Sale Affidavit Santro

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I/We ___________________ S/o/D/o/W/o ________________ holding Adhar Card NO.

___________________________________residing at
hereby solemnly affirm and state as under :

1. That I have purchased ___________________________________ from True Bikes (Address:

No. 30, Gyan Khand 1, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh 201014), on Date
__________________________, at time _________________________
2. Following is the bike’s/car’s detail Registration Number _____________________________ ,
Chassis Number _________________________ , Engine Number
_____________________________ , Registration Year ___________
3. That I have paid____________________________________________ to True Bikes for the
vehicle. The remaining sum of INR 38,700 will be paid as per given schedule.
INR 4300 on 10 May 2023 INR 4300 on 10 Jun 2023 INR 4300 on 10 Jul 2023

INR 4300 on 10 Aug 2023 INR 4300 on 10 Sep 2023 INR 4300 on 10 Oct 2023

INR 4300 on 10 Nov 2023 INR 4300 on 10 Dec 2023 INR 4300 on 10 Jan 2024

4. If I delay the payment of any installment for more than 15 days from the scheduled dates on the
table above then True Bikes can take the possession of the vehicle back from me.
5. That I have checked the Asset and have fully satisfied myself of its condition.
6. That I agree to abide by all the responsibility(s) and/or statutory liabilities, arising after the
date of sale, in respect of the Asset and further confirm and undertake that at no juncture,
shall True Bikes be in any way liable/responsible for the same.
7. That I, hereby indemnify and agree and undertake to keep indemnified True Bikes, its
Directors, officers, employees, servants and agents at all times hereafter from and against
allocations, costs including actual legal costs, suits, legal proceedings, accounts, claims,
demands, losses, charges, expenses and liabilities of whatsoever nature, which True Bikes
or any of its Directors, officers, employees, servants and agents may sustain or incur or for
any loss caused or suffered to them on account any breach of any of the conditions
mentioned hereinabove committed by us.
8. That I hereby agree and undertake to initiate the process of registering the Asset
transferred in my name within thirty days from the date of sale as mentioned on the bill
provided to me by True Bikes.

Also, I hereby declare that True Bikes has handed over the following documents to me
Form 29 _____________ , Form 30 _____________ , Seller ID _____________ ,
Bank NOC (if applicable) _____________ , RC _____________


Signature _________________________

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