I. OBJECTIVES HOLIDAY (NATIONAL HEROES DAY) 2. Identify the factors affecting the 3. Perform table set-up. 4. Explain the importance of setting types of table set-up up the table according to menu and services. A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates of concepts, and principles in preparing the understanding of concepts, and understanding of concepts, and dining room/restaurant area for service. principles in preparing the dining principles in preparing the dining room/restaurant area for service. room/restaurant area for service. B. Performance Standard The learner demonstrates knowledge and The learner demonstrates knowledge The learner demonstrates knowledge skills in food and beverage service related and skills in food and beverage service and skills in food and beverage service to table setting, and napkin folding in related to table setting, and napkin related to table setting, and napkin accordance with the proper procedures folding in accordance with the proper folding in accordance with the proper and guidelines. procedures and guidelines. procedures and guidelines. C. Most Essential Learning TLE_HEFBS912AS-Ie-f-3 LO TLE_HEFBS912AS-Ie-f-3 LO TLE_HEFBS912AS-Ie-f-3 LO Competency (MELC) 3. Set-Up tables in the dining area 3. Set-Up tables in the dining area 3. Set-Up tables in the dining area 3.1 Set table according to the standards of 3.1 Set table according to the 3.1 Set table according to the the food service establishment standards of the food service standards of the food service 3.2 Set covers correctly according to the establishment establishment predetermined menu 3.2 Set covers correctly according to 3.2 Set covers correctly according to the predetermined menu the predetermined menu II. CONTENT Individual Performance Individual Performance Table Setting and Proper Storage of Equipment III. LEARNING RESOURCES A. References 1. Teacher’s Guide Page 2. Learner’s Materials Page 43-52 B. Other Learning Resources Tableware’s and equipment Tableware’s and equipment PowerPoint Presentation IV. PROCEDURES A. Reviewing Previous Lesson (What’s Learners will review yesterday’s lesson Learners will review yesterday’s Learners will share what they have In) lesson learned from the past lesson. B. Establishing a Purpose for the Inform the learners for individual Inform the learners for individual Learners will be informed of the Lesson (What I Need to Know) demonstration of table set-up. demonstration of table set-up. knowledge and skills that they will gain from the lesson. C. Presenting Examples of the New Teacher will explain the scoring rubrics for Teacher will explain the scoring rubrics Define table setting. Lesson (What’s New) the learner’s demonstration. for the learner’s demonstration. D. Discussing New Concepts and Learners will review the procedures for Learners will review the procedures Determine the basic rules in laying Practicing New Skills (What Is table set-up for table set-up table and Factors to Consider in laying It) table for formal and formal setting. Proper Handling and Storage of Equipment E. Developing Mastery (What’s Learners are given time to practice. Learners are given time to practice. Learners will enumerate the basic More) rules in laying table; proper handling and storing of equipment F. Finding Practical Applications of Learners will explain the importance of Learners will explain the importance of Learners will explain how they can Concepts and Skills (What I Can Do) correct procedure for table set up. correct procedure for table set up. apply the lesson into their home. G. Making Generalizations and Learners will determine the Learners will determine the Learners will generalize what they Abstraction about the Lesson importance of practice in learning importance of practice in learning have learned from the lesson. (What skills. skills. I Have Learned) H. Evaluating Learning (Assessment) Learners will individually perform. Learners will individually perform. Teacher-made quiz. I. Additional Activities for Application Learners will search for other table or Remediation (What Other skirting styles on the internet. Enrichment Activities Can I Engage In) V. REMARKS VI. REFLECTION A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the formative assessment B. No. of learners who need remediation C. Which of my teaching strategies Sharing ideas and pair activity Sharing ideas and pair activity Collaborative discussions. worked well? Sharing ideas D. What difficulties did I encounter? E. What innovations or localized Appreciating them in everything they do Giving my students group or pair-work Reward system is also seen to materials did I discover/use which I was also found out to be a very positive activities seems to be effective in be very effective as well. can share with my fellow teachers? reinforcement for the preserving their attention to the class Rewards need not to be expensive. students. Teacher’s affirmation of what the and retention of the lessons. Educational things may do. (pen, students are doing is their basis of telling notebooks, etc.) But it can be done on themselves that they did the right thing schedule or by surprise so as not to let and followed the right instruction. students expect that you have it everyday. Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:
Grammar Practice Simplified: Guided Practice in Basic Skills (Book C, Grades 4-5): Subjects, Predicates, Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs, Punctuation, and More