06 eLMS Activity 1 - ARG
06 eLMS Activity 1 - ARG
06 eLMS Activity 1 - ARG
Geocentrism in the Modern World
Geocentrism is a theory that the Earth is located at the center of the universe. This theory
was supported by different philosophers who created their own models like Pythagoras and
Plato. This has been a theory that gained so much support for years, especially from the Catholic
church. It was a widely accepted theory in the ancient times as it aligned with human
observations. This model was not only scientifically accepted, but also held a significant
meaning as it supported the belief that every celestial body is perfect since it was created by God.
However, the support for this theory was challenged when Nicolaus Copernicus proposed
a new theory. He suggested that the Earth was not the center of the universe, but the sun. It was
further supported by Galileo Galilei who used a telescope to provide evidence that celestial
bodies orbit around a thing, and not Earth. This theory is called heliocentrism, which believes
that the sun is the center of the universe. Over time, this theory gained acceptance as it was much
more scientifically accurate and became the foundation for modern astronomy.
While the geocentric theory was long abandoned by the scientific community, its revival
in the 21st century seems to raise questions about perceptions in science and knowledge. It is
said to have started in the late 16th century. This provided alternative explanations to challenge
the views on heliocentric theory. It highlighted skepticism towards established views and
reflected a broader ideological debate about the truth and science. Due to that, more people
started embracing these alternative theories, making the role of education in shaping public
perception critical.
According to Faulkner (2020), the modern geocentric movement started with Walter van
der Kamp. He said that van der Kamp wrote a paper arguing that Galileo Galilei did not actually
disprove geocentrism. He explained that the heliocentric model was flawed and that Galileo
Galilei’s observations could be explained without abandoning the geocentric model. After that,
he started forming the Tychonian Society and began promoting his ideas about a modified
version of geocentrism.
Several factors have contributed to the rise of geocentricity in the modern world. These
factors include religious beliefs. Some groups believe that some texts written in the Bible support
the geocentric view. These groups accept the geocentric model as a symbol of their reaffirmation
of faith in God. They follow these as they believe that the teachings in the Bible were
As stated by Faulkner (2020), Gerardus Bouw followed right after, following van der
Kamp’s teachings and realized that the Bible teaches geocentrism. He said that numerous
passages in the Bible suggest that Earth holds a central and stationary position in God’s creation.
On the other hand, there was a non-religious version of geocentrism by the Defenders of the
Geocentric Universe (DOTGU). They believe that geocentrism should not be abandoned since
physics could be constructed within the geocentric model. Both viewpoints are centered on the
belief that Earth should not be dismissed as the center of the universe without considering all
possible theoretical frameworks.
On the other hand, some pseudoscientists are uncomfortable with math and like to claim
that math lies (Wiesner, 2015). Sungenis is one of these pseudoscientists. He has no real concept
of what science is, and describes things in a superficial way. His arguments are often based on
personal beliefs rather than relying on mathematical principles that served as a foundation for
scientific understanding. By rejecting scientifically proven things, these individuals are prone to
spread misinformation and undermine public trust to scientific inquiry.
To sum it up, the rise of geocentrism in the modern world has brought upon a broader
perspective on these theories. It has accepted alternative theories based on religion and
skepticism. Even though heliocentrism remains to be the scientifically accepted theory, the
ongoing discourse about geocentrism emphasizes the importance of critical thinking in terms of
sharing perspectives. Addressing these requires a huge amount of effort to ensure that education
and literacy stay important in the society. It is important to keep in mind that accurate scientific
knowledge must always be told to prevent the spread of misinformation.
1. Faulkner, D., Dr. (2020). The Rise of the Modern Geocentric Theory Movement.
2. https://cdn.centerforinquiry.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/2015/01/22164126/p50.pdf
3. https://youtu.be/JCe_LDKZSk0?si=dFa-_jeyF6C2_69C