1st Quarter Test in English5 Sy 24
1st Quarter Test in English5 Sy 24
1st Quarter Test in English5 Sy 24
Caraga Region
Division of Surigao City
District IV
Name:____________________________________Grade: ________________Score:_____
Directions: Read each question carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on the space
_____1. What do you call the part of the form where in the person fills-in his/her religious preference?
A. age B. father’s name C. sex D. religion
_____2. When do you need to fill out a form?
A. when you are at school C. for payment purposes
B. when you send money only D. when it is required to fill out
_____3. What is the difference between middle initial/M.I. and middle name?
A. M.I. is the first letter of your mother’s maiden name while middle
name is the mother’s complete maiden name.
B. M.I. is the first letter of your father’s family name while middle
name is the mother’s complete maiden name.
C. M.I is the mother’s name while middle name is the family name of
the father.
D. M.I. is the father’s name while middle name is the mother’s name.
_____4. Why should you sign the Bank Deposit Slip before getting money from the bank?
A. to certify that you are the owner of the account
B. because the Bank told you to do so
C. for recording purposes
D. for decoration only
_____5. Should you write down all of your information like birthday, mothers name, age, sex; when depositing
money in the bank?
A) Yes, write down all your personal information.
B) No, do not write down any personal information.
C) Only write down your account number and amount.
D) Write down personal information only if the bank asks for it.
_____6. When I deflate the tire, it will be flat. The underlined word means
A. to let out air C. became smaller
B. to blow the air into D. the air is just the same
______7. Sherry was being ______ when she did not tell the truth. What word best completes the sentence?
A. dishonest B. unhonest C. inhonest D. very honest