Transformer and substation test system
Outputs Inputs
Name Specification Comment Name Specification Comment
0-2200 VAC 1 A, 1 min The output is ANALOG
0.2 A, >2 h disconnected with a relay 1234
2500 VA (max) and the output is “live” Current 4 x 0-10 A AC / DC
Frequency range: only when this generator
Voltage 4 x 250 / 300 V AC / DC
5-70 Hz is selected
R1 R2 2 x 0-50 V DC Intended for resistance
0-250 VAC / 10 A, 1 min
measurements but can
0-10 A AC 20 A, max 10 s
be used for AC voltage
2.5 A, >2 h
measurement up to
Frequency range:
40 V RMS
5-505 Hz
TRANS Input for analog
0-200 A AC 200 A/6 V, 1 min TRAX 219/220
transducers and low level
80 A, >2 h
analog signals
Frequency range:
45-70 Hz TRIG IN Contact or voltage sense
0-800 A AC 0-800 A/6 V, 1 min TRAX 279/280 TIMING 3 x 0-10000 s Binary inputs for timing
0-200 A/10 V, >2 h measurements in
Frequency range: timer and relay testing
45-70 Hz applications. A and B
inputs dedicated for Start
0-16 ADC 16 A, continuous
and Stop.
1 A continuous
Calculated / displayed parameters
0-300 VDC 10 A,1 minute Rectified DC. Intended to
2.5 A, >2 h be used as e.g. auxiliary Arithmetic +, -, *, /
DC supply Power P, VA, Q, S
0-100 ADC 100 A, 2 minutes Impedance R (DC), Z, Xp, Xs, Rs, Rp, Ls, Lp, Cs, Cp, phase
70 A, continuous
Derating at lower mains voltage
DC output Max 1000 VA , TRAX specification is valid at 230-240 V mains voltage. Output
power continuous power is decreased at lower mains voltages.
Max 50 V Derating at high ambient temperature
compliance voltage TRAX specification is valid at 23 ±5°C. Max output current times
Binary output 250 V / 35 A (max) Output contacts for will be reduced when using TRAX in high ambient temperature.
2 x 0-10000 s OLTC and circuit breaker Derating at lower frequencies
operation with internal TRAX voltage output specification is at 50 Hz. Maximum voltage
voltage and current output at lower frequencies is limited by the transformer. Derating
measurements is linear with frequency and max voltage output at 5 Hz is 10% of
AUX rated output.
CONTROL 54 V DC Ethernet communication Measurement accuracy
and power to accessories. External AC / DC 0.05% of reading + 0.05% FS
POWER 0-235 V AC Directly from power voltage and (I ≤ 5 A DC/AC RMS)
amplifier for powering current 0.2% of reading + 0.2% FS
accessories (TDX / TCX) (5 < I ≤ 10 A DC/AC RMS)
With 12 kV AC See TDX datasheet Internal DC current 0.1% of reading + 0.1% FS
TDX 120 500 mA, 30 s
300 mA, 4 min Internal AC current 0.2% of reading + 0.2% FS
200 mA, 30 min
100 mA, continuous Internal AC 0.2% of reading + 0.2% FS
With 2000 A AC voltage
TCX 200 0-2000 A/2.4 V, Phase (0-360°) 0.1°
1 min
0-1000 A/4.8 V, Measurement accuracy derived parameters
1 min (typical)
Range Accuracy Resolution
WRM 1 A generator: 0.15 % RD + Up to 4 digits
10 mΩ – 10 kΩ 0.15 % FS
16 A generator:
0.63 mΩ – 33.3 Ω
100 A generator:
0.1 mΩ – 2.5 Ω
TTR 2500:1 – 1:25 000 0.07 % Up to 4 digits
Ethernet port For running the instrument from an external
PC or connect it to an external network.
USB 3 USB ports for multipurpose use
Transformer and substation test system
Transformer and substation test system
Transformer and substation test system
Trolley, AJ-90040
Trolley suited for TRAX and optional accessories, e.g. TDX 120
B10E, BG-29092
A variable DC voltage can be needed to test a circuit breaker.
The B10E supplies 24-250 V AC or DC.
Connection kit for control cables
Saftey hand switch interlock, 18 m (60 ft)
Soft flight case for TRAX, except accessories, to minimize weight TCB200 - TRAX Calibration Box. Only available for accredited
for flight purpose. TRAX 219/220 in soft flight case is less than 32 service partners.
kg, the limit for checked in luggage.
Transformer and substation test system
TRAX main units TRAX 280 TRAX 279 TRAX 220 TRAX 219
Current output [AC] 800 A 200 A
Touchscreen Yes No Yes No
Transformer testing application 10 m cables AJ-19090 AJ-19190 AJ-19290 AJ-19390
▪ Standard transformer (AJ-8010X) 15 m cables AJ-19091 AJ-19191 AJ-19291 AJ-19391
▪ Manual control app
▪ Accessory packages 1 and 2. 20 m cables AJ-19092 AJ-19192 AJ-19292 AJ-19392
Primary testing application
▪ Instrument transformer (AJ-8030X) AJ-19093 AJ-19193 AJ-19293 AJ-19393
▪ Manual control app
▪ Accessory packages 1 and 3.
General application
Including: AJ-19000 AJ-19100 AJ-19200 AJ-19300
▪ Manual control app only, no accessories
Standard transformer
Included in TRAX versions for Power transformer
▪ Winding resistance with OLTC continuity*
▶ Single phase up to 100 A
▶ Three-phase/six windings up to 16 A (with
▪ Adaptive demagnetization*
▪ Turns ratio up to 250 V with excitation current*
Included accssories
▪ Excitation current
▪ Short-circuit impedance (leakage reactance) AJ-8010X Accessory package 1
Included in TRAX versions for transformer & primary testing
Advanced transformer (optional)
▪ Dynamic OLTC measurements: True DRM with application:
▪ Mains cable
diverter switch timing and resistances, ripple, slope
▪ Ground cable, 10 m (33 ft)
& motor current. For resistive, reactive and vacuum
type tap changers on primary or secondary side* ▪ Alligator clips, black and red
▪ FRSL (frequency response of stray losses) ▪ Large clamps for HV-cables, black and red
▪ Magnetic balance ▪ Test cable set
▪ Excitation current (GOST) AJ-8020X ▪ Current cables 800 A, 95 mm², 2 x 6 m (20 ft) (TRAX 279/280)
▪ Current cables 200 A, 35 mm², 2 x 6 m (20 ft) (TRAX 219/220 w.
Instrument transformer (optional)
15/20 m (49/66 ft) cables)
Included in TRAX versions for instrument transformer
▪ HV cables, 2 x 10 m (33 ft)
▪ Interlock hand switch, 2.4 m (8 ft))
▪ CT ratio, burden, excitation curve (knee point),
▪ Ethernet cable, 3 m (10 ft)
polarity, winding resistance
▪ Case for accessories, with wheels
▪ VT ratio, burden (manual), polarity AJ-8030X
▪ Transport case, with wheels
Substation (optional) ▪ User Manual
See also recommended accessories below
▪ Circuit breaker analyzer Accessory package 2
▪ Phase angle meter (manual) Additional included accessories only in TRAX versions for
▪ Ground/earth/impedance (manual) transformer testing application:
▪ Kelvin cables, 2 x 10/15/20 m (33/49/66 ft), black and red
▪ Primary injection timing (only TRAX 279/280 or
▪ Current cables, 35 mm², 2 x 10/15/20 m (33/49/66 ft), black and red
TCX200) AJ-8040X
▪ Sense cables 2 x 10/15/20 m (33/49/66 ft), black and red
Line impedance (optional) ▪ Jumper cable, 10 mm², 5 m (16 ft)
Included in line impedance kit AJ-69690
▪ Measurement of line impedance Accessory package 3
▪ Calculation of K-factors AJ-8050X Additional included accessories only in TRAX versions for primary
testing application:
▪ Current cables, 35 mm², 2 x 10/15/20 m (33/49/66 ft), black and red
▪ Sense cables, 4 x 10 m (33 ft), black and red
Optional accessories Optional instruments
Test lead set TDX 120 – High voltage unit for tan delta, capacitance
Recommended for software package AJ-8040X and excitation current measurements. With hardware
▪ 4 Test leads, 0.5 m (1.6 ft) red/black/yellow/blue connected to TRAX main unit the SW app is activated 1) AJ-69090
▪ 6 Test leads, 2 m (6.5 ft) red/black/yellow/blue
TCX 200 – High current accessory (cable + booster)
▪ 4 Test leads, 5 m (16 ft) red/black/yellow/blue
that can be placed close to the measurement object
▪ 4 Dolphin clamps (black/red) GC-32600
for minimizing high current cable length/weight when
Timing test lead set performing high current primary testing up to 2000 A 1) AJ-69290
Recommended for software package AJ-8040X
TSX 303 – 3-phase/6-winding switchbox for automated
▪ 6 Clamps with banana jack
▪ 6 Test cables, 10 m (33 ft) black/red
measurements of winding resistance (16 A) and turns
ratio (250 V). Also supports demagnetization.
Connection kit for control cables Incl. connecting and bushing cables AJ-69490
Recommended for software package AJ-8040X Incl. connecting cables only AJ-69492
▪ 5 Test clips
▪ 5 Adapters for terminal block
TSX 300 – 3-phase/6-winding switchbox for simplified
▪ 5 Cable lug adapters
measurements of turns ratio (250 V), winding
▪ 1 Plastic box
resistance (16 A), excitation current, leakage reactance
and FRSL. Note: Cables not included 1)
Other IEC panel design AJ-69390
Trolley AJ-90040 ANSI panel design AJ-69395
Line impedance kit – Hardware kit for safe
Lightweight soft flight case GD-31050
connection of the TRAX during line impedance
Interlock foot switch, 10 m (33 ft) GC-31150 measurements including TSA230 Surge arrester box,
TPB230 Protection box, cables and accessories. Line
Interlock hand switch, 18 m (60 ft) GC-31120
impedance app AJ-8050X is also included 1) AJ-69690
Interlock extension cable, 10 m (33 ft) GA-01005
B10E – Variable DC power supply 1)
TIB225, Indicator box AJ-90030
TCB200 - TRAX Calibration Box. Only available for
accredited service partners. AJ-90020