AVIA3710 Research Proposal Guide

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The key takeaways are that the document outlines the requirements and structure for an aviation research proposal, including conducting a literature review, describing the proposed methods and analysis, expected results and references.

The main sections of an aviation research proposal are the literature review, proposed methods and analysis, expected results and interpretation of findings, and references.

The research proposal will be assessed based on the quality of the background and literature review, methodology, analysis plan, expected outcomes, and referencing.

AVIA3710 Aviation Research Methods

Term 2, 2022

Major Individual Assessment - Aviation Research Proposal

Section/Task Weighting Due Date

Research proposal 50% Week 9, Friday 29th July 2022, 5 PM

Develop a written proposal to conduct an aviation-related research project that is of
interest to you.

It should be a formal Research Proposal set out under each of the headings described
below. The proposal should be no longer than 2,000 words (double spaced, 12-
point font), not including References.

Literature Review
Search for and select journal articles that describe research studies or reviews
relevant to your chosen research problem. The number of articles reviewed will
depend on your research topic but is likely to be at least five for most research
problems. You will need to read each article, interpret it, and develop an argument
that justifies and explains why you are asking your particular research question.
This section should end with a statement of your research aim and research question
as well as your hypotheses or expectations about the outcomes of your study based
on the literature review.

Proposed Methods and analysis

Describe the research methods you will undertake to answer your research question.
This section should be arranged in the following sections:

i) Study design
Describe your study in a few sentences. i.e., the “big picture”. This should include
the nature of your research design (eg., before-after, longitudinal, cross sectional
etc), what type of data being collected (eg., primary, secondary data or both), a
description of the variables you are measuring in the study and what type of
measurement scale for each variable you are measuring.
ii) Participants
Describe your proposed participants including the number you will include, gender
and age (eg., percentage male/female, age distribution) and any other relevant
characteristics for your research question (eg., experience, etc). Describe how
participants will be selected and recruited. Detail any ethical issues that might
arise from your study and how you will overcome them (eg., informed consent,
recruitment of volunteers etc.).
iii) Equipment or Apparatus used
Describe any equipment (eg., simulator, real plane) and/or materials (e.g.,
questionnaires, structured interviews) you will use in the study to collect the data.
iv) Procedure

Describe the procedure you will use to conduct the study. This should include
everything you will do, step-b-step, to run the study. Try to be as clear and
complete as possible.
v) Analysis
Briefly describe how you will analyse the results of the study. This should include
the comparisons you will make and how you will make them, including what
statistical tests you will use (if relevant).

Expected results and interpretation of findings

This should be a short description of how you will interpret your findings depending
on what your results show. For example, if your results support your expected
findings, what will you conclude about your research question? What will you
conclude if the results are not as you expect?

List here all the journal articles you used for your literature review, and any other
literature you cite in the Proposal. You may use any Referencing style, as discussed
in class, but your citations in the document and references must be in consistent
style throughout your Proposal.

Assessment criteria and standards

Criteria Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Background Identifies at Identifies five Identifies five Identifies the Identifies too
and least five quality quality correct few sources, or
Literature exceptional sources; sources; number of sources of
Review to quality demonstrates demonstrates sources but of insufficient
support the sources; a high degree a good varying quality,
significance demonstrates of understanding quality; indicates a
of the project excellent understanding of their demonstrates lack of
understanding of their significance to a satisfactory understanding
of their significance to the research understanding of their
significance to the research project of their relevance
the research project significance to
project the research
Detailed Excellent Very good Sound Methodology Selected
methodology methodology methodology methodology goes some methodology
for with adequate with adequate Describing the way towards does not
addressing research research basic approach addressing the satisfactorily
the identified design, clear design, clear to addressing identified address the
research identification identification the research research identified
problem of participants of participants question. problem. research
and and problem.
appropriate appropriate
data collection data collection
tool (s) or tool (s) or
procedure (s) procedure (s)
Brief Exceptional Highly Sound analysis Rudimentary Inadequate
description analysis plan effective plan with analysis plan and/or
of analysis with clear analysis plan sound logic with some illogical
plan identification with clear and some deficiencies analysis plan.
of adequate identification degree of
statistical tests of adequate critical
or qualitative statistical tests thinking
approaches to or qualitative
analysis that approaches to
will be used. analysis that
will be used
Brief outline Exceptionally Very good Sound outline Basic outline Lack foresight
of expected thoughtful, logical and of expected of expected of expected
outcomes logical, and concise outline outcomes and outcomes and outcomes and
and impact concise outline of expected their impact their impact their impact
of expected outcomes and on the area on the area on the area of
outcomes and their impact research research research
their impact on the area of
on the area of research
Referencing Reference list Reference list Reference list Reference list No Reference
is relevant to is limited and includes non- is incomplete list is included
support the is in correct relevant and is not in
proposal, recommended articles and is recommended
complete and format. not in format.
is in correct recommended
recommended format

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