Micro Project Report
Modification Tools
Guided By:-
Submitted By:-
Shaikh Salman
Umar Pathan
Mohammad Umar
Devindra kalal
Akkalkuwa (425415)
Roll No. Student Name Marks Out Of 6 Marks Out Of 4 Total Out Of 10
15 Shaikh Salman
19 Umar Pathan
33 Mohammad Umar
18 Devindra kalal
This is to certify that Mr. / Ms. Shaikh Salman Roll No.15 of Fourth Semester of
Diploma in Electrical Engineering of Institution Jamia Polytechnic, Akkalkuwa,
Institute Code 0366 has satisfactorily completed the Micro Project work in Course
Electronics Devices And Circuits Corse Code EDC- for the academic year
2023 – 2024 as prescribed in the curriculum.
The most Beneficial and the most is with deepest serve gratitude of the Al-mighty
that gives me strength and ability to complete this micro project.
First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to Express my special thanks to HOD, AND
PRINCIPAL, S.V. ALI . I also would like to take this opportunity to Express my special
thanks to my project guide who was guide me MUDASSIR, for the guidance, assistance,
advise, kindness and also being helpful to guide me all the way through the development and
progress of my micro project. Above all the most needed, he provides me unflinching
encouragement and support in various ways.
My appreciation also goes to my friend for their advice, supervisions, and crucial contribution,
and cooperation during the completion of my micro project. Thank you for lending hands
during progress of this micro project. Finally, I also would like to express my exceptional
thanks to my beloved parents for their support and unending prayers and helps me directly or
indirectly in successful finishing of my micro project.
Draw commands are used to create new objects. Modify commands or edit commands are
used to change existing objects or to use existing objects to create new and similar objects.
The commands listed below are covered in this unit: Erase Move Rotate
Efficient long-distance transmission of electric power requires high voltages. This reduces
the losses produced by strong currents. Transmission lines use either alternating current (AC)
or direct current (DC). The voltage level is changed with transformers. The voltage is stepped
up for transmission, then reduced for local distribution.
Historically, transmission and distribution lines were often owned by the same company, but
starting in the 1990s, many countries liberalized the regulation of the electricity market in
ways that led to separate companies handling transmission and distribution.
Sr. No Details Of Activity Plan Start Plan Finish Date Responsible Team
Date Members
1 Formation of group 10/08/2023 19/08/202 All
2 Selection of title 19/08/202 28/08/202 All
3 Submission of proposal 28/08/202 11/09/202 All
4 Collection of material 11/09/202 18/10/202 All
5 Literature collection 18/10/202 27/10/202 All
6 Connection 27/10/202 01/11/202 All
7 Testing 01/11/202 06/11/202 All
9 Submission of micro 19/08/202 28/08/202 All
Modification Tools
→ Introduction
Draw commands are used to create new objects. Modify commands or edit commands
are used to change existing objects or to use existing objects to create new and similar
objects. The commands listed below are covered in this unit: Erase Move Rotate
Draw commands are used to create new objects. Modify commands or edit commands
are used to change existing objects or to use existing objects to create new and similar
objects. The commands listed below are covered in this unit:
de,Measure,Change,Pedit etc
→ Erase
ERASE The erase command deletes the objects you select from the drawing. Any of
the object selection methods can be used to highlight the object to erase. The only
other required action is press Enter to cause the erase to take effect.
Command: Erase Select Objects: PICK (Use any object selection method.)Select
Objects: PICK (Continue to select desired objects)Select objects: Enter (Confirm the
object selection process and causes Erase to take effect. )
MOVE Move allows you to relocate one or more objects from the existing position in
the drawing to any other position you specify. After selecting the objects to move, you
must specify the base point and second point of displacement.
Command: move Select objects: (Select objects you want to move) Select objects:
(Press ENTER) Base point or displacement: (Select a point)
Command: move Select objects: 1 found (select the rectangle) Select objects: (Press
ENTER) Base point or displacement: end of (Select the corner of the rectangle)
Second point of displacement: center of (Select any point on the circle circumference)
→ Rotate
ROTATE Selected object can be rotated to any position with this command. After
selecting object to rotate, you select a “basepoint” ( a point to rotate about ) then
specify an angle for rotation.
TRIM The Trim command allows you to trim (shorten) the end of end object back to
the intersection of another object (figure). The middle section of an object can also be
trimmed between two intersection objects. There are two steps to this command;
The cutting edges are highlighted after selection. Cutting edges themselves can be
trimmed if they intersect with other cutting edges, but lose their highlight when
Command: trim
Select cutting edges: (Projmod = UCS Edgemode = No Extend)
Select Objects: PICK (Select an object to use as a cutting edge)
Select Objects: PICK
Select Objects: Enter
< Select object to trim >/Project/Edge/Undo:PICK ( select the end of and object to
< Select object to trim >/Project/Edge/Undo: PICK
< Select object to trim >/Project/Edge/Undo:Enter
The scale command is used to increase or decrease the size of objects in a drawing.
scale command does not normally have any relation to plotting a drawing to scale.
Command: scale
Select Object: PICK or (coordinates) (Select the object to scale)
Select Object: ENTER (Indicates completion of the object selection)
Base point: PICK or (coordinates) (Select the stationary point)
Scale factor <Reference>: PICK or (value) or (coordinates) (Enter a value for the
scale factor or interactively scale the set of objects)
This command creates a mirror image of selected existing objects. You can retain or
the original objects (‘old object’). After selecting objects, you create two points
a rubberband line or ‘mirror line’, about which to mirror.
Command: mirror
Select Object: PICK (Select object or group of objects to mirror)
Select Object: Enter (Press Enter to indicate completion of object selection.)
First point of mirror line: PICK or (coordinates) (Draw first endpoint of line to
represent mirror axis by PICK ing or entering coordinates)
Second point of mirror: PICK or (coordinates) (Draw second point of line by PICKing
or entering coordinates)
Delete old objects? <N> Enter or Y (Press Enter to yield both sets of objects or enter
Y to keep only the mirrored set.)
→ Conclusion
The Modify tools in AutoCAD are found on the Modify Panel on the Ribbon as well as
the Modify and Modify II Toolbars, which alter and create objects and lines based on
pre-existing objects and lines.
→ Link