Class 5 Science 2nd Term Notes

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Unit 3: Flowers and Seeds.

Objective ( Pg #34 )
Q.1: Choose the correct option.
1. Which part of the flower is sticky and traps pollen grains?
a. Petals b. style c. stigma d. ovary
2. Plants need following conditions to grow.
a. Fresh air b. water c. sunlight d. all of these
3. Which of the following parts of a plant attracts insects and birds to the flower?
a. Sepal b. stigma c. petals d. stalk
4. If the pollen of a flower falls onto the same flower, it is called:
a. Self-pollinated c. pollination by wind
b. Cross-pollinated d. pollinator pollination
5. The stamen consists of:
a. Anther and filament b. pollen and pistil
c. Calyx and anther d. stigma and style
Q.2: Match each definition in column A with the terms in column B .


1. The falling of the pollen grains onto a. Cotyledon 1:
the stigma of the same flower
2. A leaf- like structure inside a seed b. Nectar 2:
3. A sweet juice produced by some c. Cross-pollination 3:
flowers to attract pollinators
4. The falling of pollen grains onto the d. Self pollination 4:
stigma of another flower
Q. 3: Fill in the blanks.
1. The transfer of pollen grain from anther to stigma is known as ____________________.
2. The leaf-like structure at the base of the flower, which protect the flower when it is a
bud are called______________________.
3. The top part of the pistil, which is sticky and traps pollen, is called the
4. The long hollow tube in a flower’s structure that connects the stigma to the ovary is
called the _______________________.
5. The structure of the top of the filament, which contains pollen grain, is called
6. The sweet juice produced by some flowers to attract insects is called
Unit 3: Flowers and seeds
Q1: What is germination?
Ans. It is the process through which a plant grows from a seed with proper
conditions like sunlight, water, air and warmth.
Q2: Define the following terms.
Ans.( A) Cross-pollination: Transfer of pollen grains of a flower fall onto the
stigma of another flower,it is called cross-pollination.
(B) Self-pollination: Transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of the same
flower, is called self-pollination.
Q3:Explain what is fertilization.
Ans. The process of making new seeds after pollination is called fertilization.
a. How is a flower fertilized? Explain in steps starting from the landing of
pollen onto the stigma, to the formation of seeds and fruits.
a. The pollen grain lands onto the stigma.
b. The pollen tube starts to grow downwards.
c. The tube reaches the ovary.
d. Pollen grain(male cell) joins ovule(female cell)
e. The ovary begins to change into a fruit.
Q4. Brightly coloured petals attract insect pollinators. How are flowers that do
not have brightly coloured petals, like grasses, pollinated?
Ans. Flowers that do not have coloured petals ,like grasses, are pollinated by the
Q5: What is a flower and what is its function?
Ans. Flower is the seed bearing part of a plant as it consists of the reproductive
organs. It has bright coloured petals to attract birds and insects. Flower can also
act as a source of food (nectar) for organisms.
Unit:6(a) Light Question/Answer. Pg# 65

Q1: What are natural and artificial sources of light ?

Natural sources Artificial sources
Lava Candles

Sun Bulb
Fire Lamp

Q2: Give two examples of Opaque objects.

Ans: 1: wood. 2 : Steel
Q3: In your own words explain how a shadow is formed?
Ans: Shadows are formed on the sides of opaque objects where light cannot
Q4: What kind of materials are translucent?
And: Material that allow only a little light to pass through them are called
Translucent .
Q5: What do you understand by the word Transparent?
Ans: Transparent are those materials which allow all the light to pass through
Q6: Name five Luminous things. How are they different?
Ans: Five Luminous objects are;
1) Sun
2) Lava
3) Fire
4) Bulb
5) Torch
6) Candle
Sun, lava, and fire are natural luminous objects where as bulb, torch, and candles
are man made artificial objects.

Unit:6(a) Light (Objective) Pg# 64

Q1: Choose the correct answer.
1: Which of the following is not an artificial source of light?
A)Candle. B) light bulb. C) torch. D) the sun
2: A luminous objects is an object which
A)Gives out light. B) does not give out light. C) bends light. D) Stop light
3: Shadows are formed by
A)Light passing through an object. B) the Moon
C) an opaque object blocking the light. D) light shinning from an object
4: Light travels in
A)Waves. B) curve. C) straight lines. D) a spiral
5: Which of the following is a transparent material?
A)Brick. B) a sheet of metal. C) wood. D) a sheet of clear glass
Q2: Match the following.
1.Umbra A. a little light can pass through 1:
2.Penumbra B. Light can pass through 2:
3.Opaque C. a lighter shadow 3:
4.Translucent D. dark shadow 4:
5.Luminous E. Light cannot pass through 5:
6.Transparent F. gives off light 6:

Q3: Mark these sentences with ✓and X.

1.Light is the fastest thing in the universe. ________
2. The umbra is a very dark shadow with Sharp edges. ________
3. The brightness of light is called its intensity. ________
4. Dark colours reflect more light than light colours. ________
5. Smooth surfaces reflect more light than rough ones. ________
6. A shadow is always smaller than the object itself. ________
Unit:6(b) Sounds Question/Answer. ( Pg# 74)

Q1: Define the following Terms.

A: Sound: sounds are waves produced by vibrations.
B: Pitch: which is how low or high sound is.
C: Noise Pollution: noise pollution is considered to be any unwanted or
disturbing sound that affects the healthy and well being of human.
Q2: Explain in your words what the difference is between music and
Ans: irregular repetitive sound create noise while regular repetitive
noise creates musical notes.
Q3: Name three kinds of noise pollution and ways to reduce them.
Ans: Three kinds of noise pollution are
1. Industrial pollution
2. Transport pollution
3. Neighborhoods pollution
Ways to reduce noise pollution
1. Sound proofing can be done to block unwanted sound waves.
2. Carpet and curtains can be used to reduce the harsh sound in
3. Planting more trees is a very good way of reducing noise
Q4: explain why sound cannot travel in a vacuum.
Ans: sound cannot travel through vacuum because sound waves need a
medium to travel through.

Unit:6(b) Sounds Objective. ( Pg# 73)

1.Choose the correct answer:
1:The volume of sound is measured in
a.noise. b. frequency3. Decibels. 4. Hertz
2: Which of the following sounds might cause us pain?
a. a jet engine far away. b. bird song. c. a jet engine close. d.whispering
3: The particles of which of the following materials are closest to each other?
a. Water b. brick. c. air d. juice
4: Sound waves cannot travel throug
a. solids b. liquids. c. gases. d. vacuum
5. The thin piece of material in a microphone is called a
a. diaphragm. b.diagram. c.speaker. d.amplifier
Q2: Fill in the blanks:
I. Sound waves need a_______________ to travel through, they cannot
travel through empty space.
II. The volume of a sound is measured in__________________.
III. The number of vibrations per second is called _____________.
IV. The number of vibrations is measured in units called ________.
V. Sounds of over________________ decibels can cause us pain.
VI. Sound travels most slowly through a____________ medium.
VII. Sound travels fastest through a __________________medium.
VIII. Sound travels fastest through a __________________medium.
Q3: Label the parts of the ear.

Unit:7 Electricity page 75 -80

Answer these questions:
Q1: Define electric current.
Ans: The flow of electrons is called electric current.
Q2: Describe in your own words how electric current passes through a
Ans: In most metals electrons are free to move. When these metals are
connected to a battery, these free electrons are energized. They start
moving through the metal. This flow is called electric current.
Q3: Explain why you get flyaway hair in cold dry weather.
Ans: In cold dry weather when we pull off our sweater, our sweater rub
against our hair. Electrons move from our hair to our sweater. Our hair has
lost a few electrons and they are all positively charged, they repel each
other. As a result our hair becomes flyaway.
Q4: Define static electricity.
Ans: The build-up of electric charge on the surface of an object is known as
static electricity.
Q5: Name one conductor and one insulator you can see in your home.
Ans. Metal spoon (conductor)
Plastic handles in saucepan (insulator)
Q:6 Draw and label parts of an electron
Unit:7 Electricity (Objective ) page 79 -80

1. Choose the correct answers:

i. Which of these correctly defines electric current?
a)The flow of protons in an object b. The flow of atoms in an object
c. The flow of neutrons in an object d. The flow of electrons in an object
ii. When an object gain electrons it
a. positively charged b. negatively charged
c. remains neutral d. does none of the above
iii. An object becomes charged when
a. it loses or gain electrons. b. the number of electrons is equal to number protons.
c. it is raining d. it remains neutral
iv. If a material is negatively charged
a .attracts a negatively charged object b.attracts a positively charged object
c) repel a negatively charged object d. none of these
Lightning is an example of
a) electric current. b) static electricity. c) sound energy. d) none of the above

2. Fill in the blanks:

i. The flow of electrons in matter is called_________________.

ii. The build-up of electric charge on the surface of an object is known as ____ electricity.
iii. In an electric circuit, the current flows from the _______________ to the terminal.

iv. Materials which allow electric current to pass through them easily are called ________

v. Materials which do not allow electric current to pass through them easily are called __

vi. All matter is made up of tiny particles called ___________________.

vii. Lightning is caused by __________________ electricity.

viii. When the number of electrons in an atom is equal to number of protons the atom is said to be

ix. When an atom loses electrons it becomes _______________ charged.

x. When an atom gains electrons it becomes _______________ charged.

3. Match the definition in column A with the correct term in column B.

A B Ans
1. The object that loses or gains a. Neutron 1.
2. the particle in an atom having a b. Charged object 2.
positive charge
3. the particle in an atom having a c. Static electricity 3.
negative charge
4. the particle in an atom having no d. Electric current 4.
5. The flow of electrons in an object e. electron 5.
6. The imbalance of positive and f. proton 6.
negative charges
4. Mark these sentences with a tick or cross:

I. positively charged object will attract a positively charged object .__________

II. If some electrons are removed from an object, the object becomes negatively
III. A material that does not conduct electricity is called an insulator.____________
IV. A spark is an example of electric current.______________
V. An atom is said to be neutral if it has more protons than electrons._________

Answer these questions: page 75 -80

Q1: Define electric current.

Ans: The flow of electrons is called electric current.

Q2: Describe in your own words how electric current passes through a wire.
Ans: In most metals electrons are free to move. When these metals are connected to a battery, these
free electrons are energized. They start moving through the metal. This flow is called electric current.

Q3: Explain why you get flyaway hair in cold dry weather.

Ans: In cold dry weather when we pull off our sweater, our sweater rub against our hair. Electrons move
from our hair to our sweater. Our hair has lost a few electrons and they are all positively charged, they
repel each other. As a result our hair becomes flyaway.
Q4: Define static electricity.
Ans: The build-up of electric charge on the surface of an object is
known as static electricity.

Q5: Name one conductor and one insulator you can see in your

Ans. Metal spoon (conductor)

Plastic handles in saucepan (insulator
Q: Draw and label parts of an electron.
Unit # 7 : MAGNETISM
I- Define the following terms?
a) Magnetic materials:
Those materials which are attracted by a magnet are called magnetic materials .Iron, steel
, nickel and cobalt are magnetic materials.
b) Non- Magnetic materials:
Those materials which are not attracted by a magnet are called non magnetic materials.
Glass, plastic, rubber and wood are non magnetic materials.
c) Magnetic Field: The magnetic field is the area around a magnet where the
magnetic force can be felt.
II-What is meant by demagnetization? Explain any three ways to demagnetize a magnet?
Ans : Demagnetization:
The process or method by which a magnet loses its power is called demagnetization.
Ways to demagnetize a magnet :Magnet can be demagnetized when,
i- Dropped repeatedly
ii- Heated.
iii- Stored close to each other when not in use.
iv- Hammered
III-What are electromagnets?
Ans: Electricity can be used to changed magnetic materials in to magnets, such magnets are
called electromagnets.
IV-How can you turn an iron nail into magnet?
Ans: Following are the steps that are used to turn iron nail into magnet,
i-Take a copper wire.
ii-Wrap the wire around the nail.
iii-Pass the electric current (by cell) through the wire.
iv-Now the iron nail behaves like a magnet.
An iron nail can be turned into a magnet by passing an electric current around it , such a magnet
is known as an electromagnet.
V-How can you increase the strength of an electromagnet?
Ans: We can increase the strength of an electromagnet by increasing the number of coils around
the iron nail or by increasing the flow of current in the wire.
VI-Write any three uses of electromagnets in daily life?
Ans: Uses of electromagnets:
i -Electromagnets are used in the speakers of TVs and radios, in ATM cards, in motors and in
computer hard drives etc.
ii- Electromagnets are used in doorbells and in generators.
iii- Electromagnets are used to separate metals in scrap yards.
VII-A special toy train is able to float above its track, use your knowledge about magnetic
repulsion to explain how this is done?
Ans: A special toy train is able to float above its track because train and track contain powerful
electromagnets. The bottom of the train and the track, face the same poles. Similar poles repel
each other and this technology is used in Maglev train.
VIII-How do we know that the earth is a magnet?
Ans :Earth is a giant magnet It has a north and south magnetic pole. The crust of the earth
Had some permanent magnetization, and the earth’s core generate its own magnetic field .
Q1: Draw and label parts of the Flower.

Q2: Draw and label 5 Luminous and 5 non- Luminous objects.

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