddle Tramp Riders Club Inc. and its members from any and all liabilities for any injuries, damages, expenses, and/or claims which might arise as a result of my [our] participation in the Courir de Mardi Gras. I, the operator or responsible party of the vehicle pulling the float / trailer / wagon issued this permit, agree that I will abide by all of the laws regarding the pulling of a float / trailer / wagon and will pull my float / trailer / wagon in a safe and prudent manner. I, the operator or responsible party of the vehicle pulling the float / trailer / wagon issued this permit understands that the driver of the vehicle pulling the float / trailer / wagon will be subject to a Police Field Sobriety Test throughout the Run. I, the operator or responsible party, of the vehicle pulling the float / trailer / wagon issued this permit, acknowledges that I have signed the Waiver of Liability Form provided by the Church Point Saddle Tramp Riders Club, Inc. at the time of registration and that a copy is on file with the Church Point Saddle Tramp Riders Club, Inc.

Thank You for Your Participation

Church Point Courir de Mardi Gras

Two Year Float Registration Rules
1. A person can pre-register a float slot one year in advance by paying the next years fee during the current preregistration period. This would allow the person to hold their same slot for the following year. All payments are non-refundable once paid. 2. The following year, if you want to keep your same slot, you must reregister your float at time of the preregistration. In other words, you would always be paid one year in advance, if you wish to keep the same slot. 3. If you keep your same slot and reregister one year ahead, you and only you, can reregister your float for the following year. You must appear in person to reregister. 4. If you fail to appropriately reregister your float for the following year, you forfeit your slot and any funds you previously paid. Your slot then becomes immediately available for sale to someone else. 5. If you pay one year in advance, your slot is not transferrable to anyone else the following year or at anytime in the future. 6. If you do not show up for line up for the current year, you forfeit your slot and payment for this year. Your next years slot will still be yours but, but you lose everything for the current year. You must still appear in person the following year at pre-registration to reregister your float. You can also pay for another year at that time to reserve your slot.

You Must Remain In Your Designated Order During The Entire Event. Only 1 trailer / wagon can be pulled per vehicle.
The driver of each float / wagon will be subject to a random Police Field Sobriety Test throughout the Run.

Note that the Church Point Saddle Tramp Riders Club, Inc., sponsors of the Church Point Courir de Mardi Gras can refuse to issue a permit to anyone without cause or reason.

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