Financial Reporting provides you with the skills required to success the exam apply accounting standards and the conceptual framework in the preparation of financial statements and how to analyse ✓ If possible, study with an Section A (30 marks) Approved Learning Partner 15 objective test (OT) questions, n and interpret those financial statements. and use Approved Content each worth 2 marks ✓ Study the whole syllabus Section B (30 marks) ✓ Ensure you understand theories Three OT cases with five OT questions n FR: An overview and techniques rather than just worth 2 marks each, 10 marks per case focus on how to do the calculations
✓ Practice exam style and standard Tips for answering
questions, to time OT questions Accounting for ✓ Read the question carefully ✓ Develop your skills in answering transactions constructed response questions ✓ Adhere to the rounding instructions in financial for “Fill in the Blank” questions statements ✓ Attempt at least two full exams ✓ Answer all questions
under exam conditions, debrief THE CONCEPTUAL ANALYSIS AND your answers, then focus your AND REGULATORY revision on weaker areas Section C (40 marks) INTERPRETATION FRAMEWORK Two scenarios which relate to one n or more requirement(s) Preparing single entity financial Key Tips for answering Section C questions statements resources ✓ Be strict in allocating 36 minutes to n Examiner approach each question OF FINANCIAL FOR FINANCIAL ✓ Always read the requirement(s) first STATEMENTS n Objective test questions for REPORTING ✓ Present all workings – do not simply
session CBEs Preparing “plug” results of calculations consolidated n Guide to session CBEs ✓ Structure narrative answers around financial an answer plan n How to approach performance statements appraisal questions ✓ Use headings, make clear statements and avoid repetition n Tell me a story ✓ Always include a conclusion on the analysis discussion n Read the mind of an FR marker ✓ Attempt all requirements n Examiner’s reports