Week 2-Theoretical Foundations
Week 2-Theoretical Foundations
Week 2-Theoretical Foundations
Realism emphasizes power politics, national interest, and the security dilemma as central
concepts in international relations. Realist perspectives on arms control argue that states pursue
their self-interest, viewing agreements as tools to enhance their security or relative power.
Liberalism, on the other hand, emphasizes cooperation, international institutions, and collective
security. Liberals contend that arms control agreements can contribute to a more stable
international system by fostering trust and cooperation. Constructivism, as a theoretical
perspective, focuses on the role of ideas, norms, and identities in shaping state behavior. In the
context of arms control, constructivists argue that shared norms and beliefs can influence state
actions and contribute to the development of cooperative agreements.
Deterrence theory posits that the threat of punishment or retaliation can prevent an
adversary from taking a particular action. In the context of arms control, deterrence plays a
crucial role in shaping the negotiation and implementation of agreements. The concept of
mutually assured destruction (MAD), often associated with nuclear deterrence, underscores the
idea that the possession of powerful weapons can dissuade states from aggressive actions.
Deterrence theory also influences arms control agreements by shaping the calculus of states
regarding the risks and benefits of non-compliance.
Norms and international law are essential components of arms control efforts, providing a
framework for acceptable state behavior and cooperation. Norms in arms control encompass
shared expectations and standards regarding the possession and use of weapons. International
law, through treaties and agreements, formalizes these norms and establishes legally binding
commitments. The Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and the Chemical Weapons Convention
(CWC) are examples of international legal frameworks that set norms for nuclear and chemical
weapons. Compliance with these norms and legal obligations is crucial for the effectiveness of
arms control regimes, as violations can erode trust and stability in the international system.
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