Solid Waste
Solid Waste
Solid Waste
Solid Waste
Classification of Solid Waste
▪ Garbage : organic wastes
▪ Rubbish : Combustible ( paper, wood, rubber )
Non- Combustible (metal, Glass)
▪ Pathological Waste : Dead animal and human
▪ Industrial Waste: chemical paints, sand ,
sewage treatment sludge, fly ash
▪ Agriculture Waste: farm waste, crop residue
▪ Hazardous Waste: hospital waste
Sources of waste
Municipal sources of waste:
• includes garbage from households , schools, offices, market
places, restaurants and other public places.
• include everyday items like food debris, used plastic bags,
soda cans and plastic water bottles, broken furniture, grass
,clippings, product packaging, broken home appliances and
Agriculture resources of waste:
▪ waste generated by agricultural activities include crop
residue, animal manure
• Medical/Clinical sources of waste:
- waste produced from health care facilities, such as hospitals,
clinics, surgical theaters, veterinary hospitals and labs.
- include surgical items, pharmaceuticals, blood, body parts,
wound dressing materials, needles and syringes 4
Source Contd…
• Construction/demolition sources of waste:
waste from the construction of roads and building.
Waste items include concrete debris, wood, earth,
huge package boxes and plastics from the building
• Industrial sources of waste:
Since the industrial revolution, the rise in the
number of industries manufacturing glass, leather,
textile, food, electronics, plastic and metal products
has significantly contributed to waste production.
• Electronic sources of waste:
waste from electronic and electrical devices.
Characteristic of Solid Waste
1) Physical
2) Chemical
3) Biological
Physical Characteristic
• Density:
The knowledge of density is important for the design
of all elements of the solid waste management
systems like storage, transport and disposal.
• For ex. for a known volume of the solid waste its
density gives the idea about the requirement of the
truck in tonnage.
• The density varies significantly from source to the
disposal site because of handling , change in
moisture contain , densification due to vibration of
movement etc
Chemical Characteristic
• The chemical characteristic of solid waste are
determined for accessing the treatment process.
• Mainly three chemical characteristic are determined
chemical , bio-chemical and toxicological
• Chemical quantities of solid waste are PH ,Nitrogen,
Phosphorus and Potassium, Total Carbon, Carbon
Nitrogen ratio ,calorific Value
• Bio- chemical characteristic includes carbohydrate ,
proteins, natural fiber and biodegradable factor
• Toxic characteristic include heavy metals, pesticides
,insecticides etc
Biological Characteristic
▪ All organic materials are not easily degradable
▪ Degradation process odour Hydrogen
sulphide(H2s), Methane is odourless
▪ Attracts flies
Health and Environment Issue
• Unpleasant living environment
• Disease transmission : increase virus, bacteria,
mosquito, rats that increase the like hood of
disease transmission
• Pollution : air and surface water pollution
• Soil contaminants
• Effects of waste on animals and aquatics life
• Impacts of waste on Environment
Control strategy of Solid Waste
• Reduce Waste
- Reduce office paper waste by implementing a formal policy to duplex all
draft reports and by making training manuals and personnel information
available electronically.
- Reuse office furniture and supplies, such as interoffice
envelopes, file folders, and paper.
- old books
- old clothes
- old computers
Key component of Solid Waste Management
Waste management practice in Nepal
Odours Leachate
Solid Waste
Municipal, Waste Transportatio Disposal
No energy,
Domestic, Industrial, Collection n Open dumping,
Hospitals, Hotels, Door to door, Pick up, tripper, Land filling
Institutions, offices, Fixed station tractor, truck
Markets etc.
Types of Solid Waste Disposal Method in Municipalities of Nepal
Type of disposal method No. of Municipalities
Sanitary Landfill 6
Controlled Dumping 5
Open Dumping 25
Riverside Dumping 13
Roadside Dumping 1
No Municipal System 2
Generally, the higher the economic development and rate of urbanization,
the greater the amount of solid waste produced
• The per capita generation of solid waste in developing countries in
Asia ranges from 0.3 kg/day to 1.0 kg/day, although different
sources and studies provide different figures.
• MSW generation in Nepal (0.32 kg/capita/day) are comparable with
findings from other studies done in Nepal, but lower than the
average in low-income countries (0.60 kg/capita/day) and South
Asian countries (0.45 kg/capita/day).
• This may be because of the lower rate of urbanization in Nepal and
the significant area with rural characteristics even in municipalities
• These areas produce less waste due to their lower level of economic
development and higher level of in-house reuse and recycling
Waste and energy recovery for different years
• Sanitary Landfill
– Layer of compacted trash covered with a layer of earth
once a day and a thicker layer when the site is full
– Require impermeable barriers to stop escape of leachates:
can cause problem by overflow
– Gases produced by decomposing garbage needs venting
• Incineration
Solves space problem but:
– produces toxic gases like Cl, HCl, HCN, SO2
– High temp furnaces break down hazardous compounds but are expensive
– Heat generated can be recovered: % of waste burnt
Waste Management—A Case Study in Nepal
By Aisha Khatoon,2018
• A rapid assessment of solid waste management (SWM) practices was conducted
in 16 selected municipalities across seven provinces of Nepal in mid 2018.
• The study utilized both secondary-data compilation and primary-data collection
techniques as the study methodology.
• The study revealed that the average per capita municipal solid waste (MSW)
generation was 0.39 kg/capita/day.
• The average composition of MSW was: organic (43.6%), paper and paper
products (22.7%), plastic (13.8%), glass (6.4%), metals (2.7%), textile (3%),
rubber and leather (1.3%), and others (6.6%) (MoFAGA, Baseline assessment,
Integrated Waste Management 2018).
• This composition analysis reveals a higher potential for waste recycling and
energy recovery.
Solid Waste Management Baseline Study of 60 New Municipalities
Engineering Study & Research Centre (P) Ltd.
Babarmahal, Kathmandu ,January 2017
Authors : Dhundi Raj Pathak
• The SWM baseline study was conducted to quantify municipal solid waste and its composition and to
compile factual information on the state of solid waste management in the 60 new municipalities of
• The SWM baseline study team conducted the survey in 60 municipalities of Nepal in May 2016
during the dry season.
• A total of 60 field surveyors with sufficient knowledge in subject matters and research experience
were employed for the fieldwork under direct supervision of supervisors, team leader of SWM
baseline study and project municipality.
• The waste quantity and quality survey with sample size of 3330 households, 600 institutions
(schools/colleges/offices) and 600 commercial establishments (shops/hotels/restaurants) were
undertaken by employing random (probability) sampling technique.
• In addition to waste quantity and quality survey, separate sets of questionnaires were developed for
household and municipality to collect and to update SWM related information of different aspects.
• The total sample size of 3330 households from 60 municipalities, each from 55 households gave an
average per-capita household waste generation figure of 115 gram/capita/day.
• This study also uncovered that the household waste generation rates were varied depending upon the
economic status and geographical location.
• Average waste generation for households with monthly expenditure of NRs 40,000 and above
generate 0.88 kg/household/day, which is more than twice of 0.4 kg/household/day for
households with monthly expenditure of less than NRs 5,000.
• Similarly households from Terai municipalities generate more wastes, including organic waste.
• In case of institutional establishments, the average daily waste generation was 3.25 kg per
school and 0.95 kg per office.
• Similarly, the average daily waste generation from shops and hotel or restaurant was at 1.1 kg
per shop and 3.1 kg per hotel or restaurant respectively.
• Based on our analysis and findings, it can be estimated that, as the household waste in
general contributes to about 60 to 75% of the total municipal waste generation depending
upon the municipality.
• Thus, the average municipal waste generation, was estimated to 180 gram/capita/day.
• Based on these per-capita waste generation figures and projected population for the year
2016, the total municipal waste generation of 60 municipalities was estimated at about 419
tons/day or 153,113 tons/year.
• The analysis of household waste composition indicated that the highest waste fractions were
organic matter (68%) followed by plastics (10%). Paper and paper products and others
comprised 8% and 6% of the waste respectively. Glass, metal, rubber and leather, textile
components all were at or below 4%.
• The composition analysis of institutional waste revealed 21% organic wastes, 23% plastics,
41% paper and paper products, 10% others with glass, textiles, metals and rubber/leather all
below or at 2%. Similarly, the composition of commercial waste was made up of 51% organic
wastes, 14% paper and paper products, 15% plastics, 5% other wastes, 11% glass, 1% textiles,
2% metals and no rubber and leather.
Elsevier 2008
Waste Management
Status and Opportunities for Materials Recovery from Municipal Solid Waste in
Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Dhundi Raj Pathak
Bandita Mainali
The International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics
ICEG 2018
• The recovery of materials from municipal solid waste (MSW) reduces burden on natural
resources, facilitates reduction of environmental risks by reducing the amount of waste to be
disposed off at landfill site and also saves operation costs for final disposal.
• This paper aims to quantify the current status of reusable and recyclable fractions and
presents the trend of material recovery from MSW in Kathmandu Valley of Nepal.
• 300 scrap shops were surveyed randomly to estimate the amount of reusable and recyclable
materials recovered from MSW.
• The MSW composition of municipalities in Kathmandu Valley provides a great potential for
material recovery.
• In an average, 44% of MSW is comprised of major reusable and recyclable materials (i.e.,
plastic, papers, metal, glass, rubber and leather, and textiles), among which more than 250
metric tons day−1 (MTD) is being currently recovered.
• The study shows the increasing trend of recovery of materials from MSW in Kathmandu
Valley over the years, from 100 MTD in 2005 to 140 MTD in 2013, and 250 MTD in 2017.
• The current economic value of these recovered materials at source of generation is estimated
to be yearly US$ 18 million (US$1.00 = NRs. 100.00).
Feasibility Study on Energy Generation from
Solid Waste at Pharping
• Nepal is politically divided into 75 Districts and 3915 VDCs and 58
municipalities. 28 Village Development Committees of Kathmandu district
falls under the category of semi urban region. These VDCs consist of mass
population along with maximum land utilization. The problem regarding the
generation of solid waste and its management is emerging day by day. This
study evaluates different waste to energy technologies that can be
implemented for solid waste management. The VDCs under consideration of
study are Dashinkali VDC and Seshnarayan VDC of Pharping area. The
techno-economic analysis of solid waste to energy conversion is conducted
at these two VDCs.
• The survey data showed the average waste generation per capita is 0.25
kg/day at Dashinkali VDC and 0.49 kg/day at Seshnarayan VDC. The waste
potential areas of these VDCs are studied in detail. Under the various solid
wastes to energy technologies studied, biogas plant is selected as the best
technology in these areas. 6 m3 size biogas plant has been recommended for
Dashinkali VDC at Dashinkali temple premise and 10 m3 biogas plant has
been recommended for Seshnarayan VDC at dumping site. The financial
analysis of both the biogas plants have been done and the NPV is found to
be positive for both biogas plants.
Waste Compositions at Sheshnarayan
Waste Compositions at Dashinkali VDC
Plastic Other Wood
Paper 0.3% 0.37%
Metal Other Metal 2%
1% 0.62% 8%
Plastic /Kitchen
Paper 9% Waste
Organic 16%
Wood Waste
13% 43% Garden Waste
Garden Waste
Solid Waste to Energy Technology
• Biogas Plant
• Briquetting Technology
• Gasification Technology
• Landfill gas recovery plants
• Plasma-arc gasification
• Incineration