IELTS Speaking - 2022 - Nguyen Thuong
IELTS Speaking - 2022 - Nguyen Thuong
IELTS Speaking - 2022 - Nguyen Thuong
Part 2: Describe a story or novel you have read that you found interesting
You should say:
When you read it
What the story or novel was about
Who wrote it
And explain why you think it was interesting
Part 3:
How does technology help people tell their stories?
Which one is more popular in Vietnam, ebooks or paper books?
Why are mystery novels so popular nowadays?
What kinds of stories do children in Vietnam enjoy reading?
Part 2 (15): Describe a movie you watched recently and would like to watch again
You should say:
What type of movie it was
What it was about
Where you watched it
And explain why you would like to watch it again
Part 3:
Where do people in Vietnam normally watch movies?
What are the differences between watching movies at home and at the cinema?
Are famous actors or actresses important for a movie to be successful?
Why are there fewer people going to the cinema to watch movies nowadays?
4 to be a big reader someone who reads a lot là người đọc rất nhiều
to catch the latest to see a film that has just đón xem bộ phim vừa
9 /ˈleɪtɪst/
movie come out mới công chiếu
to go on general /ˈdʒenrəl/ when a film can be seen được phát hành rộng
release /rɪˈliːs/ by the general public rãi
23 a page turner /ˈpeɪdʒ tɜːnə(r)/ a book that you want to một cuốn sách hay và
keep reading hấp dẫn đến mức phải
đọc hết trang này đến
trang khác, không dứt
ra được
science fiction
27 sci-fi /ˈsaɪ faɪ/ khoa học viễn tưởng
/ˌsaɪəns ˈfɪkʃn/
to take out (a book to borrow a book from mượn sách (từ thư
from the library) the library viện)
to outline the details of
34 to tell the story of someone’s life or an kể câu chuyện về …
Part 2 (7): Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recently
Part 3:
Part 2 (4): Describe a popular place for sports (e.g a stadium) that you have been to
You should say:
Where it is
When you went there
What you did there
And explain how you felt about this place
Part 3:
Do young people today do enough sports?
What are the benefits of playing sports for children?
Is it necessary to build public sports spaces?
What do you think of companies donating sports venues for poor children?
a football match
trận đấu trên sân
3 an away game played in the opposing
teams stadium
một “cuốc” đi bộ
4 a brisk walk /brɪsk/ /wɔːk/ a fast walk
9 a football pitch /ˈfʊtbɔːl/ /pɪtʃ/ the surface on which sân bóng đá (nhỏ
you play football (as
opposed to a stadium,
hơn sân vận động)
which is the building)
a football match
13 a home game played in the teams trận đấu trên sân nhà
own stadium
a public building
22 a sports centre where people can do trung tâm thể thao
various sports
the surface where you sân squash, tennis,
24 squash/tennis/badminton /kɔːt/
play these sports cầu lông
When do you have to use computers?
When was the first time you used a computer?
What would your life be like without computers?
In what conditions would it be difficult for you to use a computer?
Social media
Do you or your friends like using social media?
Do you think you or your friends use too much social media?
Do you want to work in the social media industry? Why?
What is the most popular social media platform in Vietnam?
Part 2 (12): Describe a time when you needed to search for information
You should say:
What information you needed to search for
When you searched for it
Where you searched for it
And explain why you needed to search for it
Part 3:
How can people search for information now?
What information can people get from television?
Do you think libraries are still important in the digital age?
Does the development of the Internet have any impact on disadvantaged people?
Part 2 (19): Describe a time you used your cellphone/smartphone to do something important
You should say:
What happened
When it happened
How important the cellphone/smartphone was
Part 3:
What are the occasions when people are not allowed to use smartphones?
What are the differences between the way young people and old people use a cellphone?
What is more common, using a cellphone to make calls or to send messages?
Do you think there should be a law to stop people from making phone calls in public?
to make a copy of
2 to back up files /faɪl/ files in case of a sao lưu dữ liệu
computer problem
a film/movie/history
to suddenly stop
7 to crash /kræʃ/ máy sập nguồn
to move text or
images from one
8 to cut and paste /kʌt/ənd//peɪst/ cắt và dán dữ liệu
place in a document
to another place
to edit digital
biên tập đồ họa,
10 digital edit /ˈdɪdʒɪtl//ˈedɪt/ materials like audio
video, audio
or video files
to save a copy of a
tải xuống phim, ảnh,
11 download (podcasts) /ˌdaʊnˈləʊd//ˈpɒdkɑːst/ file from the internet
to your own device
12 to enter a web /ˈentə(r)/ to type the address nhập địa chỉ web
address /web/ of a website into the
/əˈdres/ address bar of your
a technological tool
13 a gadget /ˈɡædʒɪt/ like a mobile phone thiết bị điện tử
or camera
powerful computer
15 high-spec (laptop) with top quality (laptop) cấu hình cao
a network of
computers within an
17 intranet /ˈɪntrənet/ mạng nội bộ
organisation that is
not accessible by
unauthorised visitors
to look at a series of
22 to surf the web /sɜːf/ websites one after lướt web
the other
to obtain a more
powerful or feature-
24 to upgrade /ˌʌpˈɡreɪd/ nâng cấp, lên đời
rich computer or
piece of software
a network where
users can access the
27 wireless network mạng wifi
Internet without the
use of fixed cables
What is the weather like where you live?
Do you prefer cold or hot weather?
Do you prefer dry or wet weather?
Do you often check weather forecasts?
when weather
6 a change in the weather /ˈweðə(r)/ thay đổi thời tiết
conditions change
to get drenched
16 to get very wet bị ướt như chuột lột
drench = soak (to make
sb/sth completely wet)
a serious condition
17 heatstroke /ˈhiːtstrəʊk/ caused by being too say nắng
long in hot weather
20 long-range forecast /ˈfɔːkɑːst/ the weather forecast dự báo thời tiết vài
for several days or ngày hoặc cả tuần
weeks ahead sắp tới
28 torrential rain /təˈrenʃl/ see ‘heavy rain’ above cơn mưa xối xả
30 weather forecast /ˈweðə fɔːkɑːst/ a TV/radio programme bản tin dự báo thời
or section in a tiết
which predicts weather
Part 2 (19): Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste (e.g in a park, on the beach etc.)
You should say:
Where are when you saw the plastic waste
Why there were a lot of plastic waste
What you did after you saw them
And explain what your thoughts were about this
Part 3:
What are the benefits of using plastic products?
How can people reduce their use of plastic?
What kind of plastic waste is often seen in Vietnam?
What are the problems when there is too much plastic waste?
the change in
4 climate change /ˈklaɪmət//tʃeɪndʒ/ worldwide weather biến đổi khí hậu
the careful
management of
việc tiết kiệm
7 energy conservation /ˈenədʒi//ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃn/ energy resources to
năng lượng
ensure they last as
long as possible
behaviour and
environmentally /ɪnˌvaɪrənmentəli thân thiện với
8 products that do not
friendly ˈfrendli/ môi trường
harm the environment
the manufacture of
heavy articles and các ngành công
15 heavy industry /ˌhevi ˈɪndəstri/
materials in large nghiệp nặng
an event such as an
earthquake, flood or
thảm họa tự
20 natural disaster /ˈnætʃrəl//dɪˈzɑːstə(r)/ hurricane which
causes widespread
damage or loss of life
22 the natural world /wɜːld/ the world of nature thế giới tự nhiên
waste usually
deposited in the seas vụ tràn dầu (ra
23 oil spill /ɔɪl//spɪl/
and oceans after an biển, sông, hồ)
accident at sea
poisonous, unwanted
rubbish often
27 toxic waste /ˈtɒksɪk//weɪst/ chất thải độc hại
produced by industrial