Lecture 3
Lecture 3
Lecture 3
Voluntary Export
Restraint (VER):
3. Trade Barriers
Liberalization Elimination of
Reduction of
of trade quantitative
GATT Principles
First Principle: General Second Principle: National
Most-Favored-Nation treatment on internal
Treatment taxation and regulation
Third Principle: General elimination
of quantitative restrictions: Fourth Principle: Tariff
Protecting the domestic industry by Negotiations: reciprocity
tariffs only
Trade Policy
Trade in Trade in Disputes property
goods services Settlement rights
General Agreement General Agreement on Tariffs
and Trade (GATT) and World Trade Organization
1. General Agreement General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
On Thursday 30 October 1947, 23 countries signed the GATT
included two Arab countries (Syria and Lebanon).
The target of GATT was the liberalization of trade on goods
only through reduced tariffs and elimination of nontariffs.
1. Establishing WTO.
Fair trade
Free trade (encouragement
(encouragement )
) Unfair trade
(condemned )
Increased imports of certain products may cause
serious injury to the domestic industry of identical or
similar products in the importing country.
1- If the price of its export is less than the selling price of the
similar product when it is consumed in the country of its
What is Normal Value?
“Determination of Injury”
1- Provisional measures.
2- Price Undertakings.