ML LeadershipGold-MM-Guide-Participant
ML LeadershipGold-MM-Guide-Participant
ML LeadershipGold-MM-Guide-Participant
Participant Guide
Chapter 6
The Best Leaders Are
Chapter 6:
“Many leaders are terrible listeners; they actually think talking is more important than
listening. But contrarian leaders know it is better to listen first and talk later. And when
they listen, they do so artfully.” – Steven Sample
How can you make sure your followers know you are listening to them?
Give yourself a listening audit. The next few times you are in meetings, ask
your assistant or a colleague to track how many minutes you spend
speaking and how many minutes you spend listening.
The next time you have a conversation with people you work or live with,
stop everything you’re doing, give them your undivided attention, and look
them in the eye as they speak. Ask if you’ve neglected to listen in the past,
and then let them talk.