Model-Based Online Learning and Adaptive Control For A Human-Wearable Soft Robot'' Integrated System
Model-Based Online Learning and Adaptive Control For A Human-Wearable Soft Robot'' Integrated System
Model-Based Online Learning and Adaptive Control For A Human-Wearable Soft Robot'' Integrated System
Zhi Qiang Tang1 , Ho Lam Heung1, Kai Yu Tong1 and Zheng Li2
Soft robots are considered intrinsically safe with regard to human–robot interaction. This has motivated the development
and investigation of soft medical robots, such as soft robotic gloves for stroke rehabilitation. However, the output force of
conventional purely soft actuators is usually limited. This restricts their application in stroke rehabilitation, which requires a
large force and bidirectional movement. In addition, accurate control of soft actuators is difficult owing to the nonlinearity of
purely soft actuators. In this study, a soft robotic glove is designed based on a soft-elastic composite actuator (SECA) that
integrates an elastic torque compensating layer to increase the output force as well as achieving bidirectional movement.
Such a hybrid design also significantly reduces the degree of nonlinearity compared with a purely soft actuator. A model-
based online learning and adaptive control algorithm is proposed for the wearable soft robotic glove, taking its interaction
environment into account, namely, the human hand/finger. The designed hybrid controller enables the soft robotic glove to
adapt to different hand conditions for reference tracking. Experimental results show that satisfactory tracking performance
can be achieved on both healthy subjects and stroke subjects (with the tracking root mean square error (RMSE) \0.05 rad).
Meanwhile, the controller can output an actuator–finger model for each individual subject (with the learning error RMSE
\0.06 rad), which provides information on the condition of the finger and, thus, has further potential clinical application.
Model-based learning control, soft robot, human–robot interaction
2018). In this study, we design a hybrid controller for our repetitive stretching exercise training for stroke patients. In
system. addition, an adjustable reference trajectory is designed,
It is important to consider the human finger as the inter- which takes both individual range of motion differences
action environment for a wearable soft robotic glove. For and human–robot interaction comfort into consideration.
stroke rehabilitation, finger spasticity is the main difficulty To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this article is the
that needs to be overcome (Yue et al., 2017). Spasticity first to take finger spasticity into account in the design of a
results from impaired reflex function and induces a number controller for a soft robotic glove. The contributions of this
of changes in muscle properties, such as stiffness, fibrosis, article include the following.
and atrophy (Thibaut et al., 2013). It has been shown that
joint stiffness can be treated as a constant when the finger Simplification (i.e., linearization) of the control for soft
joint moves at a fixed velocity (Kamper et al., 2006, 2002). robots by incorporating elastic materials, using the
Each individual has a constant joint stiffness, but stiffness SECA as the example.
varies from person to person. Hence, it is necessary to Consideration of the interaction environment (finger)
design an effective control algorithm that allows a soft in the development of the dynamic model and control
robotic glove to adapt to differences in finger spasticity. problem of the soft actuator–finger system.
Our proposed control algorithm is a novel integration of Development of a model-based online learning adap-
model predictive control (MPC) and iterative learning con- tive control algorithm for the soft actuator–finger sys-
trol (ILC) that simultaneously achieves model learning and tem with theoretical proof and experimental validation.
reference trajectory tracking of targets. In contrast, previous A proposal for use of the learned model when investi-
MPC and ILC combinations have aimed at improving gating stroke finger conditions.
tracking performance only. Cueli and Bordons (2008) and
Lee et al. (1999) focused on how to incorporate iterative The remainder of this article is organized as follows.
information into an MPC controller and improve its track- The soft robotic glove and an overview of the control sys-
ing performance by redesigning the MPC cost function. tem are described in Section 2, and the model of the soft
Bukkems et al. (2005) and Liu and Xi (2014) emphasized actuator–finger system is presented in Section 3. The com-
ILC controller design as a way of improving ILC tracking plete model learning adaptive control algorithm is
performance. With regard to model learning control, explained in detail in Section 4. Results of simulations are
Ichikawa et al. (2006) and Underwood and Husain (2010) presented in Section 5. Tests of the proposed method on
developed an online parameter identification method based six human subjects are described in Section 6. The poten-
on a recursive least-squares algorithm to control tial clinical application and limitations of the model are dis-
permanent-magnet synchronous motors, and Bouffard et al. cussed in Section 7. Finally, our conclusions from this
(2012) proposed a learning-based model predictive control- investigation are given in Section 8.
ler based on the extended Kalman filter method for control
of a quadrotor. The learning technique in our proposed
method can output an accurate model for the soft actuator–
2. System description
finger system within specified error tolerance. In addition, Our system consists of a soft robotic glove and pneumatic
the learned model parameters can provide insight into the control hardware. Each item is described in a subsection in
behavior of the system, which has clinical potential for the the following.
investigation of finger conditions.
In this article, we propose a model-based online learning
and adaptive control algorithm for a wearable soft robotic
2.1. Soft robotic glove
glove, taking account of its need to interact with stroke sur- We have previously designed a soft robotic glove that
vivors. We describe the complete architecture of the control assists stroke survivors in performing ADLs (Heung et al.,
algorithm as well as a theoretical proof of its capabilities. 2019). In the present study, the soft robotic glove is further
Our hybrid controller utilizes a dynamic model structure modified via our proposed control algorithm to adapt to dif-
for the soft actuator–finger system and a model learning ferent stroke survivors suffering from finger spasticity. Our
method to allow updating of model parameters based on soft robotic glove consists of a hand base that enables the
observed data in real time. The learning technique enables 3D-printed SECA to be attached to a hand with Velcro
the soft robotic glove to adapt to different hand conditions. straps, as shown in Figure 1. Figure 2 shows the structure
Our method provides the reference tracking performance of the SECA, which is composed of metacarpophalangeal
that is necessary for rehabilitation training of stroke survi- (MCP) and proximal interphalangeal (PIP) segments corre-
vors with the aim of improving motor functions (Ao et al., sponding to actuation of the MCP and PIP joints of the
2015; Timmermans et al., 2009). Because hand rehabilita- human finger. When wearing the soft robotic glove, the
tion training is usually a repetitive process (Takahashi et al., position of hand base can be adjusted to align MCP and
2007), the reference trajectory is taken to be a periodic sig- PIP segments of the SECA with MCP and PIP joints of the
nal, and our controller is designed for periodic reference human finger, respectively. Once aligned, the hand base is
tracking. This reference tracking can provide the necessary fixed. Then Velcro straps are used to secure each finger on
4 The International Journal of Robotics Research 00(0)
Fig. 3. Demonstration of bidirectional movement of the SECA on a wooden hand. (a) Resting state of the wooden index finger with
attached torsional springs (stiffness 2 N/mm for MCP and 0.6 N/mm for PIP). The sum of the MCP and PIP angles in the resting state
is 1108. (b) Extended state of the wooden index finger bound with the SECA at 0 kPa pressure. The sum of the MCP and PIP angles
in the extended state is 608. (c) Flexed state of the wooden index finger bound with the SECA at 87 kPa pressure. The sum of the
MCP and PIP angles in the flexed state is 1058.
Fig. 5. (a) Illustration of the interaction between SECA and finger. The MCP and PIP segments of the SECA correspond to the MCP
and PIP joints of the finger, respectively. (b) Side view of one segment (MCP or PIP) of the SECA, illustrating the bending state. (c)
Zoomed-in cross-sectional view showing the geometry of the system.
t x_ = Ax + BP
Mja = 2Pr1 x1 + d + dx1
2 y = Cx
Z0 r1 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
t ð6Þ
+ 2P r12 x22 x2 + w + d + dx2 x = ½ q_ m qm q_ p qp T
0 2 2 3
Mja = Tja P DJmm KJmm 0 0
6 7
6 1 0 0 0 7 ð9Þ
where Tja is the equivalent moment–pressure constant of A=6 6 0
Jpp Jpp 7
4 0 5
actuator segment j, t is the thickness of the torque compen-
sating layer, x1 and x2 are integration variables, and P is the 0 0 1 0
h iT
pressure. T
B = TJmm 0 Jpp 0
Then, by using the Lagrangian LGj = KEj PEj , we
can obtain the equation of motion of segment j as follows: C=½0 1 0 1
! where Jj = Jja + Jjf , Dj = Daj + Dfj , Kj = Kja + Kjf , Tj =
d ∂LGj
= Mja Daj q_ j Tja + Tjf , j 2 fm, pg, and y is the total finger angle, which
dt ∂q_ j ∂qj ð7Þ is the sum of the MCP and PIP joint angles. In our physical
) Jja €qj + Daj q_ j + Kja qj = Tja P experiment, the MCP and PIP joint angles qm and qp are
measured by flex sensors, and the pressure P is generated
where Daj is the damping coefficient of actuator segment j, by the proportional solenoid valve.
which accounts for the non-conservative energy. The
dynamic model structure (7) also matches the modeling 4. Control algorithm
results in Marchese et al. (2016).
Based on the model structure described previously, we pro-
pose a model learning adaptive control algorithm to achieve
3.2. Finger joint model our control objectives. Stretching exercise training can help
Widely used finger joint dynamics satisfy the following relax muscles and reduce finger spasticity (Hesse et al.,
second-order linear system with constant coefficients when 2008). Such training is usually applied in the treatment for
the finger joints move at a fixed velocity (Blana et al., stroke patients who are unable to extend fingers owing to
2019; Chen et al., 2014; Kamper et al., 2006, 2002): spasticity and contracture (Yue et al., 2017). Meanwhile,
finger conditions need to be assessed during the training
Jjf €
qj + Dfj q_ j + Kjf qj = Mjf ð8Þ process. The control objectives are to design a stretching
exercise training routine and investigate finger conditions
where Jjf , Dfj , and Kjf are the moment of inertia, damping simultaneously. Technically speaking, we want to achieve
coefficient, and stiffness, respectively, of finger joint j, and satisfactory reference trajectory tracking performance for
Mjf is the external moment exerted on finger joint j. In our stretching exercise training and find the true model para-
application, this external moment is generated by pressure. meters for investigating finger conditions. We give a
Here Mjf = Tjf P, Tjf is the moment–pressure constant of fin- detailed description of our proposed control algorithm in
ger joint j. this section.
rehabilitation training. Minimum jerk theory (Hogan, 4.2. Model learning law
1984) is a simple approach to the design of human-like The learning target is to acquire true model parameters. To
smooth trajectories in real-time control situations. Here we achieve this target, a discrete-time transfer function by z-
apply it to design the reference angle. According to mini- transform is first derived for each joint as follows:
mum jerk theory, we need to find a time-dependent func-
tion by minimizing the jerk parameter over the time of u1i z1 + u2i z2
movement: ^qi (k) = Gi Pi (k) = Pi (k) ð14Þ
1 + u3i z1 + u4i z2
Z T 3 2
d r where i is the iteration number, k is the time instance, and
min 3 dt ð10Þ
0 dt ^qi (k) is the model estimated joint angle. Let
where t is time and t 2 ½0, T with T the designed time ui = u1i u2i u3i u4i 4×1
period, and r is the time-dependent reference angle func-
ui (k) = ½ Pi (k 1) Pi (k 2) ^qi (k 1) ^qi (k 2) T4 × 1
tion. As a specific form for the reference angle function, a
polynomial is a good candidate because it is convenient for ð15Þ
designers to control the position, velocity, and acceleration
where k = 2, 3, . . . , N , and N = T =Ts, Ts is the sampling
of movement. In the context of minimum jerk theory, a
time. Then we have
fifth-order polynomial has been shown to be sufficient to
create a smooth trajectory (Hogan, 1984). When jerk move-
^qi (k) = ui (k)T ui ð16Þ
ment is minimized, higher-order polynomials will be
reduced to fifth-order polynomials (Amirabdollahian et al., The true model parameters are searched by minimizing the
2002). Hence, we apply a fifth-order polynomial to define error between the actual angle and the model estimated
our reference trajectory: angle, as shown by the following quadratic function:
where Q and R are output and input weighting factors, 4.4. Complete algorithm description
respectively, Q and R are positive scalars, i is the iteration To integrate the modeling learning law and the reference
number, k is the time instance, and h and H are the reced- tracking law into a complete algorithm, we first define the
ing and prediction horizons, respectively. By solving the model learning error and the reference tracking error. The
optimization problem (19), we obtain the feedback pressure criterion for successful model learning is that the model
ui (k) as follows: predicted output should be sufficiently close to the system’s
k actual output, given the same input. Hence, the model
ui (k) = hi^ei learning error is defined as the root mean square error
^eki = rh T
i xi (k) (RMSE) between the system’s actual output qi and the
model predicted output ^qi :
rh = ½ r(h + 1) r(h + 2) r(h + H) TH × 1
1 T rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
hi = ½ 1 0 TQ
0 1 × H (S iS
i + R
i ) (Q i)
iS 1 2
2 3
epi = kq ^qi k2 ð23Þ
R 0 0 N 1 i
60 R 0 7
6 7 Meanwhile, a satisfactory reference tracking perfor-
i = 6 .
R .. .. .. 7
6. 7 mance should be such that the system’s actual output is suf-
4. . . .5
ficiently close to the reference trajectory. Hence, the
0 0 R H ×H
2 3 reference tracking error is defined as the RMSE between
Q 0 0 the reference angle and the actual angle:
60 Q 0 7
6 7 rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
i =6
Q 6 .. .. . . .. 7
7 1
4. . . .5 eri = kr yi k22 ð24Þ
0 0 Q H ×H
ð20Þ Finally, we choose the proper error tolerance de to ter-
minate the algorithm. Pseudo-code for our proposed model
2 3
Ci B i 0 0 learning adaptive control is presented in Algorithm 1. The
6 CAB Ci B i 0 7 algorithm convergence analysis is described elaborately in
6 i i i 7
Si = 6
6 .. .. .. .. 7 7 Appendix B.
4 . . . . 5
M1 M2
Ci Ai Bi Ci Ai Bi Ci B i H × H
2 3 Algorithm 1. Model learning adaptive control.
Ci Ai
6 Ci A2 7
6 i 7 1: Initialization i = 0, r 2 ½r0 , re , ui = u0 and vi = 0.
i = 6
T 7 2: Run ILMPC.
6 .. 7
4 . 5 3: do
4: Execute model learning law.
i H ×4 5: Execute reference tracking law.
6: i+ +
Second, based on the idea of ILC (Arimoto et al., 1984), 7: Compute epi and eri .
the feedforward pressure vi is calculated as follows: 8: return ui and yi
9: while jeri eri1 or jepi epi1
vi + 1 (k) = vi (k) + lei (k + 1)
ei = r yi 5. Simulation results
r = ½ r(1) r(2) r(N ) TN × 1 To validate the performance of our proposed control algo-
yi = ½ yi (1) yi (2) yi (N ) TN × 1 rithm, we first conduct some simulation experiments using
the LabVIEW 2015 software platform. In this section, the
where the feedforward input gain l is a constant. simulation procedure is presented in detail and the control
The final input pressure is then given by parameters needed to guide the controller design are
Pi (k) = ui (k) + vi (k) ð22Þ
where Pi (k), ui (k), and vi (k) are the final input pressure, 5.1. Algorithm simulation procedure
feedback pressure, and feedforward pressure at time
instance k in iteration i, respectively. In our simulation, we assume that the true SECA–finger
system model as
Tang et al. 9
u0 r0 re T Ts Q R H r l dE
Fig. 6. Simulation results. In (a) and (c), the estimated MCP and PIP angles gradually become close to the actual angles. In (b) and
(d), the estimated model parameters of MCP and PIP gradually approach the respective true parameters. In (e), the total angle, given
by the sum of the MCP and PIP actual angles, gradually reaches the reference angle. In (f), the reference tracking error and model
learning errors gradually decrease below error tolerance value.
finally converge to the true model parameter, but with dif- learning process of the model parameter u4m as a detailed
ferent convergence speeds. example. Figure 8c shows the impact of different values of
r on the model learning process. We can see that larger val-
5.2.3 Effect of learning step size r. Choosing different ues of r lead to smaller numbers of iterations being
learning step sizes will influence the model learning con- required for convergence when r 2 (0, 1). However, when
vergence speed. We try different values of r to see the r 2 (1, 2), the model parameter learning shows marginal
effects of learning step size. The assumed true model is the stability. When r.2, the model parameter learning will
same as (25). Except for the value of r, all the control para- diverge. This simulation result is again consistent with the
meters are the same as those in Table 1. We also take the theoretical result in Theorem 1 in Appendix B.
Tang et al. 11
5.2.4 Effect of feedforward input gain l. Different values Equation (25)). This proof is shown in the Theorem 2 in
of the feedforward input gain will influence the reference Appendix B. In particular, a value of l = 0 means that the
tracking convergence speed. We try different values of l to ILC component is not involved in the reference tracking.
see the effects of feedforward input gain. The assumed true These simulation results demonstrate that the ILC compo-
model is the same as (25). Except for the value of l, all the nent is necessary and helpful for our designed control algo-
other control parameters are the same as those in Table 1. rithm. Therefore, an appropriate value of l needs to be
Figure 8d shows the effects of different values of l on the determined in the actual experiments.
reference angle tracking process. We can see that when
l = 10 and l = 20, the tracking error can finally decrease 5.2.5 Effect of varying r and l together. Because r appears
below the error tolerance and that a larger l value will in the discrete-time transfer function and l in the state
speed up tracking of the reference trajectory. However, space equation, it is difficult to express the model learning
when l = 0 and l = 50, the tracking error will diverge or reference tracking error as a function of r and l in an
because 1 lG z = 0 when l = 0 and 1 lG z = 0:1 explicit form. Nonetheless, we can still observe the effects
when l = 50 which do not satisfy the requirement on the control performance when r and l are changed
0\1 lG z\1 (G is the discrete time model of simultaneously. As can be seen from Figures 8c and 8d,
12 The International Journal of Robotics Research 00(0)
Stroke subjects Age range (years) Stroke onset Gender Stroke type Hemiplegic side ARAT MAS
larger values of r and l in their required ranges can indivi- and minimize the risk to subjects (Ao et al., 2015). The
dually speed up learning and tracking convergence, respec- SECA linear elastic bending range and the subject’s com-
tively, and so we explore the effects of increasing r and l fortable range of movement were considered when select-
together. Figure 8e shows the combined effects of r and l ing the reference angle range. All three stroke subjects’
on parameter estimation, and Figure 8f shows the effects on impaired hands could be passively fully extended without
reference tracking. From Figure 8e, we can see that combi- any pain or discomfort. The subjects did not feel any dis-
nations of larger r and l can cause the parameter learning comfort during the experiments. Other control parameters
to converge faster when r and l are in their required ranges. were determined by the simulation results and the actual
A similar observation can be made from Figure 8f. The ref- experimental situations. When the control algorithm started
erence tracking error decreases faster with combinations of running, the training data were continuously collected until
larger r and l. The simulation results in Figures 8e and 8f the termination of the algorithm. The experimental setup is
indicate that combinations of large values of both r and l shown in Figure 9.
can be selected to speed up model learning and reference
tracking convergence under the premise of system stability.
6. Experimental results
The simulation results provide support and guidance for the
following physical experiments. In this section, we describe
some preliminary experiments to demonstrate the feasibility
of our proposed control method.
We used the following protocol to perform physical
experiments. The experiments involved three situations: (1)
the SECA without a human finger (the free bending case);
(2) the SECA with an unimpaired finger (the healthy sub-
ject case); (3) the SECA with a stroke-impaired finger (the
stroke subject case). The experiments were approved by the
Joint Chinese University of Hong Kong–New Territories
East Cluster Clinical Research Ethics Committee (approval
protocol number NCT03286309). Three healthy subjects
(all men, age range 22–24) and three stroke subjects
(detailed information is listed in Table 3) voluntarily parti-
cipated in this pilot study. Each subject gave informed con-
sent before the experiment. During experimentation, each
subject was asked to stay relaxed and the subject’s index Fig, 9. Experimental setup. The control algorithm is
finger (left hand for healthy subjects and impaired hand for implemented on a personal computer (64-bit operating system, i5
CPU and 8 GB RAM) based on LabVIEW 2015 software. The
stroke subjects) was passively moved with the SECA. The
battery supplies electric power for the air pump and proportional
time period of each iteration was taken as 3 s both for flex-
solenoid valve. The air pump supplies air pressure for the SECA
ion and for extension, based on our group’s previous reha- and the proportional solenoid valve regulates air pressure. The
bilitation study (Susanto et al., 2015). The maximum joint data acquisition collects data from the proportional solenoid
torque exerted by SECA was limited to 0.1 Nm with air valve and flex sensors. The PCB board integrates wire
pressure in ½0, 100 kPa and bending velocity was less than connections. The SECA assists finger movement and flex
308 per second, which could ensure experimental safety sensors measure bending angles.
Tang et al. 13
u0 r0 re T Ts Q R H r l d
m = 0.002 and ufb are the final learned model parameters of free bending.
For free bending, the model parameters are those for the SECA MCP and PIP segments.
Fig. 10. Free bending experimental results. In (a) and (c), the estimated MCP and PIP angles gradually approach their respective
actual values. In (e), the total angle, given by the sum of the actual MCP and PIP angles, gradually reaches the reference angle. In (b),
(d), and (f), the model learning errors and reference tracking error gradually decreases below the error tolerance value. In (g) and (h),
we show the learning processes of the MCP and PIP model parameters.
6.3. Stroke subject case 108. Taking account of the finger spasticity and the sub-
The motor functions of stroke subjects’ paretic upper ject’s comfort, we adjusted the reference angle range to
limbs were assessed by a trained clinical assessor who ½208, 608. The initial model parameters for stroke subjects
was blinded to the experiment. Clinical information on were also based on free bending model learning results.
stroke subjects are listed in Table 3. One stroke subject’s The control algorithm parameters used are listed in Table
(stroke subject 1) detailed experimental results are given 4.
in the following. Before the test started, we measured the The experimental results of the stroke subject test are
MCP and PIP joint angles of the subject’s impaired-hand shown in Figure 12. The real-time stroke subject test situa-
index finger. We found that the subject’s maximum ranges tion is shown in the video in Extension 3. The converted
of voluntary motion for the MCP and PIP joints were both continuous-time model parameters can be seen in Table 5.
Tang et al. 15
Fig. 11. Healthy subject 1 experimental results. In (a) and (c), the estimated MCP and PIP angles gradually approach their respective
actual values. In (e), the total finger angle, given by the sum of the actual MCP and PIP angles, gradually reaches the reference angle.
In (b), (d), and (f), we show the tendency of model learning errors and reference tracking error. In (g) and (h), we show the learning
processes of the MCP and PIP model parameters.
Fig. 12. Stroke subject 1 experimental results. In (a) and (c), the estimated MCP and PIP angles gradually approach their respective
actual values. In (e), the total angle, given by the sum of the actual MCP and PIP angles, gradually reaches the reference angle. In (b),
(d), and (f), we show the tendency of model learning errors and reference tracking error. In (g) and (h), we show the learning
processes of the MCP and PIP model parameters.
model, which contains both the SECA and the human fin- Kja Kj Jja
= c1 , = c2 , =1
ger. Here we want to derive independent finger joint model Jja Jj Jjf
parameters. According to Dempster (1955), Peters et al. f
(2002), and Kamper et al. (2002), the index finger length Kj Kja + Kj
) = = c2 ð26Þ
of an adult is around 90 mm and the index finger mass is Jj Jja + Jjf
about 30 g in general. The length of our SECA is 120 mm
and its mass is 24 g. The ratio of the moments of inertia ) = 2c2 c1
between the finger and the SECA can be assumed to be a Jjf
constant. Because the average length and mass of an adult’s
index finger are similar to those of our SECA, we assume where c1 can be found from the free bending model learn-
this ratio to be 1, which means that Jja =Jjh = 1. Based on ing results, and c2 from the model learning results for the
this assumption, independent finger joint model parameters healthy or stroke subjects. Here Dfj =Jjf and Tjf =Jjf can be
can be derived as follows: derived in a similar way as in (26). The moment of inertia
Tang et al. 17
Kmf =Jmf Dfm =Jmf Tmf =Jmf Kpf =Jpf Dfp =Jpf Tpf =Jpf
(Jjf ) is a constant for each subject and, thus, Kjf =Jjf could In our physical experiments, the range of motion that was
be served as a stiffness indicator for each subject. We call tested was restricted to ½08, 908, which lies in the linear
Kjf =Jjf a stiffness indicator as there is no particular physical elastic range of the SECA material. However, if the bend-
meaning for it. Although stiffness values (Kjf ) cannot be ing angle is larger than 908, the SECA tends to be subject
directly obtained in this method, stiffness indicators to nonlinear behavior, for which the current linear assump-
(Kjf =Jjf ) could be used to reflect the stiffness change for tions in the SECA model may no longer be valid. An
each subject. Similarly, Dfj =Jjf and Tjf =Jjf are the damping Euler–Bernoulli beam model with large deflection
indicator and moment–pressure indicator of finger joint j, (Banerjee et al., 2008; Lee, 2002) may need to be applied
respectively. The separate finger joint model parameters are in situations with larger bending angles. In addition,
listed in Table 6. although the assumption that the model coefficients of fin-
From Table 6, we can observe that there exist obvious ger joint dynamics can be treated as constants is valid when
differences between healthy subjects and stroke subjects the finger joints move at a fixed velocity, they will vary if
with respect to the MCP and PIP model parameters. In par- the joint velocities vary. In this case, velocity-dependent
ticular, the stiffness indicator (Kjf =Jjf ) values of stroke sub- coefficients will need to be used in the finger joint
jects are clearly larger than that of healthy subjects. It is dynamics. Assumptions of fixed joint velocity plus con-
reasonable because the spasticity of stroke subjects is obvi- stant curvature limit the current model. However, one of
ously more severe than that of healthy subjects. This com- the main contributions in this study would be the concept
parison is also consistent with the results of Kamper et al. and framework of the iterative learning approach to assess
(2006, 2002). Meanwhile, the stiffness indicator values the environment that the soft robot interacts. Variable velo-
show a similar tendency with the spasticity levels measured city and non-constant curvature models could be further
by modified Ashworth scale (Ansari et al., 2008) in explored in the same control framework.
Table 3. Such similar tendency indicates that a larger stiff-
ness indicator value may imply more severe finger
spasticity. A larger sample size is needed to provide more 8. Conclusion
evidence for this implication. The stiffness indicator can
provide guidance for hand rehabilitation training and may We have proposed a model-based online learning adaptive
be used to quantify MCP and PIP joint spasticity condi- control algorithm for a wearable soft robotic glove, taking
tions. In addition, stiffness indicator values as well as other its interaction with its environment, i.e., the human finger,
model parameters can help improve our control algorithm. into account. The asymptotic stability of the control algo-
Initial model parameters can be selected based on previous rithm has been proved using a Lyapunov function. The soft
learned model parameters to speed up tracking and leaning robotic glove was developed based on a SECA containing
convergence. an elastic plate as a torque compensating layer to overcome
In future work, rehabilitation training for stroke survi- finger spasticity. We have constructed a second-order linear
vors will be conducted to test the training performance of system for the actuator–finger system. Based on this
the designed controller and evaluate the rehabilitation effec- model, an online learning adaptive control method is able
tiveness after 20 sessions of training. The model parameters to provide the model parameters for the whole system. This
can record finger conditions during training sessions. This gives us an insight into the actuator–finger system and the
will help researchers to understand the behavior of spasti- finger alone. The proposed method has been evaluated
city after stroke, as well as to assess changes in spasticity with three settings: the actuator alone, the actuator with
during the rehabilitation training sessions. unimpaired fingers, and the actuator with fingers affected
by stroke. The results show that the stiffness term for the
actuator–stroke finger is significantly larger than that for
7.2. Model limitations the actuator–healthy finger. This implies that the proposed
Our proposed model learning adaptive control method is method could be developed further as a novel approach for
based on a linear model structure. The soft actuator–finger quantitative evaluation of finger condition in stroke
system consists of a SECA model and a finger joint model. survivors.
18 The International Journal of Robotics Research 00(0)
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20 The International Journal of Robotics Research 00(0)
Fi + 1 \(1 r)Fi
Appendix A. Index to multimedia extensions ) Fi + n \(1 r)n Fi ð31Þ
Archives of IJRR multimedia extensions published prior to ) Fi \(1 r)i F0
2014 can be found at, after 2014 all 2
As Fi = r1 u
~i , we have
videos are available on the IJRR YouTube channel at http:// 2 2
r1 u
~i \(1 r)n Fi
22 ð32Þ
Table of Multimedia Extensions ) u ~i \F0 × r(1 r)i
Extension Media type Description and as F0 = r1 u
~0 = r1 ku0 u k2 , we have
2 2
Based on Equations (20), (21), and (22), we can analyze ei + 1 (k + 1) ł ei (k + 1) G lei (k + 2) ð36Þ
the reference tracking error as follows: We take z-transformation on both sides of inequality
(36), then we have
ei + 1 (k + 1) = r(k + 1) yi + 1 (k + 1)
= ei (k + 1) + yi (k + 1) yi + 1 (k + 1) zEi + 1 (z) ł zEi (z) z2 G lEi (z)
= ei (k + 1) + G Pi (k + 1) G Pi + 1 (k + 1) ) Ei + 1 (z) ł (1 lG z)Ei (z)
k +1 k +1
= ei (k + 1) G lei (k + 2) + G (hi + 1^ei + 1 hi^ei ) ð37Þ
) Ei + k (z) ł (1 lG z)k Ei (z)
ð35Þ ) Ei (z) ł (1 lG z)i E0 (z)
Inequality (37) shows that when we choose proper l such
As model parameters approach the true value with the
that 0\(1 lG z)\1, then the tracking error asymptoti-
increase of i, so the model accuracy increases with i. This
cally converges to zero as i approaches infinity. h
means the error between model predicted angle and true
angle decreases with i. It is reasonable to assume that
k +1 k +1 Appendix C: Nomenclature
hi + 1^ei + 1 ł hi^ei . Then we have