Week 8 Math 7 2.0

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√ Square Root


Congratulations! You are now on your last module in this quarter I hope you are ready on
your final assessment.

In this lesson you are going to learn the square root of a number. We all know counting
numbers consecutively such as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and so on. What are the numbers between 1 and 2?
How about the numbers between 3 and 4? The square is the number times itself. The square is the
same as the power of 2. The square root is the opposite of the square.

In Scripture the shape of a triangle is clearly indicative as a three person. Another shape
that is repeatedly seen in many of the most important passages in the Bible is the square. The
ancient and modern meaning of the square is truth as in to square it with the truth. This is a
metaphor of a carpenter where a square is used to right all the angles and when it is right it is
called “True”. With that passage let us remind the verse in Luke 16:10 it says “One is faithful in a
very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest
in much.”

Essential Questions:
As you go through this module, keep on thinking about these questions:

How can the knowledge of square roots help us sole problems in daily life?

Verse to live by:

Luke 16:10

“One is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who
is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much.”

Core Values:

Love and Devotion to

the Creator God.

Lesson 5


In this lesson, you will

be able to:
Describe principal root and tell whether they are rational
or irrational;
Determine between what two integers the square root of a number is;
Estimate the square of a whole number.


Read the problem below

Mrs. Morena asked the carpenter to cover a patch on the floor which is 2.56 sq. m. in area with
squares tiles. She asked the carpenter to recommend tile size that would exactly fit the area
without cutting any of the tiles. Available tile sizes are the following: 20 cm, 25cm, 30 cm and 35
cm. Help the carpenter determine the size of the tiles to be used to cover the patch.


1. What math concept will help solve the problem?

2. How will the knowledge of perfect square numbers and square roots help you in
determining the correct size of the tile?
3. Is there another way of solving the problem?

You see from the activities that finding square roots are useful in real life. What are square
roots? How do we get the square root of a number?


Your goal in this section is to understand what a square root is, how it is denoted,
how it is simplified and approximated. As you go through this part, keep on thinking
about this question: How can you determine the square root of a given real
number? Where and how are square roots used in real life?
Squaring vs. Extracting Square Roots

A. Complete the table below by giving the square of a given number

Number Process Square of the Number

3 3×3 9
4 4×4 16
5 5×5 25
6 6×6 36

Question: How did you get the square of a number? Can you use your knowledge on finding
squares of numbers in finding the square root?

Now complete the table by giving the square root of a number on your worksheet in Activity 1.

You see from the activity that finding square of a number and finding the square root of a
number are inverse process.

So now, let’s start our

proper discussion!
An exponent can be used to show that a number has been multiplied by itself one or more
times. You can write 3×3 as powers such as 32 or 3 squared. Likewise you can write 2×2 ×2 as 23
and 5×5 × 5× 5as 54.

A power has two parts: a base and an exponent. In the power 32, the base is 3 and the
exponent is 2.

base 32

A perfect square is the square of a whole number. The number 9 is a perfect square because

9 =32. The number is not a perfect square because there is no whole number that can be squared
to get 7.

You know that 25 is the square of 5 because 52 = 25. You can also say that 5 is the square
root of 25. The square root of a number is the length of the side of a square with an area equal to
the number.

A Square Root of a given
number is a number
which square is the given

In symbols, if a2 = b the
number a is called
Notice that -5 is also a square root of 25 because (-5) 2 = 25. The symbol √ ❑ is used to
indicate the positive square root and is known as the radical sign. The combination of the radical
sign together with the number is called radical. The number inside the radical sign is known as
the radicand.

In the real number system the square root of negative number does not exist. This is true
because there is no real number a for which a2 is negative. Therefore, an expression like √ −9 has
no meaning in the set of real numbers.

When √ n is an integer, the number n is called a perfect square.

Here are the first 20 perfect squares. They are called perfect squares because they can be
arranged into squares (see the figures below the table.)

12=1 62 =36 112 =121 162 =256

22=4 72 =49 122=144 172 =289
32=9 82 =64 132=169 182=324
4 2=16 92 =81 14 2=196 192=361
52=25 102=100 152=225 202=400

Example 1: Perfect Square and Square root

Fill in the to make each statement true.

1. = 225 2. √ 961 =


1. (15)2 = 225 2. √ 961 = 31

or (-15)2 = 225

To know if you truly understand it, go to your worksheet and fill in the following
statement in Try it #1

Example 2: Taking Square Roots

Analyze the table below.
Find Process Answer
√ 81 √ 9 ×9 = √ 92 9
√ 25 √ 5 ×5 = √ 52 5
√ 64 √ 8 ×8 = √ 82 8
√ 100 √ 10 ×10 = √ 1 02 10
√ 121 √ 11×11 = √ 112 11
√ 400 √ 20 ×20 = √ 202 20
√ 2500 √ 5 0 ×5 0 = √ 5 02 50

For your next activity

refer to your worksheet
You learned that when
the numbers are perfect
square numbers, the
Irrational Numbers: Square Roots that are not Integers

In the previous lesson we saw that a perfect square is a number that has a positive integer
as a square root. Most numbers are not perfect squares? What kind of numbers do they have for
their roots?

How can we use the concept of perfect squares in approximating square roots of positive
rational numbers? How are the square roots of decimal numbers determined?

Now look at the examples below.

Example 1: What is the square root of 12?

Since 12 is a non-perfect integer, its square root is not a rational number. So we only
approximate the value. How? By finding two consecutive perfect square integers between which
the given number lies.
Which two consecutive integers will the square root of 12 falls between? 12 is between 9 and 16. 9
¿ 12<16
√ 9< √ 12< √ 16
Thus, 3¿ √ 12< 4
This implies that the square root of 12 is a number greater than 3 but less than 4. Sharpen your
skills in approximating the square root of a non-perfect square numbers by determining two
integers between which the square root of the given number lies.

Let’s have another example; √ 300

Solution: 300 lies between 289 and 324.

√ 289< √ 300< √ 324
Thus, 17 ¿ √ 300< √ 18
Now, go to your worksheet and answer the activity 3.
Irrational Number
An irrational
number is a number
that cannot be expressed
You can use a calculator or a table of square roots to find a decimal approximation of an
in the form , where a
b root.
irrational square
Example 1: Approximation
and b are integers, and b of Irrational Numbers
is not Approximate
equal to 0. each irrational number as indicated.
1.) √ 24 to the nearest tenth. 2.) √ 90 to the nearest hundredth.

1.) √ 24 = √ 4 ∙ 6 = √ 4 ∙ √ 6 =2√ 6 2.)√ 90 = √ 9 .10 = √ 9 ∙ √10 =3√ 10
4∙ 6 is the factor of 24 9∙ 10 is the factor of 90
Using a calculator: √ 6 ≈ 2.499 Using a calculator √ 10 ≈ 3.162

2√ 6 ≈ 2 ( 2.449 ) ≈ 4.898 3 √ 10≈ 3 (3.162)≈ 9.486
Therefore √ 24 ≈ 4.9 Therefore √ 90 ≈ 9.5

Now, try to answer on

your worksheet the
approximation you already
of finished your activities. It will be also the last module for this
before thatinlet me remind you our verse which is found in Luke 16:10 it says
Try it is
#2faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a
very little is also dishonest in much.” It means that the only rational is God. He is perfect
and no one can be like Him unless we follow in His path.



Activity 1
Factored form of the Square Root of the
Number Number
9 3×3
16 4×4
25 5×5
36 6×6

Try it #1
Fill in the _______ to make each statement true.

1. _______2 = 169 2. √ 1600 = ________

Activity 2: Complete the table by finding the correct value of the given square root. Pick your
answer from the choices beside on the table and write it on the space provided for each number.

Square Root Value

√ 8100
√ 10000
√ 0.25 Activity 3
√ 0.36
Find two integers between which the square root of the
given number lies.

First Integers Square Root of Second Integers

4 8 9

Try it #2
Approximate each irrational number as indicated. Write your answer at the back of this page.

1.)√ 90 2.) √ 27

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