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FTP Master Protocol Reference Manual

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Reference Manual

MN912130EN, version 5

FTP Master Protocol

Contact and copyright information.
For use with version 8.1 R2, or later, of the SMP Gateway Software and Tools.
All brand and product names appearing in this document are either trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective holders.
© 2020 Eaton – All rights reserved.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice.

Eaton's Energy Automation Solutions

1990 5th Street

Suite 220
Levis, Quebec, CANADA
G6W 5M6

Phone: 1.800.815.2258 (English support only)

Phone: 1.877.834.0009 (English and French support)
Fax: +1.514.227.5256
Web: http://www.eaton.com/smartgrid
Email: [email protected]
Technical Assistance: [email protected]

MN912130EN, version 5

List of Tables......................................................................................................................... iii

Chapter 1: Introduction................................................................................... 1
1.1 Intended Audience................................................................................................................................ 2
1.2 Overview................................................................................................................................................2
1.3 Additional Documentation..................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Getting assistance.................................................................................................................................2
1.5 License Information...............................................................................................................................3

Chapter 2: Implementation Details.................................................................5

2.1 Supported Features.............................................................................................................................. 6
2.2 Limitations and Requirements.............................................................................................................. 6
2.3 Supported Commands.......................................................................................................................... 6

Chapter 3: Configuration................................................................................ 9
3.1 Creating a FTP Master Protocol Instance.......................................................................................... 10
3.2 Specifying FTP Master Protocol General Parameters........................................................................10
3.3 SMP Gateway System Folders...........................................................................................................11
3.3.1 Defining a Standard Local System Folder............................................................................ 12
3.3.2 Defining an Archive Folder................................................................................................... 13
3.3.3 Defining a Copy Folder......................................................................................................... 13
3.3.4 Defining a Remote System Folder........................................................................................13
3.4 Specifying an FTP Directory to Scan................................................................................................. 14
3.5 Specifying the Directory Scan Request Interval................................................................................. 15
3.6 Specifying the Keep-Alive Request Interval....................................................................................... 15
3.7 Configuring an SMP Gateway TCP/IP Master Connection................................................................ 15
3.8 Associating a FTP Master Protocol Instance with a TCP/IP Master Connection................................16
3.9 Validating and Saving the SMP Gateway Configuration File............................................................. 16

Chapter 4: Troubleshooting..........................................................................19
4.1 TCP/IP Connection Establishment Issues.......................................................................................... 20
4.2 Unexpected TCP/IP Master Link Resets............................................................................................ 20
4.3 FTP Transfer Issues........................................................................................................................... 21

Appendix A: Configuration Settings............................................................ 23

A.1 FTP Master Protocol General Settings.............................................................................................. 24
A.2 FTP Master Protocol Directory Settings.............................................................................................26
A.3 FTP Master Protocol Request Interval Settings................................................................................. 28
A.4 SMP Gateway System Folder Settings.............................................................................................. 29
A.4.1 Standard Local System Folder Settings............................................................................... 29
A.4.2 Archive Folder Settings.........................................................................................................31
A.4.3 Copy Folder Settings............................................................................................................ 31
A.4.4 Remote System Folder Settings...........................................................................................32
A.5 TCP/IP Master Connection Settings...................................................................................................33

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Appendix B: System Data Points.................................................................37

B.1 FTP Master Protocol System Analog Inputs...................................................................................... 38
B.2 FTP Master Protocol System Binary Inputs....................................................................................... 38
B.3 FTP Master Protocol System Binary Outputs.................................................................................... 38
B.4 System Folder System Data Points................................................................................................... 39
B.4.1 Standard Local System Folder System Data Points............................................................ 39
B.4.2 Archive Folder System Data Points......................................................................................40
B.4.3 Copy Folder System Data Points......................................................................................... 40
B.4.4 Remote System Folder System Data Points........................................................................ 41

ii • FTP Master Protocol Reference Manual

List of Tables

List of Tables
Table 1: Supported FTP commands........................................................................................6

Table 2: FTP master protocol general settings......................................................................24

Table 3: FTP master protocol directory settings....................................................................26

Table 4: FTP master protocol request interval settings......................................................... 28

Table 5: Standard local system folder settings......................................................................29

Table 6: Archive folder settings............................................................................................. 31

Table 7: Copy folder settings................................................................................................. 31

Table 8: Remote system folder settings................................................................................ 32

Table 9: TCP/IP master connection settings......................................................................... 33

Table 10: Encryption-specific TCP/IP master connection settings.........................................33

Table 11: X.509-certificate-specific TCP/IP master connection settings................................ 34

Table 12: FTP master protocol system analog inputs........................................................... 38

Table 13: FTP master protocol system binary inputs............................................................ 38

Table 14: FTP master protocol system binary outputs.......................................................... 39

Table 15: Standard local system folder system analog inputs...............................................39

Table 16: Standard local system folder system binary inputs................................................40

Table 17: Standard local system folder system binary outputs............................................. 40

Table 18: Archive folder system analog inputs......................................................................40

Table 19: Archive folder system binary inputs.......................................................................40

Table 20: Archive folder system binary outputs.....................................................................40

Table 21: Copy folder system analog inputs......................................................................... 41

Table 22: Copy folder system binary inputs.......................................................................... 41

Table 23: Remote system folder system analog inputs......................................................... 41

Table 24: Remote system folder system binary inputs.......................................................... 41

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List of Tables

iv • FTP Master Protocol Reference Manual


In this chapter: This is the reference manual for the FTP master protocol component
of an SMP Gateway.
• Intended Audience
This protocol component is used to retrieve files from any IED that
• Overview
hosts an FTP server.
• Additional Documentation
• Getting assistance
• License Information

Eaton •1
Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Intended Audience

This document is intended for users responsible of the configuration of the FTP master protocol component
in a SMP Gateway configuration.

1.2 Overview
This manual provides the information required to install and set up a FTP master protocol component in a
SMP Gateway configuration.
The FTP Master Protocol Reference Manual is divided into the following sections:

Introduction This is the current chapter. It presents the purpose and scope of this document,
indicates how to contact Eaton for assistance, and lists all related documents.
Implementation This chapter presents the features, limitations and requirements of the FTP master
Details protocol component.
Configuration This chapter explains the various tasks that must be performed to configure an
instance of the FTP master protocol component.
Troubleshooting This chapter describes the most frequent problems encountered with the
configuration or use of the FTP master protocol component, and provides
solutions or advices to help users solving these issues.

Information about the configuration parameters and system data points that are specific to this protocol
component is provided as appendices.

1.3 Additional Documentation

The following documents provide additional information about the SMP Gateway software, its protocol and
communication components, and the FTP protocol:
• SMP Gateway User Manual, MN912001EN, Eaton.
• SMP Gateway Protocol Common Concepts Reference Manual, MN912003EN, Eaton.
• RFC 959 – (Standard) File Transfer Protocol (FTP), IETF.

1.4 Getting assistance

If you have any question regarding the performance, application or testing of any component of the
product, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Technical Support
Energy Automation Solutions

Email for technical assistance: [email protected]

Phone: 1.800.815.2258 (English support only)
Phone: 1.877.834.0009 (English and French support)

Business hours are from 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. CST, Monday to Friday.

2• FTP Master Protocol Reference Manual

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.5 License Information

The FTP master protocol component is identified in the SMP Gateway license as part number

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Chapter 1: Introduction

4• FTP Master Protocol Reference Manual


Implementation Details
In this chapter: This chapter presents the features, limitations and requirements of the
FTP master protocol component.
• Supported Features
• Limitations and Requirements
• Supported Commands

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Chapter 2: Implementation Details

2.1 Supported Features

The FTP master protocol component supports the following SMP Gateway features:

File Retrieval
The FTP master protocol component is essentially used to retrieve files from an IED that hosts an FTP
server. It scans specific directories at a configured time interval and retrieves files upon detection. When a
file was successfully retrieved from the FTP server, the protocol component deletes it from the FTP server.

TCP/IP Communications
The FTP master protocol component requires two TCP/IP connections:
• The first connection is dedicated to the protocol component and must be assigned at configuration time.
It is used to send FTP commands and to receive the corresponding responses.
• The second connection is established by the protocol component to perform a file transfer operation,
and is terminated when the operation is completed. This connection does not have to be assigned to
the protocol component at configuration time.

The FTP master protocol component uses the standard authentication mechanism described in the FTP
specification. User name is mandatory, while password and account name requirements depend on the
FTP server implementation.

2.2 Limitations and Requirements

The FTP master protocol component complies with the FTP specification, with some limitations.
The corresponding FTP server must:
• support the Image representation type, which is intended for binary data transfer;
• support passive mode;
• use either the Unix or MS-DOS listing format when responding to LIST commands, which are used to
scan directories specified at configuration time.
Also note that all retrieved files are systematically deleted from the FTP server upon successful transfer,
using the DELE command, and that the FTP master protocol is permanently connected to the FTP server,
using the NOOP command as a keep-alive request. The LIST and NOOP commands are each transmitted at
an interval specified at configuration time.
The FTP master protocol component is supported by all SMP Gateway models.

2.3 Supported Commands

The following table presents the FTP commands that are supported by the FTP master protocol

Table 1: Supported FTP commands

Command Description

USER Used to provide a user name upon login.

6• FTP Master Protocol Reference Manual

Chapter 2: Implementation Details

Command Description

PASS Used to provide a password upon login.

ACCT Used to provide an account name upon login.

TYPE Used to force the FTP server to use the Image representation type, which is intended
for the transfer of binary data.

PASV Used to force the FTP server to enter passive mode.

The FTP master protocol component does not support active mode.

LIST Used to retrieve the list of files of a given directory.

The FTP master protocol supports Unix and MS-DOS list formats.

RETR Used to retrieve a file.

DELE Used to delete a file on the FTP server upon successful transfer.

NOOP Used as a keep-alive request.

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Chapter 2: Implementation Details

8• FTP Master Protocol Reference Manual


In this chapter: This chapter explains the various tasks that must be performed to
configure an instance of the FTP master protocol component.
• Creating a FTP Master Protocol
• Specifying FTP Master Protocol
General Parameters
• SMP Gateway System Folders
• Specifying an FTP Directory to
• Specifying the Directory Scan
Request Interval
• Specifying the Keep-Alive
Request Interval
• Configuring an SMP Gateway
TCP/IP Master Connection
• Associating a FTP Master
Protocol Instance with a TCP/IP
Master Connection
• Validating and Saving the
SMP Gateway Configuration

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Chapter 3: Configuration

3.1 Creating a FTP Master Protocol Instance

1. Start SMP Config.
2. In the left pane, expand the Master Protocols branch and select the FTP branch.
3. In the right pane, type the Name of the new instance in the first empty row, and then press the TAB key.
The following characters cannot be used as part of an instance name: the comma (,), the
quotation mark (") and the slash (/).

The new protocol instance is added in the left pane, under the protocol type you had selected.

What to do next:
• Specify the general and protocol-specific parameters of this protocol instance.
• Configure the required connections and associate them to this protocol instance.
• Validate and save this protocol instance configuration.

3.2 Specifying FTP Master Protocol General Parameters

Before you begin:

The FTP master protocol instance must be created.

1. In the left pane of SMP Config, expand the Master Protocols branch, the FTP branch, and the branch
of the newly created FTP master protocol instance.
2. Select the General branch.
3. In the right pane, type a unique Device Prefix for this protocol instance.
The following reserved words and characters cannot be used as part of a device prefix:
• the word _smp (which is the device prefix of system data points)
• the comma (,)
• the quotation mark (")
• the semicolon (;)
• the grave accent (`)
4. In the Username cell, type the user name that will be transmitted to the FTP server upon login; this
setting is mandatory.
5. If required by the FTP server, type the Password and Account Name in the corresponding cells; they
will also be transmitted to the FTP server upon login.
6. If the IED clock is set to use local time instead of UTC:
a) Select the Device Time Zone in the corresponding cell; this will allow the FTP master protocol
instance to convert the reported timestamps from local time to UTC time.
b) If the IED clock is adjusted for daylight savings, select Auto Adjust DST.

10 • FTP Master Protocol Reference Manual

Chapter 3: Configuration

7. In the Connection Timeout cell, type the maximum amount of time to wait, in milliseconds, for the
establishment of a connection with the FTP server for a file transfer, before declaring a communication
failure and cancelling the transfer.
8. In the RX Timeout cell, type the maximum amount of time to wait, in milliseconds, for an FTP server
response to a request, before declaring a communication failure and resetting the communication link.
9. In the Transfer Speed Limit cell, type the maximum speed, in kilobytes per second, allowed for FTP
file transfers.
The actual transfer speed is not determined by the SMP Gateway, but by the FTP server itself;
however, if the IED transfers files at a faster rate than the specified limit, the SMP Gateway will
slow down the transfer speed to prevent processing and transfer errors.

3.3 SMP Gateway System Folders

System folders are virtual folders that are defined for a given SMP Gateway and used to temporarily store
IED files.
A system folder must be assigned to each FTP directory specified for this FTP master protocol instance.
Two types of system folders can be configured:
• Local system folders, which are located on the SMP Gateway itself.
Be aware that disk space is limited on an SMP Gateway, if you compare it to nowadays
computer hard drives.
• Remote system folders, which are shared folders on a remote computer, which are identified using
the Unified Naming Convention (UNC).
To use remote folders, the SMP Gateway unit must have access to a WINS server in order to
resolve computer names. Refer to the installation guide of your SMP Gateway to learn how to
specify a WINS server for the unit.
There are different categories of local system folders, providing the following additional capabilities:
• IED files can be regrouped in ZIP files to reduce bandwidth usage when transferring these files to a
control center.
• IED files can be duplicated in multiple local system folders: such groups of folders are called Copy
• IED files can also be duplicated in an Archive Folder, which make its content available for direct
download from the SMP Gateway eSMP browser-based application.
An archive folder cannot be assigned directly to a master protocol component, but as a part of a
copy folder.
These local system folder categories are presented in more details below.

Standard Local Folders

Standard local folders are the most commonly used local system folders. They can be used to temporarily
store single files as retrieved by master protocol components, or groups of files stored as ZIP files, and to
make these files available to slave protocol components so they can be transferred to master stations or
control centers. The behavior to follow in situations of low storage can also be determined at configuration
time for each folder (whether to stop adding files to the folder or to delete old files).

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Chapter 3: Configuration

Copy Folders
Copy folders are groups of local system folders of any type. When a copy folder is assigned to a master
protocol component, the latter will store the retrieved files in all local system folders specified for this copy
folder, including an archive folder.

Archive Folders
Archive folders make their content available for direct download from the SMP Gateway eSMP browser-
based application. For this specific type of local system folder:
• old files are always deleted when the folder reaches its maximum size;
• IED files stored on this folder are always compressed.
Only one archive folder can be defined in a SMP Gateway configuration.

3.3.1 Defining a Standard Local System Folder

If the files that will be retrieved from the IED must be stored temporarily on the SMP Gateway, you have to
define a standard local system folder in the SMP Gateway configuration file.

1. In the left pane of SMP Config, expand the System branch, the Folders branch, and then select the
Local branch.
2. Click in the Folder ID cell of the first empty row, and then type the numerical identifier of the system
folder, which must be unique in a given SMP Gateway configuration file.
3. In the Name cell, type a name for that system folder. You will reference this folder by its name when
assigning it to a protocol component instance. It will also appear in traces, logs and statistics.
4. In the Low Memory File Management cell, select how files will be processed when the folder is
running low on free space.
5. In the Size cell, type the maximum size of the folder, in megabytes.
6. If you want to regroup multiple IED files in a single ZIP file, specify the conditions that will trigger the
creation of the ZIP file:
a) In the ZIP Max File Qty cell, type the maximum number of IED files that can be included in the ZIP
b) In the ZIP Max Size cell, type the maximum size of the ZIP file, in megabytes.
c) In the ZIP Max Delay cell, type the maximum amount of time, in minutes, to wait for new files to add
to the ZIP file.
d) Make sure the Record ID check box is selected.
7. By default, each IED file retrieved by a master protocol component instance is individually compressed
to a ZIP file. If you do not want to regroup multiple IED files in a single ZIP file and want to prevent the
master protocol from compressing each file separately, set ZIP Max File Qty to 0.
8. Optionally, you can provide a Description of the folder content or purpose.

What to do next:
• If you want to store the same IED files in multiple local system folders (or also in an archive folder),
assign this new system folder to the corresponding copy folder.
• Otherwise, assign this standard local system folder to an FTP directory of the FTP master protocol

12 • FTP Master Protocol Reference Manual

Chapter 3: Configuration

3.3.2 Defining an Archive Folder

If a copy of the files that will be retrieved from the IED must be kept on the SMP Gateway, you have to
define an archive folder in the SMP Gateway configuration file.

1. In the left pane of SMP Config, expand the System branch, the Folders branch, and then select the
Local branch.
2. Click in the Archive ID cell of the first empty row, and then type the numerical identifier of the system
folder, which must be unique in a given SMP Gateway configuration file.
3. In the Name cell, type a name for that system folder. You will reference this folder by its name when
assigning it to a protocol component instance. It will also appear in traces, logs and statistics.
4. In the Size cell, type the maximum size of the folder, in megabytes.
Unlike for standard local folders, you cannot specify how files will be processed when an archive
folder gets full: old files are automatically deleted to free space when the folder is full.
5. Optionally, you can provide a Description of the folder content or purpose.

What to do next:
Assign this archive folder to a copy folder.

3.3.3 Defining a Copy Folder

If the files that will be retrieved from the IED must be stored in multiple local folders (or also in an archive
folder) on the SMP Gateway, you have to define a copy folder in the SMP Gateway configuration file.

1. In the left pane of SMP Config, expand the System branch, the Folders branch, and then select the
Local branch.
2. Click in the Copy ID cell of the first empty row, and then type the numerical identifier of the system
folder, which must be unique in a given SMP Gateway configuration file.
3. In the Name cell, type a name for that system folder. You will reference this folder by its name when
assigning it to a protocol component instance. It will also appear in traces, logs and statistics.
4. In the corresponding Folder <X> cells, select each local system folder where the IED files will be
copied; you can select any standard local folder or archive folder that was defined in this SMP Gateway
configuration file.
5. Optionally, you can provide a Description of the folder content or purpose.

What to do next:
Assign this copy folder to an FTP directory of the FTP master protocol instance.

3.3.4 Defining a Remote System Folder

If the files that will be retrieved from the IED must be stored on a remote computer shared folder, you have
to define a remote system folder in the SMP Gateway configuration file.

1. In the left pane of SMP Config, expand the System branch, the Folders branch, and then select the
Remote branch.
2. Click in the Folder ID cell of the first empty row, and then type the numerical identifier of the system
folder, which must be unique in a given SMP Gateway configuration file.

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Chapter 3: Configuration

3. In the Name cell, type a name for that system folder. You will reference this folder by its name when
assigning it to a protocol component instance. It will also appear in traces, logs and statistics.
4. In the Location cell, type the location of the shared folder using the following syntax:

\\<Computer Name>\<Shared Folder Name>

For example, the location \\cpu104\Events refers to a shared folder named Events on a computer
named cpu104.
5. If access to the shared folder is secured, type the username and password of a valid account that has
write access to this folder.
For the Username setting, use the following syntax:

<Computer or Domaine Name>\<Username>

6. In the Low Disk Space Alarm cell, type the number of bytes of free space that will be used as the
trigger for the LowDiskSpace system data point of this folder.
7. If you want to compress the IED files and archive them in a single ZIP file, select Compress.
8. Optionally, you can provide a Description of the folder content or purpose.

What to do next:
Assign this remote system folder to an FTP directory of the FTP master protocol instance.

3.4 Specifying an FTP Directory to Scan

This procedure explains how to specify an FTP directory that the FTP master protocol component will scan
for files to retrieve; each directory must be defined in a separate row.

Before you begin:

• The FTP master protocol instance must be created.
• The SMP Gateway system folder where the retrieved files will be stored must be defined.

1. In the left pane of SMP Config, under the FTP master protocol instance branch, select the Directories
2. In the right pane, in the Name cell, type a name for the directory; this name will mainly appears in
protocol logs and traces, which are used for debugging and commissioning purposes.
3. In the Source cell, type the complete pathname of the directory. By default, the backward slash (\) is
used to separate folders; however, the use of the forward slash (/) can be forced. For example, for the
Temp directory, the user must write //Temp to force the use of the forward slash.
4. In the Folder cell, select the SMP Gateway system folder where the retrieved files will be stored.
5. If the retrieved files will be stored using their source names (the same name as on the FTP server),
select Keep Source File Name; otherwise, the retrieved files will be renamed according to the IEEE
COMTRADE file naming convention.
6. If you want to group files that share the same name but have a different extension, type these
extensions in the File Grouping, separated by semicolons; if no extension is specified, all files will be
stored separately.
7. In the Inclusion Filter cell, type a single expression (REGEX) to specify which files of this directory
should be transferred. Leaving this cell empty is the same as typing *.* (i.e. all files will be transferred).
The content written in the cell is case-sensitive.

14 • FTP Master Protocol Reference Manual

Chapter 3: Configuration

For example:
• to include only one extension, type: *.txt
• to include several extensions, type: *.(txt|xml)
8. In the Exclusion Filter cell, type a single expression (REGEX) to specify which files of this directory
should NOT be transferred. Leaving this cell empty means that no file will be excluded. (the content
written in the cell is case-sensitive)
9. In the Max File Size cell, type the maximum size, in megabytes, of the files that can be transferred from
this directory. If one of the file is larger than this parameter value, this file will not be transferred.
10.In the Min Free Disk Space cell, type the minimum free disk space, in megabytes, that must be
available on the SMP Gateway to allow one of these IED files to be retrieved.

3.5 Specifying the Directory Scan Request Interval

The directory scan request interval specifies at which frequency the FTP master protocol component will
send LIST FTP commands to detect if new files have appear in the directories specified at configuration

Before you begin:

The FTP master protocol instance must be created.

1. In the left pane of SMP Config, under the FTP master protocol instance branch, select the Request
Intervals branch.
2. In the right pane, in the Frequency cell of the Read Files row, type the directory scan request interval,
in milliseconds.

3.6 Specifying the Keep-Alive Request Interval

The keep-alive request interval specifies at which frequency the FTP master protocol component will send
NOOP FTP commands to prevent the FTP session from being terminated by the FTP server.

Before you begin:

The FTP master protocol instance must be created.

1. In the left pane of SMP Config, under the FTP master protocol instance branch, select the Request
Intervals branch.
2. In the right pane, in the Frequency cell of the Keep Alive row, type the keep-alive request interval, in

3.7 Configuring an SMP Gateway TCP/IP Master Connection

1. In the left pane of SMP Config, expand the Connections branch, the TCP/IP branch, and then select
the Masters branch.
2. In the right pane, enter the basic settings for the new TCP/IP connection in an empty row of the grid:

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Chapter 3: Configuration

a) In the Name cell, type a significant name for the connection; you will reference this connection by its
name when associating it with a master protocol component instance. It will also appear in traces,
logs and statistics.
b) In the IP Address cell, type the IP address of the IED.
c) In the Port Number cell, type the TCP port number used by the IED for TCP/IP communications.
3. If you need to force the SMP Gateway to bind the connection socket to a specific IP address, type this
address in the Socket Bind Address cell.
If the SMP Gateway is used in a redundancy context, you can specify the virtual IP address of
the SMP Gateway redundancy group as the Socket Bind Address; when a failover occurs, this
will ensure that the standby SMP Gateway will use that address to reestablish the connection
with the IED.
4. If the IED supports SSL or TLS encryption:
a) In the SSL/TLS cell, select the supported version of the Transport Layer Security protocol (formerly
known as the Secure Sockets Layer protocol).
b) In the Cipher Suite Profiles cell, select the set of cryptographic algorithms that will be used for this
The list of ciphers available in each profile can be found in the Security\SSL/TLS\Cipher
Suite Profiles branch.
5. If the IED does not support SSL or TLS encryption:
a) In the SSL/TLS cell, select Disabled.
b) In the Cipher Suite Profiles cell, select All Cipher Suites.

3.8 Associating a FTP Master Protocol Instance with a TCP/IP Master


Before you begin:

• The FTP master protocol instance must be created.
• The corresponding TCP/IP master connection must be configured.

1. In the left pane of SMP Config, select the Connection Usage branch.
2. In the right pane, under Master Connection Usage, put a check mark under the corresponding TCP/IP
master connection in the row of the FTP master protocol instance to configure.

3.9 Validating and Saving the SMP Gateway Configuration File

1. In SMP Config, select Validate > Validate All.
If the configuration contains any errors, messages will appear in the Messages pane, which appears at
the bottom right of the SMP Config window.
2. Correct errors, if any, and repeat the validation process until the configuration is error-free.
3. Select File > Save.

16 • FTP Master Protocol Reference Manual

Chapter 3: Configuration

You cannot save a configuration file that contains errors. This feature is intended to prevent you
from inadvertently uploading an invalid configuration file on an SMP Gateway. However, you can
save your configuration file if the Messages pane displays warnings only.

What to do next:
Upload the configuration file on the SMP Gateway.

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Chapter 3: Configuration

18 • FTP Master Protocol Reference Manual


In this chapter: This chapter describes the most frequent problems encountered with
the configuration or use of the FTP master protocol component, and
• TCP/IP Connection provides solutions or advices to help users solving these issues.
Establishment Issues
• Unexpected TCP/IP Master Link
• FTP Transfer Issues

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Chapter 4: Troubleshooting

4.1 TCP/IP Connection Establishment Issues

PROBLEM: The FTP master protocol instance cannot establish a TCP/IP connection with its
corresponding IED.
There are three possible causes to this problem:
• The network cable used may not be working properly.
• Protocol-specific settings may not match those of the IED.
• The TCP/IP connection may not be configured properly.

Network cable verifications:

1. Make sure you are using the right cables for the Ethernet connectors of the SMP Gateway.
2. Verify that the cables work properly.
3. Make sure they are connected to the right connectors on the SMP Gateway and also at the IED level.

Protocol-specific verifications:
1. If both the directory scan request interval and the keep-alive request interval are set to 0, no command
will be transmitted to the IED; make sure at least one of these request intervals is different than 0.

TCP/IP connection verifications:

1. Open the SMP Gateway configuration file in SMP Config and examine the settings of the corresponding
TCP/IP connection.
2. Make sure the IP Address and Port Number settings match those of the IED.
3. Verify if SSL/TLS encryption is required by the IED, and make sure that the corresponding settings
match those of the IED.

4.2 Unexpected TCP/IP Master Link Resets

PROBLEM: The TCP/IP master connection used by the FTP master protocol instance keeps resetting.
There are two possible causes to this problem:
• Timeout settings configured for this protocol instance are too short and aggressive.
• A protocol incompatibility causes an unexpected error, which results in an immediate link reset.

General verifications:
1. Start SMP Stats, and examine the statistics page for the corresponding protocol.
2. Verify if errors occur following a given pattern:
• Do they occur for the same requests?
• Are they always of the same type (timeout, checksum, etc.)?
3. Start SMP Trace, activate the corresponding protocol and connection traces, and wait for the problem
to occur; then pause the trace feature, and examine the trace contents:
a. Based on the SMP Stats observations, search for corresponding traces and messages: these traces
should provide more details about the errors and their cause (configuration, protocol incompatibility,
b. Search for the link reset trace message, to get additional detail about the cause of reset.
Based on the SMP Stats and SMP Trace information, you should now have a good idea of the cause of the

20 • FTP Master Protocol Reference Manual

Chapter 4: Troubleshooting

• If errors follow a predictable pattern that looks like a configuration issue, open the SMP Gateway
configuration file in SMP Config and verify the protocol-specific settings (see below).
• If errors follow a predictable pattern which seems to lead to a protocol incompatibility, refer to the
"Implementation Details" chapter of this protocol reference manual and try to identify which request or
feature is not implemented (or implemented differently) by the FTP master protocol or the IED. If you do
not manage to solve the problem at this point, contact Eaton’ Technical Assistance team.

Protocol settings verifications:

Open the SMP Gateway configuration file in SMP Config and verify the following FTP master protocol
• A short RX Timeout will cause the FTP master protocol instance to reset the link even if the response
is incoming; try using a larger timeout value, but not too large to prevent bandwidth waste.
• The keep-alive request interval must not be smaller than the inactivity timeout configured at the FTP
server level.

4.3 FTP Transfer Issues

PROBLEM: There is no apparent communication problem between the SMP Gateway and the FTP server,
but the FTP master protocol instance is not able to retrieve files from the FTP server.
There are three possible causes to this problem:
• The specified system folder is not available or not properly configured.
• The protocol is not properly configured.
• The TCP ports required by the FTP master protocol instance for the file transfer are not available at the
IED level, or blocked by the corporate firewall.

System folder verifications:

1. Make sure that the system folder is available and that it has enough space to store the files:
a. Verify the state of the corresponding _smp___Folder<ID>_Available system binary input: if it is set
to 0, the folder is not available; verify if the computer that hosts the folder is still available. to the
SMP Gateway. If it is set to 0, the folder is not available; verify if the computer that hosts the folder is
still available to the SMP Gateway.
b. Verify the state of the corresponding _smp___Folder<ID>_LowDiskSpace system binary input: if it is
set to 1, this means that there is not enough space available in the system folder. Free up space or
specify another system folder in the SMP Gateway configuration for this file type.
2. Start SMP Log and examine the content of the File log: the latest entries will provide information about
the last file of this type that was retrieved and the connection status of the system folder.
3. Start SMP Config and verify the settings of the system folder:
• For a remote folder, pay special attention to the Location, Username, and Password settings.
• For local folders, pay attention to the Size setting.

Protocol settings verifications:

Open the SMP Gateway configuration file in SMP Config and verify the following FTP master protocol
• In the General settings:
1. Make sure the specified Username, Password and Account Name settings are valid per the IED
FTP server.
2. Verify that the Connection Timeout setting is large enough to let the FTP server respond to the
FTP master protocol transfer commands.

Eaton • 21
Chapter 4: Troubleshooting

• In the Directories settings:

1. Make sure that at least one directory entry is specified.
2. Verify that the pathname specified in the Source setting points to a valid path on the FTP server.
3. Make sure the files to retrieve are not larger than the specified Max File Size.
4. Verify that the files to retrieve meet the criteria defined by the Inclusion Filter setting.
5. Make sure that the files to retrieve are not excluded by the Exclusion Filter setting.
• In the Request Intervals settings:
1. The Frequency setting specified for the Read Files request must be different than 0.

Port verifications:
1. Make sure that the FTP server is properly configured at the IED level.
2. Contact your network administrator to verify if all ports required by the FTP server are allowed through
your firewalls; in addition to the FTP standard port 21, the FTP server will use additional ports for file

22 • FTP Master Protocol Reference Manual


Configuration Settings
In this chapter: This appendix lists all the configuration settings that can be specified
to configure an FTP master protocol component instance.
• FTP Master Protocol General
Settings These settings are specified in the SMP Gateway configuration file,
using SMP Config.
• FTP Master Protocol Directory
• FTP Master Protocol Request
Interval Settings
• SMP Gateway System Folder
• TCP/IP Master Connection

Eaton • 23
Appendix A: Configuration Settings

A.1 FTP Master Protocol General Settings

The following table presents the General settings of an FTP master protocol instance:

Table 2: FTP master protocol general settings

Setting Description

Device Prefix A prefix for the name of each I/O data point provided by the IED.
This prefix must be unique in the entire SMP Gateway configuration to ensure
that every I/O point name is also unique.
The following reserved words and characters cannot be used as part
of a device prefix:
• the word _smp (which is the device prefix of system data points)
• the comma (,)
• the quotation mark (")
• the semicolon (;)
• the grave accent (`)

Range: 1 to 67 ASCII characters

Username The user name that will be transmitted to the FTP server upon login; this
setting is mandatory.

Range: 0 to 63 ASCII characters

Password The password that will be transmitted to the FTP server upon login; this setting
is optional.

Range: 0 to 63 ASCII characters

Account Name The account name that will be transmitted to the FTP server upon login; this
setting is optional.

Range: 0 to 63 ASCII characters

Device Time Zone The time zone at which the IED clock is set.
This setting is used in conjunction with the Auto Adjust DST setting to convert
reported timestamps from local time to UTC time.
It is also used for IED clock synchronization by the master, when applicable, to
convert the SMP Gateway current time from UTC to local time.
By default, SMP Config assumes that the IED clock is set to use UTC time,
which corresponds to the GMT time zone modifier setting.

24 • FTP Master Protocol Reference Manual

Appendix A: Configuration Settings

Setting Description

Auto Adjust DST Indicates if the IED clock is adjusted for daylight savings.
This setting is used in conjunction with the Device Time Zone setting to
convert reported timestamps from local time to UTC time.
It is also used for IED clock synchronization by the master, when applicable, to
convert the SMP Gateway current time from UTC to local time.

Range: check mark / no check mark

Default value: no check mark (IED clock is not adjusted for DST)

Connection Timeout The maximum amount of time to wait, in milliseconds, for the establishment
of a connection with the FTP server for a file transfer, before declaring a
communication failure and cancelling the transfer.
Setting a short connection timeout may cause the link to operate
erratically (a timeout might be declared even though the new
connection is still establishing).
Setting a long connection timeout may cause inefficiencies, with a
considerable amount of bandwidth wasted when communication errors

RX Timeout The maximum amount of time to wait, in milliseconds, for an FTP server
response to a request, before declaring a communication failure and resetting
the communication link.
If a timeout occurs over the main connection, the complete FTP session is
terminated, the link is reset, and the FTP master protocol restarts its login
If a timeout occurs over the data transfer connection, only the current transfer
operation is cancelled: the main connection is not reset.
A short RX Timeout will cause the FTP master protocol instance
to reset the link even if the response is incoming; try using a larger
timeout value, but not too large to prevent bandwidth waste.

Range: 100 to 30,000 milliseconds

Default value: 5000 milliseconds

Eaton • 25
Appendix A: Configuration Settings

Setting Description

Transfer Speed Limit The maximum speed, in kilobytes per second, allowed for FTP file transfers.
The transfer speed is actually determined by the IED and not by the
SMP Gateway itself; so depending on the IED, the real transfer rate could be
lower than the speed limit specified.
If the IED can transfer files at a faster rate than the specified speed limit, the
SMP Gateway will limit the actual transfer speed up to that limit.
The actual transfer speed is not determined by the SMP Gateway,
but by the FTP server itself; however, if the IED transfers files at a
faster rate than the specified limit, the SMP Gateway will slow down
the transfer speed to prevent processing and transfer errors.
A value of 0 will deactivate the speed limit feature. If files are
transferred faster than the SMP Gateway can handle them, this may
cause transfer errors and link resets.

Range: 0 to 2,147,483,647 kilobytes per second

Default value: 70 kilobytes per second

Use NLST Use the NLSL command instead of the List command to retreive directory
information. The NLST command returns a list of file names that are located in
a specified directory.

Range: check mark / no check mark

Default value: no check mark (The List command is used by default)

Deleted Files Delete files on the server after completing the download operation.

Range: check mark / no check mark

Default value: check mark (files are deleted)

A.2 FTP Master Protocol Directory Settings

The following table presents the Directories settings of an FTP master protocol instance:

Table 3: FTP master protocol directory settings

Name Description

Name A name for the directory; this name will mainly appears in protocol logs and traces,
which are used for debugging and commissioning purposes.

Source The complete pathname of the directory.

26 • FTP Master Protocol Reference Manual

Appendix A: Configuration Settings

Name Description

Disabled Indicates that the retrieval of these specific IED files is currently deactivated for this
FTP master protocol instance.

Range: check mark / no check mark

Default value: no check mark (these IED files will be retrieved)

Folder The SMP Gateway system folder where the retrieved files will be stored.

Keep Source File Indicates if these IED files are to be stored using their source names (the same
Name name as on the FTP server), or renamed according to the IEEE COMTRADE file
naming convention.

Range: check mark / no check mark

Default value: no check mark (files will be renamed)

File Grouping The extensions of files that share the same name and that must be grouped
together; extensions must be separated by semicolons.
If no extension is specified, all retrieved files will be stored separately.

Inclusion Filter One case-sensitive REGEX to specify which files of this directory should be
transferred. Leaving this cell empty is the same as typing *.* (i.e. all files will
be transferred). An example of a single expression that would be right could be :
HR_*.CFG, representing all files having their names beginning with HR_ with
a .CFG extension.

Exclusion Filter One case-sensitive REGEX to specify which files of this directory should NOT be
transferred. Leaving this cell empty means that no file will be excluded. An example
of a single expression that would be right could be : HR_*.DAT, representing all files
having their names beginning with HR_ with a .DAT extension.

Max File Size The maximum size, in megabytes, of the files that can be transferred from this
directory. If one of the file is larger than this parameter value, this file will not be
If set to 0, no validation will be performed on the files size.

Range: 0 to 2048 megabytes

Default value: 0 (files of any size can be transferred)

Eaton • 27
Appendix A: Configuration Settings

Name Description

Min Free Disk The minimum free disk space, in megabytes, that must be available on the
Space SMP Gateway to allow one of these IED files to be retrieved.
System folder space will not be checked if Min Free Disk Space if set to 0.

Range: 0 to 2048 megabytes

Default value: 0 megabytes

Use Local Indicates that local time is use in the event file name, according to IEEE filenaming

Range: check mark/ no check mark

Default value: no check mark (UTC is used)

Extra Info Optional, free-form text providing extra information about these IED files. This extra
information is used as part of the corresponding files names.
Special characters \ / : * ? “ < > | and control characters cannot be used.

Range: 0 to 19 ASCII characters

Description An optional description for these files.

Range: 0 to 63 ASCII characters

A.3 FTP Master Protocol Request Interval Settings

The following table presents the Request Intervals settings of an FTP master protocol instance:

Table 4: FTP master protocol request interval settings

Setting Description

Request The request of the protocol scanning sequence for which a specific scan frequency
will be specified.
A request may consist in a sequence of multiple FTP commands.
The following requests are available:
• Read Files: Scan all specified directories for new files to transfer.
• Keep Alive: Send a NOOP FTP command to prevent the termination of the FTP
session by the FTP server.

28 • FTP Master Protocol Reference Manual

Appendix A: Configuration Settings

Setting Description

Frequency The frequency, in milliseconds, at which the request is sent.

Range: 100 to 2,147,483,647 milliseconds

Default value: 5000 milliseconds

A.4 SMP Gateway System Folder Settings

This section presents the configuration settings that are available for each type of system folders.
These settings are specified in the SMP Gateway configuration file, using SMP Config.

A.4.1 Standard Local System Folder Settings

The following table presents the configuration settings of a standard local system folder:

Table 5: Standard local system folder settings

Setting Description

Folder ID The numerical identifier of the system folder, which must be unique in a given
SMP Gateway configuration file.

Range: 1 to 99

Name A name for that system folder. You will reference this folder by its name when
assigning it to a protocol component instance. It will also appear in traces, logs
and statistics.

Low Memory File This setting indicates how files will be processed when the folder is running
Management low on free space.

Available values: • Stop Adding Files

• Delete Old Files

Default value: Stop Adding Files

Size The maximum size of the folder, in megabytes.

Range: 1 to 32,768 megabytes (32 gigabytes)

Default value: 20 megabytes

Eaton • 29
Appendix A: Configuration Settings

Setting Description

ZIP Max File Qty The maximum number of IED files that can be included in the ZIP file, when
such a ZIP file is used to regroup multiple IED files.
This setting, along with the ZIP Max Size and ZIP Max Delay settings, is used
to trigger the creation of the ZIP file.
If set to 0, the IED files will be stored in the folder as they are
retrieved, without compression.

Range: 0 to 250

Default value: 1

ZIP Max Size The maximum size of the ZIP file, in megabytes, when such a ZIP file is used
to regroup multiple IED files.
This setting, along with the ZIP Max File Qty and ZIP Max Delay settings, is
used to trigger the creation of the ZIP file.
If set to 0, this setting will be ignored; only the ZIP Max File Qty and
ZIP Max Delay settings will be considered.

Range: 0 to 100 megabytes

Default value: 25 megabytes

ZIP Max Delay The maximum amount of time, in minutes, to wait for new files to add to the
ZIP file, when such a ZIP file is used to regroup multiple IED files
This setting, along with the ZIP Max File Qty and ZIP Max Size settings, is
used to trigger the creation of the ZIP file.
If set to 0, this setting will be ignored; only the ZIP Max File Qty and
ZIP Max Size settings will be considered.

Range: 0 to 360 minutes (6 hours)

Default value: 60 minutes (1 hour)

Record ID When selected, adds a unique ID to the file name.

This setting must be selected if ZIP Max File Qty is larger than 1.

Range: check mark / no check mark

Default value: check mark (a unique ID is added to the file name)

30 • FTP Master Protocol Reference Manual

Appendix A: Configuration Settings

Setting Description

Description An optional description of the folder content or purpose.

A.4.2 Archive Folder Settings

The following table presents the configuration settings of an archive folder:

Table 6: Archive folder settings

Setting Description

Archive ID The numerical identifier of the system folder, which must be unique in a given
SMP Gateway configuration file.

Range: 1 to 99

Name A name for that system folder. You will reference this folder by its name when
assigning it to a protocol component instance. It will also appear in traces, logs
and statistics.

Size The maximum size of the folder, in megabytes.

Range: 1 to 32,768 megabytes (32 gigabytes)

Default value: 20 megabytes

Description An optional description of the folder content or purpose.

A.4.3 Copy Folder Settings

The following table presents the configuration settings of a copy folder:

Table 7: Copy folder settings

Setting Description

Copy ID The numerical identifier of the system folder, which must be unique in a given
SMP Gateway configuration file.

Range: 1 to 99

Name A name for that system folder. You will reference this folder by its name when
assigning it to a protocol component instance. It will also appear in traces, logs
and statistics.

Folder 1 to Folder 8 A standard local system folder or an archive folder in which the retrieved IED
files will be copied if this copy folder is assigned to an FTP directory of the
FTP master protocol instance.

Description An optional description of the folder content or purpose.

Eaton • 31
Appendix A: Configuration Settings

A.4.4 Remote System Folder Settings

The following table presents the configuration settings of a remote system folder:

Table 8: Remote system folder settings

Setting Description

Folder ID The numerical identifier of the system folder, which must be unique in a given
SMP Gateway configuration file.

Range: 1 to 99

Name A name for that system folder. You will reference this folder by its name when
assigning it to a protocol component instance. It will also appear in traces, logs
and statistics.

Location The location of the shared folder using the following syntax:

\\<Computer Name>\<Shared Folder Name>

For example, the location \\cpu104\Events refers to a shared folder named

Events on a computer named cpu104.

Username The username and password of a valid account that has write access to this
Password folder.
For the Username setting, use the following syntax:

<Computer or Domaine Name>\<Username>

Low Disk Space Alarm The number of bytes of free space that will be used as the trigger for the
LowDiskSpace system data point of this folder.
If the amount of free space in this folder reaches this value, this system data
point will be set to 1.

Range: 0 to 2,147,483,647 bytes

Default value: 0 byte (no notification)

Compress Indicates that the IED files downloaded to this folder will be compressed and
archived in a ZIP file. If multiple files are retrieved at once, all files will be
compressed and archived together in the same ZIP file.
If the retrieved files are native COMTRADE files, you must compress

Range: check mark / no check mark

Default value: no checkmark

32 • FTP Master Protocol Reference Manual

Appendix A: Configuration Settings

Setting Description

Description An optional description of the folder content or purpose.

A.5 TCP/IP Master Connection Settings

The following table presents the configuration settings of a TCP/IP master connection:

Table 9: TCP/IP master connection settings

Setting Description

Name A significant name for the connection; you will reference this connection by its
name when associating it with a master protocol component instance. It will
also appear in traces, logs and statistics.

IP Address The IP address of the IED.

Port Number The TCP port number used by the IED for TCP/IP communications.

Socket Bind Address The IP address at which the SMP Gateway connection socket will be bound, if
This setting is optional.
If the SMP Gateway is used in a redundancy context, you can specify
the virtual IP address of the SMP Gateway redundancy group as the
Socket Bind Address; when a failover occurs, this will ensure that
the standby SMP Gateway will use that address to reestablish the
connection with the IED.

The following table presents the TCP/IP master connection configuration settings that are specific to the
SSL/TLS encryption feature:

Table 10: Encryption-specific TCP/IP master connection settings

Setting Description

SSL/TLS Indicates the version of the Transport Layer Security protocol (formerly
known as the Secure Sockets Layer protocol) that is supported by the IED, if

Available values: • Disabled

• TLS 1.2
• TLS 1.1, 1.2
• TLS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2
• SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2
• SSL 3.0 (for compatibility only)

Default value: Disabled (communications will not be encrypted)

Eaton • 33
Appendix A: Configuration Settings

Setting Description

Cipher Suite Profiles The set of cryptographic algorithms that will be used for this connection.
This setting is ignored if SSL/TLS encryption is not required (SSL/TLS
set to Disabled).

Availables values: • All Cipher Suites

• Strong Cipher Suites
• All cipher suites defined by users in the following SMP
Config branch:
Security\SSL/TLS\Cipher Suite Profiles\Custom

Default values: All Cipher Suites

The list of ciphers available in each profile can be found in the
Security\SSL/TLS\Cipher Suite Profiles branch.

The following table presents the TCP/IP master connection configuration settings that must be specified for
SMP Gateway secure authentication with the IED, using X.509 certificates:

Table 11: X.509-certificate-specific TCP/IP master connection settings

Setting Description

Local Certificate Specifies the certificate that will be used to authenticate the SMP Gateway
with the IED.
(X.509 certificate
specific) This setting is mandatory for X.509 authentication certification.
Only X.509 certificates that are defined in the SMP Gateway
configuration and whose File Type setting is set to Local (has private
key) can be assigned to this setting.

Available values: All certificates defined in the following SMP Config


Default value: None (X.509 authentication is deactivated)

34 • FTP Master Protocol Reference Manual

Appendix A: Configuration Settings

Setting Description

Remote Certificate Specifies the certificate that will be used to validate the Serial Number field of
the IED certificate.
(X.509 certificate
specific) This setting is optional.
Only X.509 certificates that are defined in the SMP Gateway
configuration and whose File Type setting is set to Remote (public
key only) can be assigned to this setting.
If no Remote Certificate is specified, the only validation that is
performed on the IED certificate is whether it comes from the proper
trusted Certificate Authority (CA) or not.

Available values: All certificates defined in the following SMP Config


Default value: None (Serial Number field of the IED certificate is not

Trusted Root CA Specifies the trusted Certificate Authority (CA) that will be used to validate the
signature of the IED certificate.
(X.509 certificate
specific) This setting is mandatory for X.509 authentication certification.
Only X.509 certificates that are defined in the SMP Gateway
configuration and whose File Type setting is set to Trusted Root CA
can be assigned to this setting.

Available values: All certificates defined in the following SMP Config


Default value: None (X.509 authentication is deactivated)

Eaton • 35
Appendix A: Configuration Settings

36 • FTP Master Protocol Reference Manual


System Data Points
In this chapter: This appendix lists all the system data points that can be published by
a FTP master protocol component instance.
• FTP Master Protocol System
Analog Inputs
• FTP Master Protocol System
Binary Inputs
• FTP Master Protocol System
Binary Outputs
• System Folder System Data

Eaton • 37
Appendix B: System Data Points

B.1 FTP Master Protocol System Analog Inputs

The following table lists the system analog inputs that can be published by an FTP master protocol

Table 12: FTP master protocol system analog inputs

Name Description

___CommErrorCount Total number of unsuccessful exchanges with the IED.

___CommLinkRstCount Total number of IED link resets.

___CommOKCount Total number of successful exchanges with the IED.

___CommTimeoutCount Total number of communication timeouts.

B.2 FTP Master Protocol System Binary Inputs

The following table lists the system binary inputs that can be published by an FTP master protocol

Table 13: FTP master protocol system binary inputs

Name Description

___CommActive If set to 1, indicates that the connection between the FTP master protocol
instance and the IED is currently active.
This point is mirrored in the ___CommFail system binary input.

___CommFail If set to 1, indicates that the FTP master protocol instance no longer
communicates with the IED.
This point is mirrored in the ___CommActive system binary input.

___FileTransferCompleted If set to 1, indicates that the last file transfer operation was successful.

___ScanEnabled If set to 1, indicates that general scan (polling) is activated for the FTP
master protocol instance.
If set to 0, indicates that general scan (polling) was suspended, using the
___ScanDisable analog output system point, for this FTP master protocol

B.3 FTP Master Protocol System Binary Outputs

The following table lists the system binary outputs that can be published by an FTP master protocol

38 • FTP Master Protocol Reference Manual

Appendix B: System Data Points

Table 14: FTP master protocol system binary outputs

Name Description

___ForceFileTransfer Force the FTP master protocol to scan the IED for new files to transfer.

___LogCountersFrz Force immediate report of all system analog inputs.

___LogCountersFrzRst Report and then reset all system analog inputs.

___LogCountersRst Reset and then report all system analog inputs.

___ScanDisable Deactivate general scan (polling) until further notice or system reset.

___ScanEnable Reactivate general scan (polling) (if currently deactivated).

___ScanReset Reset the communication link with the IED, and the general scan (polling)
process by the same occasion.

B.4 System Folder System Data Points

This section presents all the system data points that can be published by a system folder.

B.4.1 Standard Local System Folder System Data Points

The following tables list the system data points that can be published by a standard local system folder:
A set of these points is available for each folder. The following prefix is added to the name of each

Table 15: Standard local system folder system analog inputs

Name Description

CurrentRecordId The numerical identifier of the last record saved in the folder.

FreeDiskSpace The amount of disk space that is available in the folder, in megabytes.

DiskSpaceUsage The amount of disk space currently used in the folder, in percentage.

NumberOfRecords The number of records currently stored in the folder.

The CurrentRecordId and NumberOfRecords points are only published for standard local folders
whose Record ID setting is selected.

Eaton • 39
Appendix B: System Data Points

Table 16: Standard local system folder system binary inputs

Name Description

Available If set to 1, the folder is currently available.

DiskSpaceOverflow If set to 1, no more files can be added to this folder.

Table 17: Standard local system folder system binary outputs

Name Description

DeleteAll Delete all the IED files currently stored in the folder.

B.4.2 Archive Folder System Data Points

The following tables list the system data points that can be published by an archive folder:
A set of these points is available for each folder. The following prefix is added to the name of each

Table 18: Archive folder system analog inputs

Name Description

CurrentRecordId The numerical identifier of the last record saved in the folder.

FreeDiskSpace The amount of disk space that is available in the folder, in megabytes.

DiskSpaceUsage The amount of disk space currently used in the folder, in percentage.

NumberOfRecords The number of records currently stored in the folder.

Table 19: Archive folder system binary inputs

Name Description

Available If set to 1, the folder is currently available.

DiskSpaceOverflow If set to 1, no more files can be added to this folder.

Table 20: Archive folder system binary outputs

Name Description

DeleteAll Delete all the IED files currently stored in the folder.

B.4.3 Copy Folder System Data Points

The following tables list the system data points that can be published by a copy folder:

40 • FTP Master Protocol Reference Manual

Appendix B: System Data Points

A set of these points is available for each folder. The following prefix is added to the name of each

Table 21: Copy folder system analog inputs

Name Description

FreeDiskSpace The amount of disk space, in megabytes, which is available in the folder that
has the less space available.

Table 22: Copy folder system binary inputs

Name Description

Available If set to 1, all folders referenced by this copy folder are currently available.

DiskSpaceOverflow If set to 1, a file was deleted, to free space, in one of the folders referenced by
this copy folder.

B.4.4 Remote System Folder System Data Points

The following tables list the system data points that can be published by a remote system folder:
A set of these points is available for each folder. The following prefix is added to the name of each

Table 23: Remote system folder system analog inputs

Name Description

FreeDiskSpace The amount of disk space that is available in the folder, in megabytes.

Table 24: Remote system folder system binary inputs

Name Description

Available If set to 1, the folder is currently available.

LowDiskSpace If set to 1, free space is running low on the folder and has reached the
threshold defined by the Low Disk Space Alarm setting.

Eaton • 41
Appendix B: System Data Points

42 • FTP Master Protocol Reference Manual

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