Beam String 1
Beam String 1
Beam String 1
Department of Architecture
College of Science and Technology
Nihon University
1-8, Surugadai, Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan 101-8308
Tel:+81-3-3259-0710 Fax:+81-3-3293-8253
"Form and composition" is closely related with structural expressions. To demand the
aesthetic sense on structural design and the co-operative works by architects and structural
engineers is the greatest characteristic of Space Structures.
In the basic type of Space Structure, the existence of tensile element, especially string and
membrane is peculiar material. By themselves or combination each other, various light-
weight structures are able to be produced. On the other hand, it is possible to make hybrid
structures combined rigid beams and arches. Fig.1 shows the position of Tension Structure in
the field of Space Structures.
*Hybrid *Complex
Tension Structure
catenary arch beam
tensile element
string T C M
cable net grid arch crossed beam
tent shell plate
High-strength, flexibility and unlimited length are the basic characteristics of cable. At the
planning and design stage of string structures, the following points must be noted in order to
exhibit the characteristics and advantages of cable.
(1) Use the longest length of continuous cable possible, to reduce the number of metallic joints
attached at the middle of cable and to simplify their mechanism.
(2) Introduce the designed amount of prestress (PS) accurately with little force at a reduced
number of points.
With cable structures, it is important to realize these merits in the whole design including total
system, detail, fabrication and construction. Furthermore, it is interesting that "slenderness" of
cable both eliminates and emphasizes the existence of structural expression.
String structures can be classified by the amount of tensile force which occurs and exists in the
string. In general, the initial tensile force To which occurs in the string under the dead-load and
the tensile force T1 which occurs in the string under the additional loads can be expressed by the
following equation:
Fig.2 shows the classification of string structures carried out under the amount of string tensile
force. If the rate of Tp to Te (Tp / Te) is larger, it is more necessary for the structural system to
be demanded the strength in construction and the absorption of string expansion under the dead-
Tp / Te
linear cable
High prestressing
Light weight
cable net
cable grid
cable girde cable wheel
Heavy weight
balanced cable
string truss
tie cable
string dome
guyed cable
applied load and force
Stiffening against
spider cable
tensegric arch
Tension Grid Dome
Beam string structures (BSS) belong to Hybrid Tension Structures made by combining
string with such rigid members as beams, shallow arches and mount-shaped arches. The
main characteristics of BSS are as follows :
(1) Self balancing system under the dead-load (passive effect).
(2) Stress control of bending or compressive members, and control of displacement and
shape of frames (active effect).
Fig.3 shows the birth of BSS from structural principles. The primitive ideas of BSS
have been known in bridges and architecture from the beginning of 19th century, but
BSS hasn't spread as arches and trusses have been developed. Recently, why has this
structural system again been applied not only in bridges but also in architecture?
Suspen Arch
Suspen Disk
Suspen Beam
Secondly, it may be due to structural performance. To ascertain the dominant load and
prepare the supporting frame is important in order to select the appropriate arrangement
and combination of beams and strings in preliminary design (Fig.4). Furthermore, the
stress control of the bending moment and the displacement of beams must be
considered along with, the dead-load in installing strings, the supporting point (pin or
roller end), and reaction on support (timing of jack down and up-lift) are all of
importance for the introduction of PS into strings. Detail, mechanism and control
methods for the purpose of introducing tensile force must be prepared in advance. Fig.8
and Fig.9 show the method for introducing tensile force into strings.
Timber Plate S
E Pipe Rod R
Truss Cable G
• section
• Monoh Town Gymnasium
Fig.7 Variation of arrangement of string
Fig.6 Mount-shaped BSS
Turn Buckle a
Lowering Stage b
Hauling-in by Jacks adjusting of
String length • Advanced material
Middle Point c science center of Nihon Univ.
End Point
non-string-axis d
string-axis e
combination f
The basic model of BSS is a simply supported system where the dead-load is large and
the additional load (snow load and hanging equipment load) is small. Advantages of
BSS are performed most effectively in this model. In the case the supporting structure is
rigid, BSS of flat or shallow types are free from seismic forces and the best amount of
PS under the dead-load is decided.
On the other hand, the following points must be noted in order to establish a structural
system of BSS.
(1) To obtain the ceiling height, since BSS are suitable for flat roof: Development into
tension truss, mount-shaped BSS, combination with cantilever truss or diagonal post,
and BSS with multistage strings are examples of the solutions.
(2) In the case where the supporting structure is low-rigid: SKELSION is invented to
add horizontal resistance to slender post or frame. The characteristics of SKELSION is
to balance high PS force by arranging hanger strings and bracing strings.
(3) In the case where finishing materials are very light, such as in membrane and steel
decks: Wind braces and valley cables are an effective method to resist typhoon wind
Considering these points the structural system can be expanded in many variations.
Fig.10 shows actual examples which the authors have designed during the last 20 years.
Fig.10 Various application from basic type of BSS
In the circular type of BSS, the height of string can be lifted up by installing a hoop
cable at the lower end of the outer strut (A). By replacing radial beams (B) with radial
cables the horizontal force is resisted at the boundary, a shallow cable dome can be
achieved ((B') Amagi Dome). Another development of prototype (B) is shown in the
Kumamoto Project (C) which is characteristic of an oval plan and anti-spherical shape.
• Anoh Dome (Kita-Kyushu, 1994) 62m x 108m • Station Plaza Roof (Tokyo, 1997) 45m x 60m
"Paraglider" flying from the summit of a nearby Light weight membrane roof with a sense of "Gentle
mountain, just landed on a green forest. breeze" covers the shops and restaurants.
• Sakata Municipal Gymnasium (1991) 53m x 68m • Urayasu Municipal Sports Center (1995) 52m x 108 m
A pair of "Water bird" are flying up from green field. Large and small "Waves" coming ashore on Tokyo Bay.
• Green Dome Maebashi (1990) 122m x 168m • Rainbow Pool (Nagoya, 1992)
"UFO" landing at scenic site surrounded with "Flying fish" swimming dynamically on the ocean.
mountains and river.
The delicate and sharp sense of strings can create various individual expressions in
combination with thick beams. As an interior feature, four types of structural
expressions can be considered by either eliminating or emphasizing each beam or string
(Fig.13 ).
• Faraday Hall of Nihon Univ. (1978) 20m in diameter • Koganei Sports Center (1988)
Radial rods and central ring in a golden color are Curved H-shaped steel strings reflect the light from a
expressed strongly. glass facade.
• Sakata Municipal Gymnasium (1991) 53m x 68m • Kita-Kyushu Anoh Dome (1991) 62m x 108m
Cables and struts colored with Turkish blue float in the Hybrid members of H steel and laminated timber give
natural light from deep eaves. the impression of being in a forest.
• Subway Station of Nihon Univ. (1996) 20m x 40m • Horinouchi Town Gymnasium (1996) 38m x 42m
Two kind of strings with different role are colored with The row of curved beams composed of laminated
Japanese traditional red and produce dome-like space. timber produces a human space during winter.
• Wild Blue Yokohama (1992) • Green Dome Maebashi (1990) 122m x 168m
The existence of cables is reduced to express the Through visual effect, curved beams and sub arches
transparency of the resort space. produce a dramatic interior of a shallow dome.
The method of introducing PS into strings in order to realize structural systems greatly
depends upon construction and details, and have to be considered as a whole. Actual
examples of Fig.14 and Fig.15 can be seen in Fig.7.
cast steel elements of central
tension ring
• Subway Station of Nihon Univ. (described above) • Kita-Kyusyu Anoh Dome (described above)
By using small jacks, two pieces of plate of "Face Before installing of BSS adjusted for length and force,
Joint" was hauled together to introduced the pre-loading was carried out by pulling down the top of
prestressing force of six bracing rods. cantilever truss to obtain strict accuracy for welding of
• Horinouchi Town Gymnasium (described above) • Iwadeyama Town Gymnasium (1996) 36m x 50m
Compression force of the diagonal column due to the After the whole roof was lifted up, all bracing rods
finishing load was released by turning a screw bolt at were installed and end connectors were pulled down to
the lower end, then the dead-load was resisted only by introduce prestressing force.
the BSS.
Fig.15 The examples of prestressing and construction method (2)
4. Conceptual Design of String Structures - Conclusion
M. Saitoh et all.
(1) Principle of Beam String Structure ; proc. of IASS (1979, Madrid)
(2) From Image to Technology –The Role of string in Hybrid String Structures-
; proc. of IASS (1996, Stuttgart)