Bca 4 Sem Digital Electronics 2 Summer 2017

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Bachelor of Computer Application (B.C.A.) Semester—IV (C.B.S.) Examination

Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 50
N.B. :— (1) ALL questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.
(2) Draw a suitable diagram wherever necessary.
1. (a) What are the differences between sequential and combinational circuit ? Explain the construction
and working of a half adder circuit using logic gates. 5
(b) What is Decoder ? Explain the construction and working of 2 : 4 decoder with logic gates. Give
its truth table also. 5
(c) Design a 8 : 1 MUX circuit using 4 : 1 MUX circuit. Give its truth table also. 5
(d) What is parallel adder ? Explain the construction and working of 4-bit binary adder circuit. 5
2. (a) Explain the construction and working of JKFF using NAND gate. Explain race around condition
in it. 5
(b) Explain the construction and working of 4-bit down counter with its timing diagram. 5
(c) What is Ring Counter ? Explain the construction and working of 3-bit ring counter with truth
table. 5
(d) What is modulus of counter ? Explain decade counter in brief. 5
3. (a) Draw a block diagram of architecture of 8086 µp and explain the function of instruction queue
in it. 5
(b) What are the different addressing modes available in 8086 µp ? Explain any two addressing
modes with suitable example. 5

NXO—20509 1 (Contd.
(c) Explain the stack pointer register of 8086 µp with example. 5
(d) Explain the function of following pin of 8086 microprocessor :

(i) TEST
(ii) MN / MX
(iii) ALE. 5

4. (a) What are the different logical group instructions available in 8086 µp ? Explain any two logical
group instructions with example. 5
(b) Write an ALP using instructions of 8086 µp to add the contents of an array containing
10 numbers. 5
(c) Explain the flag register format of 8086 µp. 5
(d) Write an ALP to find the 1’s complement of given number without using complement instruction.
5. Attempt ALL :
(a) What is Encoder ? Explain. 2½
(b) What is register ? Explain the types of shift registers. 2½
(c) Give five features of 8086 µp. 2½
(d) Write a short note on Assembler Directives. 2½

NXO—20509 2 NKT/KS/17/5269

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