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Research and OPCVL Rubric

7/8 5/6 3/4 1/2

Research Chose a clear and Chose a clear and Chose a Identifies a
Question focused research focused research research research
Criterion B question and question and question that is question that is
explained its describes the clear and clear, focused
relevance. relevance in detail focused and and relevant
describes its
Research Formulates and Formulates and Formulates and Formulates a
Action Plan effectively follows a mostly follows a occasionally limited action
Criterion B consistent action sufficiently follows a partial plan or does
plan to investigate a developed action action plan to not follow a
research question plan to investigate investigate a plan
a research question research
Research Uses methods to Uses methods to Uses methods to Collects and
Collection collect and record collect and record collect and records limited
Criterion B appropriate and appropriate record some and
varied relevant relevant relevant sometimes
information information information irrelevant
Research Provides a detailed Evaluates the Reflects on the Reflects on the
Evaluation evaluation of the research process research process research
Criterion B research process and results and results process and
and results results in a
limited way
Citations Create a complete Creates an Creates an Lists sources
Criterion Ciii reference list and adequate adequate of information
always cites reference list and reference and inconsistentl
sources. usually cites sometimes cites y
sources sources
Document  Effectively  Analyses and  Analyses  Describes
Analysis analyses and evaluates and/or sources/data
(Using the evaluates sources/data evaluates in a limited
Document sources/data mostly sources/data way
Analysis sheet) completely demonstrating somewhat demonstrati
Criterion Diii demonstrating a an demonstratin ng a limited
clear understanding g an understandi
understanding of of each of the understandin ng of each
each of the evaluation g of each of of the
evaluation components the evaluation
components evaluation components
 Includes one components
 Includes one document  May be
document analysis sheet  May be missing one
analysis sheet per PEEEL missing one or more
per PEEEL or more document
document analysis
analysis sheets

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